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Chapter 1: Understanding the Nature and Scope of HRM

Topic 1: People Lend Competitive Advantage

Organization enjoys the competitive advantage when it is the only one which can offer the
product at a Quality and Price while competitors cannot do.
How do People lend Competitive Advantage?
(1) Strategy Implementation:

Strategy implementation cannot be done by physical resources such as technology,

building, machines and materials. It is the people who can craft strategies and execute
them efficiently. People offer skills, capabilities, systems, practices, speed, language and
behaviours which help to execute firm’s strategies successful.

(2) Alignment of HR Plans to Business Plans

By aligning HR plans to business plans, HR Managers are become the strategic partners.
HR Managers work with Line managers establish the practice that help to accomplish the
business strategy.

(3) Innovation

Innovation is the key for strategic advantage. 5 examples. Google promotes innovation
in an unique way. It adheres for 70/20/10 rule which means that employee expected to
spend 70% on own job, 20% on continuous innovation within the job and 10% on
discountinous innovation in any other area.

(4) Convert adverse situation into opportunity

(5) Innovative HRM Stragegy

(6) HR executive becomes change agent.

Topic 2: Definition and Nature of HRM
HRM refers to Aquivisation, Motivation, Retention / Maintenance of Human resource in
HRM refers to the application of management principles to management of people in an
Topic 3: Functions of HRM
According to Mintzburg, HR managers are having 10 functions. It is classified in to three
(1) Informational Role: Monitor, Disseminator, Spokesperson
(2) Interpersonal Role: Figure-Head, Leader, Liaison
(3) Decisional Role: Entrepreneur, Negotiator, Disturbance Handler, Resource Allocator,
Similar, HR is also having eight functions
Planning, Staffing, Developing, Monitoring, Maintaining, Managing Relationships, Manage
Change, Evaluating.
Topic 4: Difference between HRM and other semantics
Topic 5: HRM Functions and Objectives
(1) Societal Objectives
(2) Organizational Objectives
(3) Functional Objectives
(4) Personal Objectives
Topic 6: HRM Models
(1) Fombrun, Trichi and Devanna Model

(2) Harvard Model

(3) Gate Model

(4) Warwick Model

(5) Ulrich Model

Topic 7: Importance of HRM

Chapter 2: Context of HRM
Topic 1: External Context
(1) Political and Legal

Legislator, Executor and Judicial

(2) Economical

Supplier, Competitors, Customers, Labour (Commitment to Industry, Protective Laws,

Status, Employment Patter and Unionization)

(3) Technological

(4) Cultural Forces

Culture (Tata and Birla), Attitude towards work, Time Dimension, Ethics, Achievement
needs and Effort – Reward expectation, Certain Occupation and service
Topic 2: Internal Context
(1) Strategy, Task and Leadership
(2) Unions
(3) Organization culture and conflicts
(4) Professional Bodies
Chapter 3: Integrating HR Strategy with Business Strategy
Topic 1: Nature of Strategic HRM
Strategy, Strategy Management, Strategy Management Process
Topic 2: Barriers to SMP
Topic 3: Strategy Management Process
(1) Environment Scanning
(2) Strategy Formulation : (a) Corporate Strategy, (b) Business and (c) Function
(3) Strategy Implementation
(4) Strategy Evaluation
Chapter 4: Human Resource Planning
Topic 1: Human Resource Planning
Human Resource Planning is the process by which the Organization ensures that it has right
number of people and right kind of people at the right places and at the right time capable to
complete the task effectively and efficiently to achieve objectives of overall organizations.
Topic 2: Factors affecting HRP
(1) Type and Strategy of Organization
(2) Organizational Growth and Planning
(3) Environmental Uncertainties
(4) Time Horizons
(5) Type and Quality of Information
(6) Labour Market
(7) Outsourcing
Topic 3: HRP Process
(1) Environment Scanning

(2) Organization Objectives and Policies

(3) HR Demand Forecast

(a) Managerial Judgement

(b) Ratio Analysis
(c) Regression Analysis
(d) Work Study Techniques
(e) Delphi Technique
(f) Flow Models and others

(4) HR Need Forecast

(a) Inflow and Outflow

(b) Turnover Rate
(c) Condition of Work and Absenteeism
(d) Productivity Level
(e) Movement among jobs

(5) HR Plan Implementation

(6) Control and Evaluation

Chapter 5: Analysing Work and Designing Jobs
Topic 1: Human Resource Planning
Human Resource Planning is the process by which the Organization ensures that it has right
number of people and right kind of people at the right places and at the right time capable to
complete the task effectively and efficiently to achieve objectives of overall organizations.
Topic 2: Process of Job Analysis
(1) Strategic Process

(a) Employee Involvement

(b) Level of Details
(c) Timing and Frequency
(d) Post – Oriented or Future Oriented
(e) Source of Job Data

(2) Gather Information

(a) Observation
(b) Interview
(c) Questionary
(d) Checklist
(e) Technical Conference
(f) Diary

(3) Process Information

(4) Job Description

(5) Job Specification

Topic 3: Job Design

Job design is a conscious efforts to organize the tasks, duties and responsibilities into a unit of
work to achieve the certain objectives.
Factors affecting the Job Design
(1) Organizational Factors ; Nature of Tasks, Work Flow, Ergonomics, Work Practices
(2) Environmental Factors: Availability and ability of Employee, Social and Cultural
(3) Behavioural Factors: Feedback, Autonomy, Use of Abilities, Varieties
Topic 4: Job Rotation, Job Engineering, Job Enlargement, Job Enrichment, Social Technical
Chapter 6: Recruiting Human Resources
Topic 1: Recruitment
Recruitment is understood as the process of searching and obtaining applicants for jobs from
which the right people can be selected.
Topic 2: Factors Affecting the Recruitment
(1) External Factors

Supply and Demand, Unemployment Rate, Labour Market, Political / Legal, Son of Soil,
Brand Image

(2) Internal Factors

Recruitment Policy, HRP, Cost, Size of the firm, Growth and Expansion
Topic 3: Process of Recruitment
(1) Recruitment Planning: Number of Contract and Type of applications

(2) Strategy Development:

Make of Buy

Technological Sophistication

Where to Look: Internal and External

When to Look

(3) Searching: Source Activation and Selling

(4) Screening:

(5) Evaluation and Control

Topic 4: Realistic Job Preview and Job Compatibility Questionary
Chapter 7: Selecting Human Resources
Topic 1: Selection
Selection is the process to choose the person who have the competency and knowledge to meet
the requirement of the jbos.
Topic 2: Competitive Advantage of selection: Work Performance and Cost
Topic 3: Selection Process
(1) Primary Interview
(2) Selection Tests: Ability, Aptitude, Personal, Interest, Graphology, Polygraphy, Medical,
Drug, Genetic Test
(3) Interview: One is to one, Sequential and Pannel, Structure, Unstructured, Mixed,
Behavioural and Stressed
(4) Reference and Background Check
(5) Selection decision
(6) Physical Examination
(7) Job Offer
(8) Employment contract
(9) Evaluation
Topic 4: Barriers to Selection process: Perception, Fairness, Pressure, Validity, Reliability
Chapter 8
Training and Development
Topic 1: Training and Development
Training and Development refers the process to impart the skills, knowledge and ability to an
employee to meet the organization objectives
Topic 2: Difference between Training, Development and Education
Training = Imparting skills
Development = Learning opportunity
Education = Theoretical learning in classroom
Training Education
Narrow Perspective Broad Perspective
Specific Tasks General concepts
Job experience Classroom learning
Application Theoretical orientation

Topic 3: Inputs to Training and Development Program

(1) Skills: Basic Skill, Motor Skill and People skill
(2) Education
(3) Development
(4) Ethics
(5) Attitude Change
(6) Decision Making and Problem solving skills
Topic 4: Training Process
(1) Needs Assessment: Operational Support, Operational analysis, Task and KSA analysis
and Persona Analysis

(2) Deriving Instructional Objectives

(3) Designing Training and Development Program


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