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Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2011) 335e344

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Shear strength of geosynthetic composite systems for design of landfill

liner and cover slopes
Hisham T. Eid*
Qatar University, College of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, P.O. Box 2713, Doha, Qatar

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Torsional ring shear tests were performed on composite specimens that simulate the field alignment of
Received 16 February 2010 municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill liner and cover system components. Simultaneous shearing was
Received in revised form provided to each test specimen without forcing failure to occur through a pre-determined plane.
25 October 2010
Composite liner specimens consisted of a textured geomembrane (GM) underlain by a needle-punched
Accepted 4 November 2010
geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) which in turn underlain by a compacted silty clay. Hydrated specimens were
Available online 4 December 2010
sheared at eleven different normal stress levels. Test results revealed that shear strength of the composite
liner system can be controlled by different failure modes depending on the magnitude of normal stress and
Composite liner system
the comparative values of the GCL interface and internal shear strength. Failure following these modes may
Geosynthetic clay liner result in a bilinear or trilinear peak strength envelope and a corresponding stepped residual strength
Interface shear strength envelope. Composite cover specimens that comprised textured GM placed on unreinforced smooth GM-
Landfill slopes backed GCL resting on compacted sand were sheared at five different GCL hydration conditions and
Progressive failure a normal stress that is usually imposed on MSW landfill cover geosynthetic components. Test results
Ring shear test showed that increasing the GCL hydration moves the shearing plane from the GCL smooth GM backing/
sand interface to that of the textured GM/hydrated bentonite. Effects of these interactive shear strength
behaviors of composite liner and cover system components on the possibility of developing progressive
failure in landfill slopes were discussed. Recommendations for designing landfill geosynthetic-lined slopes
were subsequently given. Three-dimensional stability analysis of well-documented case history of failed
composite system slope was presented to support the introduced results and recommendations.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction liner systems are typically covered by a leachate collection system

and underlain by low permeability soil. In cover systems, barriers
Disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) in engineered landfills are usually placed over compacted sand or gravel with embedded
has become a common practice. Landfills must be designed and pipes for gas venting and overlain by sand as a drainage layer
constructed in a way preventing contamination of the surrounding topped by vegetated soil.
environment. As a result, specially designed liner and cover While the hydraulic barriers are instrumental in preventing the
composite systems should be placed at the base of landfill and over infiltration of moisture or leachate to or from the waste, the
the waste top lift, respectively. Each of these systems usually comprised liner and cover systems must withstand the possibly
comprises a multiple hydraulic barrier consists of geomembrane applied stresses without being affected in its function during and
(GM) and geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) sheets. Two types of GCL are after construction phase. A careful estimation of these stresses as
commonly used in landfill geosynthetic composite systems: (i) well as strengths of liner and cover systems serves as a basis for safe
unreinforced GCL that comprises a thin layer of bentonite adhered landfill construction, operation, and closure. Shear stresses that are
to a high density polyethylene (HDPE) GM; and (ii) reinforced GCL developed due to placing the geosynthetic composite systems on
that comprises geotextile-encapsulated bentonite that is stitch- landfill sloped base and surfaces are of a major concern.
bonded or needle-punched to connect the backing geotextiles. As Since the slope failure of hazardous waste landfill unit at Ket-
shown in Fig. 1, the hydraulic barriers in MSW landfill composite tleman Hills, California (Mitchell et al., 1990; Seed et al., 1990; Byrne
et al., 1992), a significant number of investigations were presented
on the interface and internal shear strength behavior of the
* Tel.: þ974 4403 4177; fax: þ974 4403 4172. composite system components (e.g. Swan et al., 1991; Gilbert and
E-mail address: Bryne, 1996; Stark et al., 1996; Esterhuizen et al., 2001; Fox and

0266-1144/$ e see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
336 H.T. Eid / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2011) 335e344

shear behavior rather than determining the specific shear strength

values required for the design of landfill liner or cover systems.

d Soil 2. Specimen preparation and testing procedure

e Soil or rced Specimens that represent typical MSW landfill liner and cover
Drainag Unreinfoments
brane e
Bentonit brane CGL E
le geosynthetic composite systems were tested using a modified
Textured L Geomem Bromhead torsional ring shear apparatus. The apparatus utilizes an
rced CG
er annular specimen with an inside and outside diameter of 40 and
ting Lay
Gas Ven mbedd. Pipes) 100 mm, respectively (Eid and Stark, 1997). For each test, a 1.5 mm
it h E
(Sand w (60 mil) thick textured HDPE GM was glued to the top platen. The
textured GM was manufactured by Gundle Lining Systems, Inc. of
Houston, USA. The specimen container that could accommodate
a 10-mm-deep specimen was filled with compacted soil. Drainage is
Cover System
provided by annular bronze porous stone secured to the bottom of
specimen container. After soil compaction, the specimen container
Solid Waste is installed in the ring shear apparatus.
Liner System To assemble a representative composite specimen, the soil
surface was overlain by an annular GCL specimen which in turn
overlain by the top platen with a secured textured GM (Fig. 2). The
bentonite typically used in this GCL is Wyoming bentonite with
a liquid limit and plasticity index of 300e450 and 260e390,
respectively (Mesri, 1969; Mesri and Olson, 1970). Aligned marks
Lea ste were put on the textured GM, the GCL woven and nonwoven geo-
cha textiles, and the bottom platen before shearing the composite liner
Tex olle
tur ctio specimens, as well as on the textured GM, the GCL GM backing, and
ed nS
Re Ge
om yst
the bottom platen before shearing the composite cover specimens.
i nf em
ed bra Shifting between such marks during and after shearing helped in
G ne
w P Subg
CL locating the shear failure surfaces.
erm rade All specimens were sheared at a displacement rate of 0.015 mm/
ilit W min. Based on the data presented by Eid et al. (1999), using such
yS Be oven
No ntoni Geot
nw te ext
ove ile
il e GCReinf
L E orc
lem ed

Fig. 1. Typical components of geosynthetic composite liner and cover systems for
municipal solid waste landfills. Top
Stark, 2004; Zornberg et al., 2005; Bergado et al., 2006; Müller
et al., 2008; McCartney et al., 2009). Several laboratory testing
techniques have been introduced to study the peak and post-peak
shear strength behavior of these components. Most of these tech- Geomembrane
niques utilize either the standard or large direct shear box in which
shear failure is forced e regardless of the normal stress level e to Unreinforced GCL Reinforced GCL
occur through a single interface or surface that is placed along the (For Cover Spec.) (For Liner Spec.)

gap between the upper and lower halves. Similarly, torsional ring GCL
shear device is frequently used to study geosynthetics strength
behavior through shearing only two components against each Sand Silty Clay
other or a GCL specimen internally. (For Cover Spec.) (For Liner Spec.)
A study of interactive shear strength behavior of landfill liner Compacted
system components as well as that of cover system components is Soil
presented in this paper. This was done using a laboratory testing set
up that provides simultaneous shearing for specimens of these
components without forcing the shear failure to occur through Serrated
a pre-determined plane. The effects of this behavior at different Porous Stone
normal stress levels and hydration conditions on the stability
analyses and the possibility of progressive failure of landfill slopes
are discussed. A three-dimensional (3D) analysis of well-docu-
mented case history of a failed geosynthetic composite cover slope Bottom
is presented to confirm the study results. The interfaces and Platen
internal shear strengths of liner and cover systems components are
project specific and product dependent. Therefore, the discussion Fig. 2. Schematic of torsional ring shear specimen container and composite specimens
of the test results and their applications focused on analyzing the used in testing.
H.T. Eid / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2011) 335e344 337

displacement rate minimizes the effects of rapid tearing or pulling- the tested GCLs and textured GM were taken from the same lot. As
out of the reinforcement fibers and development of positive excess a result, good repeatability could have been obtained for duplicate
pore-water pressures on the measured internal peak shear tests on GCLs and GMs (McCartney et al., 2009). In addition, the
strength of reinforced GCL. For hydrated unreinforced GCL speci- small size of soil specimens utilized in this research helped in full
mens sheared against textured GM, a slower displacement rate control over their compaction uniformity and consistency. Focusing
only appears to influence the measured peak interface strength the research on understanding the interactive shear strength
(Eid and Stark, 1997). This influence can be approximately quanti- behavior of composite systems rather than determining the abso-
fied by using a reduction of 13 percent per log cycle of shear rate. All lute shear strength values also minimized the effect of any sample
of the other interfaces comprised in the composite specimens of variability on the analysis of testing results.
the current study encompass soils with plasticity that is much less
than that of the GCL hydrated bentonite. As a result, the utilized rate 2.1. Composite liner specimens
should be slow enough to avoid any possible rate effect on the
measured peak shear strengths of such interfaces. This rate is For testing specimens that simulate typical composite liner
slower than the standard rate of 1.0 mm/min recommended in the systems, a soil with liquid limit, plasticity index, and clay-size
ASTM D 5321 (2002), and more closely simulates field condition. fraction (percentage of weight finer than 0.002 mm) of 39, 20, and
While relatively fast for developing drained conditions as expected 42%, respectively was utilized. The soil is classified as silty clay with
in the field, the standard rate is commonly used in shearing medium plasticity (CL) according to the Unified Soil Classification
hydrated GCL internally as well as hydrated CGL/GM interfaces System. Soils of these type and index properties exhibit the low
because of time and cost considerations (Fox and Stark, 2004). permeability and shrinkage potential, reasonable shear strength,
It is a common practice to investigate the shear strength behavior and workability that are needed for MSW landfill liners (Daniel and
of geosynthetic materials using a large direct shear box with Wu, 1993). Soil was mixed to its optimum moisture content of 18.3%
a specimen size of 0.3  0.3 m (ASTM D 5321, 2002; ASTM D 6243, using distilled water and then compacted into the ring shear spec-
2008; EN ISO 12957-1, 2005). However, many researchers (e.g. imen container using a Harvard miniature compactor. Maximum
Takasumi et al., 1991; Gilbert et al.,1997; Koerner et al.,1998) showed dry-unit weight (16.8 kN/m3) was obtained by compacting the
that using smaller specimens yields acceptable results. The small appropriate weight of moist soil into the specimen container.
(0.06  0.06 m) direct shear box has been also utilized for geo- The GCL used in comprising the composite liner specimens was
synthetic testing (e.g., Daniel and Shan, 1992; Basudhar, 2010). The manufactured by the National Seal Company, Illinois, USA, and is
area of the ring shear specimens used in the present research is referred to as Bentofix. The GCL consisted of powder bentonite
almost twice that of the small direct shear box. In addition, the between a woven and nonwoven geotextiles that are needle-
interactive shear strength behavior that would be controlled by the punched together to provide internal reinforcement. The edges of
comparative e not the absolute e values of the interface and internal the annular GCL specimens were moistened using a spry bottle to
strength of the composite specimen components should minimize reduce bentonite loss during specimen preparation and placement.
the specimen size effect e if any e on the results of this study. Woven geotextile side of the GCL mobilizes lower peak shear
The torsional ring shear apparatus has an advantage over the strength than that of the nonwoven geotextile side when both
small and large direct shear boxes of applying an unlimited contin- sheared against textured GM (Triplett and Fox, 2001). In addition,
uous-shear displacement in one direction along a same and constant soil/geosynthetic interface shear strength directly proportioned to
cross-sectional area to achieve a residual strength condition. In the soil friction angle (Koerner, 1994). As a result, interfaces of
addition, the ring shear apparatus using the testing set up described nonwoven geotextiles with textured GM and granular soil and
above does not force the shear failure to occur through a pre-deter- those of textured GM with granular soils placed for leachate
mined plane. The composite specimens utilized in this research were collection that appears in some designs of landfill liner systems
allowed to fail along the textured GM/GCL interface or the soil/GCL were not utilized in the test specimens of this research. Test spec-
interface or through shearing the GCL internally. This simultaneous imens only encompassed interfaces of woven geotextile/textured
shearing of composite specimens that contain several components GM and nonwoven geotextile/low plasticity soil that mobilize
affected by same testing conditions helps in simulating the field relatively low shear strength and consequently influence the
condition more than testing shear strength of individual interfaces. interactive shear strength behavior of the composite liner systems.
The measured peak friction angles of geosynthetics interfaces Ring shear tests were conducted at normal stresses of 17, 25, 50,
can be affected by the direction of shear and uniformity of strain 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, and 400 kPa to simulate a landfill
provided by the testing apparatus. In spite of having limitations liner system under various loading conditions. For each test, the
showed by several researchers (e.g., Fox and Kim, 2008; Palmeira, composite specimen was hydrated under a normal stress of 17 kPa.
2009), the large direct shear apparatus imposes shear in one Hydration was assumed to be complete by the end of primary swell
direction and a uniform strain across the interface surface which as defined by ASTM D 4546 (2003). Hydration at a normal stress of
better simulates the critical field downslope shearing. On the other 17 kPa allows for more bentonite hydration before shearing which
hand, the torsional ring shear provides rotational shearing and simulates a critical field condition in regards to slope stability. After
tangential horizontal deformation that varies with the radius. hydration was complete, the specimen was loaded to the desired
However, data presented by Stark and Eid (1996, 1997) for different shearing normal stress in small increments to ensure little, if any,
geosynthetic interfaces shows that using the large direct shear extrusion of bentonite. Shearing of the specimen was conducted
apparatus yields peak friction angles that are greater than those after consolidation and was continued until the residual shear
measured by torsional ring shear device e identical to that utilized strength was reached.
in the present research e by less than 1.5 . The low magnitude of
such difference and its applicability on all of the composite spec- 2.2. Composite cover specimens
imen interfaces simultaneously sheared by the ring shear device
validate its use in investigating the interactive shear strength To simulate soils that are usually used in MSW landfill cover
behavior of the landfill liner and cover systems. systems, sand with a mean grain size of 0.21 mm, a coefficient of
It should be noted that testing repeatability and effect of sample uniformity of 2.3 and a coefficient of curvature of 0.9 was utilized in
variability were not considered in this study mainly because all of composing the composite cover specimens. It is classified as poorly
338 H.T. Eid / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2011) 335e344

graded uniform sand (SP) according to the Unified Soil Classification Failure Normal
System. The sand maximum and minimum dry-unit weights were Mode Stress (kPa)
measured to be 17.5 kN/m3, and 15.6 kN/m3, respectively. Harvard Textured GM
GM/GCL 100, 150, 200 and 250
miniature compactor was used to place the sand into the ring shear Reinf. Woven Geotex.
Bentonite GCL (internal) 300, 350 and 400
GCL Nonwoven Geotex.
specimen container at a relative density of 0.71. It should be noted GCL/Soil 17, 25, 50 and 75
that shearing the sand in its loosest state yielded an approximately Silty Clay
linear failure envelope and a friction angle of 35 that can be
Fig. 3. Applied normal stresses and the associated shear failure surfaces in the tested
considered as the sand critical state friction angle (Eid et al., 2009). composite liner specimens.
The GCL used in comprising the composite cover specimens was
manufactured by Gundle Lining Systems, Inc., and consists of a 3.5-
mm-thick layer of bentonite attached to a smooth HDPE GM. along the critical, i.e., failure surface without significant contribu-
Annular specimens of this GM-backed GCL were placed on the tion from the other interfaces or components.
compacted sand with the unreinforced bentonite facing the top Extrusion of the GCL hydrated bentonite through the sur-
platen (loading platen) to form a GM-backed GCL/textured GM rounded geotextiles was noticed on the failure interfaces. The
interface (Fig. 2). The test apparatus was assembled and the spec- quantity of extruded bentonite increased with increasing normal
imen was then loaded in increments to a normal stress of 17 kPa to stress and was generally more for woven geotextile interfaces than
simulate MSW landfill cover system pressures. The interface of for nonwoven geotextile interfaces. Similar extrusion on textured
textured GM with granular soil usually placed for drainage purpose GM/GCL woven geotextile side interface was observed by Stark and
(Fig. 1) was not represented in the test specimens because it would Eid (1996), Gilbert et al. (1996), Vukelic et al. (2008), and Chen et al.
naturally mobilizes shear strength that is greater than that of the (2010) in laboratory testing, and by Daniel et al. (1998) in field
utilized smooth GM/sand interface. testing. Bentonite extrusion on smooth and textured GM/GCL
The composite cover specimens were tested at five different woven and nonwoven geotextile sides interfaces was also reported
hydration conditions represented by bentonite water contents of by Triplett and Fox (2001) and McCartney et al. (2009). Removal of
11, 34, 52, 73, and 158%. The driest condition corresponds to the as- textured GM asperities was not noticed on GM/GCL failure inter-
received water content. A water content of 34% was achieved by faces. However, partial combing of filaments of the GCL nonwoven
allowing the GCL specimen to hydrate in a moist room. For the geotextile side, and pulling-out and tearing of the reinforcement
higher hydrated conditions, the loaded composite specimen was fibers of GCL were observed in soil/GCL interface and internal GCL
inundated for 5, 10, and 60 min with distilled water and allowed to shear failures, respectively.
hydrate until the end of primary swell or vertical deformation
ceased. GCL bentonite water contents were measured at the end of
3.2. Shear strength envelopes
shearing period. Specimens were sheared at normal stress of 17 kPa
until the residual strength was reached.
The observations described above revealed that shear strength
of the composite liner system can be controlled by three failure
modes. The first and second take place at relatively low normal
3. Liner system testing results and analysis stresses where failure occurs along the soil/GCL or GM/GCL inter-
face, while in the third the GCL is sheared internally at higher
3.1. Failure modes normal stresses. Fig. 4 showed the peak and residual shear strength
failure envelopes for the tested specimens. It can be noticed that
Visual inspection of test specimens during and after completion the difference in failure modes resulted in a trilinear failure enve-
of each test showed that the location of the shear failure surface lope representing the lowest peak shear strength that can be
depends on the magnitude of the applied normal stress. Failure mobilized along the tested composite specimen under different
occurred along the soil/GCL nonwoven geotextile side interface at normal stresses. At their failure normal stress range, both soil/GCL
normal stresses of 17, 25, 50, and 75 kPa. The shear failure surface nonwoven geotextile side interface and internally sheared GCL
moved to the textured GM/GCL woven geotextile side interface at showed linear peak shear strength failure envelopes with apparent
normal stresses of 100, 150, 200, and 250 kPa. For specimens cohesions and friction angles of 0 kPa and 24.5 , and 43 kPa and 13 ,
sheared at normal stress of 300 kPa or higher, failure occurred respectively (Fig. 4). On the other hand, the secant peak friction
through shearing the GCL internally (Fig. 3). The inspection also angle of textured GM/GCL woven geotextile side interface reduces
showed that the strain or displacement measured during testing from 24 at normal stress of 100 kPa to 22 at normal stress of
each composite liner specimen is mainly attributed to shearing 250 kPa. This nonlinearity may be attributed to the increase in the

Failure Mode Peak Residual
Shear strength (kPa)

Soil/GCL Interface Peak

GM/GCL Interface
100 GCL Internal Shear


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Normal stress (kPa)
Fig. 4. Peak and residual shear strength envelopes for the composite liner specimens.
H.T. Eid / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2011) 335e344 339

GCL hydrated bentonite extrusion to the interface with increasing increases with increasing normal stress. This can be attributed to
normal stress. the increase of bentonite extrusion to the interface and conse-
It is clear that values of normal stresses at which the transition quently enhancing the bentonite plasticity effect on the post-peak
in failure modes occurs depend on the comparative values of GCL shear strength behavior. Plastic soils usually exhibit significant drop
interfaces and internal shear strengths. As shown in Fig. 4, the from peak to residual strength (Stark and Eid, 1997). Peak and
transition in failure modes was assumed to occur at normal stresses residual shear strengths were mobilized at average displacement of
of 95 and 260 kPa. Such transition dramatically affected the shape 10 and 50 mm, respectively. Similar values of shear strength loss
of failure envelope representing the lowest residual shear strengths and shear displacements were reported by Triplett and Fox (2001)
that can be mobilized along the tested composite specimens at and McCartney et al. (2009) in testing textured GM/GCL interface
different normal stresses. As shown in Fig. 4, the lowest mobilized using large direct shear box.
residual friction angle dropped from about 20 at normal stresses Failure along soil/GCL nonwoven geotextile GCL interface
between 0 and 95 kPa to an average value of 14 at normal stresses exhibited a post-peak shear strength loss of only 20%. This low
between 95 and 260 kPa and then to approximately 7 at normal value may be attributed to the relatively low plasticity of soil and
stresses higher than 260 kPa. This resulted in a stepped residual low efficiency of such relatively smooth soil surface in combing or
shear strength failure envelope. orienting the nonwoven geotextile fibers parallel to the direction of
shear. Geosynthetics with rough surfaces such as textured GM can
3.3. Mechanism of strength reduction and progressive failure tear, pullout, and fully orient the nonwoven geotextile filaments to
the direction of shear (Stark et al., 1996; Li and Gilbert, 1999).
Fig. 5 shows representative shear stresseshear displacement Landfill Slopes can experience different types of failure modes,
relationships obtained from testing the composite liner specimens. some of which involve sliding along the composite liner system
It can be seen that the internal shear strength of GCL showed the (Mitchell et al., 1995). Fig. 6 shows two of these modes in which
most significant drop from the peak to residual values. The post- failure surface passes entirely along the liner system [e.g. Kettleman
peak GCL internal shear strength loss is approximately 65%. This Hills landfill failure (Seed et al., 1990)] or through the waste at a steep
high strength loss is primarily attributed to pulling-out and/or inclination and then to the underlying liner system [e.g. Mahoning
tearing of the reinforcing fibers, and consequently orientation of landfill failure (Stark et al., 1998)]. To account for shear strength
these fibers along with the bentonite particles in the direction of reduction due to progressive failure through surfaces passes entirely
shear. High post-peak reinforced GCL internal shear strength along the liner system, Byrne (1994) and Filz et al. (2001) recom-
reduction was also reported by other researchers (e.g., Gilbert et al., mended using a combination of, or strength between, peak and
1996; Stark and Eid, 1996; Fox et al., 1998; Eid et al., 1999; Zornberg residual shear strengths, respectively. Using numerical modeling,
et al., 2005). The average shear displacements required to reach the Jones and Dixon (2005) recommended utilizing the peak shear
peak and residual GCL internal shear strengths were 16 and 67 mm, strength along a basal interface and residual strength along a side
respectively. slope interface to include the influence of waste settlement in landfill
Textured GM/GCL woven geotextile side interface showed stability assessments. Based on the liner interactive shear strength
a post-peak shear strength loss of about 38e48%. The strength loss behavior and the resulted envelopes shown in Section 3.2, residual
shear strength to be used following these recommendations should
correspond to the interface or internal shear surface that exhibits the
lowest peak shear strength. Magnitude of the effective normal stress
Internal GCL Failure
Normal Stress = 300 kPa acting on the liner portion that experiences larger displacements
would dictate the nature of such surface. In studying progressive
failures through planes pass through the waste and then along the
liner system, this shear strength should be directly assigned to the
liner system because of the strain incompatibility between MSW and
the underlying liner components.
Municipal Solid Waste Strain incompatibility between MSW and the composite liner
80 Normal Stress = 55 kPa
(Edincliler et al. 1996) components tested in this study is also shown in Fig. 5. It can be
Shear stress (kPa)

seen that the liner component internal and interfaces shear

strength reached the peak values at shear displacements of less
than 20 mm and then undergo a significant post-peak loss. On the
other hand, the peak shear strength of the waste is achieved at
a displacement of about 40 mm, and remains approximately
GM/GCL Interface constant for larger displacement. As a result, the shear strength
Normal Stress = 150 kPa
mobilized in MSW and the underlying liner at the global failure
may correspond to the peak and residual conditions, respectively.
Similar conclusion was reached for geosynthetic interfaces (Byrne,

20 Soil/GCL Interface Failure along the

Normal Stress = 75 kPa Liner System Only
Failure through the
Waste and Liner System

0 20 40 60 80 100 Solid Waste
Shear displacement (mm) Liner System
Fig. 5. Shear stressedisplacement relationships for composite liner specimens and
municipal solid waste. Fig. 6. Landfill failure modes involving sliding along the liner system.
340 H.T. Eid / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2011) 335e344

1994; Mitchell et al., 1995) and foundation soils (Eid et al., 2000) 10
because of their strain incompatibility with MSW. 28
26.9 Shearing normal stress = 17 kPa
In preliminary slope stability analyses, peak shear strength Rate of shear = 0.015 mm/min
envelope that reflects the interactive behavior of the liner compo-

Shear stress (kPa)

nents can be assigned to the composite liner as one layer. The GCL Geomembrane Backing/Soil Interfcae
6 (Bentonite Water Content = 11%)
common practice is to assign separate envelopes for each possible
interface and internal shearing surface. Testing technique described
in this study and resulted in this envelope can be followed to avoid 4 Textured GM/Hydrated Bentonite Interface
(Bentonite Water Content = 158%)
measuring shear strength of each interface separately at the entire
range of normal stresses acting on the liner system. A significant 2 6
time and effort would be saved in determining the composite liner
shear strengths and analyzing the stability of landfill slopes 0
through utilizing such technique and the corresponding interactive 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
shear strength envelopes, respectively. Shear displacement (mm)

Fig. 8. Typical shear stressedisplacement relationships for the composite cover

4. Cover system testing results and analysis

4.1. Interface shear strength Peak and residual friction angles measured in testing the
composite cover specimens were plotted in Fig. 9 to illustrate the
Visual inspection of the failed composite cover specimens effect of the GCL degree of hydration on shear strength behavior of
revealed that the shear failure surface location depends on the GCL the composite cover system. Based on the measured angle values,
bentonite degree of hydration or water content. For specimens with the move of failure surface location from the GCL smooth GM
bentonite water contents of 11 and 34%, shearing occurred at the backing/sand interface to the textured GM/bentonite one was
GCL smooth GM backing/sand interface. For specimens with higher estimated to be at bentonite water content of 47%. Fig. 9 also shows
water contents, shear surface was located between the textured GM that the textured GM/bentonite interface exhibits an insignificant
and the hydrated bentonite (Fig. 7). The peak and residual shear decrease in both peak and residual strengths at water contents
strengths were typically reached at a shear displacement of 1.5 and greater than 65%. Similar conclusion was reached by Daniel et al.
8 mm, respectively, for the driest two specimens, and at 5 and (1993) for peak shear strength of GCL bentonite component at
70 mm, respectively, for the more hydrated specimens. It is antic- water contents greater than about 50%. This behavior can be
ipated that the sand granular particles required less shear interpreted in terms of having the majority of the clay particles
displacement to orient parallel to the direction of shear and achieve hydrated at relatively high water contents.
a residual strength condition than the microscopic particles of It should be noted that friction angles measured by Eid and Stark
hydrated bentonite. (1997) at bentonite water contents of 11 and 34% for a textured GM/
The interface shear stressedisplacement relationships that bentonite interface similar to that utilized in this study were also
represent the composite cover specimen two modes of failure are included in Fig. 9. This was done to show the effect of bentonite
shown in Fig. 8. It should be noted that at bentonite water content hydration on shear strength behavior of such interface over a full
of 158%, the textured GM/bentonite interface exhibited the most range of bentonite water content. It should be also noticed that
significant drop from a peak friction angle of 16 to a residual one of specimen at water content of 34% exhibited a higher peak interface
only 6 . Such low measured residual friction angle is close to the friction angle than that of the specimen at water content of 11%
residual shear strength friction angle estimated based on the tested at the same normal stress and shearing rate. This may be
effective normal stress and bentonite liquid limit and clay-size
fraction assuming a drained shearing condition (Stark and Eid,
1994). This suggests that having a thin bentonite layer, drainage 60
through the specimen inner and outer circumferences, and slow Failure Interface Peak Residual Source of Data
rate of shear helped in minimizing the development of excess pore- GCL Smooth GM Backing/Soil This Study [Fail. occured along the
Textured GM/GCL Bentonite weakest interf.]
water pressures during shear in spite of encapsulating the sheared 50
Eid and Stark (1997) [Fail. forced to
Textured GM/GCL Bentonite
occure along text. GM/bent. interf.]
bentonite between two geomembranes.
Fig. 8 also shows that the GCL smooth GM backing/sand inter-
Friction angle (degrees)

face yielded a peak and residual friction angles of 28 and 26.9 ,

Normal Stress = 17 kPa
respectively. These interface friction angle values and their relation
to the sand critical friction angle are in good agreement with the 30
smooth GM/Ottawa sand interface friction angles reported by
Fleming et al. (2006) using direct shear box. Such agreement
supports the reliability of the data presented in this study. 20

Failure Water
Mode Content (%) 10
Textured GM
GM/Bentonite 52, 73 and 158
Unreinf. Bentonite
Smooth GM Back. 0
GCL GCL backing/Soil 11 and 34 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175
Sand Water content (%)

Fig. 7. Water contents of the unreinforced GCL bentonite and the associated shear Fig. 9. Influence of the water content of unreinforced GCL bentonite on peak and
failure surfaces of the composite cover specimens tested at normal stress of 17 kPa. residual shear strengths of the composite cover specimens.
H.T. Eid / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2011) 335e344 341

attributed to more penetration and interlocking of the textured GM landfill cover pad constructed along with other thirteen GCL test
into the bentonite at water content and normal stress of 34% and pads at an operating waste containment facility under the super-
17 kPa, respectively. However, the drop from the peak to residual vision of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Koerner et al.,
interface shear strength is smaller for the drier specimen due to 1996a; Scranton, 1996; Daniel et al., 1998). The failed pad was one of
a less tendency to orient particles in the direction of shear. two utilized the GM-backed GCL/textured GM interface. These two
Fig. 9 also shows that most of the drop in peak and residual pads were inclined at angles of 16.9 and 23.6 , and referred to as
strength of the textured GM/bentonite interface occurs at water test pads A and F, respectively. Fig. 10a presents a detailed cross-
contents between 35% and 60%. Illustrations showing the effect of section of test pad F. The geosynthetics and the GCL of each test pad
water content on GCL interface strength similar to Fig. 9 are not were extended over the crest and anchored in a trench. The geo-
available in the literature because it: (1) includes both the peak synthetics were then cut at the crest to transfer all of the cover soil
and residual interface shear strengths; (2) presents shear strength shear stresses to the internal structure of the GCL.
data at normal stress that simulates MSW landfill cover system On March 24, 1996, 495 days after installation, while test pad A
pressures. was performing satisfactory, test pad F slid along the covering GM/
underlying unreinforced bentonite interface. Test pad F was 10.5 m
4.2. Hydration and progressive failure wide and 20.4 m long and slid as a block into the open excavation at
the toe of the slope (Koerner et al., 1996a). Eighteen test pits were
Hydration of encapsulated bentonite is usually not uniform excavated on March 8, 1995 to sample the encapsulated bentonite.
because hydration only occurs at the location of holes in the The locations of the samples and the corresponding water content of
overlying and/or underlying geomembranes. As a result, it is the bentonite are shown in Fig. 10b. It should be noted that the initial
probably typical for a GCL to be more hydrated in some areas of water content of the GCL bentonite was between 15 and 25 percent
a slope, e.g., sumps, failed seams, or instrumentation locations. As (Scranton, 1996). The bentonite water contents shown in Fig. 10b
shown in Section 4.1, the hydrated bentonite exhibits low peak reveal that the hydration pattern in test pad F can be approximately
shear strength and large post-peak strength loss. Therefore, if the
shear stresses in the hydrated areas of the slope exceed the peak
shear strength of the hydrated GCL, shear displacement and a 0.9 m Compacted
consequently strength reduction will occur in these areas. Because Soil Cover
of this strength loss, excess shear stresses will be transferred to
adjacent, less hydrated areas. Shear stresses in the adjacent areas Drainage
may in turn exceed their peak shear strength and cause a strength Composite 1.5 mm Textured
reduction in such areas. Through this mechanism, shear stresses are Location of
transferred along a potential failure surface and progressive failure Deformation
Bentonite Unrein.
could continue until a continuous failure surface is developed. GM Backing GCL
Bjerrum (1967) presented a similar failure mechanism for plastic
clays subjected to non-uniform shear stresses. subgrade
Based on the progressive failure mechanism described above,
shear stresses at any portion of unreinforced GCL cover slopes
should not exceed the peak shear strength of the fully hydrated Crest
bentonite interface to avoid the failure initiation. Considering the b 27 76 33
data shown in Fig. 9, a cover that comprises geosynthetic compo- 107
nents similar to those tested in this study should not be sloped at an
angle more than 16 [i.e., a 1(vertical): 3.5 (horizontal) slope]. It Deformation
should be noted that this recommendation is not in agreement Tube
with that introduced by Stark and Choi (2004) for design of cover 32 Locations
slopes utilizing residual shear strength when large construction- 42 34 28
induced displacements are expected. Following standard
construction precautions significantly minimizes the possibility of Water
having the time along with the amount of water needed to fully Content (%) 27
hydrate the GCL bentonite before the completion of placement and
occurrence of any large displacement of the composite cover
system components. During construction, the bentonite may reach 86
partially hydrated condition similar to that achieved by the GCL Hydrated Area
bentonite utilized in this study through allowing it to hydrate in
a moist room. As a result, large construction-induced displacement 31 29 188
may only lead to mobilization of residual strength at either the GCL 50
GM backing/sand interface or/and the textured GM/partially
hydrated bentonite interface, depending on the displaced compo-
nents. Both of these interfaces exhibit residual strength that is
greater than the peak strength of the textured GM/fully hydrated 70 104 57
bentonite (Fig. 9).
4.3. Case history Left panel Right panel

A well-documented case history is analyzed to support the
validity of the shear test results and progressive failure mechanism Fig. 10. Details for test pad F: (a) cross section (not to scale); (b) water conten of
described in the previous section. The case involves a failure of bentonite (data from Koerner et al. 1996a).
342 H.T. Eid / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2011) 335e344

divided into two areas. First, the hydrated area is primarily located 10.5 m 0.6 m

in the right panel with water content ranges between 57 and 188 Compacted soil

percent. Second, the partially hydrated area covers approximately

the left panel with water content ranges between 27 and 42%. 0.9 m
0.3 m
The movements of test pad F were measured using extensome-
Failure surface
ters located near the toe of each panel (Koerner et al., 1996b). Fig. 11 Geosynthetics
presents the displacement data and shows that the left panel did not
move significantly during the first 270 days after monitoring star- Fig. 12. Test pad F transverse cross-section used in the 3D slope stability analysis.
ted. Conversely, the right panel showed signs of downslope move-
ment shortly after construction was completed. After 330 days from
construction, the right panel had deformed 500 mm while the left the interface strength of test pad F hydrated area. Similarly, friction
panel had only deformed 180 mm. This data suggests a clockwise angles measured for the same interface at water content of 34% (i.e.,
rotation of the test pad. The right panel displaced about 750 mm peak and residual friction angles of 41% and 30 , respectively) were
prior to failure. However, both panels failed evenly and there was no used to reflect the interface strength of the pad partially hydrated
rotation during failure (Koerner et al., 1996a; Scranton, 1996). area that exhibited an average water content of 32%.
To gain a better understanding of the failure mechanism of test As shown in the test results, shear strength of the unreinforced
pad F and the associated mobilized shear strengths, the slope GCL bentonite controlled the behavior of the utilized composite
failure was investigated using the torsional ring shear testing cover specimens. Both of the GCLs utilized in comprising these
results presented in this study and a 3D slope stability analysis. composite specimens and that used in constructing test pad F were
Bishop’s simplified method of slices (Bishop, 1955) was used to manufactured by the same company and have the same bentonite
conduct the 3D limit equilibrium analysis. Bishop’s simplified type and commercial name (Gundseal). As a result, no significant
method was extended to three-dimensions by Hungr (1987) and difference is expected between their bentonite mechanical prop-
coded in the microcomputer program CLARA-W (Hungr, 2001). erties (Rosin-Paumier et al., 2010). This supports the validity of
Fig. 12 presents a cross-section of test pad F which shows that the using the testing results presented in Section 4.1 in analyzing the
geosynthetics did not extend beyond the cover soil. Therefore, case history.
shear resistance was developed on two vertical planes in the cover The 3D slope stability analysis yielded a factor of safety of
soil as well as along the GCL/GM interface. As a result, a failure approximately 1.6 when peak friction angles were used for the
surface consisting of the GCL/GM interface and two vertical planes partially hydrated and hydrated portions of the bentonite/textured
through the cover soil (Fig. 12) was analyzed. As with all of the GM interface. However, the factor of safety using the residual fric-
commercially available 3D slope stability analysis programs, the tion angles for the partially hydrated and hydrated portions of the
CLARA-W ignores the shear resistance along the vertical sides of bentonite/textured GM interface was 1.03. This indicates that
the sliding mass. To overcome this limitation, the technique the partially hydrated and hydrated areas may have mobilized the
introduced by Eid et al. (2006) for quantifying and incorporating residual condition and progressive failure due to non-uniform
the end effects was utilized to estimate shear resistance mobilized hydration of bentonite may have been developed at the GCL slope
along the vertical sides of the sliding mass shown in Fig. 12. The failure of test pad F.
friction angle and total unit weight of the cover soil were estimated The non-uniform hydration pattern represented in Fig. 10b
to be 35 and 19 kN/m3, respectively (Stark and Eid, 1997). Different along with the comparison of the laboratory and field shear
values of shear strength of bentonite/textured GM interface were displacement behavior shown in Figs. 8 and 11, respectively,
used in the analysis to determine the interface shear strength that provides an insight or explanation for the pre-failure movements
was mobilized at failure. and leads to a proposed failure mechanism of three steps. In the
Most of the specimens that were taken from the hydrated area first step, the GCL/textured GM interface in the right panel probably
of test pad F exhibited water contents greater than 70% (Fig. 10b). mobilized a residual strength condition by moving approximately
Based on the data presented in Fig. 9, having water content more 270 mm before the geosynthetics were cut at the top of the slope.
than this value practically does not affect the measured value of This was caused by the slope angle (23.6 ) being steeper than the
textured GM/bentonite interface shear strength. As a result, shear peak friction angle of the hydrated interface (16 ) which is located
strength friction angles yielded from testing the composite cover essentially in the right panel. The entire test pad did not fail at this
specimen at bentonite water content of 158% (i.e., peak and residual point because of the high shearing resistance provided by the
friction angles of 16 and 6 , respectively) were used to represent partially hydrated bentonite in the left panel and anchorage of the
geosynthetics at the top of the slope. However, the test pad rotated
Time (days)
clockwise showing a small upslope displacement for the left panel.
The second step occurred after cutting the geosynthetics (169 days
-50 0 100 200 300 400 500
after installation), the slope was then free to move which was
50 reflected in a rapid 50 mm downslope movement of the right panel.
Downslope displacement (mm)

150 The left panel did not show displacement until 275 days after
installation because of the high mobilized friction angle of the dry
bentonite/textured GM interface and the clockwise rotation of the
350 test pad (Fig. 11). The third step started approximately 300 days
Water Failure Occurred
450 Content after construction, when interface shear stresses in the relatively
550 of dry area of the left panel caused mobilization of a post-peak
interface strength and the left and right panel showed a downslope
Left panel
Right panel displacement of about 150 and 450 mm, respectively. At this point,
750 the slope had essentially failed. However, the mass did not entirely
slide into the excavation at the slope toe because of the resisting
Fig. 11. Measured downslope displacement versus time of test pad F (data points from forces along the sides that were caused by the rotational movement
Koerner et al., 1996a). of the pad. The angle of rotation gradually decreased with
H.T. Eid / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2011) 335e344 343

additional downslope displacement until both panels failed evenly system. Chart was introduced to show peak and residual shear
495 days after installation. strengths of the critical interfaces at normal stress that
The above failure mechanism may not be the only interpretation simulates MSW landfill cover system pressures.
for the failure of test pad F. However, the hydration pattern and 5. In MSW landfills, hydration of GCL is usually not uniform. This
progressive failure of this case suggest that the shear stresses on any hydration may lead to progressive failure in unreinforced GCL
portion of a slope should not exceed the peak strength of the hydrated slopes. If shear stresses in the hydrated areas of the slope
bentonite interface. Otherwise, failure will occur in the overstressed exceed the peak strength of the hydrated GCL, shear displace-
portion which may initiate a progressive failure mechanism. ment and consequently strength reduction will occur trans-
ferring the excess stresses to adjacent, less hydrated areas that
5. Conclusions in turn may fail and develop a continuous failure surface.
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