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Introduction to Functions

Function help us to divide the big program into small

pieces or modules.
Function help us to divide our entire program in small
independent modules.
Thus, it is a self contained block of one or more
statements that perform a special task when called.
Syntax of function is as follows

def name_of_function(Parameters): Function Header

…………………………… Function Body
Simple Program on Functions
def Demo():
print('Welcome to the Concepts of Functions')
Demo() #Call to Function Demo.

Welcome to the Concepts of Functions
Parameters, Arguments in a
Parameters are used to give input to a

Parameters are specified with the pairs of

parenthesis in the function definition.

Whereas, arguments are the values actually

passed to a function when calling it.

Thus, parameters define what type of arguments

a function can accept.
Syntax to define parameters &
def printMax(num1,num2):
Statemen2 #Define a Function

printMax(10, 20) #Invocation of function

printMax(num1, num2) has two parameters num1 and


Where as 10 and 20 are the actual parameters and

these actual parameters are called “arguments”.
Program on Arguments and Parameters
Q. Write a program to calculate minimum of two numbers by
making use of arguments and parameters.

def FindMin(num1,num2):
if num1 < num2:
print(num1, 'is smaller than ',num2)
elif num2 < num1:
print(num2,' is smaller than ', num1)
print(' Both are equal')

20 is smaller than 40
Positional Arguments
Positional arguments must be must be passed as in exact
order i.e. the way they are defined.

The 1st argument in the call statement is assigned to

the first parameter listed in the function definition.

Similarly, the second argument in the call statement is

assigned to the second parameter listed in the function
definition and so on.
Program: Demonstrate use of Positional Arguments.
Write a program to pass arguments name and age to a
function Demo.

def Display(Name,age):
print("Name = ",Name,"age = ",age)

Name = John age = 25
Name = 40 age = Sachin

Thus, the first argument binds to the first parameter and second
argument binds to the second parameter. This style of matching up
arguments and parameter is called “positional argument style” or
“positional parameter style”.
Keyword Arguments
An alternative to positional argument is keyword

Programmer can pass a keyword argument to a function by

using its corresponding parameter name rather than its

Syntax of keyword arguments is as follow

Program: Demonstrate use of Keyword Arguments
Write a program to pass arguments name and age to
a function Demo.
def Display(Name,age):
print("Name = ",Name,"age = ",age)
Display(age=25,Name="John") #Call function using keyword arguments

Name = John age = 25
Precautions while using Keyword Arguments
A positional argument cannot follow a keyword
Display( num2=10,40)

Programmer cannot duplicate an argument by specifying

it as both a positional argument

Parameters with Default Values
Parameters within the function definition can have
default values.
Default value to an parameter can be given by using
assignment (=) Operator.

Following Program demonstrate the use of default values in

function definition.

def greet(name,msg="Welcome to Python!!"):

print(" Hello ",name,msg)

Hello Virat Welcome to Python!!

Syntax Error: Non default argument follows default argument
The Local and global Scope of Variable

The variables and parameters that are initialized within

a function, including parameters are said to exist in
that function’s local scope.

A variables that exist in local scope are called as “local


Where as the variables that are assigned outside functions are

said to exist in the global scope.

Therefore the variables that exist in global scope are called as

“global variables”.
Example on Scope of Variables

p = 20 #global variable p
def Demo():
q = 10 #Local variable q
print('The value of Local variable q:',q)
#Access global variable p within this function
print('The value of Global Variable p:',p)
#Access global variable p outside the function Demo()
print('The value of global variable p:',p)

Note: Local variables cannot be used in Global Scope

The return statement
The return statement is used to return a value from the

It is also used to return form a function i.e. break out

of the function.

def minimum(a,b):
if a<b:
return a
elif b<a:
return b
return "Both the numbers are equal"

8 is minimum
Returning Multiple Values
In python yes it is possible to return multiple values.
Syntax to return multiple values is as follows
return Value1,Value2,Value3

import math
def Sq_Cub_Srt(a,b,c):
return a**2, b**3, math.sqrt(c)
S,C,Sq = Sq_Cub_Srt(2,3,4)
print('Square = ',S)
print('Cube = ',C)
print('Cube = ',Sq)

Square = 4
Cube = 27
Cube = 2.0
A function is a self contained block of one or more
statements that perform a special task when called.

A Function definition in python begin with def keyword

followed by the function’s name, parameter, and body.

Function contains parameters and arguments.

Variables defined within the scope of the function are

said to be local variable.

Variables that are assigned outside functions are said

to be global Variable.

The return statement is used to return a value from the


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