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Ccp 7

Enumeration: Provide the following

4 major prophets

12 minor prophets

4 non-writing prophets

Multiple choice: ENCIRCLE the letter of the correct answer

1. He became the king of the northern kingdom of Israel

a. Jeroboam c. David
b. Rehoboam d. Solomon

2. The southern kingdom is govern by __________

a. Jeroboam c. David
b. Rehoboam d. Solomon

3. The capital of the kingdom of Judah is _______________

a. Babylon c. Jerusalem
b. Samaria d. Moab

4. Samaria is the capital of _______________

a. Babylon c. Jerusalem
b. Samaria d. Moab

5. The prophet who was thrown into a lion's den and was protected by God's angel.
a. Jonah c. Michael
b. Obadiah d. Daniel

6. The prophet who was swallowed by a large fish because he did not want to go preach to his
enemies, the Ninevites.
a. Jonah c. Michael
b. Obadiah d. Daniel

7. The prophet who took Moses job of guiding the Israelites to the promised land.
c. Jonah c. Samson
d. Hosea d. Aaron

8. The prophet who was swallowed by .

e. Jonah c. Michael
f. Obadiah d. Daniel

9. The prophet that guides the Isarelites from Egypt.

g. Aaron c. Michael
h. Moses d. NOTA

10. Who among the following is a major prophet.

i. Jonah c. Michael
j. Obadiah d. Daniel
Ccp 8

Enumeration: Provide the following

3 reformists

4 precepts of the church

3 causes of protest

7 hierarchy of the church

3 chidren of king Henry VIII

Multiple choice: ENCIRCLE the letter of the correct answer

1. It means demanding for change in the church.

c. Protest c. Demand
d. Reform d. Revolt

2. A way of demanding change in the church

c. Protest c. Reform
d. Demand d. NOTA

3. Certificates that take away sin by giving wealth or property.

c. Salvation c. Confession
d. Indulgence d. NOTA

4. Where was Calvinism originated

c. Switzerland c. Germany
d. America d. France

5. How many thesis did luther has against the church

a. 97 c. 94
b. 98 d. 95

6. The first wife of king Henry that he wants to devorce.

a. Anne c. Michelle
b. Catherine d. Danielle
7. He was the Pope during the time of the reformation.
a. Pope Leo X c. Pope Leo IX
b. Pope Leo XI d. Pope Leo XII

8. The Gutenburg’s printing press was the way luther printed his thesis.
a. False c. Both A and B
b. True d. NOTA

9. Calvinists believe in ___________.

a. Determination c. Predetermination
b. Faith Alone d. NOTA

10. King Henry founded the _______________.

a. Lutheran c. Anglican
k. Born Again d. Latteran
Ccp 9

Enumeration: Provide the following

9 circles of Hell

3 beasts that chased Dante

8 subcircle of 8th circle

Multiple choice: ENCIRCLE the letter of the correct answer

1. From what country did Dante from.

a. Italy c. Germany
b. France d. Poland

2. The ferryman in the entrance of hell.

a. Chiron c. Cheron
b. Charon d. NOTA

3. The one who judges the souls in heal.

a. Priam c. Minos
b. Satan d. NOTA

4. The second circle is for _________________

a. Gluttonous c. Hateful
b. Lustful d. NOTA

5. How many subcircle in the 8th circle

a. 9 c. 4
b. 8 d. 10

6. She is the cause why Dante went to hell.

a. Beatrise c. Beatrrice
b. Beatrice d. Beartrisse

7. Virgil guided dante in hell, what epic did Virgil write.

a. Aenid c. Iliad
b. Odyssey d. NOTA

8. All of these are in Limbo, EXCEPT.

a. Patriarchs c. Philosophers
b. Priests d. Unbaptized

9. Who guards the third circle.

a. Cerberus c. Monsters
b. Harpies d. Chiron

10. They are old men who hoarded their money until they die.
a. Spendthrifts c. greedy
b. Miser d. hoarder

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