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excel - Using VBA code to Copy Specific value from a cell when the dr...

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I am new to VBA and have only

recently been developing my excel

I have created 3 different scenarios for

an investment project situation, these
scenarios appear in cell "h13" as a
drop down box with three options
being available, best case/worst
case/base case.

When you select each scenario the

various outputs will change on the
sheet and I have set up the following
code to change the outputs and
display the relevant ones according to
the scenario:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$H$13" Then
  End If

Now, what I want to achieve is the


In Cell E13 I have a numeric value

that is my main concern (I should note
this is an NPV Formula). Every time
we change scenario this value
obviously changes. I would like to
create a summary table that is simply
something like this: Scenario 1 = x
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