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# Advanced Charging Controller (acc) Configuration

# /data/media/0/acc/config.txt

capacity=5,60,70-80 # <shutdown,coolDown,resume-pause> -- ideally, <resume>

shouldn't be more than 10 units below <pause>. To disable <shutdown>, and
<coolDown>, set these to 0 and 101, respectively (e.g., capacity=0,101,70-80). Note
that the latter doesn't disable the cooling feature entirely, since it works not
only based on battery capacity, but temperature as well.

coolDown=50/10 # Charge/pause ratio (in seconds) -- reduces battery temperature and

voltage induced stress by periodically pausing charging. This can be disabled with
a null value or a preceding hashtag. If charging is too slow, turn this off or
change the charge/pause ratio. Disabling this nullifies <coolDown capacity> and
<lower temperature> values -- leaving only a temperature limit with a cooling

temp=400-450_90 # <coolDown-pauseCharging_wait> -- <wait> is interpreted in seconds

and it allows battery temperature to drop below <pauseCharging>. By default,
temperature values are interpreted in <degrees Celsius times 10>. To disable
temperature control entirely, set absurdly high values (e.g., temp=900-950_90).

verbose=false # Alpha and Beta versions will generate verbose whether or not this
is enabled.

resetUnplugged=false # Reset battery stats every time charger is unplugged, as

opposed to only when max battery capacity is reached.

loopDelay=10 # Time interval between loops, in seconds -- do not change this unless
you know exactly what you're doing!

maxLogSize=10 # Log size limit in Megabytes -- when exceeded, $log becomes

$log.old. This prevents storage space hijacking.

#switch= # Custom charging switch parameters (<path> <onValue> <offValue>), e.g.,

switch=/sys/class/power_supply/battery/charging_enabled 1 0, pro tip: <./> can be
used in place of </sys/class/power_supply/> (e.g.,
switch=./battery/charging_enabled 1 0).

./usb/device/razer_charge_limit_max:80 ./usb/device/razer_charge_limit_dropdown:70
# These settings are applied on boot.

onBootExit=false # Exit after applying "onBoot" settings from above. Enabling this
is particularly useful if voltage_max or similar is being set -- since keeping accd
running in such cases is pointless.

#onPlugged=./wireless/current_max:2000000 ./usb/current_max:2000000 # These

settings are applied every time an external power supply is connected.

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