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Final, Finally, Finalize differences

Synchronization in threads
Public, static, void, main keywords
Abstraction vs Interface
Composition vs Aggregation vs Association
Inheritance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism & types
Inner classes
Multithreading in Java
Map and Reduce
Did you use any database relating framework
Explain your projects you have done
Tweaked my project and asked me the solution for it
What is Cloud Technology?
Currently we are working in 97 countries and we need to expand in 5 more countries.
Will Cloud be a viable solution? Disadvantages of it.
pattern making 1 /n 121 /n 12321… on
Dry run of codes.
OOPS: encapsulation vs abstraction.
About NetBeans
How will you secure the sensitive information?
Questions on Google Cloud Platform and AWS
Any questions for me?
He asked me the difference between SWing and AWT.
Algo to remove duplicates.
print patterns
Questions on Java, why multiple inheritance isn’t allowed, abstract class vs
interface, collections, spring.
Questions on multi-threading.
Questions on complicated exception handling in Java, data-structures, puzzle.
Types of Polymorphism in Java
Sort HashMap of Objects based on an attribute of Object.
Difference between Comparable and Comparator
Started with Tell me about yourself then started shooting coding questions. First
he gave simple question.

1 2 3 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 2 1
1 2 1
I took some time to do this question as I was a bit nervous. Then he asked me to
implement LinkedList in java. He asked what all data structure implementations are
present in Java.
She then asked me some basic java questions like is java purely object oriented?,
what is base class of java? Etc. I answered some of them about which I was
confident of.
She asked me difference and similarity b/w a pointer and an array, and some basic
questions from c/c++.
She then gave me some analysis problem :
Q 1. Suppose the entire architecture of their company’s software (banking) is
divided in 4 components A, B, C, D and 4 types of customer say 1, 2, 3, 4 are
visiting the same, day in and day out. Two type of customers are facing delay in
the service, how can you determine which component is having problem and which is
not? She gave me 2 minutes to think upon that and write down the points on a paper.
My solution:
i. Have a live calculation of throughput of each of the component (i.e. no of
requests completed / no. of requests received.
ii. Since all types of requests would go to each component through a waiting queue,
we can set a limit on waiting queue, whenever the no. of requests/jobs increases
than the specified even we can trigger detecting that delay is occurring in this
iii. Since in each banking transaction, there would be a time stamp of each
component on the transaction we can have ideal time limits for each component to
process a given transaction and whenever that time limit exceeds we can trigger an
event indicating that delay is caused, etc. She was satisfied with my solution and
then came upon another problem.
Q 2. Suppose there is an existing solution on any imaginary platform, say a desktop
application and we want to move it to new technology say Android, she asked how you
would move the same and what would be your considerations regarding the same.
My solution : I said that first of all I would strongly focus on the reason as to
why I we would move to a new technology , I would then focus mainly on the things
because of which we are moving to new technology, as the new technology might have
some advantages / disadvantages I need to first focus on the advantages of the new
technology , say android, which is based on java so It would be nice to use inbuilt
modules written in core java but on the other hand I would also need to focus on
the things in which the new technology is weaker in for e.g. Android is not
suitable for performing high computations like machine learning, so I need to build
some more efficient codes for the existing one in order to counter the disadvantage
of new technology, mainly I suggested that I need to move the application layer
only not the entire architecture.
Asked me about my projects and Summer Internship
Q.1 Explain your projects to me. Asked on every projects about the technologies
used with a brief description. You have to give in-depth description otherwise they
won’t be satisfied.

Q.2 Asked me, What hurdles did I face in implementing the projects?

Q.3 I had written C, C++ in my technical skills. So, he asked me to compare between
C,C++ and Java.

I replied Java to which he asked Why? I explained all the 4 principles of Java and
how portability and security features brought remarkable change to web programming.
He was pretty satisfied.

I mentioned Puzzle solving and Logical reasoning as my skills. So he asked me ‘What

kind of puzzles I solve’, ‘Do you have any subscription to puzzle solving
material’s, etc….They go very deep on each and every thing mentioned in your CV. So
be thorough with your resume.

Q.4 Asked me to rate myself in C and told me to code a program to swap two
variables without using a third variable.

I told him the XOR method to swap 2 numbers. He was quite impressed with the

Q.6 Asked me to brief about my volunteer experience in which I worked as a Graphic

Designer in an NGO

Q.7 Do you have any questions ? This is a good opportunity to know about the
company, what it does, what challenges you face in your first year, what tasks will
be your primary concern, etc. Grab the chance.
What latest technology have you worked on?
Lastly I was given a puzzle which was pretty straightforward- There were 4
prisioners A, B, C, D and 4 colored hats(2 White and 2 Black). There were 2
sections in the prision. A, B, C were in one of the section such that A could see
what color hat B and C had and B could see what color hat C was wearing. D was in
the second section and he could not see anyone nor anyone could see him. Who will
guess the correct color of his hat first so that he is freed?
Company preferred good knowledge in Java. I would suggest you to get familiar with
various java concepts before going for the interview. Many of my friends were asked
questions related to System Design (Whatsapp, Zomato, Online Banking), API, Web
Service, Framework, DBMS, SQL Queries, Data Extraction and Processing.

They asked things related to projects/subjects/skills mentioned in the Resume.

Find the output from the written code to check the concept clarity of polymorphism
Which two keywords can be interchanged in “public static void main”
Explain “System.out.println”
Questions from Generics
Lambda Expression
Projects and Internship related discussion
What latest technology have you worked on?
explain the steps a thread will undergo, the example of unchecked exceptions etc.
Everything was asked on Resume and projects.
They asked which new features were added in java 8 .
He Asked me whether I knew about new Technologies.
He then asked me whether I know SQL queries. The queries were pretty easy.
The queries were based on group by clause, Aggregation functions, joins etc. He
was focusing on logic rather than syntax.
He then asked me to write a code to implement a queue using a stack.
He then asked me about finding the frequency of each character in a string. I told
him optimized approach using unordered map.
How would you scan and bar code and store it. What is net beans. what is anaconda.
Class A {some code;}

Class B extends A{

B a = new A();

Wrote this on a paper and showed it to me. Didn’t ask anything. I answered myself
this was wrong since B is an instance of A but not vice versa. He asked me to write
down the correct statement.
Answer : B a = new B(); OR A a = new B();
>Multiple inheritance and Multiple interfacing
Class A extends B, C{}

Class A implements b, c{}

Again showed it to me.

Answer: First statement was wrong since java does not support multiple inheritance
however second statement
was right as it supports multiple interfacing. Then asked me a bit about interfaces
in Java.

>Dynamic list:
public void test(){
List l = new ArrayList();
public static test(List p){
p = null;
Answer: I am not sure, although I answered that it prints everything (“summer”,
“spring”, “autumn”, “winters”) since P is only referred to null however l is

>Method Overloading

public static void test(byte b){}

public static void test(short s){}
public static void test(int i){}
Question: Are these statements correct?

Answer: Yes, it depicts overloading in java.

Question: What are the rules for overloading?

Answer: The method name should be the same while the number of parameters should be
different or if count of parameters is also the same, data type should be

Question(Main): Which of the method would be executed?

Answer: The one containing parameter ( int i ) since the system priority of int (in
Java) is greater than that of short. And of short is greater than that of byte.

Tell me about yourself
Willing to relocate?
Which programming language are you comfortable?
What challenges did you face while doing projects?
Is group project better than working alone?
Your hobbies
How was your day?
Again Introduce yourself
Family Background
Tell the schedule of each family member
Did you ever cheat in your life?
How was your day so far, how was you technical interview?
Which question did you like the most from the technical interview, and why?
How do you keep up with current affairs?
What do you know about HSBC?
What keeps you motivated?
Which work location would you prefer, Pune vs Hyderabad?
Any questions about the organisation?
Tell me something about your friends and for how long have known them.
Since I won debate competition organised by MHRD, they asked the topic of debate.
Asked about the Institute.
what does your father do, how u come to college(train, bus, taxi) etc.
most difficult situation faced in life
biggest achievement
willing to relocate
Gave me a situation where manager/project partner takes all the credits of your
work then what will you do.
They were judging me on my likes, weaknesses, strength, etc.
What do I like
How will my friends describe me
Challenges faced in life
My role in my team projects.
The interview started with the question “Tell me about your family?”. He then asked
me ” How was School life different from Engineering life?“.
Strengths, weaknesses, difference between obsessive and possessive, family
background., puzzle- cut a cake in 8 equal pieces with 3 cuts.
He asked me to explain a problem that I have faced in engineering and how I
overcame it.
We talked about HSBC, the recent news HSBC is involved in, the apps I use, I like
and dislike, what features I would like to change in an app I use, my family
background, my current offers in hand and such.
He asked me how could I do a project for a benefit of a society.
What technology would like to HSBC as a bank should add and why.
He then asked me what difference do you observed in this room between when you
entered and until now. I told him that time on my watch has increased by 10
mins � He was pretty impressed.
What would you do if your boss insults you in front of everyone? With what
aggression would you reach out your boss in case you have better alternative than
your boss has told you to work on? How would you tackle high pressure from your
manager? Etc. I answered them calmly and he was quiet satisfied with my answers.
He then asked me “What was the biggest failure of my life?” and How you overcame
Situation:You are in a team of 5 and 1 of them has a conflicting thought upon a
project.What will you do?
Q3: How do you perceive people?
Q4: Situation: 10 people say that a person X is really annoying and you have to
share a room with him .What will you do?

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