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Having an open mind.

Most of the time, we can’t comprehend or see how restricted we are in our thinking. How
conditioned we are in our reaction to things and how limited we are in our perceptions of the world
and the universe. Most of us live our lives unable to see beyond the world we have been presented
with as children. We can’t see beyond the material world and even if we do delve into religion it is
usually on a very superficial level and shrouded with superstition without really cultivating the true
meaning in one’s heart and developing on a spiritual path.

The emphasis is not placed on gaining a true understanding of the heart and not just intellect. The
what you see is what you get mentality. This mentality has a level of sarcasm and condescending
view towards all things that are spiritual. To such a person, it is simply mad to talk about
concentration, virtue, cultivating the mind to higher levels of consciousness and or anything beyond
matter. These people are lost, and it is almost impossible to discuss anything regarding spirituality,
they consider people who are spiritual to be foolish and even crazy and gain power and reaffirm
their own position by looking down on it and builds up their own ego.

What we are trying to do is to be become more in tune with our hearts and in tune with nature. We
become more in tune with the nature of the world around us. As we do this, it becomes more
apparent to us and our consciousness becomes raised and goes beyond our little self. The little
world we have around us and we inherited, our little problems. And as we become more in tune
with something that is not our little selves we start to grasp the nature of the interconnectedness of
everything, as the small self slowly diminishes and our old ideas drop, we are open to see the realms
of possibility that are around us. The subtle energies and the forces at work, guiding our movements
on every level.

Generally, when we are not open to this, the simplified dogmatic restrictive conditioned way of
thinking and belief systems won’t let you see. You are wearing coloured glasses; thus, we are limited
by these glasses no matter where we look. We most open to the possibilities of the world, about
history, about how our bodies function and the nature of our purpose and place in the universe.
Only by opening to the possibilities can we these understanding have a soil in which to blossom.

Our vision will open, and we will begin to see how this interdependent reality functions together.

Then we look back and we can be amazed at how simplified our little worlds previously were. Our
little goals for achieving our materialistic goals and attachments. And we can see how small out
previous desires for family or car and house and wealth etc were so tiny in the vastness of the
cosmos and all that it has to offer. It is not about undoing our learning but recognizing the
magnitude of its limitedness. It is impossible to understand the nature of things the limitedness of
our intellect. It is not possible for our hearts to open to and understand. The entire spiritual path is
the opening of the heart to mother nature and the nature of reality. This far beyond the intellect and
it is impossible to describe in words and put in a book.

The entire structure of our past world view dissolve and the eye and the heart open to the infinite
vastness of the world around with multitudes of possibilities.
Really, the idea here is about keeping that door open and not shutting it as materialist do. When the
this is done the wisdom can flow in without barriers and we can open up to the new dimensions of
existence, and dimensions of knowledge and open heartedness which essential for spiritual
development and the more quickly and easily we will understand things on the path.

Not the intellect and intelligence that counts. It is heart.

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