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In this phase the first pushto poet amir karore was born.

Qasidas of Gias-ud-Din Bulban and sher

shah suri were composed and Bayazid Ansari,a famous poet,lived during this period

Renowed pushtu writer Akhund Dryuza belongs to this age.Living pushto legends Khushhal khan
Khattak and Rehman Baba also composed during this period.

During this period famouse religious scholar Mian Omer and writers like Mulla Abdur
Rasheed,Sa'adat Khan and Qasim Ali Afridi are especially notable.

Pushto literature produced during this period is dominated by anti-imperialist sentiments,love of

freedom and expression of discontentment and revolt against the opressive foreign rule.Most
notable amongst these freedom loving poets and writers are:Muhammad Akram
Khadim,Akbar,Fazal-e-Rahim Saqi,Abdul Ghani Khan,Amir Nawaz Jalia,Abdul Khaliq Khaleeque etc.


Pushto has three major dialects or accents north eastern dialect,south western dialect and the
dialect of Zai tribes.

Tappa is the oldest pushto poetic form.poetry which was transferred form one generation to
another without being recirdedin black and white for generations is found in forms like char
baitey,tobey,badley and nemkai.

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