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WORKSHEET 1 B) In the car ahead of the person

C) In the car to the side of the person
Q.1 A rider on horseback falls when horse D) Exactly in the hand which threw it
starts running all of a sudden because up
A) Rider is taken back
B) Rider is suddenly afraid of falling Q.6 A force of 100 dynes acts on mass of 5
C) Inertia of rest keeps the upper part of gm for 10 sec. The velocity produced is
body at rest whereas lower part of the body A) 2 cm/sec B) 20 cm/sec
moves forward with the horse C) 200 cm/sec D) 2000 cm/sec
D) None of the above
Q.7 A body of mass 2 kg moving on a
Q.2 When a train stops suddenly, passengers horizontal surface with an initial velocity of
in the running train feel an instant jerk in 4 m/sec comes to rest after 2 sec. If one
the forward direction because wants to keep this body moving on the same
A)The back of seat suddenly pushes the surface with a velocity of 4 m/sec, the force
passengers forward required is
B) Inertia of rest stops the train and takes A) 8 N B) 4 N
the body forward C) Zero D) 2 N
C) Upper part of the body continues to be in
the state of motion whereas the lower part Q.8 A body of mass 2 kg is hung on a spring
of the body in contact with seat remains at balance mounted vertically in a lift. If the lift
rest descends with an acceleration equal to the
D) Nothing can be said due to insufficient acceleration due to gravity ‘g’, the reading
data on the spring balance will be
A) 2 kg B) (4×g) kg
Q.3 A boy sitting on the topmost berth in the C) (2×g) kg D) Zero
compartment of a train which is just going
to stop on a railway station, drops an apple Q.9 In the above problem, if the lift moves
aiming at the open hand of his brother up with a constant velocity of 2 m/sec, the
sitting vertically below his hands at a reading on the balance will be
distance of about 2 meter. The apple will A) 2 kg B) 4 kg
fall C) Zero D) 1 kg
A)Precisely on the hand of his
brother Q.10 An object with a mass 10 kg moves at a
B) Slightly away from the hand of his constant velocity of 10 m/sec. A constant
brother in the direction of motion of the force then acts for 4 second on the object
train and gives it a speed of 2 m/sec in opposite
C) Slightly away from the hand of his direction. The acceleration produced in it, is
brother in the direction opposite to the A) 3m/sec2 B) −3m/sec2
direction of motion of the train C) 0.3m/sec 2 D) −0.3m/sec2
D) None of the above
Q.11 A force of 5 N acts on a body of weight
Q.4 A man getting down a running bus falls 9.8 N. What is the acceleration produced
forward because in m/sec2
A)Due to inertia of rest, road is left behind A) 49.00 B) 5.00
and man reaches forward C) 1.46 D) 0.51
B)Due to inertia of motion upper part of
body continues to be in motion in forward Q.12 In doubling the mass and acceleration
direction while feet come to rest as soon as of the mass, the force acting on the mass
they touch the road with respect to the previous value
C)He leans forward as a matter of A) Decreases to half
habit B) Remains unchanged
D)Of the combined effect of all the three C) Increases two times
factors stated in D) Increases four times

Q.5 A person sitting in an open car moving Q.13 In the above question, the force acting
at constant velocity throws a ball vertically on the object is
up into air. The ball falls A) 30 N B) -30 N
A) Outside the car C) 3 N D) -3 N
IFAS : PUNE 9172266888

IFAS : PUNE 9172266888

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