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Digital Photography I- Skyline High School

Portrait Photography Project

Portraiture has evolved from very formal photographs similar to classic oil paintings to very
informal snapshots and even Selfies.
1) For the Portraits you will choose 5 different people (1 can be a pet). It needs to be heads
& shoulders only. It may or may not use props. It is posed. The subject may or may not
be looking at the camera. Please take no less than 25 photos- minimum of 5 per person.
You will download and edit 2 per person in Photoshop.
2) A Portrait should be a well-planned image that tells us something special about the
person(s) being photographed. A portrait is shoulder to top of the head. You may use
props, costumes or environment to make a portrait that tells us something special about
the person(s) being photographed.
A Candid Portrait - is a portrait that is taken spontaneously - most often without the
subject even knowing they are being photographed. Lighting is less likely to be
controlled by the photographer, so you must be ready to take advantage of the situation.

By mindful of factors such as the lighting and background. All the details count when you take a
photo. Have fun with this project. You will be graded on the technical aspects of the photos, as
well as, the content, creativity, expression or captured mood. NATURAL LIGHT ONLY!

Place all 25 photos in your Portrait folder on the desktop folder that has your name. You will edit
your images with adjustments. After all are edited, you will pick your favorite 2 and make one
black and white. You will post to your Portrait page on Weebly and title each image. You will
need to include an artist statement about one person and their image set.

Artist Statement for Portraits

Please write a story about one of the people or animals that you took a portrait of. In no less than
3 sentences describe that person or animal and what they mean to you. Write 2 complete
sentences about the environment in which you took the photos and how you arranged the best
possible image. And in no less than 3 sentences finish by telling me about the challenges and
triumphs you feel you accomplished while taking these portrait. Use the vocabulary from
Composition 101- rule of thirds, formal balance, informal balance, lighting, grouping (set up),
selective focus, horizon line, leading lines and framing.

Make sure to fill out Self Evaluation.

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