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The Stolen Generations English On Target

Irma Walter 2010 Vocabulary

Warning: The following video clip may contain images of contain – beinhalten
deceased Aboriginals or Torres Strait Islanders deceased – verstorben
The name 'Aborigine' is derived from the Latin, meaning derived – abgestammt
the 'original inhabitants'. migrate – auswandern
Australia's Indigenous People migrated from Asia at least ancient – altertümlich
30,000 years ago... one of the richest and most ancient settlement – Besiedlung
cultures on Earth... the 'Dreamtime', land, storytelling, art, founder – Gründer
music, and so on. Sadly, their world of peace changed... it invaders - Eindringlinge
only happened after the European settlement in 1788 stripped off – entblößt
believing that Captain Cook was the founder of the land of suffer – leiden
Australia. The land of Australia became the formal territory displacement –
of the British even if they were nothing but 'invaders'... not Verschleppung
only their land rights were stripped off, Aborigines suffered dispossession –
enormously such as death, disease, displacement, Enteignung
dispossession, disrupted traditional lifestyle and ritual. The disrupted – unterbrochen
Aboriginal Protection Acts and the Child Removal Policy removal – Entfernen
kept worsening the life of the Aboriginal people. worsen – verschlechtern
They came down to our place and said: “We're taking these approximately – ungefähr
kids”. They just took you out of your mother's arms, that's forcibly – mit Gewalt
what they've done to me. Alex Kruger 1995 remove – wegnehmen
At least 100,000 indigenous children were stolen shameless – unverschämt
approximately between the late 1800 to 1970. They simply fit – fähig
could not do anything about it. The children who were provide – versorgen
forcibly removed during that era became known as the proper – geeignet
'Stolen Generations'. One of the shameless myths was that parental care – elterliche
Aborigines were not fit to provide proper parental care. Sorge
Many grew up confused of their identities and lack of love, heritage – Erbe
care and education about their heritage. Most of the various – verschieden
children experienced various forms of abuse including abuse – Mißhandlung
physical sexual, emotional and so forth. All of these have bequeath – hinterlassen
bequeathed the Australian nation one of the most wicked wicked – bösartig
feature in the world history. An official apology to the feature – Eigenschaft
Stolen Generations did not exist until 13 February 2008 apology – Entschuldigung
when the newly elected Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd elected - gewählt
apologised on behalf of the Australian Government. apologise – sich
Hear the voice of an Australian Aboriginal, Teressa Nunn, entschuldigen
Brisbane, Queenland. on behalf – im Namen von
“What do you worry most about the Aboriginal culture?” tricky – verzwickt
“What I worry most about the Aboriginal culture is that it's
been lost. We have lost all our language, our culture, and we
lost our families. So the most thing I'm worried about and
what I want to see happen is more aboriginal culture being
brought back into the schools, being taught.”
“How did you find it living in the white families?”
“That's a bit of a tricky question, because my mother was
white, my father was aboriginal. So we grew up in a mixed scared – verängstigt
culture, but when we were with white people, we weren't tongue – Sprache, Zunge
allowed to say we're aborigines. So aborigines we had to ashamed – beschämt
keep hidden, for a long long time, we weren't allowed to tell impressed – beeindruckt
anybody that we were aborigines. Because my mother was expect – erwarten
scared that we'd be taken away again. So we were told... we actually – tatsächlich
didn't tell anyone. We couldn't sing, we couldn't dance and
we couldn't speak our own tongue when we were with white
“I understand. So it's more like you didn't want them to
know who you are.”
“That's right. And we grew up very ashamed.”
“This might be my last question. What is your perspective
regarding the national sorry-day?
“The national sorry-day. At first I wasn't impressed with it
because I don't know how anybody can say they're sorry and
expect you to get over it. If you've never lived it, then it's
hard to say, in our culture, it's hard to say you're sorry. If
you do something wrong you have to say you're sorry. But
how can somebody say they're sorry, if they didn't live it.
But once I heard the apology, he had written, it actually
brought me to tears. I was very, very moved by it and my
oldest from S____ was very moved by it as well. They
actually went down to Canberra to the apology ceremony. It
was very moving and I think it healed a lot of old wounds.
And for the first time, the Aborigines were proud to stand
up and say: We are in this land, we are Aborigines.”
“I thank you for your time and thank you.” offer – anbieten
“To the Stolen Generations I say the following: As Prime qualification -
Minister of Australia, I am sorry. On behalf of the Einschränkung
government, I'm sorry. On behalf of the parliament of hurt – Verletzung
Australia, I'm sorry. And I offer you this apology without suffering – Leiden
qualification. We apologise for the hurt, pain and suffering, caused – verursacht
we, the parliament have caused you by the laws that previous – vorhergehend
previous parliaments have enacted. We apologise for the enacted - erlassen
indignity, the degradation and the humiliation these laws indignity –
have embodied. We offer this apology to the mothers, Würdelosigkeit
fathers, the brothers, the sisters, the families, the humiliation –
communities whose lives were ripped apart, by the actions Demütigung
of successive governments, under successive parliaments. ripped apart –
So let us turn this page together, indigenous and non- auseinandergerissen
indigenous Australians, government and opposition, successive –
commonwealth and state and write this new chapter in our aufeinanderfolgend
nation's story together. dedicated – gewidmet
Dedicated to the Stolen Generations of the Australian

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