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November 15, 2010

City Manager, Mr. Rashad Young

300 W. Washington Street
Greensboro, North Carolina 27401

Reference: Complaint Of Discrimination, Racial/Arbitrary Profiling, Retaliation, Untruthfulness,

Conduct Towards The Public, And Other Alleged Violations Of Greensboro Police Department
Directives By Chief OF Police Kenneth Miller Against Citizens

Dear Mr. Young:

On October 27, 2010, the City of Greensboro advertised that Police/Community Forums would
be scheduled for the month of November. The News Release read, in (italics): The Greensboro
Police Department (GPD) hosts four Police/Community Forums in November, one in each of the
four patrol divisions, to educate residents about a variety of topics. Chief Ken Miller, senior
command staff, and patrol commanders will provide crime statistics as wells as discuss the
functions of patrol work groups, call prioritization, and other facts unique to each patrol
district. Miller will also review changes in GPD including mission and core values revisions, a
restructuring process, core strategies, and discipline process revisions.

The public will be asked to comment on or make suggestions concerning core values and the
mission statement. There will also be time set aside for questions and answers.

All meetings are scheduled to begin at 6:30pm. Dates and locations are:

 November 4, Southern Division, Trotter Recreation Center, 3906 Betula Street.

 November 10, Eastern Division, Smith Senior Center, 2401 Fairview Street
 November 11, Western Division, Lewis Recreation Center, 3110 Forest Lawn Drive
 November 22, Central Division, Greensboro Historical Museum, 130 Summit Avenue

Residents can attend any of these meetings. For more information, please call Police Community
Relations Director Anne Gregory at 336-373-2636.

End of News Release Publicizing Community Meetings:

These aforementioned meetings are open community forums for members of the public. On
November 4, 2010, I attended one of these meetings which resulted in discriminatory, retaliatory,
harassing and unfair treatment of me and others by Chief of Police Ken Miller. I communicated
these allegations to you in a letter received by your office on November 5, 2010.

In the complaint letter document dated November 5, 2010, I eluded to the fact that during the
November 4, 2010, Community Forum that Chief Miller suggested that I litigate. An excerpt
from my November 5, 2010 complaint letter is in italics, as follows:
Chief Miller suggested that I need to litigate. This is especially intimidating and discriminatory
in that:

 Chief Miller will continue to mistreat me and deny me my rights as a citizen until I
litigate. What if I don’t choose to litigate?
 Violations of laws, rules, regulations and policies must be addressed, regardless of the
fact that the reporting party also has an option to litigate with the City.
 Chief Miller conducted himself in this discriminatory, rude manner not only in front of
citizens, but also in front of his subordinate command staff. These subordinate command
staff members, can now mimic their leader’s actions, without fear of reprisal. This
attitude will soon permeate our entire police department.
 The community and GPD Command Staff witnessed their leader dismiss allegations of
 I have a legitimate concern that my family or I may be subjected to future mistreatment if
I simply exercise my right as a citizen to attend community meetings and ask questions.
 Chief Ken Miller threatened to ask me to leave the meeting, simply because I posed
questions that alleged violations of law, policy and rules by his staff. This is clear
retaliation, and an abuse of power, which will permeate our agency. What sense of fair
treatment does any citizen have against unbridled police power?

End of Excerpt From November 5, 2010 Complaint Letter From Charles Cherry to City
Manager Rashad Young.

The last bullet in the aforementioned excerpt from my November 5, 2010 complaint letter states
that Chief Ken Miller threatened to ask me to leave the meeting, simply because I posed
questions of alleged violations of law, policy and rules by Chief Miller’s staff.

When Chief Miller made this threat, I had committed no violations of law and was free to attend
the public meeting as any other member of the community was. Chief Miller’s frustrations with
not being able to address my questions publically (not because of personnel issues but because of
implications for his staff) caused him to threaten to ask me to leave, with no reason to do so.
Even though I understood that Chief Miller did not have the grounds to make me leave the
facility, I also understood that:

 Chief Miller had already identified me as a former GPD Commander, and made it appear
as if I was a disgruntled former employee.
 Chief Miller’s actions had garnered the support of the audience, as one (1) attendee had
told me to “be quiet.”
 Chief Miller had misinformed the audience, encouraging them to think that my
questions/comments were about grievances and not about allegations of violations of law
by Chief Miller’s staff.
 Chief Miller would attempt to arrest me, without probable cause, and would possibly be
supported by an ill informed audience.

Because of the aforementioned reasons, I did not continue to ask questions. At this point, I
recognized the position Chief Ken Miller was and still is in. Chief Miller cannot answer
questions regarding allegations against he and his staff, especially when they (allegations) have
not and there is appears to be no plan to properly investigate the allegations. Chief Ken Miller
cannot continue to be confronted with legitimate allegations against his staff in a public forum.
At this point, Chief Ken Miller began to plan to arrest me and anyone affiliated with me at the
next public meeting forum.

The next meeting was scheduled on November 10, 2010, at 2401 Fairview Street, the Senior
Center. Upon his arrival, at the Senior Center, Police Chief Ken Miller was greeted at the door
by Ms. Elana Conley and Minister Joseph Friarson. Ms. Conley and Minister Friarson were
handing out fliers with Chief Miller, Assistant Chief Crotts, Assistant Chief Holder and Assistant
City Manager Michael Speedling pictured on them. These fliers also had criminal allegations of
violations on NC law, City Policy and GPD Departmental Directives against GPD Assistant
Chiefs Dwight Crotts and Anita Holder, on them.

Chief Ken Miller, upon entering the building, asked for one of the fliers. Mr. Frierson gave the
Chief a copy. Chief Miller stated upon reviewing the flier, “You guys gotta be kidding. Is
Rashad (Rashad Young the City Manager) on here? You all are implicating him. Is Rashad on
here?” Upon reading the flier, Police Chief Ken Miller was notified of a criminal allegation
against Assistant Chief Anita Holder. The criminal allegation is Solicitation to Commit a
Felony or Misdemeanor. The felony or misdemeanor is Obtaining Property (medical retirement
benefits and payment) by False Pretense. Assistant Chief Holder solicited me to commit this
crime in that:

 Assistant Chief Holder solicited me to pursue a medical retirement.

 Assistant Chief Holder is not a medical professional.
 Assistant Chief Holder knew of should have known that I had no disability and had not
been diagnosed with a disability, at the time she solicited me to take a medical retirement.
 Former Chief T.R. Bellamy was in possession of a letter from a Ph.d., professional
clinician, deeming me fit for duty. This letter is dated June 15, 2010. Assistant Chief
Holder acknowledged receipt of the letter by Former Chief Bellamy, and her awareness
of the letter, prior to her solicitation of me on June 21, 2010.
 Assistant Chief Holder knew that I would have to provide false, fraudulent information
to the North Carolina State Retirement System to apply for and receive a medical
retirement, and payments.
 Attorney Thomas Loflin notified Former Chief T.R. Bellamy and Assistant Chief Holder
of the criminal allegation by written correspondence on June 22, 2010.
 Mr. Young, you acknowledge Chief Holder’s violation of law; and I quote, “Chief Holder
is not a medical professional; and therefore she should not have recommended or
suggested that you pursue a medical retirement. I concur with you that it was not
appropriate for Chief Holder to have recommended or suggested that you pursue a
medical retirement.”

Mr. Young, upon knowledge of this alleged violation, Police Chief Ken Miller must:
 Notify the complainant by written correspondence that a complaint has been received, a
general description of the complaint, who will be investigating it, and contact information
of the investigator.
 Place Assistant Chief Holder on administrative duty or suspension until the criminal
investigation is completed.
 Check with the District Attorney relating to prosecution. Because the criminal violation
was done with malice and has directly affected the well being of a citizen, I am of the
opinion that the District Attorney will prosecute.
 Upon completion of the criminal investigation, if necessary, move forward with an
administrative investigation.
 Hold Assistant Chief Holder accountable for said allegations if proven to be accurate.
 Notify N.C. Training and Standards
 Inform the victim on the status of the case.

At the time this correspondence was stamped by your office, Chief Ken Miller has not begun an
investigation relating to Assistant Chief Holder’s violation of criminal law. Chief Ken Miller is
allegedly in violation of Greensboro Police Departmental Directive 1.5.12 Duty Responsibilities,
which states (in italics): Employees shall perform all duties as required by law and competent
authority, regardless of their specific assignment or job description. They shall perform their
duties in such a manner as to effectively and efficiently carry out the functions and objectives of
the Department. Employees assigned to specialized duties are not relieved of the responsibility
of taking prompt action in the matter of any violation of law rules of the Department coming to
their attention, unless specifically authorized by competent authority, directive, or procedure.

Mr. Young, please investigate this alleged violation by Chief Ken Miller. I also made an
allegation of a violation of GPD Directive 1.5.12 Duty and Responsibility against Chief Miller,
relating to his (Chief Miller’s) non-investigation of Assistant Chief Crotts’ violation of NC Law,
in a previous document to you.

On and before November 10, 2010, I had several conversations with Citizen J.L. Pryor. Based
upon Chief Miller’s actions towards me at the November 4, 2010 community meeting, and
previous meetings, Citizen Pryor and I were of the opinion that Chief Miller’s last resort, relating
to preventing us from providing community awareness and information, was to arrest us. Chief
Miller’s arrest of us would provide the following, but not all inclusive results:

 No threat of Citizen Pryor and I exposing truths related to the corrupted police
administration and investigations, in public meetings.
 The opportunity to prohibit (ban) us from City property and to attempt to discredit our
legitimate allegations.
 An attempt to sully our opportunity to pursue further law enforcement opportunities
because of a criminal arrest on our records.

In preparation of attending the community meeting, on November 10, 2010, Citizen Pryor
decided that he would conduct reconnaissance around the immediate area of 2401 Fairview
Street (community meeting location). At the corner of Yanceyville Street and Cornwallis Drive,
Citizen Pryor noticed several officers and vehicles huddled up and discussing something. Citizen
Pryor’s training and experience led him to believe that this was an arrest team staging at the
aforementioned location, prepared to move in, as it related to the community meeting at 2401
Fairview Street.

Citizen Pryor and I arrived at the meeting at approximately 6:15pm. We entered and were seated
in the meeting. After a period of time several officers entered the meeting room. Citizen Pryor
alerted me to the fact that these were some of the same officers he observed staged at
Yanceyville Street and Cornwallis Drive. This information, in conjunction with Chief Miller’s
“baseless but real” threat at the November 4, 2010 community meeting confirmed yet another
conspiracy. Please note the following:

 The community forums, as advertised are non-violent in nature and pose no reason to
have an arrest team.
 Special Operations Division (officers) was there. There was no traffic problem, and SOD
is utilized for additional manpower in special circumstances/events for crowd control and
to keep patrol officers answering calls.
 The only reason to have the SOD officers at this community meeting was if you expected
“trouble.” Otherwise, you are wasting tax dollars and manpower.
 What “trouble” would you expect at a community meeting at the Senior Center?
 It is my belief that the Special Operations Division officers altered their schedule for the
community meeting at the Senior Center.
 The only officers introduced to the community were Lieutenant Richey, Sergeant Allen
and Chief Miller. Chief Miller made reference to Captain Joe Smith. The other eighteen
(18) or so were present to be a part of or witness the arrest of Citizen Joseph Pryor and
 Officer T.V. Moore was seated in what appeared to be a briefing room as Citizen Pryor
and I entered the building.
 Chief Ken Miller prepped the attendees when he stated he was not going to discuss
personnel issues or the issues of former employees. Other comments (recorded by local
news media and the Beloved Community Center) prepared the audience to witness and
subliminally support preplanned, orchestrated, unlawful arrests of Citizen Joseph Pryor,
me, and any persons questioning the arrests.
 Citizen Pryor and I have no criminal records, have posed no threat to citizens nor police,
and have never been engaged in criminal or illegal activity. Citizen Pryor and I have been
discriminated and retaliated against since March 2010 (actually longer), and have done
nothing more than submit documented complaints. We have at no time resorted to any
physical altercation, nor do we plan to. Citizen Pryor and I have merely informed the
community regarding GPD administrators and discriminatory, retaliatory treatment and
investigations of us and citizens.
 Police Chief Ken Miller threatened to make me leave the November 4, 2010 meeting.
Chief Ken Miller had no legitimate, lawful reason to make me leave the November 4,
2010 meeting. This was a prelude to trumping up a charge of 2 nd Degree Trespass on me
and Citizen Pryor in the November 10, 2010, meeting.
 Remember, Mr. Young, I informed you in my November 5, 2010 document that I have a
legitimate concern that my family or I may be subjected to future mistreatment if I simply
exercise my right as a citizen, to attend community meetings and ask questions. I was
remiss when I did not state others associated with me, to include Citizen Joseph Pryor,
would be subjected to unfair treatment by Chief Ken Miller.
 Police Chief Ken Miller’s plan was to ask me and Citizen Pryor to leave, once we asked
a question, and not allow us to respond “quick enough.” Chief Ken Miller would then
order the arrests of me and Citizen Pryor, charging us with 2nd Degree Trespass.
 Several individuals that Citizen Pryor and I had complained on in grievances/complaints
while we were employed with the City of Greensboro were present at the meeting. Some
even shook our hands, although there has been no resolution with the
grievances/complaints. This lent further credence that it was planned to arrest us.
 Lieutenant K.A. Walters and Human Resources Director Connie Hammond were present
at the meeting. Lieutenant Walters is the subordinate that complained that I placed her in
a hostile work environment because I insisted that she treat everyone consistently, fairly
and follow rules to include adherence to the U.S. Constitution. Lieutenant Walters’
disdain for me is at such a level that it would be a highlight of her career to see me
arrested. Instinctively, I believe that the plan to arrest me leaked to Lieutenant Walters,
and her presence was so that she could personally witness the unlawful arrest.
 Human Resources Director Connie Hammond would not investigate her subordinate
Terri Wallace, after I provided Ms. Hammond with a thumb drive recording of Ms.
Wallace being untruthful and Ms. Wallace suggesting that I should not follow city policy
(when I was employed with the city). These allegations stemmed from Ms. Wallace’s
hostile work environment interview of me, regarding Lieutenant Walters’ complaint.
 The officers seated at the meeting were strategically placed.
 When Citizen Pryor and I sat down, Assistant Chief Ron Rogers came, sat down briefly
and spoke to us. I stated, “Man, it’s thick (a large number of police) in here. What’s up,
y’all trying to do (arrest) us?” Assistant Chief Rogers replied, “Naw, Richey just wanted
to bring his CRT Team.” Assistant Chief Rogers did not mention why Special
Operation’s Division officers were present.
 On October 1, 2010, North Carolina Personnel Law changed and allowed you (Mr.
Young) to release your termination appeal responses to Citizen Pryor and I to the media.
On October 10, 2010, Citizen Pryor was terminated from the City by you. On October 28,
2010, I was terminated from the City. Your answers to our appeals were not released
until after the November 10, 2010 community meeting, at which it was planned that
Citizen Pryor and I would be arrested. Then on or about November 11, 2010, your
responses were released and on Saturday November 13, 2010, an article by the
Greensboro News and Record was written. The “fly in the ointment” is that Citizen Pryor
and I comprehended the plan to arrest us, thus it did not occur. I did receive a call from
news reporter Ryan Seals asking if I had a comment. Mr. Seals advised that he was on a
deadline and did not have a lot of room. I advised that I didn’t have a comment. Actually,
all that needs to be done is to juxtapose the e-mail I sent to the Eastern Division, Citizen
Pryor’s and my appeal documents with your (Mr. Young) response documents and the
truth of our unlawful terminations would be told.
 After the November 4, 2010 community meeting and prior to the November 10, 2010
community meeting, a Greensboro Police Supervisor communicated to me that the
supervisor was worried that “they” were going to arrest me, and to be careful.
Because Citizen Pryor and I were aware of Chief Miller’s plan to arrest us, we refrained from
asking questions. As the community meeting got closer to the end, Chief Miller became
frustrated that his elaborate scheme had not materialized. Chief Miller began to wink and smile
at me in a ridiculous effort to entice me into engaging Chief Miller in conversation. This, so
Chief Miller could ask me to leave and put his scheme into action. Citizen Pryor and Minister
Joseph Frierson can attest to Chief Miller’s actions (winking and smiling). In addition, local
media and the Beloved Community Center filmed the meeting.

Chief Miller constructed an arrest plan for Citizen Pryor and me because:

 We are African American.

 We are in litigation with the City, as part of a lawsuit of thirty nine (39) minority officers
alleging discrimination.
 We have made legitimate allegations against Chief Miller, his Command Staff and other
corrupted City employees.
 Chief Ken Miller’s plan to arrest Citizen J.L. Pryor and me was arbitrary (racial)

Police Chief Ken Miller is in violation of Greensboro Police Department Directive 1.8.1
Arbitrary Profiling. The definition of Arbitrary Profiling is (in italics): Any police-initiated
activity that is motivated solely by race, gender, ethnicity, religion, age, citizenship, sexual
orientation, or any arbitrary stereotype rather than the behavior of an individual or information
that leads to a particular individual that has been shown to be or is engaged in a specific illegal

The Arbitrary Profiling Policy states, “It shall be the policy of the Greensboro Police
Department not to engage citizens based solely upon their race, gender, ethnicity, religion, age,
citizenship, or sexual orientation specifically when performing any of the following law
enforcement functions:

 Traffic enforcement activities

 Criminal investigative activities
 Field interview inquiries
 Asset/forfeiture seizures

Additionally the decision to initiate or not initiate any public service activity, or any other
service provided by the Department, based solely upon arbitrary profiles or stereotypes is

End of Arbitrary Profiling Directive Excerpt.

As it relates to obtaining further proof of the allegation of Chief Miller’s violation of Arbitrary
Profiling, during your investigation of my allegation, ask Chief Miller what was the function of
all the officers present at the community meeting. Also, review the operational plan to confirm
directed tasks of all personnel. Whenever officers conduct an operation, a briefing is held.
During your interview all officers present ascertain if my or Citizen Pryor’s name was mentioned
during the briefing, and what was said. In addition, this plan to arrest Citizen Pryor and me
would have been discussed at a Command Staff Meeting. Officers and GPD employees present
to Citizen Pryor’s and my recollection were:

Chief of Police Ken Miller

Assistant Chief Ron Rogers
Assistant Chief Anita Holder
Captain Raymond Reese
Captain Joe Smith
Lieutenant James Hinson
Lieutenant Mike Brodie
Lieutenant Mike Richey
Lieutenant Karen Walters
Sergeant Ellis Allen
Sergeant Charles Blaylock
Corporal Bobby Edwards
Officer Timothy Moore
Officer Jason Jones
Officer Dywane Diaz
Officer Brad Jeter
Officer Chris Chambliss
Officer Joshua Sturm
Officer Shawn Johnson
Officer Alex Stout
Ms. Anne Gregory

Citizen Pryor informed me of a quote from Benjamin Franklin, which is, “The only way to keep
a secret between three (3) people is if two (2) are dead.” During your investigation, when you
speak with all officers and police employees present, to include the aforementioned individuals,
you will find additional proof of Chief Miller’s violation. Someone is bound to tell the truth, or
should I say that twenty one (21) plus people are not going to lie for Chief Ken Miller. I have
given you twenty one (21) potential witnesses. Chief Miller’s scheme to arrest Citizen Pryor and
me was discriminatory, retaliatory, reckless, unlawful and unfair.

Towards the end of the community meeting, Minister Joseph Friarson, from the Beloved
Community Center, raised his hand, to ask a question. Chief Miller asked if anyone had any
other questions because the last one (1) might get “dirty.” This comment was in reference to
Minister Friarson’s question. On two (2) occasions as Minister Friarson asked his question
(which had racial content), Chief Miller rudely interrupted, sarcastically asking, “Is there a
question anywhere in this?” Both times, the belittling, disrespectful question from the Chief drew
sighs, laughter and sarcastic comments from some attendees. Chief Miller also made references
to “Those you champion” and “hijacking his (Chief Miller) meeting” when speaking to Minister
Friarson. Those comments confirm Chief Miller’s reasons for the discriminatory, rude treatment
of Minister Friarson. “Those you champion” referred to myself, Citizen Pryor, Citizen A.J.
Blake and others unfairly treated by the Greensboro Police Department. “Hijacking” his (Chief
Miller) meeting is simply asking questions that Chief Miller cannot publically answer, not
because of personnel issues but because they have implications for Chief Miller and his
Command Staff.

The Chief’s actions were clearly discriminatory, retaliatory, rude and in violation of Greensboro
Police Department Directive 1.5.2 Conduct Towards the Public and Employees, which states (in
italics): Employees shall be respectful courteous and impartial when dealing with the public
and other employees. Employees shall not harass, use coarse, violent, profane, derogatory,
insubordinate, or insolent language or gestures, nor maliciously express any prejudice
concerning race, religion, politics, sex, or national origin. Employees shall bear in mind the
sensitivity of others when making comments even though those comments are not meant to be
malicious or offensive. End of Directive Excerpt.

Mr. Young, please note that Mr. Friarson is of the belief that the Chief’s actions were rude,
discriminatory and retaliatory. A complaint of his treatment by the Chief just happens to be
included in this document (Remember Mr. Young, you took issue with me reporting unfair
treatment on behalf of Officer M.D. Royal). In addition, I believe the exchange between Minister
Friarson and Chief Miller was recorded by local media and the Beloved Community Center.

Chief Miller has been quoted as stating that he would not deal with personnel issues that were
completed prior to his tenure beginning on September 1, 2010. This has been stated on many
occasions by local media outlets. On November 10, 2010, at a community meeting, Chief Miller
stated that he was made aware of a complaint by the Complaint Review Committee. Chief Miller
stated that he reviewed the complaint and changed the findings from unfounded to exonerated,
on behalf of the effected officer. It should be noted that:

 The complaint Chief Miller spoke about occurred on August 1, 2009.

 Changing a findings from unfounded to exonerated is a personnel decision.
 Chief Miller is untruthful when he states that he will not review personnel decisions
decided prior to his tenure beginning on September 1, 2010.
 Chief Miller made his decision to change the August 1, 2009 personnel decision, on
September 28, 2010, over a year after the initial incident.
 Former Officers Blake and Pryor, Officer Reyes and I had personnel decisions occur in
August of 2010, however, Chief Miller would not review the decisions, beginning his
tenure on September 1, 2010. Not only would Chief Miller not review the decisions, but
he will not act on uninvestigated allegations, as it relates to the aforementioned
 Chief Miller’s decision to change the personnel decision for the officer in the August
2009 investigation was discriminatory to Former Officers, Pryor, Blake, myself and
Officer R. Reyes. Our decisions were not reviewed by Chief Miller because of retaliation
for making complaints of discrimination and because we are African American and
 Chief Miller’s decision to review and change the conclusion of an investigation at the
request of a citizen (whom I believe to be Mr. Jorge Cornell) is discriminatory to Citizens
J.L. Pryor, Charles Cherry and A.J. Blake, as Chief Miller has refused to review
investigations conducted on us. These requests have come as citizens, just as Mr. Cornell
Please investigate Chief Miller’s untruthfulness, as he is required to be truthful at all times,
whether under oath or not. Also investigate Chief Miller’s discrimination, retaliation and unfair
treatment of Former Officers Blake and Pryor, Officer Reyes and myself, in comparison with the
officer’s personnel decision Chief Miller reviewed and changed.

Mr. Young, please be aware that as of August 30, 2010 (My termination by Assistant Chief
Crotts to include no compensation and no benefits) all of my complaints have been made as a
citizen. Previously, when fielding complaints from employees (at least in my case, when
formerly employed) you don’t speak with the employee making the complaint. When a citizen
makes a complaint (as I am a citizen as of August 30, 2010) the citizen is entitled to written
confirmation of the City’s receipt of their filed complaints, identification of the investigator in
charge and contact information for the investigator. At minimum, the citizen should expect at
least one (1) face to face meeting, with the investigator handling their case. I have not received
an interview or written confirmation of receipt of any of my complaints made since August 30,
2010. Please ensure that this information is relayed to me in a timely fashion, and refrain from
discriminating against me as it relates to this routine, procedural treatment of a citizen filing a

Mr. Young, Chief Miller, our police leader now has ten (10) complaints of discrimination (five
different individuals to include two (2) current employees), to include racial profiling, two (2)
complaints of duties and responsibilities, four (4) allegations of violation of GPD Directive 1.5.2
Conduct Towards the Public and Employees, and One (1) allegation of GPD Directive 1.5.3
Truthfulness, lodged against him. These complaints/allegations have been amassed in two and a
half (2 ½) months of service. Please ensure that these allegations are properly investigated.

There are many citizens in Greensboro that believe that we should have a citizen’s review board
with subpoena powers. Please review the following bulleted points, which clearly support the
need for a citizen’s review board with subpoena powers.

 The City is in litigation with thirty nine (39) minority Greensboro Police Officers
alleging discrimination.
 Lieutenant J.E. Hinson has filed a lawsuit against the City of Greensboro.
 A community meeting was held at Bethel AME Church in which several citizens filled
out Title VI complaints to be forwarded to the Department of Justice.
 On October 1, 2010, thirty seven (37) Greensboro citizens and clergy took a bus to
Washington D.C. and met with the Department of Justice to complain about
discriminatory, unfair practices within the GPD.
 On or about October 30, 2010, a press conference was held in which a Title VI complaint
was filed by a citizen.
 Chief Miller has ten (10) complaints of discrimination (five different individuals to
include two (2) current employees), to include racial profiling, two (2) complaints of
allegations of violation of GPD Directive 1.5.12 Duties and Responsibilities, four (4)
allegations of violation of GPD Directive 1.5.2 Conduct Towards the Public and
Employees, and One (1) allegations of GPD Directive 1.5.3 Truthfulness, lodged against
him. These complaints/allegations amassed in on two and a half (2 ½) months of service.
 Two (2) of Chief Miller’s top commanders, Assistant Chiefs Holder and Crotts both have
criminal allegations lodged against them.
 Chief Miller continues to suggest that individuals litigate. Chief Miller should take the
appropriate investigative action, which would nullify any need for individuals to litigate.
Litigation with no accountability is a waste of taxpayer money and does not cure the
 Your and Chief Miller’s continued discrimination against citizens could place the City in
a liability situation, facing Title VI and Title VII discriminatory allegations from the
same individuals.
 Chief Miller’s reluctance to take necessary corrective action regarding allegations against
his subordinates, has forced him to engage in corruptive police practices such as racial
profiling, abuse of power, and planned arrests of law abiding citizens.
 The legitimate allegations against Chief Miller and his staff clearly indicate that the
police cannot and will not police themselves under his leadership.
 The community is circulating a flier with GPD Commanders’ pictures and allegations
against said commanders on it. Chief Ken Miller acts as if he is oblivious to these
 A shooting occurs at the LAX Club on Martin Luther King Drive, a double homicide
occurs at Guerrant Street, and a police shooting on Tuscaloosa Street. All of these
occurrences happen in the last month, and citizens have to petition the Chief to conduct a
Police/Community Forum in South East Greensboro. The Police/Community Forum
representing south Greensboro is near the intersection of High Point Road and
Groomtown Road.
 On November 10, 2010, after the community meeting, I had an opportunity to speak with
City Councilman Jim Kee. I asked Councilman Kee what was going to be done about the
allegations against GPD Command Staff. Councilman Key stated he didn’t know
anything about the allegations, but you (Mr. Young) had a four (4) to six (6) week
turnaround on investigating complaints. I was informed that the NAACP has sent (via e-
mail) the Greensboro City Council approximately twenty eight (28) documents alleging
police corruption to Mayor Bill Knight and the City Council. Maybe Councilman Kee has
not received these documents.
 On November 10, 2010, after the community meeting, I had an opportunity to speak with
Mayor Bill Knight. I asked Mayor Knight what was going to be done about the
allegations against GPD Command Staff. Mayor Knight asked who made the allegations.
I informed Mayor Knight that some of them were made by me. Mayor Knight stated, “I
don’t agree with you,” and hurriedly walked away. Mr. Young, when you get an
opportunity, please inform Mayor Knight that allegations against police and city
employees must be investigated regardless of who does or does not agree.
 The Mayor and City Council have authority over appointments to the Human Relations
Committee. The Human Relations Committee is an extension of the City, and to a certain
extent has to be compliant to the political wheel. When they choose to do what is right,
they can risk losing reappointment, or other backlash, if their decisions are not pleasing to
 Mr. Young, although not all inclusive, the previous bulleted points appear to make it
evident that the City of Greensboro is in need of a Police Review Board with subpoena
powers, independent of any City control.
Mr. Young, please address Chief Miller as it relates to racial profiling, and the unlawful, reckless
abuse of power in arranging for the arrests of Citizen Joseph Pryor and myself. Chief Miller has
placed our lives, our family’s lives and others (especially anyone associated with us) at risk of
loss of freedom, serious injury or even death. Think if these prearranged arrests (of innocent
citizens) would have taken place, what may have occurred. We thank the Mighty God in Heaven
for allowing us to have understood and comprehended what was set up to occur, by Chief Ken
Miller. Anything could have gone wrong with Chief Miller’s plan. Citizen J.L. Pryor and
myself have done nothing more than submitted written complaints of unfair treatment. Should
any person’s freedom, future, or life be placed in jeopardy for that?

Please inform us immediately, by written correspondence, as to who will investigate this and the
anticipated length of the investigation, so that all citizens, Citizen Pryor and I may feel security
with the police and not fear of the police.

Mr. Young, you must contact the Department of Justice and request a team to review the
actions of the Greensboro Police Department!!

Your time, attention and appropriate actions taken as it relates to this document are greatly
appreciated. Thank you very much.

Charles E. Cherry (citizen)

Joseph L. Pryor (citizen)

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