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of Madness Second Edition

Mansions of Madness is a cooperative game of investigation and horror inspired by the writings of H. P. Lovecraft. During
each game, one to five players explore a location to unravel a mystery. Players must work together to overcome the
challenges presented to them by a fully integrated companion app.

Game End and Goal
Mansions of Madness is a cooperative game. All players are on the same team and win or lose the game together. The
investigators’ ultimate goal is to explore the scenario’s map and piece together the evidence and clues required to solve
the mystery.

Other Game Endings: Players lose at the end of the Investigation phase after the turn where a Player was Eliminated, if they
have failed to complete the Adventure. Some Insanity conditions will give the Insane player the possibility of winning at
the expense of the remaining Investigators.

1. Create card decks:
a. Shuffle the Damage (Heart) deck and place it face down
b. Shuffle the Horror (Brain) deck and place it face down
c. Arrange the Common Item deck in alphabetical order and place it face up.
d. Repeat this process for each of the Unique item, Spell and Condition decks
2. Organise map tiles:
a. Sort the map tiles by size and place them on hand next to the play area.
3. Organise monsters
a. Make sure all monsters have the right tile in their base and place them next to the play area.
4. Create Token Pool
a. Put the Search/Interact (?/!), Explore/Sight (lamp/eye), Person, Barricade, Secret Passage,
Fire/Darkness, Wall, Door, Monster ID and Clue tokens in pools next to the play area.
5. Tell the App which expansions you are using
a. Open the App, Tap “More” and “My Collection” and tell it which physical Expansions you have with you,
(so it knows which characters and monsters are available).
6. Choose Scenario in the App
a. Tap “New Game”, scroll through the available Scenarios, and agree with the other players which one is to
be played.
b. Alternatively players can resume an incomplete game by picking “Continue” at the start menu, which
resumes a game they Saved and Quit.
7. Choose Investigators:
a. The Players examine the Investigator cards available, select an Investigator each, and take that
Investigator’s Card and Figure. All remaining investigator cards and figures are returned to the box.
b. In the App, Players tap “Select Investigators” (bottom right on the Select Scenario screen), and tap on the
portraits of each of the Investigators in the game to add them to the tray (bottom).
8. Gain Starting Possessions
a. Tap “Gain Starting Items” in the app, and a list of the Pool of starting item cards are provided to they
b. Players locate each of the cards in their respective decks, and discuss who will start with which items.
Distribute the items among the players as you see fit.
c. Make sure each Investigator receives their clue tokens as well!
9. Read prologue and reveal entrance
a. Tap “Continue Setup” (bottom R), and then “Begin Scenario”.
b. The App will play the Prologue, which will set the scene and hint at what the Investigators should be
investigating first.
c. Place the starting map tile(s), and place the investigators in the starting space on that tile.
d. Place room features as instructed by the app. The investigators may tap on a room feature at any time, as a
free action, to read its flavour text.
e. Do any other setup activities requested by the app.
10. You are now ready to begin the first Investigator Phase.

Playing the Game
MoM is played over a series of game rounds. The game is played until the investigators together win or lose. Each round
has two phases, which are played in order:
1. Investigator Phase – Investigators do actions, explore their surroundings and fight monsters.
2. Mythos Phase – The app activates existing monsters and generates Mythos effects, such as raising further
monsters, or creating other challenges.

Investigator Phase
During the investigator phase, each player takes a turn in an order of the players’ choosing. Each player performs up to 2
actions on their turn from the following (in any combination, i.e. they can take the same action twice if they wish):
• Move Action
• Explore Action
• Search Action
• Interact Action
• Attack Action
• Trade Action

Important Note: If an Investigator is attempting to voluntarily move out of a space containing a Monster, or perform any
action other than an attack, he must first make an Evade check (see Evade Checks later).

Move Action (up to 2 spaces)
A player moves their investigator up to 2 spaces, moving 1 space at a time, from one space to an adjacent space. He cannot
move through walls or impassable borders unless an effect specifically permits it. A player may interrupt his Move Action to
perform another Action before resuming his Move Action.

Explore Action (add a room to the house) - App
Use the App to explore an adjacent room. Tap on the “Explore” (red lamp) token at the doorway in the direction you wish
to explore in. Confirm your intention to explore by tapping the “explore” option in the App.
The App will provide instructions on which map tiles to add, and any Search (yellow ?), Interact (Blue !), Person (Person
token) or other tokens are present in the new room.
Once the new room and tokens have been placed, the Investigator may move into the new room (as instructed by the App).

Search Action (yellow “?” in your space) - App
If the Investigator is in the same space as a Search (yellow “?”) token, he may search that space. To do so, he taps that
Search token in the App, and confirms he wants to Search by selecting the “Search” option.
The App will provide instructions on the result of the Search, which could include text, followed by a Skill Test to be performed
(relevant icon in brackets). Also see Skill Tests.

Interact Action (Blue “!” or Person in your space) - App
If the Investigator is in the same space as a Interact (blue “!”) token, or a Person Token, he may interact with them. To do
so, he taps the Interact or Person token in the App, and confirms be wants to Interact by selecting one of the “Action”
(bracketed arrow) choices. The App will provide instructions on the result of the Interact Action, which might include
additional choices or a Skill Test.

Attack Action (Fight monsters)
An unarmed investigator, or an investigator equipped with a melee weapon (dagger icon) can attack a Monster in his
space only. An investigator equipped with a ranged weapon (pistol icon), or Spell can attack any Monster within range (3
spaces distance). A Monster is not in range if it is on the other side of a door or wall.
To make an attack, use the App. Tap the Tentacles icon (bottom left) to open the Monster Drawer. The Monsters present in
the Adventure are shown in the Monster Drawer at the bottom of the App. When you previously added a Monster to the
board, you will have allocated monsters a number to help identify them in the app. Find the right Monster in the App Monster
drawer. Then press the attack button. The investigator then selects how they wish to attack the monster, based on the
keywords of the Weapons and Spells they hold (Heavy Weapon, Bladed Weapon, Firearm, Spell, Unarmed).
The App will resolve the effect, which will involve some text, and will often require a Skill Test (icon in brackets). The player
resolves the skill test, and then increases the monster’s damage depending on the result, using +/- in the app.
NB – An investigator (sane or insane) cannot be the Target of an attack (since he is not in the Monster Tray).

Trade Action – Give and Take and Drop and Pick up
An Investigator may give to another investigator in that space (or take from them), drop in that space, or pick up from that
space, any number of Common or Unique Items or Spells. If three investigators are in a space (A, B, C) and Investigator A
takes a Trade action, B and C can trade with each other (since they could have gone via A).

Component Actions – May need App
If a Component has the keyword “Action” the text following the keyword may be performed as an action on that player’s
turn. Some of these actions require the App. On the App, tap the “inventory” (satchel) icon in the bottom left and select the
item. Tap the Action icon on that item to execute its effect.

Rarely Used Actions
These actions are also options during Investigator Phase, but are performed more rarely.
• Barricade - Move a barricade in the investigator’s space against / away from a door or secret passage
(Barricades, Later).
• Push – Push a Monster or Investigator in your space one space into an adjacent space. See p14 of the Rules
• Set Fire – If your Investigator has the “light source”, you place fire in the Investigator’s space or an adjacent space.
No more than 1 fire token per space. If this is the first fire space on the board, tell the app that the house is now on
fire (Set Fire option in menu) See p16 of Rules Reference, plus “Fire” on p8 of Rules reference.
• Extinguish - As an action, an investigator may attempt to extinguish the flames by testing his agility. For each
success result he rolls, he may discard Fire from his space or a space he moves into later during the round. Fire
discarded by this effect does not cause the investigator to suffer Damage.
• Steal – Take possessions from another investigator in his space. Choose a target in your space, Choose a trait
(strength, agility or observation). Both investigators test that skill. They may apply any helpful effects to their
result simultaneously. When both players have finished modifying, establish the difference of successes. For every
additional success over the opponent’s value, the active player steals one item from their target. If the target’s
successes is higher, the active player takes nothing. Also see p17 of the Rules Reference.

End of Investigator Phase
Once all investigators have taken a turn, one of the players presses the end phase button (bottom right) on the app to
move to the Mythos Phase.

Mythos Phase
During the Mythos Phase, the App generates Mythos Events, Monster Activations, and Horror checks, which the
Investigators resolve.

• Mythos Events - Relate to the scenario, or to actions the investigators took this round. Resolve the effects as
directed by the App.
• Monster Activations - The App provides instructions for activating the Monsters one at a time. Instructions
include how the Monster moves, and how it attacks. Generally these take the form of ‘is the monster in range of an
investigator, if so attack, if not, move closer, check if now in range, then attack’.
• Horror Checks - Each investigator is instructed by the App to resolve a Horror Check for exactly 1 Monster within
Range (within 3 spaces, not hidden by walls or doors). If there are multiple Monsters in range, the Investigator
resolves a Horror check against the one with the highest Horror rating. If no Monsters are within range, no check is
made. If several investigators are in range of the same Monster, they all resolve the same Horror check against that
Monster (although this may have different outcomes for the players depending on whether they pass or fail).

Once Mythos Phase is complete, a player taps “End Phase” (bottom R) to proceed to the next round.

Additional Rules

During the game, some game effects may lead to conflicts within the game or between the investigators.
• It is possible for a game effect to have more than one possible outcome. In such a case, investigators as a group
determine the outcome of that effect.
• It is possible for multiple game effects to occur at the same time. In such a case, investigators as a group determine
the order in which those effects are resolved.
• It is possible that investigators have differing intentions and goals. If this prevents investigators from reaching a
decision as a group, the decision is determined by an investigator chosen at random.

Damage and Horror
When a player takes damage or horror, they draw the top card of the damage or horror deck respectively, and place it face
up in front of themselves (unless the game effect specifies face down cards). Damage and Horror comes in two types:
• Resolve Immediately – Resolve the effect of the card immediately, usually culminating in turning the card face
• Keep Face Up – A lasting effect as long as it remains face up.

Flipping up Damage/Horror – When an effect instructs an investigator to flip one or more Damage or Horror face-up: he
selects a card at random from among all his facedown Damage or Horror cards, he flips one up, resolves the effect, flips it
back down (if instructed to) then randomises the facedown cards again, then flips the next card and resolves it, and so
Discarding Horror – When an effect allows an investigator to discard a Damage or Horror, he may discard a face-up card
of his choice or a random facedown card.
Damage/Horror leading to Wound/Insane: When taking damage/horror that would exceed your health/sanity, FIRST
resolve all the damage/horror and all effects surrounding before becoming Wounded/Insane.

When an investigator suffers damage (face up or down) equal to or exceeding his health, he becomes Wounded. He gains a
takes a Wounded Condition Card from the Condition deck, and discards all face-down damage cards (keep the face up
ones). When a Wounded investigator suffers Damage equal to or exceeding his health, he is eliminated. Therefore, if all his
damage is face-up as he is wounded, he is automatically eliminated.

When an investigator suffers horror (face up or down) equal to or exceeding his sanity, he becomes Insane. He gains a
takes an Insane Condition Card from the Condition deck (check bottom right of Condition Card for appropriate player count,
keep flipping until you get one with the right player count), and discards all face-down horror cards (keep the face up ones).
The Insane player cannot reveal the back of his Insane Condition card to the other players. The text may include
alternative winning conditions for that player. When an Insane Investigator suffers Horror equal to or exceeding his sanity,
he is Eliminated. Therefore, if all his horror is face-up as he goes insane, he is automatically eliminated.

When an Investigator is Eliminated, he drops all of his possessions in his space. He removes his figure from the board. The
other investigators have one further Investigator Phase to complete the investigation, and if they fail to do so, they lose the
game (tap “investigator eliminated” to see the ending in the App).

Adjacency and Walls
• Two spaces are adjacent if they share a border, a door, an impassable border, or a wall.
• Two rooms are adjacent if they share a border, a door, an impassable border, or a wall.
• A door is adjacent to each space for which it is a space edge.
• Range cannot be counted through walls unless an effect specifically allows it.
• Effects that affect adjacent spaces cannot affect spaces through walls unless an effect specifically allows it.

The range of effects that use the phrase “within range” is up to three spaces away.
• Range cannot be counted through walls or doors unless an effect specifically allows it.
• Range can be counted through impassable borders.
• There are no line of sight rules in Mansions of Madness, so a Monster ‘out of sight round a corner’ is still within
range provided the above conditions are fulfilled.
• When counting range, the space you are in is Range 0.

Skill Tests
A Skill Test is challenge that an Investigator must overcome. Whenever one of the Skill icons is shown in brackets, a player
should immediately make the test as follows:
• Determine Dice Pool: Pick up a number of dice equal to the Investigators Skill value in that skill (see character
card), modified by any of the character’s possessions, or by the skill test itself. If the available dice pool is less than
one, one die is always rolled.
• Roll: Roll the dice.
• Re-Roll and/or Convert:
o Some game or item effects may cause or allow certain dice to be re-rolled.
o For each clue he spends, a player may convert one (investigation) result to a success (elder sign).
• Determine Result (Pass or Fail): Count the number of successes (elder signs), and this is the test result. Then
determine the consequences of the test results. Some skill tests just require you to pass (test result of at least 1).
Other skill tests include a difficulty next to the icon e.g. (icon; 2), which means a test result of at least 2 is required
to pass.
• Resolve Effects: Follow the Pass or Fail effects instructions for the test, depending on your results.

Skill tests for negating damage: A test declaration that includes the word “negates” following the skill icon indicates that
the test prevents Damage or Horror. For each success rolled, the investigator prevents one Damage or one Horror
(Investigator may choose which).

App and Skill Tests: Some skill tests required by the App request the result of the skill test to be input before the effect of
the test is revealed. Use +/- to input the result. If the investigators fail to pass the test, the app remembers the result, and
the check may become easier on a second attempt.

Monsters (and Evade Checks)
Each monster has a token that provides 4 items of information about the Monster:
1. Awareness (Front, Top Right) – Used during Evade checks
2. Horror Rating (Front, Bottom Right) – Used during Horror checks
3. Brawn – Physical prowess (Back, Bottom Right). Used by Effects such as Barricades.
4. Abilities/Flavour text (Back) – Describes the Monster’s abilities, and a description of the Monster.

ID tokens are used to label Unique Monsters, or differentiate between monsters of the same type. Add an ID token to a
Monster if the App instructs you to do so.

Evade Checks – If an Investigator wishes to voluntarily move out of a space that also contains at least 1 monster, or
wishes to take any action other than ‘Attack Monster’ on his turn, he must make an Evade check before doing so. If there
are multiple monsters in his space, he must only evade the one with the highest Awareness. To make an Evade check, open
the Monster Drawer in the app, and pick the relevant monster. Tap the “Evade” button, and follow the in App instructions,
which typically involve taking a Skill check. If the evade check is failed resulting in the Action being forfeit, the action
immediately ends, unresolved. Otherwise then proceed with the action as normal.

Items and Possessions
Items refers to Common Items or Unique Items.
Possessions refers to Common Items, Unique Items AND Spells (and no other components). These can be dropped, picked
up, or traded using a Trade Action.

Items (Common or Unique)
When an item is gained by an investigator, he places it face up in front of him. Some item types have a unique back, which
the investigator may read at any time.

When an investigator gains a spell, he gains a random copy of that Spell that he places it face up in front of him. He cannot
look at the back of the spell unless he casts it. Follow the instructions on the front, then flip it to the back and follow those
instructions, which typically end in gaining another copy of that Spell. When you gain a new spell, shuffle the Spell deck
(including the Spell you just used) then draw another one.

Conditions (e.g. Wounded, Insane, Dazed, Focused, Restrained, Stunned)
Various game effects cause investigators to gain Conditions. Effects that cause investigators to gain Conditions use the
word “become.”
• When an investigator gains a Condition, he claims a copy of that card, placing it faceup (art side up) in his play
o An investigator cannot gain multiple copies of the same Condition.
o If that Condition is double-sided, he claims a random copy of that Condition.
• Some Conditions are double-sided. Such cards have information on both the front and back of the card.
o An investigator cannot look at the back of a Condition unless an effect allows him to do so.
o The Insane Condition allows an investigator to look at the back of the card, but he cannot reveal the back
of the card to the other investigators.
• When an investigator discards a Condition, he returns it to the Condition deck.
• Investigators cannot look at the back of any card in the Condition deck.

Features are furnishing or other environmental effects that affect how the investigators interact with their surroundings.
Interacting with a feature does not require the app. There are 4 types:
1. Barricades – Blocks doorways to Investigators and Monsters. As an action, an investigator in the same space as a
barricade can move it from the space to the door, or from the door to the space. Monsters may destroy a barricade
that blocks its path.
a. When trying to move through a barricaded door, a monster rolls dice equal to its brawn. If two or more
successes are rolled, the barricade is discarded and the monster enters the room. Otherwise the Monster
does not move. NPCs ignore Barricades. Barricades do not prevent a monster from spawning in a room.
b. As an action, an investigator can attempt to move a Barricade on the other side of a blocked door or
Secret Passage. The investigator must be adjacent to the space the Barricade occupies but not in the same
room to perform this action. The investigator tests strength. If he rolls two or more success results, he
moves the Barricade away from the door or Secret Passage that it blocks. Then the investigator may move
one space through the door or Secret Passage.
2. Darkness – An investigator in a Dark space cannot spend Clues to convert (Investigation) to Successes in a Skill
Test nor can they use Clues to add additional steps to a Puzzle. Any Investigator on or adjacent to a space with a
light source or fire ignores Darkness. NB – Even if the light source is from an adjacent space on the other side of the
door, it still causes Darkness to be ignored. Light cannot travel through two spaces adjacent spaces separated by a
wall. Darkness does not prevent the use of Focused effects.
3. Fire – Whenever an investigator moves into a space containing fire, or performs an action in a space containing
fire, he takes 1 face down damage. Whenever a Monster starts his activation in a space containing fire, it suffers 1
damage. As an action, an investigator may attempt to extinguish the fire by testing his Agility. For each success he
may discard 1 fire token from his current space, or a space he moves into if he moves during his second action (or
later in the round). Also see Set Fire, and Extinguish Actions. The app will prompt you to spread fire at the
beginning of the Mythos Phase (if you tell it fire is there) - If one or more spaces contain Fire, place exactly one
Fire token in a space adjacent to a space that contains Fire. (Investigators determine the direction of fire travel).
Fire cannot spread through Walls.
4. Secret Passages – An investigator in a space containing a secret passage can move to any other space containing a
secret passage as if they were adjacent to each other.

A game effect will instruct the investigators to solve a puzzle. Puzzles are resolved using the App. There are three types of
puzzle: Slide puzzle, Lock Puzzle and Code Puzzle.
• Slide Puzzle – Swap pairs of adjacent pieces until the image is properly displayed.
• Code Puzzle – Plays like Mastermind.
• Lock Puzzle – Manoeuver pieces around to allow the goal piece to be removed from the grid.

A Puzzle Step is a single unit of progression towards solving the puzzle. When an effect instructs an investigator to solve a
puzzle, he receives a number of puzzle steps to solve the puzzle equal to his value in the skill requested by the effect (no
dice rolling required!). While attempting the puzzle he may spend any number of his clues to perform 1 puzzle step for
each clue spent.
• If the investigator fails to solve the puzzle in the allowed number of steps, tap “close” to save progress, so that he
or another investigator can make an attempt later.
• If the investigator completes the puzzle, the App will automatically detect this, and provide further instructions.
• All players may assist the player solving the puzzle with advice.

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