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Benefits of Eating Raw Eggs

The nutrients found in an egg are distributed fairly evenly between the yolk and the white. This
distribution of nutrients is a common characteristic of whole, natural foods and it is one of the
reasons that consumption of raw whole eggs is best.

If eaten raw, eggs aid in cellular structure and permeability, regeneration and maintenance,
hormone production and balance, toxin removal, energy production, increased immunity, increased
brainpower, focus and increased libido. This is one of the most, healthy anti-ageing super-foods.

Raw eggs are loaded with vitamins, minerals, high quality proteins, good fats and various other
lesser-known nutrients’, to provide a wonderful boost to the immune system.

Eggs are so nutritious that they’re often referred to as “nature’s multivitamin.” They also have
unique antioxidants and powerful brain nutrients that many people are deficient in.

Raw Eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet, and contain small amounts of almost
every vitamin and mineral required by the human body, they contain essential nutrients for the
brain, nerves, glands and hormones, plus powerful antioxidants that can protect the eyes.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and other public health authorities actually use eggs as
their reference standard for evaluating the protein quality in all other foods. They score 100% on
the HBV chart and contain High Quality Proteins with a perfect Amino Acid profile.

There are about 21 amino acids that the body uses to build its proteins but it cannot produce 9 of
these amino acids, which are deemed as “essential” and all are found in raw eggs!

Eggs are the ultimate complete fast food; they are high in quality animal protein, which has many
benefits – including increased muscle mass and better bone health.

Raw Eggs improve your cholesterol profile by increasing levels of HDL cholesterol (the "good"
cholesterol). Whilst not raising the risk of Cardiovascular Disease.

3 whole eggs per day reduce insulin resistance, raise HDL and increase the size of LDL particles in
men and women with metabolic syndrome.

The cholesterol in egg yolks provides strongly health-protective properties and plays a key role in
immune strength and mental health.

Eggs For breakfast can help you lose body fat as they contain only trace amounts of
carbohydrates, but plenty of protein and fat.

Eggs contain many B vitamins, vitamins A, D and E, zinc, magnesium, potassium, iron, sulfur, choline,
antioxidants and numerous other nutrients.

Like most foods, eggs undergo some loss of nutrients when they are cooked. This nutrient loss
occurs regardless of whether the egg is removed from the shell.

A raw egg has 20-35% more nutrient value of, VitD, omega 3’s, DHA, Lutein, choline, biotin and
zinc than a boiled egg.

The reason eggs are so effective in removing toxins is cholesterol, protein and sulphur. These
three components are very important and needed by the liver to perform its detoxifying actions.
Cholesterol in the yolk can be oxidized with high temperatures, especially when it is in contact
with the iron present in the whites and cooked, as in scrambled eggs, and such oxidation
contributes to chronic inflammation in your body.

Raw egg yolks are one of the first foods available on the Gaps Diet intro, which is for people who
have severe health problems originating in the gut.

All pastured egg yolks are particularly rich in Omega-3s, these anti-inflammatory fats with an
excellent omega 3:6 ratio.

All B vitamins are found in eggs, including vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, choline, biotin, and folic
 Choline is a standout among these B vitamins. Since one egg provides over 100 milligrams
of Choline and only 75-80 calories, it provides far more Choline for far less calories.
 An egg provides about 25% of your daily needs for biotin. This B-vitamin plays a key role
in skin, hair, metabolic and blood-sugar health. 80% of the biotin is found in the yolk and
20% is in the white. Nature created an egg to be a balanced live food – as long as you eat
the biotin rich yolk along with the white, there is little risk of a biotin deficiency.
 Egg yolks are also a great source of lecithin, which is great for your liver, your brain and
your skin.
 The Selenium found in eggs is about 40% in the white and 60% is in the yolk.
 Raw egg whites are one of only 2 sources that contain beta-lactoglobulin and serum
albumin (only available in raw!), which is 2/3 of a Glutathione molecule, the other 1/3 is
glycine which is easily made in the body. Glutathione is the master antioxidant and

Heat will destroy the nutrients in raw eggs with descending order of worst, scrambled, fried,
hardboiled, soft boiled and lightly poached the best of all ‘cooked’ eggs. So to gain maximum
benefit from eggs raw is always best.

Blending mixing stirring does cause some destruction of delicate proteins so again to get the most
benefit raw eggs need to be consumed unaltered or if preferred lightly mixed with a plastic spoon.
The longer you whisk beat or blend the more damage can occur, so if blending then keep to a
minimum by adding eggs just before end of mix. So to gain maximum benefit from eggs don’t blend
or mix.

Eggs are high in collagen and Egg whites are high in both lysine and proline, which with vitamin C is
needed by the body to convert proline into hydroxyproline, and lysine into hydroxylysine. These
amino acids are important for formation of all types of collagen and provide the tensile strength
and flexibility properties.

Collagen is present in all smooth muscle tissues, blood vessels, the digestive tract, corneas, the
heart, gallbladder, kidneys and bladder… holding the cells and tissues together. Collagen is even
the major component of hair and nails. Amino acids are the basic building blocks of collagen; the
body is constantly renewing its collagen, creating new fibres all the time.

For the body to form these amino acids and produce collagen, dietary sources of lysine and proline
are required. In addition, vitamin C is needed by the body to convert proline into hydroxyproline,
and lysine into hydroxylysine. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that scavenges free radicals,
which are known to damage collagen and contribute to aging and tissue destruction.

Hyaluronic acid promotes collagen function, as it is needed to bind the collagen and elastin fibers
together to form collagen bundles. Hyaluronic acid is also required to repair and replace damaged
and dead collagen fibers. Besides having high levels of hyaluronic acid, bananas are rich in
hyaluronic acid-promoting magnesium.

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