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NOVEMBER 28th -29th, 2018



Main Hall Lobby -

07.30 - 08.00 Registration Day 1

International Conference Opening Ceremony and Welcome Remarks

1. Opening by Master of Ceremony (5’)
2. Singing Indonesian National Anthem (5’) 1) Paskah Febiola menjadi Dirijen Indonesia Raya
3. ICV Comittee Report by Mr. Anton Hendrik S (5’) 2) Acara (Jenny) membawakan alat pemukul gong ke
4. Speech by Dr. Angkasa, S.H., M.Hum as Chairman of APVI (5’) atas panggung
Shinta Main Hall
08.00 - 09.00 5. Speech by Mr. Michael O’Connell as Secretary General of WSV (5’) 3) Acara (Jenny) membawakan plakat dan souvenir
6. Speech by Vice Dean or Rector of Ubaya (5’) untuk Ketua LPSK diserahkan oleh
7. Gong Ceremony by Ubaya accompanied by Committe, APVI, WSV, and LPSK
8. Keynote Speech by Head of LPSK (Indonesia’s Witness and Victim Protection Agency)
Dr. Abdul Haris Semendawai, S.H., LL.M. (30’)

Plenary Session 1 1) MC announce plenary session pertama beseta nama-

Development of New Victimology in Current World nama para pembicara untuk segera naik ke atas
1. Prof. Marc Groenhuijsen – INTERVICT (25’) panggung.
2. Prof. Fachry Bey, Ph. D - University of Indonesia Jakarta (25’) 2) Acara (Jenny) siap dengan power point milik
3. Dr. Angkasa, S.H., M.hum - University of Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto (25’) masing-masing pembicara.
Shinta Main Hall
09.00 - 11.00 4. Bhannu Prakash Nunna , M.A. - Jindal Global Law School India (25’) 3) Acara (Michiko) siap dengan plakat dan souvenir
Q and A (20’) untuk masing-masing pembicara.
Moderator by: Dr. Elfina L. Sahetapy, S.H., LL.M (University of Surabaya) 4) Setelah plenary session pertama, MC memandu
pemberitan plakat dan souvenir oleh Dr. Go
Lisanawati kepada para pembicara.

MC announce Panel Session Pertama, untuk Class 1

Shinta Main Hall
11.00 - 11.15 Room Transition and Coffee Break berada di Shinta Room Lt. 2 dan Class 2 berada di
Singosari Room Lt.6
Panel Session 1
Class 1 Victims of Cybercrime and Transnational Crime
1. Quo Vadis Formulation of Protection Policy for Victims of Defamation in the Cyberspace
Zainal Arifin, Saivol Firdaus
2. Criminal Law Protection in Cyber Bullying Victims: Theoretical Study of Cyber Bulying
in Children in the Political Perpective of Criminal Law
Subaidah Ratna Juita
3. The Role of Online Transaction Fraud Victim and the Extent of Protection of Criminal
Law in Such Case
Anton Hendrik S.
Class 1
4. Reconseptualize Victim of Cyberpornography
Moderator : Patricia
Hwian Christianto
Time Keeper: Dian
5. Violence against Woman and Children: A review of the Victims of Online Prostitution
PP Operator:
Practice in Cybercrime
Class 1,
Oksidelfa Yanto, Yoyon M. Darusman, Sudanto, Aria Dimas Harapan
Shinta Main Hall Class 2
6. Legal Protection Effort Towards Women on Terrorism Crime
11.15 - 12.30 Class 2, Moderator : Peter
Ferdricka Nggeboe
Singasari Hall Time Keeper: Jenny
PP Operator
Class 2 Victims and Restorative Justice
1. Restorative Justice in Effort of Fulfilling Rights and Realizing The Justice Value for
Setiap peserta diberikan waktu presentasi 5 menit, sisa
Victims of Crime
waktu untuk tanya jawab
Ani Triwati
2. Restorative Justice through Penal Mediation as One Way Resolve Domestic Violence in
Order to Provide Protection to Victims
Dwikari Nuristiningsih
3. Issues Restorative Justice in The Law of Children's Criminal Justice System
Pudji Astuti
4. Finding the Use of Restorative Justice in Completing the Envionmental Crime Case
Ufran, Armindo Moniz Amaral
5. Penal Mediation as Tool of Child Rights Protection
Emi Puasa Handayani, Siciliya Mardian Y.

Moderator menyampaikan bahwa lunch dilakukan di

Shinta Main Hall
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch Break Shinta Main Hall

MC memimpin sesi foto bersama dipandu oleh

Shinta Main Hall
13.30 - 14.00 Photo Session fotografer
1) MC announce plenary session kedua beseta nama-
Plenary Session 2
nama para pembicara untuk segera naik ke atas
Contribution of Victimology in Securing Victim’s Right and Delivering Services to
2) Acara (Jenny) siap dengan power point milik
1. Mr. Michael O’Connell - World Society of Victimology (25’)
masing-masing pembicara.
2. Dr. Tanya Gibbs - Praque-based Institute for Democracy 21 (25’) Shinta Main Hall
14.00 - 16.00 3) Acara (Michiko) siap dengan plakat dan souvenir
3. Heru Susetyo, S.H., LL.M., M.Si., Ph.D - University of Indonesia (25’)
untuk masing-masing pembicara.
4. Peter N. Halpern - USA Department of Justice (25’)
4) Setelah plenary session kedua, MC memandu
Q and A (20’)
pemberitan plakat dan souvenir oleh Dr. A. Suhartati
Moderator by: Dr. Dewi Setyowati (Hang Tuah University)
Lukito kepada para pembicara

MC announce Panel Session Kedua, untuk Class 1

Shinta Main Hall berada di Shinta Room Lt. 2 dan Class 2 berada di
16.00 - 16.15 Room Transition and Coffee Break
Singosari Room Lt.6

Panel Session 2
Class 1 Victims and Economic Order
1. Ideal Concept of Institutional Revitalization of Regional Development Planning Agency to
Optimize Poverty Reduction in Province of Central Java and East Java
Lantik Kusuma Aji, Hartiwiningsih, I Gusti Ayu KRH
2. Article 5 of the Law on Indonesian Anti Money Laundering from Victimology Perspectives
Go Lisanawati Class 1
3. Legal Protection for the Community Resulting from the Mining of Tin in The Sea Moderator : Henry
Jeanne Darc Noviayanti Manik, Faisal
4. Unveiling the Victim of Corporate Crime and Corruption Cases in Indonesia: The Victimology
Time Keeper: Dian
Perspective PP Operator:
A. Suhartati Lukito Class 1, Shinta
5. Problem Solving For Victims of Corporate Crime Main Hall Class 2
16.15 - 17.30 Michelle Kristina Class 2, Moderator : Gita
6. How to Restitute and Compensate Massive Victim of Fraud: Indonesian Cases and Integration Singasari Hall Time Keeper: Jenny
Settlement PP Operator
Peter Jeremiah & Hansel Ardison
Setiap peserta diberikan waktu presentasi 5 menit, sisa
Class 2 Victim of Medical Practice and Domestic Violence
1. Euthanasia Applicants as Victim of Laws in Indonesia
waktu untuk tanya jawab
2. Private Hospital in Health Service Policy in Indonesia: Study of the Victimology Approach
Eko Pujiono
3. Corporate Criminal Responsibility towards Child Rubella Vaccination based on the Perspective on
Indonesian Criminal Law
Siska Elvandari
4. Stereotype View as A Victimation Strength Factor in Household Violence
G. Widiartana
5. The Reformulation of Sanction of The Domestic Violence Act in Indonesia: Perspective of
Restorative Justice
Dewi Setyowati, Emillia Rusdiana
6. Abortion by Rape Victims
Natasha Zefanya

Moderator menyampaikan bahwa dinner dilakukan di

Shinta Main Hall
17.30 - 19.00 Break/Ishoma and Dinner Shinta Main Hall


07.30 - 08.00 Registration Day 2

Main Hall Lobby -

Panel Session 3
08.00 - 10.00 Class 1 General Issues on Victimology
1. Criminal Accountability of Perpetrators of Traffic Violations which Causes the Death of A
Victim MC announce Panel Session Ketiga, untuk Class 1
Henny Saida Flora berada di Shinta Room Lt. 2 dan Class 2 berada di
2. Protection of Civilians as Victims of War in International Armed Conflict Singosari Room Lt.6
Chomariyah, Levina Yustinianingtyas, Dita Birahayu Class 1
3. Review Position Institution of Crime Resolution in Indigenous People Moderator : N. Zevanya
Blasius Kura Time Keeper: Dian
4. The Legal Protection for Crime Victims on Police Investigation Process in Criminal Justice Class 1, Shinta
PP Operator:
System Main Hall
Rena Yulia, Dadang Herly, Aliyth Prakarsa Class 2, Singasari
5. Freedom of Judges in Carrying Out Their Functions and Authorities Class 2
Dewi Setyowati & Ramdhan Dwi Saputro Moderator : Pak Anton
6. The Inadequacy of Indonesian Criminal Procedural Law in Protecting Victims of Sexual Time Keeper: Jenny
Assault PP Operator:
Patricia Anais A.
7. Legal Protection for Victims of Acts Violence by The Civil Service Police Units: Case Stucy: Setiap peserta diberikan waktu presentasi 10 menit, sisa
Acts Violence against Chinese Citizens, Benteng Tangerang and Activist of Jakarta Legal Aid waktu untuk tanya jawab.
in 2010
Mety Rahmawati
8. Traditional Fisheries Protection Towards IUU Fishing in Indonesian Water: Victimological
Nurul Hudi
Class 2 Violence against Children, Women & Sexuallity
1. Violence against Women: Case Studies of Convicted for Female Perpetrators in Woman
Prions, Bandung, Indonesian
Vinita Susanti
2. Judicial Review Legal Protection of Victims of Violent Crimes "Klitih" Performed Teens
Yeni Widowaty
3. Light Imprisonment as an Alternative Sanction in Subituting Restitution for Criminal
Perpretator whom Does Not Fulfill the Obligation to Pay Restitution for Child as Victim of
Nurini Aprilianda
4. Legal Protection of the Rights of the Child Victims of Crimes in Indonesian Criminal Justice
Oksidelfa Yanto, Susanto, Aria Dimas Harapan, Yoyon M Darusman
5. The Formulation of Legal Protection Arrangement Toward the Body Integrity of the Woman
as the Victim of Not-Fulfilled Promise to Marry in the Human Right Perspective
Lusiana M. Tijow & Fence M. Wantu
6. Victimization and Criminalization against the LGBT in Indonesia
Elfina Sahetapy
7. Second Victimization Toward Woman as Victim of Sexual Harassment
Dwi Hapsari, Retna Ningrum
8. Customary Law in Bali that does not Reach the Protection in Women Victims of Violence at e
study Case of Putu Septian Permadani
Yuli Utomo

10.00 - 10.15 Coffee Break

Shinta Main Hall -

10.30 - 11.00 Closing Ceremony

1. Summary by Dr. Angkasa, S.H., M.Hum as Chairman of APVI (10’) MC announce closing dance dan acara (Jenny &
Shinta Main Hall
2. Closing Dance by UKM Tari Ubaya (10’) Michiko) mempersiapkan penari.
3. Closing Speech by Chairman of ICV 2018 (10’)

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