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1. What electricity source is?

7 2. What kind of electricity source in the
3. What the function of electricity in human

Electricity Source
Have you ever wondered how your mobile device and other electronic devices are
charged? Besides keeping us digitally connected, electricity also saves lives in hospitals, powers
industry and keeps the U.S. economy going. Whether it's a 19th Century energy source like coal
or 21st Century source like solar, it's worth knowing how electric energy works, how it's
generated and where the juice that powers our lives comes from.
Electric energy is created by the flow of electrons, often called "current," through a
conductor, such as a wire. The amount of electric energy created depends on the number of
electrons flowing and the speed of the flow. Energy can either be potential or kinetic. A lump of
coal, for example, represents potential energy that becomes kinetic when it is burned.
Electricity cannot be mined from the ground like coal. So it is called a secondary source
of energy, meaning that it is derived from primary sources, including coal, natural gas, nuclear
fission reactions, sunlight, wind, and hydropower. Most direct uses of primary energy are limited
to generating heat and motion. Electricity, by contrast, is extremely versatile, with a wide range
of complex applications. Electricity plays such an essential role in contemporary life that its
supply and demand are often examined separately from the primary sources used to produce it.
Generating electricity using renewable sources is a challenging task, but some progress is
being made. According to EIA projections, the share of total energy used by power plants from
sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal is projected to reach 28% by 2040. However,
integrating the energy from many of these renewable sources would likely require expansion and
enhancement of the electric transmission system, such as the addition of more power lines.

Glossary :
Essential (adj) : perlusekali
Contemporary (adj) : kontenporer
Integrate (v) : mengintegrasikan
Expansion (nom) : ekspansi
Enhancement (nom) : peningkatan
Versatile (adj) : serbaguna
Exercise 1
Which the statement best express the main idea of the text!
1. Electricity energy is called a secondary souce of energy, created by the flow of electrons.
2. Generating electricity using renewable source would likely require expansion and
enhancement of the electric transmission system.
3. Electricity plays such an essential role in contemporary life.

Exercise 2
Decide wheter the following statement are true or false by referring to the information in
the text. Then, make the necessary changes to that the false statement become true.
1. Electricity also save lives in hospital, power industry, and keeps the economy going TRUE
2. Electric energy is creating by the flow of electrons, often called “ current “ FALSE (creating
change to created)
3. Electricity can be mined from the ground like coal. FALSE (can change to cannot)
4. Most direct uses of primary energy are limited to generating heat and motion. TRUE
5. Electricity plays such an essential role in contemporary life that its supply and demand are
often examined separately. TRUE
6. Generating electricity using renewable sources is progress being made. TRUE
7. Intergrating the energy from many of these renewable source wouldn’t likely require
expansion and enhancement of the electric transmission system. FALSE (wouldn’t change to
Exercise 3
Look back at the text and find out the underlined words refer to
1. ____ when it is burned. (p.2 line 4)
2. ____. So it is called ____ (p.3 line 1)
3. ____ that it’s supply and ____ (p.3 line 5)
4. ____ used to produce it. (p.3 line 6)
Exercise 4
Answer the following questions.
1. What is the electric energy created by?
2. Why electricity called a secondary source?
3. How the electricity plays in our role life?
4. How the integrating energy from many of these renewable source?
Language Work : Noun Clause
Example :
1. What she cook was delicious.
2. I wonder if he lives in Malang.
3. That today is his birthday is not right.
Exercise 5
Fill in each blank space with an appropriate subordinate to begin the noun clause.
1. Please tell me . . . Makes you cry.
2. I really hope . . . You can attend our new home thanksgiving ceremony.
3. I do not know . . . He’s married or not.
4. She wanted to know . . . I had applied for the scholarship.
5. The scientist believed . . . there will be a cure for HIV.
6. Turn on the news and find out . . . won the badminton match.
7. She supposed . . . her friend was walking to the post office.
8. The manager doesn't care about . . . the plane will depart.
9. Hendra didn’t know . . . her girlfriend was going to go until the day came.
10. He doesn’t know . . . Aziz lives on Lampung Street or not.
11. You can see . . . she goes to school everyday by hiding beside that garbage.
12. Choose . . . one you like. I will buy it for you.
13. The most important thing is . . . we solve these problems together.
14. She seems worried . . . will happen to him.
15. I asked . . . you didn’t tell me what you bring.
Exercise 6
Continue these statements by writing an entirely noun clause to fill in each blank space
1. The thing that made me ill was . . .
2. Nobody knows why . . .
3. The price of the ring depends on where . . .
4. What she saw was . . .
5. From the keyhole, you can see . . .
6. From her attitude you will be able to know . . .
LET’S TALK : Describing Things
Search the picture, meaning, function, and ways of working an electrical source appliance.
Describe the electrical source appliance in front of the class.
Answer the question of your friends ask.
Things you must search to describe are :
1. Transformators
2. Generator
3. Turbine
4. Controller
5. Inverter
Make your present with the rules 5W + 1H question.

Myhappyenglish, 2018, Free English Grammar Lesson (
english-lesson, access at May 16 2019)
Needtoknow, Energy Source (,
access at May 9 2019)
Thebalance, Sources of Electricity (,
access at May 5 2019)
Wordsmile, PengertianRumusContohKalimat Noun Clauses
(, access at May 15

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