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Many museums charge for admission while others are free. Do you think the advantages of
charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages?

Some museums have an admission charge while some do not. In my opinion, the drawbacks of
an entrance fee are eclipsed by its benefits in the sense that the income will be ploughed back
into operation and development of the museums.
A major disadvantage of an admission fee is the possibility of reducing the number of visitors.
Museums house exhibitions and artefacts of great educational and historical value. If the chief
aim of a museum is to introduce the local community, admission should be free to the public
and visitors. Take some folk museums in Hong Kong, which preserve historic relics and display
folk customs, for example. Admission to these folk museums, which are often monuments, is
free of charge. If they had charged an entrance fee, many might have turned to other activities.
Granted, an entrance fee might have a negative effect on the admission figures, but an income
is favorable to museums in terms of operation. Museums feature educational exhibitions at
times, and this could not have been done without a sum of money expended on hiring
professionals and buying equipment. The Hong Kong Space Museum, for instance, has monthly
exhibitions on different issues and professional docents are employed to take visitors on a
guided tour around the museum. This example speaks volumes about how a reasonable
admission charge is advantageous to the operation of a museum.
In conclusion, the disadvantages of an admission fee are overshadowed by the benefits
accruing from a stable source of income. Therefore, having weighed up the pros and cons, I am
convinced that museums should charge an entrance fee for the sake of operation and
Band 9
Is it good for children to start using computers from an early age and spend long hours on
them? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages

In recent years, children, like adults, have become increasingly exposed to computers. While
some child psychologists have claimed that this is a good thing, others have claimed that it has
an overwhelmingly detrimental impact on children. In this essay, I shall draw upon a number of
studies in cognitive science and industrial psychology that reveal the positive and negative
aspects of this phenomenon.

To begin with, there are clearly reasons why computers do not allow children to develop long
attention spans. This is because computers are packed with many supposedly child-friendly
games that require minimal levels of concentration in order to be enjoyed. For example, a study
by the New York Child Learning Association found that children who read from picture books
were 50% less likely to get distracted than children who played educational computer games.
Therefore computers almost certainly have a negative impact on young children.

However, since the world has become heavily reliant on computers, there are also clearly
advantages to exposing children to computers. This is because children with such exposure will
stand a better chance of finding employment. For example, after being interviewed by Yale
psychologists, over 70% of young office workers admitted that they had spent long hours on
computers in their middle and late childhood years. Therefore it is clear that computer
exposure can be beneficial to children.

In conclusion, there are advantages and disadvantages to early computer exposure. However,
if, in the future, the quality of educational gaming is increased, there is good reason to believe
that these negative consequences will fall entirely away.

Band 8.5
Modern technology, such as personal computers and the internet, has made it possible for
many people to work from their home. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this
Technology has changed the way we work. The advent of the internet and networking solutions
has made it possible for people to work from their home instead of their offices. In my opinion,
this development has more advantages than disadvantages.

Perhaps the biggest advantage is that people can work in flexible hours. This arrangement is
especially helpful for women who have young children. Many of them who quit their job after
the birth of their children are now back in the job market. Obviously, they are looking for
positions that allow them to work from their homes.

Male employees also benefit from working from home. In big cities like Mumbai or Bangalore,
people spend hours commuting to work and home. If they get an opportunity to work from
their home, they can save a lot of time. This will improve their work-life balance and overall
sense of well-being. Employers also benefit from this arrangement. When employees work
from their homes, the cost of running the business comes down. Working from home also saves
valuable resources. Less commuting means less travel. This can result in significant fuel savings
and cleaner air.

There are a few challenges as well. Employees working from home may have difficulty building
a rapport with others in their team. In addition, they may find it difficult to get instant support
when problems arise. However, an efficient management can easily take care of these

To conclude, there are several benefits to working from home. Many employers have already
realized this and started encouraging their workers to work from home. In the future, we will
certainly have more organizations taking this route.

Band 9
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working from home.

Nowadays, home-working has becoming very popular. Recent reports state that the number of
people who work from home has grown sharply. Although it seems that this kind of activity only
brings benefits, it may also bring some major drawbacks. In this essay, I will express the main
advantages and disadvantages of working from home.

Firstly, the crucial advantage connected with working from home is the fact that you can
manage your own time. When people work from home, they are able to decide the best time to
accomplish their work tasks and optimize their daily schedules, in order to solve other personal
life problems. By doing this, the worker can execute his job with significant less pressure
thereby bolstering his creativity and enhancing the product quality.

On the other hand, home-working has some drawbacks. If the employee who works from home
does not have a strong sense of discipline, he may easily be sidetracked from his tasks. All the
freedom which comes along with home-working might cause the worker to lose attention,
thereby slowing down all the work process, making it impossible to achieve all the required
tasks within the deadline. Furthermore, working from home keeps people away from co-
workers who could help them with their job and discourage them to share important work
experience, which would improve their professional growth.

To summarize, working from home may provide several life benefits such as the ability to
manage your own time and work without pressure. Nevertheless, home-working does have a
few drawbacks like isolation from colleagues.

Band 7
Some people think that to learn about other countries, they need to travel. Some say that it is
not necessary to travel; we can have information through TV and internet. Discuss both views
and give your opinion.

Some people are of the opinion that in order to know about other nations, it is necessary to
travel. However, I believe that people can learn about other nations by watching television and
using the internet.

On the one hand, some people argue that travelling is the best way to learn more about other
nations. They think that without travelling it is not possible to learn much about the cultures,
traditions and even languages of other nations. For instance, in their opinion, travelling allows
us to interact with local people and know what they like and dislike. In addition, they believe
that travelling is a great way to practise a language with its native speakers. This will
significantly improve the ability to speak other languages. Therefore, in these people’s opinion,
the best way to learn about other nations is to travel.

On the other hand, there are people who insist that we can get all the information we need
about other countries online and on television. I strongly agree with them. There are many
websites that contain everything about every country on this planet. Information about foods,
cultures, traditions, languages and weather can be found on websites such as Wikipedia and
YouTube. It is also possible to meet different people from other countries online and befriend
them. For example, I personally have friends from different countries around the world whom I
have met online. As a result, I have sufficient information about their countries without setting
my foot on their lands. This clearly shows that people can learn about other nations without
physically travelling to them.

To sum up, although travelling is a great way of learning about other countries, I firmly insist
that all information about other nations can be obtained through television and online.

Band 8
Some employers want to be able to contact their staff at all times, even on holidays. Does
this development have more disadvantages than advantages?

In today’s competitive world, employers want to be able to contact their employees no matter
where they are in order to maintain smooth operations. This approach may have many
positives, but it does have a few negatives as well.

To start with, it is important to be able to contact an employee especially during difficult times
at work on in case of an emergency. For example, hospitals need to be able to contact their
staff in case of patient emergencies, trauma and calamities. This may help save a life or many
lives. In times of troubleshooting certain tasks, a phone call or email may save a presentation,
project or win a deal for an organization). Certain organizations, call centres for instance, need
their staff on-call throughout the year. Any failure to do so may lead to loss of business and

Contacting employees does not always benefit employers. To begin with, no employee likes to
be contacted by their employer when they are at home or on holiday. This may invoke a feeling
of resentment towards the employer. Some individuals are forced to work round the clock.
They even take their work home. This leads to overworking, which may further lead to health
risks and other related issues. Moreover, the employee may feel unhappy at his workplace and
may even consider seeking job opportunities elsewhere. No employer benefits from an
unhappy workforce as it may affect the growth and success of an organization.

In conclusion, contacting an employee may prove fruitful in certain situations, it may have a
bearing on employee happiness and health. It could even lead to attrition.

Band 8
In many countries, very few young people read newspapers or follow the news on TV. What
do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Few young people are interested in reading the newspapers or watching news channels. This is
definitely a negative development with long lasting consequences.

Newspapers and news channels give too much importance to politics and economics, and
youngsters have little interest in these topics. This is the main reason that discourages them
from reading or watching news. Consequently, they have little knowledge of national or
international affairs. This is a negative development because young people are the present and
the future of the nation. If they are unaware of the happenings around them, they will not be
able to play an active role in nation building.

Another reason that discourages young people from reading news stories is the information
explosion. We are now living in an age where we are bombarded with new bits of information
every second. These days news breaks on social media sites like Twitter. When information is
available in 140 characters, nobody is interested in reading a 2000 word news story.
Unfortunately, there is a downside to this. Social media only provide news; in order to get views
we have to read in depth news stories like the ones published in newspapers. Also, it is not
always possible to trust information found on the internet. Anyone can post anything online
and there is no reliable way to check whether what we have read is true or not.

In order to encourage young people to consume news, newspapers and news channels should
make a conscious effort to present news in a way that appeals to young readers. Editors and
reporters need to realize that in this fast-paced world, no one has the time to read a long,
winding story. Making information available in byte sizes will definitely help.

To conclude, young people are turning a blind eye to newspapers and news channels because
much of the information available from these sources does not interest them or is not made
available in an easy-to-digest format. Media houses need to rethink their preferences and make
some drastic changes to their style of reporting to encourage more and more young people to
consume news.

Band 8
Smacking children is the best form of discipline. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Children often misbehave and when they do that many parents smack them to teach them a
‘lesson’. In my opinion, this behavior is completely unacceptable. Smacking traumatizes
children and may even lead to more behavioral problems.

There are many reasons why parents feel that smacking is the best form of discipline. To begin
with, many of them are under the wrong impression that children will get the point if they are
smacked for bad behavior. This, according to some parents, will discourage them from
repeating the bad behavior. Some parents also want to have absolute control over their
children and often resort to this barbaric practice to show them who is in charge of the

Unfortunately, smacking does not help with the behavioral issues in children. In fact, it makes
their problems worse. Studies have shown that children who grow up in households where they
are regularly subjected to smacking and other forms of physical violence are more likely to
grow into rebellious teenagers. They start to detest their elders and may also develop a hatred
for authority. Of course, when parents spank their children, this is not the end result they are
hoping to achieve.

Having said that, it is important to discipline children. Behavioral problems need to be dealt
with but instead of resorting to physical violence parents should set an example for their
children. Children learn a lot by watching and imitating adults. If parents behave appropriately
at all times, children will consciously or unconsciously copy their behavior and that will solve
the issue.

To conclude, children are our future and we must raise them with love, patience and tolerance.
Good parenting and physical violence cannot co-exist. Therefore, in my opinion, smacking
children must be forbidden and parents who still resort to this practice must be severely
punished by the law.

Band 9
Solar energy is becoming more and more popular as a source of household energy in many
countries around the world. Why is this? What are the advantages and disadvantages of solar

Over the last few years there has been a dramatic increase in the number of homes powered by
solar energy. Many factors contribute to this growing popularity of solar power.

The demand for energy are growing rapidly due to industrialisation and urbanisation. In order
to meet this growing demand it is important to tap into new energy sources. Solar fits the bill
perfectly. It is a renewable source. Unlike other energy sources like coal or petroleum, the
source of solar energy – the sunlight – is non-perishable. That means as long as the world exists
we will be able to harness the power of the sun. Also, unlike conventional energy sources like
coal or petrol, solar energy is clean and green.

However, solar energy also has some limitations. Although technology has improved, solar
energy is still more expensive than conventional energy. The initial cost of installation of solar
panels is also quite high. Various other factors such as the lack of a support system for repairs
and the difficulty in getting replacements are also hindering large-scale adoption of solar power

Another issue is the limited availability of sunlight in many parts of the world. There are many
countries that do not receive any sunlight during certain periods of the year. They certainly
cannot rely on a volatile power source like the sun.

To conclude, the growing popularity of solar power can be attributed to the fact that it is clean
and renewable. Of course, solar power has its limitations too, but I believe that as the
technology develops solar will become more popular than conventional energy sources.

Band 9
Keeping animals in captivity is cruel. There is no reason for zoos to exist in the 21 st century.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There are many people who question the existence of zoos in the 21st of century. In their
opinion, keeping animals in captivity is unethical. While I do agree with this view, I do not think
that zoos should be abolished.

In spite of all the arguments against the existence of zoos, the truth is that they still benefit
both humans and animals. Zoos provide education. They give us an opportunity to observe wild
animals from close quarters and learn about their behavior. Another very important benefit of
maintaining zoos is that they save many endangered species from extinction. Zoos provide
them with a safe environment where they can live and reproduce. Without zoos, many exotic
species of animals would have disappeared from earth.

The argument against the existence of zoos stems from the fact that they ill-treat animals. That
is true to a certain extent. In many zoos, animals are kept in small enclosures where they
cannot even move about. Such zoos exist with the sole purpose of making money by exploiting
animals. In my opinion, such establishments should be closed down as we have no right to use
or exploit other forms of life for our benefit.

Having said that, there are also zoos that allow animals to live in protected environments that
are closer to the wilderness. Animals living in such zoos do enjoy some amount of freedom.
They might even be able to hunt small animals that the zoo authorities throw into their
‘territories’. Life in such zoos actually benefits these animals because they are safe from
poachers who might otherwise have killed them for them skin, teeth or tusks.

To conclude, when we consider the benefits of zoos, it is not hard to see that the argument
against their existence does not hold water. Zoos do protect animals. Instead of abolishing
them, what we need to do is to make them more animal friendly.

Band 9
Some people think that politicians have the greatest influence on the world, while others
believe that scientists are more influential. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people argue that politicians have the utmost impact on the world; however, others
disagree. In their opinion, scientists are the most influential people on the planet. I agree with
this latter group. In this essay, I will explain why I think scientists are more influential than

There is no denying the fact that politicians are influential. After all, they rule the nations of the
world. They make laws. They sign international agreements. They can even decide whether we
need war or peace. Take, for instance, the case of the World Wars. While the wars were fought
by the soldiers, the decision to go to war was taken by politicians. Obviously, the argument that
politicians are influential is understandable.

Yet, in my opinion scientists are more powerful. We would not have reached where we are
today without the advancements in science and technology. Scientists have invented lifesaving
drugs and vaccines which gave us a chance to stand up to deadly diseases. They invented the
light bulbs, the automobiles, refrigerators and computers. As we can see, it is impossible to
imagine a life without these inventions now. The missiles and bombs that can win a war for
politicians were also invented by scientists. So, if there weren’t any scientists, we would most
probably still be living in caves. The impact of politicians on our lives is negligible when we
consider the impact of scientists and their inventions.

To conclude, while it is true that politicians are influential, their influence is much less
pronounced than the influence of scientists.

Band 8
Some people think governments should take measures to improve the health of its citizens.
Others think it must be managed by individuals. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Healthy citizens are the biggest asset of a nation. Some people, therefore, argue that the
government should play an active role in ensuring that its citizens lead a healthy lifestyle.
Others feel that it is up to the individual to decide how they should live. In my opinion, health is
mainly a matter of individual responsibility. Even so, there are lots of things the government
can do to promote a healthy lifestyle among its people.

The government can make laws. It can ban things that are detrimental to the health of its
people. For example, drugs are illegal in many countries. There are countries or states that ban
alcohol and cigarettes. In some countries, the government imposes a high tax on junk food with
the objective of discouraging its consumption. All of these are measures that can have a
positive impact on the health of the people. Another very beneficial thing that the government
can do for its people’s health is making vaccinations mandatory. Despite the fact that vaccines
are safe and effective, many communities refuse to administer them to their children citing
religious or other invalid reasons. By enacting laws that make vaccinations mandatory, the
government can save millions of children from the clutches of diseases and death.

Having said that, health is very much an individual matter. The government cannot monitor the
lifestyle of every citizen. Even in countries where drugs are illegal, people still use them. They
smoke and drink. They eat junk food and spend too much time in front of the TV or computer.
They are aware of the consequences of their actions; yet they are too lazy or too dump to
change their lifestyle. The government cannot do much to help these people.

To conclude, there are lots of things that the government can do to improve the health of its
citizens. However, the government alone cannot create a healthy society. Individuals need to
make a conscious effort too.

Band 9
Few people devote time to hobbies nowadays. Why you think this is the case and what effect
this has on the individual and society in general.

Nowadays, very few people pursue a hobby. In my opinion, this is not a positive trend because
not having a hobby can have a detrimental effect on people. We are now living in a highly
stressful and competitive environment where a hobby can be a stress buster. Hobbies are also
beneficial for the society because people who have a hobby are less likely to get into crime.

Everybody is busy these days and as such they have no time for hobbies. People have
demanding jobs and careers that do not give them any spare time. Not surprisingly very few
people pursue hobbies these days. Another factor that discourages people from having a hobby
is the easy access to other sources of recreation.

We now live in an age where we receive new and exciting information every millisecond.
Thanks to the advent of technologies like the internet and the smart phone people are
constantly glued to their screens. The only pastime they have is checking and updating their
social profiles. Unfortunately, unlike a hobby internet addiction is actually harmful to the
individual. Of course, it helps them to kill their time but most people who spend a lot of time on
the internet and social media websites are actually unhappy about their lives. They feel
inadequate and crave for more.

A hobby, on the other hand, is an emotionally fulfilling pursuit. It can even lead to financial
benefits. Someone who pursues painting or blogging as a hobby will probably be able to turn
that into a lucrative career. Studies have also shown that hobbies benefit the society as a
whole. They give a purpose to life and keep people occupied. As a result people who have a
hobby are less likely to get into antisocial and criminal activities.

To conclude, easy access to other sources of recreation is the main reason that discourages
people from having a hobby. However, this is a bad development and can have long lasting
negative consequences for the individual and the society.

Band 8.5
Restricting air travel is the only way to prevent air pollution. To what extent do you agree or

Some people believe that the only way to reduce air pollution is to limit the number of flights. I
do not agree with this view. In my opinion, restricting air travel is unlikely to have any real
impact on air quality. At the same time, it may adversely affect the economy of the nation.

There is no denying the fact that aeroplanes cause air and noise pollution. They produce too
much noise and emit harmful gases. While it is possible to control this pollution by reducing the
number of flights, it will not fully solve the problem because the majority of pollutants in the air
do not come from aircrafts. It is true that air travel has become more affordable and popular
recently. However, aeroplanes still are not the primary mode of transport for the majority of
people and as such they cannot be considered the number one cause of air pollution. In fact,
cars and buses cause more pollution than flights because there are too many of them on the

What’s more, restricting air travel can have disastrous consequences for the economy. The
tourism industry will be the worst hit because limited availability of flights will discourage
tourists from visiting foreign countries. Import and export of goods will also be affected. Since
both of these factors will affect the financial growth of the country, I do not believe that
governments will want to limit air travel.

To conclude, restricting air travel is unlikely to improve air quality much because aeroplanes are
not the biggest polluters on the planet. What’s more, any such move will have serious
economic consequences.

Band 8
In some schools and universities, girls choose arts subjects (literature), and boys tend to
choose science subjects (physics). Why do you think this is so?

Should this tendency be changed?

Science subjects are for boys and arts subjects are for girls. Gender based stereotypes exist
everywhere. When we hear the word doctor, the first image that comes to our mind is that of a
man wearing a white coat. Women can also become doctors and engineers. There are
numerous of them. Countless women have already proved that they can excel in science
subjects. Still, many girls opt for arts subjects at university. There are many reasons behind this

One of the reasons that encourage many girls to choose arts is that they are not very keen on
getting a job. They just want to earn a degree. As a result they decide to study literature or
humanities. It is also easy to obtain admission to these courses because they are less
competitive. By contrast, girls who really want to find employment after completing their
education prefer to study science or maths. They become successful doctors, engineers and

Generally speaking, subjects like science and technology generate more jobs than arts. This is
exactly the reason that prompts boys to choose these subjects. All of them want to get a job
and hence they choose scientific and technical subjects that improve their employability.

In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with girls choosing arts and boys choosing science. If a
girl is not interested in working after university, she probably has no reason to obtain a degree
in medicine or engineering. In my country, I know countless girls who prefer to stay at home
looking after their children in spite of having a degree in computer science or physics. They
actually deprived another student of an opportunity to become a scientist or a programmer.

To conclude, if girls prefer arts subjects to science subjects, that is because of the existence of
gender stereotypes and their lack of interest in finding employment. In my opinion, this trend is
neither positive nor negative and as such it does not have to be changed.

Band 9
Some people think that having a set retirement age (e.g. 65 years) for everybody, regardless
of occupation is unfair. They believe that certain workers deserve to retire and receive a
pension at an early age.

Do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays many people believe that setting a fixed retirement age for all professionals is not
fair. I am in complete agreement with this view as a lot of occupations can use extended
services; however, it is equally beneficial for professionals working physically demanding
sectors to receive early retirement.

On the one hand, there are jobs which require tremendous amount of experience and expertise
which workers gain over a period of time, and putting an end to their employment because of
their age is just unfair to the knowledge and effort they put in. For instance, researchers and
scientists devote their entire life to their work, and asking them to quit just because of age is
cruel, especially since the society will benefit from their work. Similarly, teachers should also be
allowed to impart their knowledge till the time they can, as in my opinion without their service
our progress will be much slower.

On the other hand, I would like to say that professionals working in army and police will
extensively benefit from an early retirement programme, because of the intense physical
strength and demanding schedules required to fulfill their duties. Moreover, an early
retirement will give them a chance to be with their families which otherwise becomes
impossible for them, due to the postings at non family stations.

In the end, I would like to conclude by stating that there must be an option for voluntary early
retirement for those who need it due to the nature of their job profiles, and an opportunity of
extended employment for those who want to work longer as age is just a number for them.

Band 8
Nowadays celebrities are more known for their glamour and wealth than for their
achievement, and this sets a bad example to young people. To what extent do you agree or

These days, celebrities are making headlines more for their glamour and their money than their
professional accomplishments. Some argue that by flaunting a luxurious lifestyle, they are
setting a negative example for youngsters. I don’t quite agree with this view. While I admit that
celebrities influence their audience, in my opinion, they are not responsible for the behaviour
of young people.

Media gives undue coverage to famous people for the simple reason that their viewers are
interested in the private lives of celebrities. One cannot blame celebrities for this. After all, they
are also human beings and it is quite natural for them to have flaws. In any case, they do not
ask their fans to do what they do. The problem with young people is that many of them blindly
follow film stars or sports personalities. Naturally, when they see their favourite star flaunting a
flashy lifestyle, they want it for themselves. This, unfortunately, leads to many problems.
Famous people are usually rich and have the means to support their extravagant lifestyle. Most
of their fans, however, hail from ordinary backgrounds. In their quest to live like their stars,
they may even get into crimes. Many star-struck teenagers are ready to do just about anything
to make money so that they can live like film stars.

However, the root cause of the problem here is not the flashy lifestyle of celebrities. When we
look closer, it is not hard to see that if young people are getting misled by celebrities, the
problem is with them and the parenting they received. It is important for everyone to learn to
live within their means and to have a moral code of conduct. They should learn to separate the
wheat from the chaff. Parents and teachers can help them to distinguish the good from the

To conclude, while it is true that celebrities influence young people, it is wrong to blame them
for the wrongdoings of their followers. Everyone is required to have a set of moral principles to
guide them through life and nobody is supposed to blindly imitate others.

Band 8.5
The reason that most individuals are in debt is due to the overuse and irresponsible use of
credit cards. Banks should not issue credit cards unless they are completely sure of an
individual’s ability to pay back their debts. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this

Careless and irresponsible use of credit cards push many people into debt. Some people,
therefore, argue that banks should ensure the customer’s ability to pay off their debts before
issuing credit cards to them. I agree with this view. While I insist that banks should check the
credit history of a person before offering them credit cards, in my opinion, this may not always
help because the financial stability of a person can change any time. So there is no way banks
can fully verify the repayment capacity of the customer.

Irresponsible use of credit cards can push anyone into the debt trap. Still, the demand for credit
cards continues to increase. People consider credit cards as a means to improve lifestyles. They
borrow more money than they should as the credit cards are easy to use and readily acceptable
in so many places. Unfortunately, some people cannot pay back the debts and get into huge
financial trouble.

Banks usually won’t issue credit cards if they are not completely satisfied with the finances of
the customer. They always check the credit history and financial situation of the customer and
also explain the burdensome consequences that can happen to the customer if they use the
card irresponsibly. Still, many people use the card carelessly and get into permanent debt. So it
is unfair to blame the bank alone for the credit card holder’s mistakes.

Another factor that we need to acknowledge is the unpredictable nature of a person’s financial
situation. People can fall ill or lose their job. Both of these are situations that can considerably
affect a person’s ability to repay his debt. In most cases such situations cannot be predicted and
are not in the control of either the bank or the customer.

To conclude, it is important for the banks to verify the customer’s ability to pay back debts
before giving them credit cards. Customers also have a responsibility to control their spending
habits to protect themselves from debt.

Band 9
Some people think that changing people’s attitudes to other countries, and culture is an
important factor in reducing world poverty. Others, however, feel that the most important
method is trade. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Only a small percent of the world’s population lives in rich countries. Yet, they own more than
80 percent of the global wealth. Some people claim that we need to change our attitude
towards other countries to eradicate poverty from the world. Others feel that increasing trade
is the solution. In my opinion, we need a change in attitude as well as a boost in trade.

Nations are obsessed with their boundaries. They only want to take care of the people living
within their boundaries. If eliminating poverty from the world is the goal, countries and their
people have to think beyond their boundaries. People need to realize that everyone
irrespective of their nationality, religion or ethnicity belong to one family – humanity. Rich
countries already have a considerable amount of wealth lying unused in their coffers. The
moment they start using this wealth for the betterment of humanity, poverty will be a thing of
past. This, of course, requires a change in their attitude towards poor countries and their

An increase in trade is important too. It is wrong to assume that a nation can progress entirely
on financial aid received from other countries. While foreign aid certainly helps in building
infrastructure and other facilities, it does not arrive in unlimited amounts. Therefore rather
than placing too much reliance on international aid, poor countries should try to boost their
domestic and international trades to create jobs and improve their economies.

To conclude, rather than leaving the poor countries to their fate, rich countries should come
forward to solve the problems plaguing them. People need to realize that irrespective of their
skin colour or nationality, they all belong to one species and as such it is their duty to give help
where it is required. This is not possible without changing our attitude towards other countries
and people.

Band 9
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer
nations. However, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for
helping the poorer nations in such areas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this

Due to globalization, many countries are joining their hands with other countries to create win-
win opportunities. The important factors for developments of poorer countries are
enhancement in the area of health, education and trade. However, the governments of other
richer countries should accept more responsibility to help the poorer countries in those areas.
Nonetheless, in my opinion, this should not be at the expense of developments of their own

It is inevitable fact that developed countries spend millions of dollars for research in different
areas. However, this money can be spend for development of under developed and developing
countries. The governments of richer countries can help to poorer nations in the areas of
health, education, trade etc. by providing aid for different purposes. They can enhance public
health by providing advance medical facilities. Moreover, they should always embrace students
in their countries by providing them higher education and liberalizing visa process. This would
help their own countries as well. It may bring cultural diversity and a sense of tolerance among
the people of their own countries. For example, the US government provides funds for aids
patients in Uganda which is really helpful for under developed country like Uganda.

Nevertheless, richer countries should not provide funds at the expense of development of their
own nations. The governments should appropriately estimate budget required for their own
countries and then after only excess funds can be allocated for helping the poorer nations.

In conclusion, the governments of richer nations should help poorer nations for development
and improvement in different areas provided that they have excess funds and resources
available to them.

Band 7
Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations by providing
such things as food and education? Or is it the responsibility of the governments of poorer
nations to look after their citizens themselves?

Some people think that rich countries should support poor countries by providing adequate
food and education, while others argue it is the government’s task to look after its citizens. In
my view, wealthy nations should support the poor only if there is a scarcity of natural resources
in the country.

There is no doubt that the government is responsible for the well-being of its citizens. In
democratic countries, the government is elected by its people so it is the responsibility of the
government to improve the quality of life for the people. The government should define long
term plans to improve the welfare of the citizens and provide high standard of education for
the people. It should identify and use the natural resources to improve the economy of the
country. Lack of planning will result in poor education and low standard of living.

On the other hand, due to inadequate natural resources, some countries are unable to raise the
standards on their own. Countries like Somalia are affected by severe droughts and water
scarcity which make it difficult for people to lead normal lives.

In these cases wealthy nations should come forward to improve the quality of life. Without
their help, the government is unable to meet the basic needs of its people. They are unable to
design the long term plan because of lack of funds and scarcity of natural resources.

To conclude, rich countries should help the poorer nations only if the later do not have
abundant natural resources to support their people. If they have good local resources then it
should be the concerned government’s responsibility to improve the standard of living for its

Band 7
Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations by providing
such things as food and education. Or is it the responsibility of the governments of the poorer
nations to look after their citizens themselves?

Our world is mainly divided into two types of countries – developed and developing
(underdeveloped). I opine that while governments of developing countries are responsible for
their citizens, developed countries too can contribute their bit.

To begin with, the world should be considered as a family. Because all the countries share the
same natural resources, problems created by one nation can affect another. For example, if the
developing countries add serious level of pollution to the environment, the resultant global
warming will affect developed countries as well. Hence, if developed nations share technical
know-how and other useful information with developing nations, some global issues can be
effectively tackled.

Furthermore, people who are starving for basic necessities can threaten the peace of the world.
We cannot deny the fact that humans have some basic necessities such as food and shelter and
non-availability of these can lead them to invade the places which are rich and prosperous. This
situation can even culminate in wars. For example, people from some developing countries
always try to enter developed nations in search of a better future. This creates conflicts
between them. We have recently seen problems of refugee camps near France border which is
created by the people affected by Syrian crises. Therefore, if the developed world takes care of
underdeveloped nations, peace can be established.

Moreover, the value of aid that poor nations receive is much higher than its cost for rich
nations. Developed world uses their wealth in luxury and non-basic amenities which are not
necessities. Alternatively, if the same wealth is expended for providing food and education in
developing nations, it will be worthier. For example, countries like USA can cut some spending
on entertainment and deploy it for providing food and education in some countries in Africa.

In conclusion, wealthy nations should consider themselves as care takers and provide maximum
support for basic necessities such as food and education in developing countries.

Band 8
Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer
nations. However, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for
helping the poorer nations in such areas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this

The wealth of a nation is its people. Even in this twenty-first century millions of people living in
poor nations do not have access to health care facilities or education. Since their governments
lack the financial means to improve their living standards, some people feel that the rich
nations should help them by providing financial aid. I agree with this argument. In my opinion
when rich nations help poor nations, it is a win-win situation for both.

Rich nations have excess funds. By giving financial aid to poor nations, they can improve the
living standards in the third-world. Poverty is the root cause of many social evils. It is a well-
known fact that poor countries are the breeding grounds of several anti-social elements. The
poor, in general, are unhappy with their own lives. They are also angry with the rich. Needless
to say, many of them have criminal tendencies. It is not possible to reform them without
improving their living standards. By providing financial assistance to poor nations, the rich
countries can alleviate poverty in those nations and make the world a more peaceful place to
live in.

Giving financial assistance to poor nations makes excellent business sense too. When poor
nations develop, the purchasing power of their people will increase. This provides a great
opportunity for rich nations that are also the hub of manufacturing. By helping the poor grow,
they can increase their wealth too.

To conclude, when rich nations give financial assistance to poor nations, they are not only being
generous but also helping their own industries and people. Irrespective of our gender,
nationality or religion, everyone deserves access to good food, health and education.
Therefore, in my opinion, nations that have excess funds should use them for the betterment of
poor nations. After all, we all belong to the family of humanity.

Band 9
Art is considered an essential part of all cultures throughout the world. However, these days
fewer and fewer people appreciate art and turn their focus to science, technology and
business. Why do you think that is? What could be done to encourage more people to take
interest in the arts?

Art has always played a vital role in enriching cultures all over the world. However, people are
showing less and less interest in art these days. In this essay, I will analyze the reasons behind
this trend and also suggest possible ways to boost people’s interest in arts.

While it is true that art enriches culture, it plays little or no role in improving our lives. For
example, one does not have to admire great paintings or marvel at brilliant sculptures to live
comfortably. This is not exactly the case with the contributions of science and technology. Take,
for instance, the case of electricity or computers. It is impossible to imagine a life without these
technological innovations. Needless to say, people are showing more interest in science than in
arts. Science and business also create more jobs and sustain economies.

Another reason for the diminishing popularity of art is that it has lost the patronage of
governments. During the monarchy artists enjoyed considerable attention. While governments
still support art and artists, no special incentive is given to produce masterpieces of art.

Art and culture co-exist. One cannot survive without the other. That explains the importance of
preserving art. One way of doing this is to make art a viable career option. The government
should create jobs in this sector by opening more and more art galleries and organizing
exhibitions and cultural programmes. This will encourage more students to pursue art at school
and colleges.

To conclude, the most effective way to nurture art is to capitalize on its economic potential. The
government can do this by creating jobs in this sector.

Band 9
Some people think that they should spend money they earn now enjoying life, while others
think that the money should be put into savings for future.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

There are people who enjoy spending money. They simply cannot resist the urge to splurge.
There are also people who believe in saving every penny they earn. In my opinion, neither
approach is correct.

It is impossible to get something for nothing. We have to earn money to live comfortably. There
are certain expenses that cannot be done away with. For example, we all need food to eat and
clothes to wear. We also have a responsibility to take care of our dependent children, parents
and spouse. All of these are good reasons to spend money.

However, I am against spending money just for the sake of it. There are people who spend
every penny they earn. They buy things without even bothering to check whether they actually
need them. While spending might give them some momentary pleasures, they will soon find
themselves in deep financial problems. There is no harm in enjoying life by going on a holiday
or buying latest fashion clothes or accessories. However, one must ensure that one is not
spending more than one can afford. Also, emergencies may arise any time. For example, one
can fall ill or lose job. It is impossible to tide over such crises without adequate savings.

Just like some people enjoy spending, there are also some people who enjoy saving. In their
relentless quest to save as much as they can, they deprive themselves of the little pleasures in
life. These people may have huge bank balances but they fail to enjoy life. Life is short and no
one can carry their savings with them to the other world. It is therefore pointless to save all the
money one earns without enjoying the little pleasures of the world. Happiness, after all, is the
biggest wealth.

To conclude, the very purpose of earning money is to lead a comfortable life. This requires one
to save and spend in the right amounts.

Band 9
Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists but not local people. Why
is this the case and what can be done to attract local people to visit these places?

Museums and monuments showcase the rich history and culture of a nation. Most of these places
attract a large number of tourists; however, local people show little interest in them. There are
several reasons behind this trend.

To start with, local people give museums and historical places a miss because they offer nothing
new to them. They are already familiar with their culture and history and perhaps have nothing
new to discover by frequenting the same museums again and again. A tourist, on the other hand,
may enjoy visiting a museum or monument because of the numerous windows they open to the
past. Another reason that dissuades local people from visiting museums is that they are rarely
updated. What they showcase this month is in no way different from what they showcased last
month or last year. Therefore, although they will figure in a tourist’s itinerary, for natives regular
visits to such places are quite boring. Cost could also be a factor. Most museums and monuments
charge an entry fee which could be an issue for low or middle income families.

The government and local authorities can take several simple steps to rekindle locals’ interest in
museums. They can, for example, organize regular exhibitions, cultural events and light shows
that provide visitors a new experience every time they visit these places. Scraping the entry fee
may also help.

To conclude, if local people prefer to stay away from museums and monuments, that is because
these institutions fail to offer new experiences to them. Authorities should consider organizing
various cultural programmes and shows at these places to encourage more local people to visit

Band 7.5
Some parents think that childcare centers provide the best services for children of pre-
school age. Other working parents think that family members such as grandparents will
provide better care for their kids.

Discuss both views and give your opinion

While some parents believe that their children get the best care and support from playschools,
others are of the opinion that grandparents are the best caretakers. I totally agree with the
second view.

Grandparents take good care of their grandchildren because they love them. They are their
flesh and blood and that is a good reason to shower them with love and care. Also,
grandparents are much more than caretakers. Besides taking care of their grandchildren, they
help the babies to develop their social and language skills. Moreover, the blood relationship
between them help better bonding and create an overall healthy atmosphere, which in turn
foster better growth and character formation. For Instance, a recent research found that babies
who spend a considerable amount of time with their parents or grandparents learn things much

As for playschools or day care centers, they are run for monetary benefits. The vast majority of
these institutions are not all that concerned about the well-being of the kids. Many of them
accommodate 20 to 25 kids at a time and that makes it difficult for them to attend to the needs
of all children. The pre-school age is extremely crucial for the intellectual and emotional
development of children. Since babies tend to learn a lot during this period, it is important for
them to receive individual care and attention. Unfortunately, preschools and day care centres
often fail to address these needs.

To conclude, in order to ensure the overall development of children, it is important to

understand and acknowledge their needs like a grandparent or parent does. Since pre-schools
are profit-driven I cannot agree with the argument that they provide the best service for
preschool children.

Band 7.5
In some countries an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a
result of eating too much fast food. It is therefore necessary for governments to impose a
higher tax on this kind of food. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Health problems caused by the excessive consumption of fast foods have assumed epidemic
proportions all over the world. According to some people, it is important to impose a high tax on
junk food to discourage people from eating such foods. In my opinion, this will deter only the
middle and lower income groups.

To begin with, imposing a higher tax will make fast foods unaffordable to poor people. This will
force them to cook proper meals at home. While this might cause them some inconvenience, it is
actually good for their health. However, the taxes will not discourage affluent consumers from
buying fast food. They will continue to consume it. That means increasing the tax on fast food
will have only a marginal effect on its consumption.

Creating awareness about the ill-effects of fast foods is also unlikely to be of much help. Most
people who consume fast foods are actually aware of its health consequences. For instance, a
survey conducted in Singapore, one of the developed countries in the world, revealed that people
are compelled to buy fast foods because of their busy schedule even though they are aware of the
health problems.

Perhaps a better solution is to make healthy food more affordable and accessible. One of the
main reasons that increase the consumption of fast foods is that they can be cooked in a matter of
minutes. Ready-to-eat foods are also available in supermarkets. Many people are consuming fast
foods because healthier alternatives are not conveniently available.

To conclude, increasing the tax on fast foods will only deter the low income groups from buying
them. If the governments really want to reduce the consumption of fast foods, making healthier
alternatives more affordable and accessible is the best solution.

Band 9
There seems to be an increasing number of serious crimes being committed each year.
While some think that the best way is to use the death penalty as a deterrent, many people
believe that other measures will be needed.

Discuss both sides of view.

Over the years there has been a dramatic increase in the number of serious crimes being
committed. While some people are of the opinion that capital punishment is the best way to
tackle this problem, others disagree. In other opinion, other measures are required to reduce the
crime rates. This essay will discuss both sides of the argument in detail.

Capital punishment will certainly deter at least some people from committing heinous crimes.
For example, a study in the US found that the rate of serious crimes in states that implement
capital punishment is considerably lower than the crime rate in states that do not have capital
punishment. This is clearly an indication that people are afraid of getting executed and that fear
helps to reduce the crime rate.

However, capital punishment alone will not reduce the crime rates. If that was the case, then
most countries should be free of serious crimes now because death penalty is still given in the
majority of developed and developing countries. Therefore, the argument that other measures are
also required to reduce crime certainly holds water.

One of the main reasons of increasing crime rates is the easy access to firearms. For example,
many countries have liberal laws that allow almost everyone to own firearms. Crime rates are
certainly high in countries like the United States in spite of the fact that they have an efficient
penal system. If the US restricted the possession of guns, perhaps that alone would reduce the
crime rates in that country. The government also needs to investigate the factors that compel
people to commit crimes. In poor and developing nations poverty and unemployment are the
main causes of increasing crime rates. If the government creates more jobs, the crime rate will
automatically reduce.

In conclusion, there are several reasons behind increasing crime rates. Although some people
insist that death penalty is the best way to tackle the problem, I agree with the argument that
other measures are also required.

Band 9
Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this is happening?
What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?

The amount of rubbish produced by an average household has increased dramatically over the
last few decades. There are several reasons behind this alarming development.

The first one, of course, is the improvement in living standards. Actually there is a significant
increase in the number of households with disposable income. This increases consumption and
unfortunately this also increases the production of rubbish. Earlier people used to cook food with
the ingredients they sourced from their backyard. Now they buy packaged food from
supermarkets. After the consumption of the food, this packaging will land in the trash bin and
from there it will be transferred to landfills. Now when people feel thirsty, they just buy a bottle
of water without worrying about the future of the empty bottle.

Another reason behind the excessive production of rubbish is the cheap availability of plastic.
Using this versatile material it is now possible to produce almost any kind of wrappers and
containers. Unfortunately, plastic is not biodegradable. Once it reaches the soil, it remains there
for millions of years. Rubbish causes several health problems. It pollutes the air, water and soil.
It affects the productivity of the soil.

The government and the public can take several measures to reduce the amount of rubbish they
produce. People need to be aware that by producing more and more rubbish, they are hurting
their health and the planet. The government needs to restrict the production of plastic. Hefty
fines should be imposed on shops that offer plastic carry bags. It is also important to sensitise
people about responsible consumption and the importance of reducing the production of rubbish.

To conclude, higher levels of income encourage people to consume more and as a consequence
produce more waste. However, the government and the public can still save the planet from the
frightening amount of rubbish by acting more responsibly.

Band 9
Children do not respect their parents as much as they did in the past. This behaviour is now
having a negative impact on society.

The relationship between parents and children has undergone a drastic transformation over the
last few decades. Parents are no longer the sole authority in a family. This change has certainly
affected the way children interact with their parents. In fact, many of them have become
disrespectful. Since they repeat the same behaviour outside of their home, it is having a
negative effect on the society as well. There are several reasons behind this disturbing trend.

Today’s children receive much better education than what their parents received. They have
also become smarter and more intelligent thanks to the accessibility of new age technologies.
For example, I know many young children who can use their parents’ smart phones much
better than them. They can drive vehicles faster. This creates a false sense of superiority and
they often look down upon their parents and treat them with disrespect. This was not exactly
the case thirty or forty years ago when the skill gap between parents and children were

Another factor that contributed to the growth of disrespectful children is the rise of the nuclear
family. Most families now consist of just the parents and one or two kids. These families
certainly revolve around these children and it is not uncommon for parents to cater to every
whim and fancy of their kids. This makes children more demanding.

In my opinion, if children have become disrespectful, it is a problem with their upbringing.

Parents who satisfy every need of their children are not doing them a service. Rather they are
spoiling them. Parents are required to not only provide their children with food and clothing
but also instill values in them. Today’s children may possess higher technical skills and more
academic qualifications than their parents. This, however, does not mean that they are wiser.

To conclude, there is no denying the fact that children are becoming more disrespectful and
this is having a negative impact on the society. However, in my opinion, this is actually a
reflection of the poor parenting skills of their parents and the rise of the nuclear family.

Band 9
Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest of our lives, while others believe
that adult life brings more happiness. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

People often wonder whether adolescence is better than adulthood. Some think so while others
disagree. In my opinion, each stage in life has its pros and cons.

Adolescence is certainly an enjoyable period of time. Teens have few things to worry about.
They are not required to earn money or support a family. As a result, many of them have plenty
of free time that they can use to engage in activities they enjoy. Even the criminal law is kind to
teenagers. Offences committed by teens attract less severe punishments than offences committed
by adults. On the flip side, teenage is also a period of great emotional turmoil. Teens are neither
kids nor adults and have a strong need for freedom. They do not like it when their parents or
teachers attempt to make them behave.

By contrast, adults are more mature and responsible. Many of them have a job to meet their
expenses. They have less free time than teens, but most of them simply do not care. They are
more focused on their careers and want to achieve something in life. Since their family and the
law treat them as mature individuals, they enjoy a greater level of freedom. For example, they
can decide what they want to do with their life. They can choose a job of their liking or they can
choose not to work at all. While teens are minors adults are majors capable of entering into
contracts enforceable by the law.

After looking at both sides of the situation, it is not hard to see that adolescence and adulthood
have their upsides and downsides. In my opinion, it is therefore wrong to claim that one stage of
life is better or happier than another stage.

Band 8
Today more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the
Sahara desert or the Antarctic?

What are the benefits and disadvantages for tourists who visit such places?

Over the last few years, there has been a significant increase in the number of people travelling
to inhabitable or hostile places. Most of them are driven by a passion to achieve something that
few others have been able to achieve. They want to experience the adrenalin rush that such
expeditions bring on.

Travelling to difficult places has both advantages and disadvantages. One of the biggest benefits
of undertaking difficult journeys is that they improve one’s confidence in one’s abilities. While
the journey can be physically and mentally exhausting, the exhilaration that one experiences
upon its successful completion is not something that can be described in mere words. It is this
need to test one’s limits that propelled sailors like Magellan and Columbus to sail around the
world and discover unknown lands. It is this need to conquer the unknown that encourages
people to climb mountains. And there are many takers for this trend. Adventure tourism is
growing by leaps and bounds. People are aware of the risks, yet they want to experience the
thrill. So, they set out on difficult journeys.

On the flip side, difficult journeys can be extremely dangerous. Things can go against our plans.
Lots of travellers have died while trekking difficult mountains or rafting in turbulent rivers.
There are also many adventure travellers who sustain serious injuries that leave them immobile
for the rest of their lives. Another drawback of such journeys is that if the travellers go missing
or find themselves in trouble, the governments may have to launch costly rescue operations.

To conclude, difficult journeys are extremely thrilling. They are equally dangerous; yet many
people undertake them because they want to test their limits and conquer the unknown.

Band 7.5
Some people believe famous people’s support for international aid organizations draw
public attention. Others think celebrities reduce the importance of the problems. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.

Celebrities such as film stars and sportspersons support several charitable organizations. Some
people argue that they are doing this to gain more publicity. I don’t quite agree with this view.
Celebrities are certainly interested in hogging the limelight and that may be the reason they get
involved in charitable work. Even so, by openly supporting various humanitarian causes, they are
also creating awareness and encouraging other people to get involved.

In my opinion, the argument that celebrities reduce the importance of problems does not hold
water. They bring issues to public attention by lending their support to them. For example,
countless celebrities endorse Green Peace and PETA. By doing so, they have created awareness
about the need to protect the planet and wildlife. I doubt that PETA would have gained so much
attention without the active support of celebrities.

Of course, celebrities do not do much other than just lending their support. But because of their
popularity, the media follow them wherever they go and when they get involved in a cause, that
makes headlines. This encourages the fans of these celebrities to also support those causes. This
is how celebrities make a difference to the world. Because of their huge fan following they can
encourage people to act by simply voicing their support for an organization or a cause. It does
not really matter whether they are doing this for their own benefits or for the benefit of the

In conclusion, I do not agree with the argument that celebrities belittle the importance of various
humanitarian causes. They may be supporting charities for their own benefits, but by doing so
they are also bringing these causes to the fore and getting the support of others.

Band 8
Many people believe that formal “pen and paper” examinations are not the best method of
assessing educational achievement. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this

While it is true that there has been some path-breaking research in education, academic
achievements are still assessed using the old fashioned ‘pen and paper’ exams. Many people
believe that this is a flawed method. I don’t fully agree with them.

Paper based written examinations have their flaws. The biggest problem with the traditional
examinations is that they only assess the performance of the student on the day of the exam. As a
result a bright student who couldn’t prepare well for the exam due to reasons that were beyond
their control will get a poor grade. This is unfair. If the student performed well throughout the
year in class tests and other informal assessments, there is no justification for giving them a poor
grade just because they failed to perform well in one examination. Written examinations also
encourage mugging. Parents and teachers force students to learn answers by heart with the sole
objective of getting a good score. Many of these students don’t understand the concepts and yet
they get good marks. They won’t be able to answer the same questions if you ask them a few
days later. This kind of learning will benefit neither the student nor the society.

An alternative solution is to use a method of continuous evaluation. Schools should monitor the
performance of students from day one. They should also use a variety of parameters to determine
the merit of each student. Unfortunately, this method also has its flaws. In most cases, teachers
and schools try to manipulate the results with the objective of getting great results for their
school. Education is a highly competitive sector and every school wants to get better results than
other schools. So in this scenario if schools are entrusted with the task of grading their students,
we cannot expect the results to be impartial.

Perhaps a better solution is to use written examinations in tandem with continuous evaluation.
This will ensure that good students will get the grades they deserve even if they fail to perform
well on exam day.

To conclude, the traditional written examination has its flaws. Other methods have their flaws
too. In my opinion, the government and the schools should use a variety of methods and
parameters to assess the calibre of their students.

Band 9
Nowadays, many families have both parents working. Some working parents believe that
other family members can take care of their children, while others think childcare centers
are better. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

The cost of living has increased and hence in many families now both parents work. One of the
biggest problems that working parents face is finding an appropriate support system for their
children. Some get the help of their parents or other close relatives. Others send their children to
daycare centres. In my opinion, both options have their pros and cons. Even so, I am in favour of
leaving the children in the care of other family members if that is possible.

In countries like India most people prefer to leave their children in the care of their grandparents.
The biggest advantage of this arrangement is that the children will get lots of love and care from
their grandparents. They will also learn family values and moral principles. This will ensure their
proper emotional and physical development. What’s more, grandparents have previous
experience in parenting. So they know how children should be taken care of. On the flip side,
grandparents are also known to be overindulgent. They often turn a blind eye to the faults of their
grandchildren. As a result children can grow into spoilt brats but parental intervention at the right
stages can prevent this from happening.

Sending the kids to daycare centres has its ups and downs too. In a daycare centre the child will
have the company of several other children. This opportunity to interact with others will improve
their communication skills. Some daycare centres also act as playschools that teach kids numbers
and alphabets. On the flip side, the caretakers at these childcare centres have no emotional
attachment to the children. They may have degrees in child psychology but they cannot give the
love or attention that parents or grandparents can give. What’s more, many of these centres are
actually profit driven and often fail to take good care of children.

To conclude, after looking at the pros and cons of both arrangements it is not hard to see that
leaving children in the care of their grandparents is a better option than sending them to childcare
centres. However, if that is not possible parents should not hesitate to choose the other option.

Band 8.5
Some people think that the increasing use of computers and mobile phones nowadays has
unwanted effects on young people’s reading and writing skills. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?

Electronic gadgets like mobile phones or computers have become an integral part of our lives
and it is now impossible to imagine a life without them. Some people, however, argue that the
overuse of these devices has an adverse effect on the language skills of young people. I partially
agree with this view.

Nowadays most students spend a great deal of time on their tablets and smart phones. They have
become addicted to these devices. Since these devices are small, they only have a small keypad
to type in messages. So most youngsters now only use acronyms when they send messages to
their friends. Worse, they find the SMS lingo quite ‘cool’. As a result, many of them don’t know
the spelling of even common words. In addition, they use smileys and stickers to express their
emotions. While this might look harmless, it can actually affect their ability to communicate
feelings in words. What’s more, most word processors now have spell-checkers. Since these
programs automatically correct the spelling of misspelled words, students don’t even have to
learn spelling to get good marks in their exams.

On the flip side, digital equipments can also improve the reading and writing skills of
youngsters. There are numerous websites and mobile applications that allow students to learn
and improve their language skills. Dictionary apps are particularly helpful for finding the origin
and pronunciation of words. Devices like e-book readers actually develop reading habits
amongst youngsters. Thanks to their compact size we can carry them around and read whenever
we want to.

To conclude, modern devices like mobile phones or tablets have positive and negative aspects in
equal measures. It is up to us to decide whether we want to benefit from them or allow them to
destroy our language and cognitive skills.

Band 8
Some people think that schools should reward students who have the best academic results,
while others believe that it is more important to reward students who show progress. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion.

Most schools reward students who perform well in their examinations. Some people, however,
feel that instead of giving prizes to academic toppers, schools should appreciate the hard work of
students who show great progress by rewarding them. In my opinion, toppers as well as those
who show progress need to be rewarded.

Rewards motivate students to work harder and achieve better results. Everybody loves to get
prizes. Toppers are no different. When the school appreciates their hard work with prizes, they
will be motivated to work even harder. What’s more, their performance will also inspire other
students to study harder and improve their grades. If the school does not reward them, at least,
some of them will lose the motivation and that may reflect in their grades.

At the same time, toppers are not the only students who need to be appreciated. Students who
show great progress should also be rewarded for their hard work. Just knowing that the school
appreciates their efforts will be a motivation for them and they will want to improve their
performance by working harder.

Rewards are given for a reason. As human beings, we all crave appreciation. When others
recognize our efforts, we will want to work even harder and achieve greater results. If schools
only reward academic toppers, others may assume that prizes are not meant for them. In that
case, they will give up even without making an effort to get better grades. If, on the other hand,
the schools also reward students showing improvement, more and more students will want to
improve their grades.

To conclude, rewards encourage all students to work harder. Therefore, in my opinion, not only
the toppers, but students showing improvement also need to be rewarded.

Band 9
Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for their own countries. What
are the reasons? What are the solutions to change negative attitudes?

Some people are not in favour of foreigners visiting their country. They feel that international
tourists do more harm than good to their culture. In my opinion, this negative attitude is the
outcome of various misconceptions about foreigners. The government and the media can do a lot
to bust these myths.

Cultural differences exist between nations and that is the reason behind this animosity towards
foreign tourists. People, especially those living in conservative societies, believe that the influx
of foreign tourists to their country can damage their ethnic culture and values. India, for example,
is a conservative country that expects both men and women to dress modestly and behave
conservatively in public. When western tourists, especially women, wear skimpy outfits while
touring the country, they invite a lot of unwanted stares. The same thing happens in Arabian
countries where public display of affection is strictly forbidden. Obviously, Arabians do not like
it when foreigners kiss or engage in other acts of affection in public.

While it is true that no culture is better or worse than others, countries should still advise their
people to dress and behave appropriately when they are abroad. Foreigners need to realize that
when they disrespect local customs and traditions, they are putting their safety at risk. Host
nations should also convince their people that tourism is actually good for their country and
economy. It creates jobs and boosts local economy.

To conclude, misconceptions about foreigners are the reason many people dislike them.
International tourists can do a lot to dispel these myths by behaving appropriately and respecting
foreign cultures and customs when they are abroad. The governments of host nations should also
convince their people of the importance of tourism.

Band 8
Everyone should follow a vegetarian diet because it is not necessary to eat meat to be
healthy. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

When it is perfectly possible to lead a healthy life by eating plant based foods, I see no
justification for killing birds or animals for our food. Therefore, I completely agree with the
argument that everyone should adopt a vegetarian diet.

There are several benefits to following a vegetarian diet. To start with, plant based foods are rich
in vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and other nutrients required for good health. What’s more,
most fruits and vegetables contain little or no cholesterol or calories. Research has shown that
vegetarians are less likely to develop health problems like obesity, cancer or heart trouble. Health
benefits are not the only reason to follow a vegetarian diet. When we obtain our food from
plants, we can also stop cruelty to animals.

By contrast, non-vegetarian foods such as fish and meat are high in cholesterol, fat and calories.
Regular consumption of red meat is known to increase a person’s risk of cancer and heart
disease. In addition, unlike fruits or vegetables, fish and meat cannot be eaten raw. The
slaughtered animal may have some illness. If half-cooked meat is eaten, it can cause deadly
infections in human beings. In fact many cases of food poisoning are caused by the consumption
of contaminated meat.

The quality of non-vegetarian food has also deteriorated over the years. Seafood has become
contaminated due to the pollution of ocean water. It is a well-known fact that farm animals are
given steroids to grow rapidly. When we eat their meat, the steroid also enters our body. This
leads to several problems like precocious puberty in children.

To conclude, vegetarian foods are healthy and do not constitute cruelty to animals. Therefore, I
believe that everyone should adopt vegetarianism.

Band 9
Studies show that many criminals do not receive enough education. For this reason, people
believe that the best ways to reduce crime is to educate them so they can find a job after
being released. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Lack of education and employment opportunities are the main causes of the rising crime rate.
Some people, therefore, feel that by simply educating prisoners, we can discourage them from
committing crimes again after they get released from prison. I totally agree with this view.

Almost nobody is born a criminal. Most criminals are victims of circumstances. In fact most of
them come from the poor strata of the society and lack education. As a result they don’t have
many employment opportunities. Many of them eventually become thieves or gangsters. By
contrast, criminal tendencies are comparatively low among educated people.

Educating convicted criminals in prison will certainly not erase their shoddy past. However, it
improves their chances of finding employment once they get released. One of the biggest
problems that ex-prisoners face is the lack of rehabilitation opportunities. The society prefers to
keep them at an arm’s length and as such they have fewer opportunities for making a living once
they complete their sentence. Unfortunately, this increases their chances of getting into crime

Education may change the situation for good. If prisoners receive an opportunity to learn and
acquire vocational or academic degrees from prison, they are more likely to find employment
upon their release. When they have a secure job and a means of living, most people will not want
to get into crime again.

To conclude, education improves a person’s employability. Just because someone is a prisoner, it

does not mean that they cannot learn or acquire degrees. In fact, educating prisoners is one of the
best things we can do for their rehabilitation and successful induction into the society.

Band 9
Some people think that in order to prevent illness and disease, governments should try to
reduce environmental pollution and housing problems. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this statement?

Pollution and poverty are important causes of illnesses. Some people, therefore, feel that the
governments should take measures to tackle these evils. I completely agree with this view.

Many governments already earmark a considerable percentage of their annual budget to

healthcare. If a fraction of that is spent on providing housing and improving air quality, the
governments can prevent people from falling ill in the first place.

Millions of people still live in unhygienic surroundings. They cannot afford a home because of
poverty. Unhealthy surroundings are the breeding ground of bacteria, mosquitoes and flies. Since
these are the carriers of illnesses people living in slums and poor surroundings fall ill quite often.
If the government provides affordable housing to all, the living standards of millions of people in
the developing countries will improve substantially. As a result, their health will also improve.

Pollution is another silent killer. Due to environmental pollution the quality of air, water and soil
has decreased causing various illnesses in people. For example, respiratory illnesses are quite
common among people living in cities because of the poor quality of air in urban areas. Water
pollution causes illnesses like typhoid, jaundice and dysentery. While these diseases can affect
anyone, people living in dirty surroundings are more likely to be affected by them.

To conclude, if the governments are really keen on improving the health of their citizens, they
must address the real cause of diseases. In other words by simply making housing affordable for
all and controlling air pollution, the government can protect its people from illnesses. Prevention,
after all, is better than cure.

Band 9
Scientists agree that people are harming their health by eating too much fat food. Some
people think that the solution to this problem is to make people aware of the problems.
Others think education will not work. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Excessive consumption of fatty foods leads to a lot of health problems. Some people believe that
creating awareness about the health consequences of junk food is the solution to this problem.
Others, however, feel that other measures are required to tackle this issue. In my opinion,
creating awareness is important but that alone will not work.

Most people lead a hectic life these days. They do not have the time or energy to cook proper
meals. As a result, they subsist on fast food. Many of them are actually aware of the ill effects of
fast food; yet they consume it because they prefer convenience to health. Such people will not
stop eating junk foods even if the government launches awareness campaigns against such foods.
There are also some people who consume fast food because they are ignorant of the
consequences of fast food consumption. Awareness campaigns will work best amongst them.

As we have seen, in many cases lack of awareness is not the factor that encourages the
consumption of fast foods. Therefore other actions are also required to deal with this problem.
People who eat fast food in spite of knowing that it is unhealthy may stop eating it if the
government makes it unaffordable by increasing taxes on it. Even this measure will not deter
wealthy people from consuming fast foods. Perhaps a better solution is to make healthy food
more affordable and accessible. The government can perhaps open eateries that serve healthy
food at reasonable prices. In Tamil Nadu, for example, there are state funded canteens that serve
healthy foods for a nominal price. When healthy options are available conveniently at least some
people will give up fast food.

To conclude, creating awareness about the harmful effects of fast foods is certainly important but
it will not solve the problem. In addition to creating awareness, the government has to take
measures that make fast foods unaffordable and healthy foods more accessible.

Band 8
Whether someone achieves their goal or not is a question of luck. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?

When someone succeeds, people often attribute that to luck. While I admit that luck may have a
role to play here, I don’t know anyone who achieved success only because of luck. Therefore, I
disagree with the argument that success or failure is a matter of good or bad luck.

If we look around it is not hard to see that most people who achieved success in life had faced
many hardships in their early life. Apple INC’s Steve Jobs, for example, was given up for
adoption immediately after he was born. He faced hardships in his early life but went on to found
one of the most enduring businesses in the world. Steve Jobs never attributed his success to luck.
Neither did Bill Gates, the richest man in the world. They were visionaries who toiled hard to
win their goals.

Helen Keller, whose story continues to inspire millions of people even today, didn’t even have
many faculties that we take for granted. She could neither hear nor speak but none of these
disabilities prevented her from achieving what she wanted in life. There are several such
examples of people who fought against all odds to achieve their goals. Many of them came from
backgrounds that we consider unlucky. Still through determination, dedication and hard work
they were able to achieve success, fame and money.

Of course, there are a few people who achieved success because of good luck. Children born to
rich and famous parents, for example, do not have to struggle to become famous or rich. We can
perhaps attribute their success to luck but in reality such success does not last long.

To conclude, if a person is determined to succeed nothing, not even bad luck, can prevent them
from achieving what they want. Fortune, after all, favours the brave.

Band 9
Some believe that school children should not be given homework by their teachers, whereas
others argue that homework plays an important role in the education of children. Discuss
both of these views and give your own opinion.

There are arguments both in favour of and against giving homework to students. While some
people believe that homework is beneficial to children, others argue that it is an unwanted burden
on them. In my opinion, a small amount of homework will help students to improve their grades;
however, I am against giving too much homework.

The biggest advantage of homework is that it encourages students to open their books and revise
their lessons after reaching home. And if they do their homework with concentration, they will
also learn the lessons. This will definitely improve their grades. If teachers do not give
homework, most students will simply waste their time after reaching home playing video games
or chatting with their friends. They will have to work doubly hard when exams draw closer. By
encouraging students to learn the lessons the day they are taught, homework helps them improve
their grades.

On the other hand, homework can also be an unwanted burden. Most students spend a lot of time
in the classroom. They are already tired by the time they reach home and lack the motivation to
complete their homework. If they do homework it is for fear of punishment. When children are
forced to do homework, they are less likely to focus on what they are doing. They may just copy
answers from their notebook. This practice will not benefit them in any way.

This, however, does not mean that teachers should stop giving homework. They can make
homework less of a burden by giving only a small amount of it. This way they can ensure that
students have time for play as well. Studies have shown that physical activity also helps brain
development and boosts grades indirectly.

To conclude, the practice of giving too much homework should definitely be discouraged as it is
unhealthy and useless. However, abolishing homework is not the solution. Instead of taking such
drastic measures, in my opinion, teachers should just reduce the amount of homework they give.

Band 9
Most employers do job interviews before offering a position to a person. Do you think this
is the best way to do it, or are there better alternatives? What is the best method of
choosing employees in your opinion?

It is a common practice all over the world for employers to interview potential candidates. While
I don’t think that this is the best way to assess the job worthiness of a particular candidate, I
cannot suggest any better alternatives. In my opinion, combining the interview with mock
practical tests and written examinations is the best way of finding suitable candidates.

Interviews certainly are useful in many ways. The fact that they are used all over the world is a
clear sign that a lot of employers find them useful. During an interview, the employer can assess
the personality of a candidate to a great extent. Also there are various techniques that the
interviewers can use to find out how a particular person will behave in various situations.
Interviews are particularly helpful for selecting employees whose jobs require them to interact a
lot with potential clients and customers. For example, people working in sales, marketing, PR or
HR need good people skills that can be measured during an interview.

Perhaps the biggest downside of interviews is that the candidates can come prepared and turn the
interview to their advantage. It is possible to give learned answers to questions asked during an
interview. In addition, it is foolish to believe that all candidates will demonstrate their true nature
or work ethics during an interview.

Another disadvantage of interviews is that by interviewing someone, an employer can only

assess their personality and general knowledge. An interview, for example, is not a good way of
measuring a person’s technical skills. By simply interviewing someone who has a degree in
engineering, an employer cannot find out whether they have the skills required to deliver a good
performance at the workplace. In such situations putting the candidate through tasks they would
have to typically do before offering them a job is a better solution.

To conclude, while it is true that an interview is not the best method of choosing a candidate,
there aren’t many better alternatives. In my opinion, employers should combine the interview
with written tests and mock practical tests to find the most suitable employees.

Band 9
Most high-level positions in companies are filled by men even though the workforce in
many developed countries is more than 50 percent female. Companies should be required
to allocate a certain percent of these positions to women. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this statement?

In many companies most of the senior level positions are occupied by men. Since many of these
companies have an equal number of male and female employees, some people feel that this is
unfair. In their opinion, companies should reserve a certain number of managerial positions for
women. I both agree and disagree with this view.

There are many reasons why I believe that companies should reserve jobs for women. First of all,
women should have the same opportunities as men. Ensuring gender equality in the workplace is
the easiest way to avoid gender based discrimination. Also when an equal number of men and
women work at senior levels, it will make the work environment pleasant for both genders.
What’s more, sometimes just knowing that a certain percent of higher positions are reserved for
women can actually be an inspiration for female employees to work hard. Women also have
certain qualities that make them good managers. For example, they are better at communicating
and solving problems.

On the flip side, reserving positions can have its fair share of disadvantages too. Companies are
driven by profits and they need employees who have the skills, expertise and knowledge to take
their business forward. If a certain number of senior positions are reserved for women, then
companies will be required to appoint only women in those positions. This can actually pose a
problem if there aren’t suitable female candidates. If companies are forced to appoint less
qualified candidates, it will have a negative impact on their bottom line.

To conclude, companies should strive to achieve gender equality at the workplace. However, I
feel that reserving senior management positions for women is not very practical.

Band 8
In order to reduce crime, some argue that attacking its cause like poverty is the best
solution, while others believe that putting more people in prisons and having more
policemen are more convenient way in tackling crime. Discuss both sides and give your

Reducing the crime rate is crucial to ensuring the safety and security of people living in a
particular society. While some people are in favour of building more prisons and increasing the
number of policemen, others feel that achieving economic welfare is the key to tackling crime. In
my opinion, all of these measures are required to fight crime effectively.

There are several benefits to increasing the number of policemen patrolling the streets. They will
act as a deterrent and force offenders to think twice before engaging in robbery or shoplifting.
They will also increase the sense of safety among law-abiding citizens. It is equally important to
punish those engaging in criminal activities. They are a threat to the life and property of people
and hence they should be kept in confinement. The hardships that they face in the prison and the
subsequent social alienation may reform at least some of them.

Perhaps a better solution to reduce the crime rates is to ensure financial security for everyone.
Studies have shown that most criminals have poor financial backgrounds. In most cases, it is
their poverty that compels them to commit criminal deeds. If the government can create more
jobs and provide economic security for all the people, the crime rates will automatically drop. Of
course, this will require the government to invest more in education and vocational training.
Educated and trained people will be able to create jobs themselves. They are also less likely to
get into crime.

To conclude, tackling crime is a tough task and the government has to employ all possible means
to achieve this. This will involve deploying more policemen on the streets, putting criminals
behind the bars and ensuring economic security for all the people.

Band 8
Information technology enables many people to do their work outside their workplace. Do
the benefits of this mobility outweigh the disadvantages?

Technology has significantly changed the way we live and work. For instance it has allowed
many of us to have flexible work hours. When we can have our data available in a cloud, we can
work pretty much from anywhere in the world. Some people believe that this flexibility improves
the quality of our life and work. However, in my opinion, working from home has both benefits
and drawbacks.

One of the most important benefits of working from home is the ability to spend more time with
our loved ones. Some people argue that this will boost the morale of employees and encourage
them to give their best. Remote working also benefits parents of very young children. A lot of
women quit their jobs to take care of their children. If companies allow them to work from their
home, they can join the workforce again. Companies also benefit when employees work from
their home. They can save money on office rentals and utility bills.

On the flip side, remote working has its drawbacks too. Some people believe that having a nice
workplace where people can work together as a team and communicate closely is more
beneficial than working from outside. I have a personal example on how distance can interfere
with work outcomes. My boss travels a lot and sometimes I have a hard time meeting him. Once
he asked me to prepare a presentation for a meeting we were going to have. As I started to work
on it, I found out that I had some questions and I couldn´t reach him to clarify my doubts. I
finished my work and then weeks later, when he got back, I showed him my presentation and it
was not what he wanted. As a result, I had to do it again, which was a waste of time.

To conclude, there are both benefits and drawbacks to working from home. Flexible hours or
freelancing is not for everyone; however, there are lots of employees who benefit from it.

Band 8
Being a celebrity – such as a famous film star or sports personality – brings problems as well
as benefits. Do you think that being a celebrity brings more benefits or more problems?

Being a well-known personality has both positive and negative aspects. However, in my opinion,
the benefits of being a celebrity outweigh the negatives. In this essay, I will support my stand by
showing how fame elevates a person’s social standing and helps them feel good about
themselves and the work they do.

One of the advantages of being a celebrity is that fame almost always brings riches. Celebrities
are popular. This popularity makes them great brand ambassadors. Companies hire them to
endorse their products because products promoted by celebrities tend to sell well. Since
celebrities are rich they can buy just about anything they want without having to worry about the
cost. Their popularity and their purchasing power make them feel satisfied with the work they do
and help boost their morale.

Celebrities enjoy huge fan-following. Their fans regard them as role models and look up to them
and follow their actions religiously. They do this with the hope of reaching the same level as
their role models. Sports personalities like Roger Federer and Lionel Messi have numerous fans
all over the world. Millions of children aspire to become champions like them. Thus it is evident
how fame elevates a person’s social standing.

On the flip side, at times famous people can become victims of privacy invasion by their fans;
such incidents, however, do not affect all of them. Some celebrities guard their privacy. Others
don’t mind living in the limelight all the time. They enjoy the adulation they get.

To conclude, there are several benefits to being a celebrity. After analysing how fame makes a
person rich and a role model for many, it is not hard to see that being a celebrity is an advantage,
not a disadvantage.

Band 9
Some people believe that teaching children at home is best for a child’s development while
others think that it is important for children to go to school. Discuss the advantages of both
methods and give your own opinion.

Some people argue that homeschooling is better for the development of children while others
disagree and opine that children should go to an educational institution. In my opinion, both
home schooling and regular schooling have their merits and demerits. However, I am in favour
of sending children to an educational institution because it is more beneficial for their overall
development and prepares them for their future.

The biggest advantage of homeschooling is that children can learn at their pace and at a time
convenient for them and their parent or teacher. Children attending regular schools cannot have
this luxury. Also when children learn at home, their teacher or parent can give them 100 percent
attention. This is particularly beneficial for slow learners who need more time and attention to
grasp concepts.

On the flip side, when a child learns at home, she gets hardly any opportunity to interact with
other children. A school is much more than a place where children learn alphabets and
arithmetic. It is a microcosm of the world. Children get to interact with a lot of strangers at
school. Also, they face many challenges. All of these improve their social skills and help them
learn valuable coping skills which will prepare them for their future. By contrast, homeschooled
children have hardly any interaction with the outside world and may be in for a rude shock when
they enter the job market. Even if they do well in academics, their lack of social skills and real
world experience may affect their ability to find a good job.

To conclude, while it is true that homeschooling does have some advantages, I am in favour of
sending children to regular schools because a lot of skills that they learn at school cannot be
learned or taught at home.

Band 9
Nowadays children spend more time playing computer games than doing sports. Why is it
happening? Does it have a positive or negative effect on their development?

Physical activity plays an important role in the physical and psychological development of
children during the initial years of their life. However, urbanization and modernization have
replaced outdoor games with indoor games and thus increased the number of couch potatoes
among the current generation. In my view this is a negative development that affects the physical
and mental development of children.

Firstly, urbanization eliminated public playgrounds from cities and towns. Thanks to the
development of all those housing complexes and shopping centres the cities have become more
congested than ever leaving no room for little ones to enjoy outdoor games like cricket or
football. Since playing such sports in narrow streets cause disturbance to apartment dwellers
parents are forced to keep their children indoors.

The security of children has also become a cause for concern. Parents are becoming wary of
letting their children play outside. So, to keep them engaged indoors they equip their children
with video games, computers and smart phones. As a result, children are getting detached from
the benefits of playing outside. This, unfortunately, affects their physical and intellectual
development. Sitting in front of a computer or gaming console for long hours can affect the
eyesight of children and make them obese.

Studies have shown that physical activity helps the development of cognitive abilities like
decision-making and problem-solving. Sports and games also teach children crucial life skills
such as team spirit and the ability to take success and failure alike. When children do not engage
in sports, they are losing an opportunity to master these life lessons.

To conclude, video games might keep children engaged for hours on end, but they do not help
the overall development of children. So I strongly believe that spending too much time on
playing computer games can be very harmful for the upcoming generation.

Band 9
Some people feel unsafe when they are at home and in public. What are some possible
causes of this and what are some possible solutions?

Nowadays a lot of people feel that they are always in danger irrespective of their physical
location. They don’t feel safe at home or in public places. This essay will explore the various
reasons behind this troubling phenomenon and suggest measures to tackle it.

There are several factors that make people feel insecure. Firstly, both visual and print media give
excessive coverage to violent crimes and encourage people to worry about their safety. News
channels report sensational crimes to increase their viewership and ratings. It is quite natural for
someone who is constantly exposed to violent images of terror in public spaces to be concerned
about their own safety.

Secondly, due to global warming and other climate changes natural disasters now occur more
and more frequently making people feel unsafe even at home. Clearly, people across the globe
are experiencing extreme weather conditions such as flooding and droughts more often. Since we
cannot protect ourselves from most natural disasters by staying indoors, the fear of dangerous
weather conditions keeps growing among people.

In order to tackle this problem, the governments, media and people should work together. The
governments can deploy more police forces on streets to deter criminals from committing crime.
Individuals who are worried about their safety should try not to expose themselves to too much
violent content on the TV or the internet. By carefully choosing what to watch on TV they can
reduce their exposure to violent crimes and at the same time increase their feeling of safety. In
addition, planning for natural disasters by taking appropriate safety measures and precautions
can help allay the concerns of the public.

In conclusion, I suggest that governments and individuals tackle the feelings of insecurity among
the public by working together to reduce crime rates and preparing for unexpected natural

Band 9
Some people say that the best way to improve public health is to increase the number of
sports facilities. Others, however, say that this would have little effect on public health and
that other measures are required. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Whether building more sport facilities and gyms is the best way to improve public health is
debatable. In my opinion, it is important to build more sports centers but the government needs
to take other measures too.

There is no denying the fact that playing sports and games improves one’s physical and mental
health. When we engage ourselves in a sport, the circulation of blood through our body improves
ensuring that every cell gets adequate oxygen. Sports and games also improve our mental health
and intellectual skills. According to a famous Persian proverb, wisdom can only be found in a
healthy body. Obviously if the body is not healthy, the mind cannot be healthy either. Lack of
adequate facilities is one of the reasons that prevent people from playing sports. By building
more sports facilities in towns and villages we can encourage more and more people to get
physically active.

On the flip side, there is very little we can achieve by simply increasing the number of sports
clubs and gyms. Nutrition is as important as physical activity. If people do not eat right they will
not be healthy even if they spend hours in the gym. Studies after studies have shown that
unhealthy eating habits are on the rise among young people. There are also lots of people who
cannot afford healthy food. They will not gain much from building more sports facilities. I am
not saying that the government should not build more gyms or sports centers. However, in my
opinion, ensuring that everyone can afford healthy food and creating awareness about the
importance of eating right are more important.

To conclude, while it is true that sports centers play an important role in improving public health,
claiming that building more of them is the best way to achieve public health is a mistake. I am
not against the government building more sports facilities; however, in my opinion, authorities
must also ensure that everyone can afford nutritious food.

Band 8
Some people think that children should learn to paint or draw at school. Others believe it is
just a waste of time. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

A lot of schools teach subjects like painting and drawing. While some people are in favour of
this, others feel that teaching such subjects is merely a waste of time. I agree with them. In my
opinion, a student’s time can be used for better purposes.

I certainly agree that there are at least a few benefits to learning arts. For example, activities like
drawing or painting enhances the creativity of children. Arts give wings to their imagination and
broaden their horizons. Another benefit is that arts help children to become better individuals in
life. In addition, these subjects offer plenty of relaxation. Being engaged in such creative
activities help students to break the monotony of studying academics.

On the flip side, art subjects cannot be made compulsory because not everybody has an aptitude
for drawing, painting or singing. Since these subjects require inborn talents, there is no point in
imposing them on students who may not have an aptitude for them. For example, some students
may be more interested in playing sports. They will not enjoy it if the school forces them to sit
and draw. It will be more rewarding for them to invest their time in playing games. What’s more,
for most parents, the motive for sending their children to school is to help them excel in
academics. They want the school to focus on subjects like mathematics or science. As for those
students who are actually interested in learning art, well, they can learn it from classes outside
school. In every city, town and village, there are several institutions teaching subjects like
singing, dancing and drawing.

To conclude, I feel that schools should not make drawing or painting compulsory. Instead, they
should offer it as an optional subject so that students who are actually interested in it can pursue
it without wasting the time of others.

Band 8
Schools are spending more time teaching traditional subjects such as history. Some people
think they should rather spend more time in teaching skills that can help students find a job.
To what extent do you agree or disagree.

Traditional school curriculum gives too much importance to subjects like history or arts. Some
people oppose this. In their opinion, schools should teach subjects that will improve the
employability of their students. I totally agree with this view.

History is important. After all, there is no point in developing a generation of professionals who
know absolutely nothing about their culture or history. However, problems arise when traditional
subjects get more importance than job-oriented subjects. Learning subjects like history or
literature might make a person more knowledgeable; nevertheless, these subjects do not improve
the job worthiness of a student. Employers need professional degrees. It is not easy to find a job
after obtaining a degree in history or arts. This is not exactly the case with science or maths
graduates, since they possess the skills required by the industry, they find jobs easily.

Everyone wants to be able to find a good job after finishing their studies. When the schools give
more importance to professional or vocational subjects, students can start learning the skills
required by the industry from a young age. This will improve their competence.

Unemployment figures are increasing rapidly all over the world. If we examine the
unemployment situation in any country, it is not hard to see that most of the unemployed are
students who lack a professional degree. When schools give more importance to subjects like
maths or science, more and more students will want to enroll in professional courses when they
go to university and such courses will enable them to find jobs easily.

To conclude, subjects like history or literature are important, but maths and science are even
more important. After all, the ultimate goal of education is helping students to find employment.
Therefore, I totally agree with the argument that schools should focus on teaching the skills that
will prepare their students for the workplace.

Band 9
Some people say that companies who sponsor big games can gain a lot; other people believe
that it has disadvantages for them. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

While some people believe that companies can reap rich benefits by sponsoring major sporting
events, others contest that claim. In their opinion, the sponsorship of major events can sometimes
have detrimental effects on a company. In this essay, I will examine both arguments and express
my opinion.

Major sporting events are watched by billions of people all over the world. By simply getting
associated with an event like Olympics or World Cup Football, a company can increase its brand
value, sales and revenue. For instance, back in the 70s when the Olympics was sponsored by
Coca-Cola its market share reportedly went from 20 percent to 40 percent in the US. Today
Coca-Cola is a household name and much of that publicity came from the sponsorship of major

Sometimes, however, the sponsorship of an event can earn bad publicity for the company. This
can happen when the event or the players get embroiled in various controversies. For example, in
the 1990s when a cricket tournament was held between India and Pakistan, there was a massive
fight between the players of the two countries. This earned a lot of bad publicity for not only the
tournament but also its sponsor Nike. In the aftermath of this ugly incident Nike’s sales
reportedly decreased by 10 percent in both India and Pakistan.

After analysing both sides of the situation, it is not hard to see that sponsoring a major sporting
event can sometimes earn bad publicity for a company. However, such incidents are very rare.
Since a company can become a household name by simply associating itself with a major event
like Olympics or World Cup Football, I strongly believe that the benefits of sponsoring such
events outweigh the disadvantages if any.

Band 8
Some people believe that subjects such as art, music, drama and creative writing have a
bright future. Therefore, schools should spend more time teaching these subjects. To what
extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Schools already provide some training in subjects like dance, music and creative writing. These
‘extracurricular’ classes help students discover their innate talent for these subjects. Some people
believe that these subjects should be given greater importance in the school curriculum because
they have a bright future. I disagree with this view. In my opinion, subjects like these should be
optional because few students have an aptitude for them.

Not all students are supposed to be artists, singers or writers. Such careers require inborn talents.
While it is possible to acquire a taste for these subjects by learning them at school, it is not
enough to build a bright future in these fields. That also explains why schools set aside only a
few hours to teach these subjects. Those who have a talent for them can gain professional
training from dedicated institutions after school. In every city, it is not hard to find institutes
providing special training in dance or drama. Students who have a flair for these subjects and
who are keen on building a career in them can attend those institutes.

Arts and stories entertain us; however, they are not crucial to our existence. By contrast, subjects
like maths and science have greater applications in life. The world certainly needs more doctors
and engineers than singers or painters. Also, a large number of students show proficiency in
these ‘intellectual’ subjects. The truth is that anyone can become a doctor or engineer if they are
willing to work hard. By contrast, very few can become a Michelangelo or Beethoven.

To conclude, I don’t agree with the argument that schools should put greater emphasis on
subjects like arts and drama. These subjects require inborn talents and few students possess them.
Those who are indeed blessed with these talents can hone their skills by joining an institution
providing dedicated training in such disciplines.

Band 8
In some developing countries, it is difficult to get good teachers to work in rural areas
which can have a negative impact on the education of children in those rural communities.
Why do you think good teachers do not want to work in rural areas in developing
countries? What could be done to solve the problem?

In developing nations finding teachers who are willing to work in the rural areas is becoming
difficult. As a result rural children often fail to get good education. There are several reasons
behind this trend. The most important is the disparity in the wages of a rural teacher and an urban

In the developing or undeveloped world, people working in urban areas tend to earn a lot more
than those working in the rural areas. Teachers are no different. A teacher working in the
countryside earns much less than a teacher with comparable qualifications working in cities.
Since salary is the first thing that most people consider while choosing a job, few teachers are
willing to work in villages.

Rural areas also lack of several amenities. Many of them do not have facilities for recreation. For
example, many villages do not have movies or clubs where people can relax after a long working
day. Lack of internet connectivity is another problem that makes rural areas less attractive to

Unfortunately, when teachers refuse to work in the countryside, rural students suffer. Just like
their urban counterparts, children living in rural areas also need quality education. For this
reason, it is imperative that schools find good teachers. The government and school
managements can encourage more teachers to work in villages by offering them salaries
comparable to those earned by teachers working in the city. The government can make this
happen by enacting laws that ensure that people practicing the same profession are paid the same
wages throughout the country. Teachers also need to treat their profession as a noble vocation
that has the potential to make difference to a lot of lives.

To conclude, low salaries are the main reason that discourages teachers from working in the
countryside. The only way to solve this problem is to ensure that regardless of where they are
working, teachers earn the same salaries throughout the country.

Band 9
Some people say that cities are a better place for children to grow up, while others believe
countryside is the right choice. Discuss both views.

People have different views regarding where children should be raised. While some believe that
they should be brought up in the cities others argue that the countryside is the best place to raise
young children. In my opinion, both cities and villages have their merits and demerits.

Health benefits are the biggest advantage of raising children in the countryside. Rural areas are
less polluted than urban areas. They are more beautiful and may inspire the imagination of kids.
Also they are safer with fewer instances of crime. In addition rural communities are closer and
people know one another. All of these help the physical, emotional and social development of
children. In fact, children who grow up in the countryside tend to have a better connection with
nature and their fellow beings.

On the flip side, urban areas have their merits too. Children living in cities have easy access to
better schools and colleges. Actually, this is the main reason for many parents to raise their
children in cities. This is not exactly the case with village children. They often have to travel to
cities to obtain quality education. In addition, finding a job after completing studies is easier in a
city than in a village.

To conclude, neither the urban areas nor the rural areas are a perfect place to bring up children.
They both have their advantages and disadvantages. Cities are a better choice for parents who are
more concerned about giving the best possible education to their children. Villages are ideal for
gifting them a healthy and carefree childhood.

Band 7.5
Learning English at school is often seen as more important than learning local languages. If
these are not taught, many are at risk of dying out. In your opinion, is it important for
everyone to learn English? Should we try to ensure the survival of local languages and, if
so, how?

English is the language of opportunity. It opens more doors than any other language. So, English
is widely taught at schools all over the world. Sometimes this happens at the expense of local
languages. In my opinion, teaching English at schools is important; however, communities also
need to ensure that their own languages are not dying out.

The biggest advantage of learning English is that it is a universal language. People all over the
world use it to communicate with others. The internet has made English even more important
because much of the information on it is in the English language. Globalization is another factor
driving the popularity of English. Companies have offices all over the world and they are looking
for people who can converse in English.

However, just because English improves your career prospects, it does not mean that your own
languages are not important for you. A language is much more than a medium of expression. It is
the mother of culture and civilization. When a language dies the culture associated with that
language will also die. Because of this reason, nations must never allow their local languages to
perish. They can achieve this by simply instilling national pride in their people.

It is perfectly possible to learn and teach English without neglecting one’s own languages. Take,
for instance, the case of India. Hundreds of languages are spoken here. While English is widely
taught as a second language and given too much importance, native Indian languages are also
thriving because Indians learn English with the sole purpose of improving their career prospects.
They are not learning it to become anglicized. In India, English is only used for official
communications and every other type of communication happens in native languages. This
allows Indians to stay true to their culture and at the same time find exciting job opportunities in
the English speaking world.

To conclude, there are several benefits to learning English and hence I strongly recommend that
it should be taught at school. However, governments and communities need to take measures to
ensure that their own languages are not being neglected.

Band 9
Some people believe that it is better to keep criminals in prison for longer , while others
disagree and say that we must find a different solution. Discuss both views and give your
own opinion.

Crime rate is increasing in spite of stringent laws and punishments. Some people argue that the
only way to reduce the rate of crime is to confine criminals to prison for long periods of time.
Others, however, disagree. They feel that we should find alternative solutions to deal with the
growing crime rates. In my opinion, criminals who commit serious crimes should be imprisoned
for the rest of their lives but others need to be treated more leniently.

The fear of punishment almost always acts as a deterrent. Even if it does not reform people, it
will prevent at least some of them from committing crimes. Most people don’t want to go to
prison. That is why governments all over the world use imprisonment as a form of a punishment.
Keeping the offender jailed for the rest of their lives will certainly prevent them from committing
more crimes in future.

However, imprisonment does not stop crime completely. The problem with imprisonment is that
it does not do anything to reform people. Rather it produces hardened criminals. It is common for
people coming out of jail to commit more crimes. The only way to stop them is to keep them in
prison for the rest of their lives. However, only people who commit heinous crimes can be given
such punishments. If others are also given such punishments, that will amount to the violation of
their basic human rights.

I personally feel that those committing less serious crimes like theft or arson should be sent to
rehabilitation centres or ordered to do community work. Community work gives them an
opportunity to give something back to the society. It might even make them better human beings.

To conclude, in my opinion, people who commit serious crimes should be confined to prison for
the rest of their life because they pose a greater threat to humanity and those committing less
serious crimes should be given an opportunity to reform themselves by doing community work
or spending time in a rehab.

Band 9
Some universities offer online courses as an alternative to classes delivered on campus. Do
you think this is a positive or negative development?

Nowadays a lot of people are debating whether online classes can be an alternative to regular
classes. In my opinion, they can. I personally believe that the advancement in technology has
made it possible to make some revolutionary changes to the education system. Online learning is
one of them.

The biggest advantage of online classes is that they are convenient. They allow students to learn
at their pace and at a time convenient for them. Regular classes, on the other hand, have fixed
hours. If you have a full time job or a young child or aged parents to take care of, you cannot
attend them. Online classes are actually a boon for people who have other commitments that
prevent them from attending classes delivered on the campus.

In this day and age, learning has become a never-ending process. People are constantly
upgrading their skills to improve their career prospects. They are enrolling in new courses in the
middle of their career. If universities didn’t offer the option of online learning, most of them
would be in a fix because few people can afford to quit their job to learn a new skill. Online
courses also allow students to obtain foreign degrees without having to leave their country. For
example, students in India can join online courses offered by foreign universities and obtain
coveted degrees sitting at home.

Perhaps the biggest argument against online courses is the lack of quality control. But this has
changed over the years because of advancements in technology. Now that several internationally
acclaimed universities have also started offering online classes, their credibility has also

To conclude, in my opinion, online classes are a positive development and a nice alternative to
regular classes conducted on campus.

Band 8.5
Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Others,
however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for
committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Punishing people who commit crimes is crucial to maintaining law and order in a society. Some
people believe that there should be a fixed punishment for each crime. Others disagree. In their
opinion, factors such as the motive behind the crime too should be considered while deciding on
the punishment. Although I agree that people who commit crimes should be given exemplary
punishment, in my opinion, the judge should also consider the circumstances that led to the

If there is a fixed punishment for each crime, all people who commit murder will get the same
punishment. This system will certainly improve judgement efficiency. Since the punishment for
each crime has already been given in law books, judges only have to pronounce the verdict. Also
when the punishments are consistent with regulations established previously, there will be fewer
law conflicts.

Unfortunately, the above arguments in favour of a fixed punishment are not as logical as they
sound. Human behaviour is almost always influenced by circumstances. Crime is no different. It
is possible for two people who commit murders to have entirely different motives. Perhaps one
of them committed the act with the deliberate intention to kill while the other was merely trying
to save himself from the attacker while committing the murder accidentally. If there are fixed
punishments for murder, both of them will receive the same punishment. This is unfair. It is also
unfair to give juveniles the same punishment as adults. It is thus evident that serious ethical
issues may arise if fixed punishments are given for each crime.

In my opinion, while awarding the punishment the judge should consider not only the severity of
the crime but also the circumstances that led to it. To conclude, it does not make sense to have
fixed punishment for each crime because no two persons who commit the same crime have the
same motive.

Band 8.5
In many countries today there are many highly qualified graduates without employment.
What factors may have caused this situation and what, in your opinion, can/should be done
about it?

Unemployment is on the rise. In fact, even highly qualified graduates are now finding it difficult
to get a job. There are several reasons behind this unfortunate development.

The ongoing economic crisis is one of the main reasons of unemployment. Recession has forced
many organizations to stop hiring new people. As a result, fresh graduates receive no job offer.
Even employed people are getting laid off due to the financial turmoil in world’s major
economies. It should also be noted that major economies like the US, the UK and Germany have
long stopped growing. When economic growth remains stagnant, the need for new talent also
diminishes. This is the main reason behind the increase in unemployment in the developed

At the same time, there is an increase in the number of people graduating from universities. This
is particularly true in the case of developing nations. Thanks to the economic growth in these
nations, more and more students can now afford university education. For example, in India, the
number of people who graduated in 2016 was significantly higher than the number of people
who graduated from universities ten or fifteen years ago. Unfortunately, in spite of its rapid
economic growth, the country still does not have enough jobs for all of its people. Another
reason that leads to unemployment in developed nations is the outsourcing of jobs to developing
nations where cheap labour is available.

Unemployment is likely to be a cause for concern in the coming years too. In my opinion, young
graduates should stop waiting for job offers from Fortune 500 companies. Instead, they should
find jobs themselves. The internet has actually made this easier. It allows people to sell their
products or services to interested parties all over the world. Also, graduates seeking employment
must stop the obsession with white collar jobs. If they don’t mind sweating it out, jobs are still

To conclude, unemployment can be attributed to two factors – the increase in the number of
graduates and the decrease in economic growth. The only way to solve this problem is to
encourage people to find employment themselves. This might require them to take up manual
jobs but having a job is way better than having none at all.

Band 9
Many people believe that media coverage of celebrities is having a negative effect on
children. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Celebrity news and gossips have become quite popular in recent times. Newspapers and tabloids
even have separate editions to cover celebrity news. Excessive coverage of celebrities makes it
difficult to avoid them and children, like adults, consume too much celebrity news on a regular
basis. Some people believe that if children get exposed to too much coverage of celebrities, it
will affect their mental and physical development. I entirely agree with them.

Children who look at the images of celebrities in newspapers and magazines develop wrong
perceptions of the body. Celebrities look perfect. There are no blemishes on their skin. They
have flawless hair and perfect figures. What children don’t understand is that most of these
images have been photoshopped to create unattainable standards of beauty. They idolize what
they see in newspapers and television and aspire to have a face or body like that of their idol.
And when they realize that in spite of their best efforts they can’t look as perfect as their idol,
many of them start hating their body. Some fall into depression. Anorexia, a dangerous condition
that prevents people from eating well, is particularly common among star-struck teenagers. The
number of people opting for plastic surgery has increased manifold over the last few years. In
spite of being aware of the dangers of these surgical procedures, young people are opting to go
under the knife in their desperation to have that perfect body.

Children have impressionable minds. When they see the media glorifying the lifestyle of
celebrities, they arrive at the conclusion that being successful is all about being rich and famous.
So they try to imitate the lifestyle of famous people. They waste lots of money on expensive
clothes and accessories.

To conclude, there is no denying the fact that excessive media coverage of celebrities is affecting
the normal development of children. In my opinion, the media has to act more responsibly and
stop creating unrealistic standards of beauty or success.

Band 8
Air Traffic is increasingly leading to more noise, pollution, and airport construction. One
reason for this is the growth in low-cost passenger flights, often to holiday destinations.
Some people say that government should try to reduce air traffic by taxing it more
heavily. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

There is no denying the fact that air traffic leads to more air and noise pollution. Some people,
therefore, feel that the government should tax it more heavily to discourage people from
traveling by air. However, I am against that idea. In my opinion, increasing the tax on air travel
will affect the economic development of the country.

The availability of low cost flights is the main reason that makes air travel more attractive. If tax
is increased, it would make flights more expensive and less attractive. However, this move will
affect the tourism industry which employs millions of people. Tourism is the backbone of many
economies. Take, for instance, the case of Singapore. This small country attracts millions of
tourists from all over the world because low cost flights to Singapore are available from most
countries. If Singapore increased the tax on air traffic, it would reduce the number of foreigners
visiting that country. It is thus evident that imposing heavy taxes on air travel will have serious
repercussions on the economic development of a nation.

Affordability is not the only reason that made air travel popular. It is also convenient. It is
indispensable for many business executives because it saves their time. If tax on air travel is
increased, it would increase the operating costs of these companies and make them less
profitable. What’s more, air transport is also used for the movement of goods. If it is taxed more
heavily, it would increase the cost of essential goods.

In conclusion, I believe from the above mentioned points that the government should not
increase taxes on air travel but look for other sustainable solutions to limit air traffic. For
example, by improving the reliability of road and railways, the government can discourage
people from taking a flight to travel short distances within the country.

Band 8
The continued rise in the world’s population is the greatest problem faced by humanity at
the present time. What are the causes of this continued rise? Do you agree that it is the
greatest problem faced by humanity?

Some people believe that the sharp increase in global population is the most serious problem that
humanity faces. I agree with them because an increase in population will lead to fast depletion of
natural resources and could even threaten our very existence on this planet.

Global population increased dramatically during the last century and this can be attributed to the
development in health care facilities. Thanks to the availability of life saving drugs and
vaccinations, more and more people are now able to live to 70 or 80. A lot of people live even
longer. The general increase in longevity and the reduction in infant mortality rates are the main
causes behind the population boom.

Longevity is good and desirable, but if the birth rate continues at this rate, we will soon run out
of resources. When the population increases the demand for resources also increases. Currently
over 7 billion people live on this planet. They all need food, water and shelter. To grow enough
food for all the people, more land needs to cultivated. Since mankind can’t create any more land,
an increase in population intensifies the battle for the available land. People have already cleared
many forests for housing and agricultural needs. Deforestation upsets the balance of nature and
causes several environmental disasters.

The increase in population also leads to man-animal conflict. Human beings have already
encroached upon their land and now they have started venturing into our space. Wild animals
like elephants, tigers, deer and pigs cause a great deal of damage to crops and even human life.
The increase in population may also lead to more conflicts between nations. The concentration of
wealth in a few nations will create resentment among others and it wouldn’t be long before the
have-nots attack the haves.

To conclude, the massive growth in global population has even started threatening our very
existence on this planet. If this trend continues, in the near future we might wage wars for food,
water and land.

Band 9
Some people say that all secondary and higher secondary school students should be taught
how to manage money as it is an important life skill. Do you agree or disagree with this

Everyone has to learn to manage their finances. Children are no different. Therefore I agree with
the argument that money management skills should be taught in secondary and higher secondary
schools. This practice will prepare young people for their future.

Since we need money to buy essential items and to lead a comfortable life, money management
skills are crucial for our overall well-being and happiness. There are several benefits to teaching
money management at school. A lot of children, especially those coming from rich families,
receive generous amounts of pocket money. Many of them waste this money on unnecessary
things because they don’t understand or appreciate the value of money. If money management is
part of the curriculum, they will learn to use it judiciously. This learning will stand them in good
stead throughout their life.

Also, after school, many children leave their home and move to far away cities to pursue higher
education. Unless they know how to spend their money, they will soon run out of funds and put
them and their families in trouble. If they learned money management at school this wouldn’t

There is no right or wrong time to learn a skill; even so, the sooner we start the better. Today’s
children are tomorrow’s adults. If they learn essential life skills today, it will benefit them and
their country now and in the future. Last but not least, money management lessons may also
improve the arithmetical skills of the children.

In summary, developing the foundation is crucial for any learning and having money
management as a subject in schools will definitely prepare young people for their future.

Band 8.5
The dangers and complexities of the modern world have made the mobile phone an
absolute necessity for children. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

An increasing number of children now carry mobile phones. These gadgets were once a luxury
for teens and adults, but now they have become a toy for young children. Some people believe
that mobile phones have become an absolute necessity for children because of the safety
concerns existing in the modern world. I do not quite agree with this view. While I admit that
mobile phones benefit children in many ways, I do not think that they are a must-have.

Mobile phones are designed to help people stay connected on the go. The world is becoming a
dangerous place, especially for children. The increase in crime rates and vehicular traffic has also
increased concerns over the safety of children. Gone are the days when children could travel
safely without putting themselves in danger. Since mobile phones allow parents to get in touch
with their children whenever they want to, many parents give them to their children. The benefits
of this arrangement are obvious.

However, in spite of all the arguments in favor of giving mobile phones to children, I do not
think that they are an all-in-one solution for all the problems faced by parents and children. In
fact, carrying expensive mobile phones actually threatens the safety of children. What’s more,
many schools have payphone facility that children can use in case of an emergency. Some
parents have too much faith in technology. They believe that if their children carry mobile
phones they are safe from all the dangers. Unfortunately, such false notions invite danger. In my
opinion, young children are not supposed to be allowed to travel without the supervision of
adults, be they teachers or parents.

To sum up, I don’t believe that mobile phones make children protected. I do see the benefits of
giving children mobile phones, but I do not agree that they are an absolute necessity. If parents
and teachers are really concerned about the safety of their children, what they need to do is to
make children aware of the dangers lurking in the corner.

Band 7.5
Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to
or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone
should learn a foreign language. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Travel and work are obviously the most popular reasons to learn a foreign language. People all
over the world learn foreign languages like English, German and Spanish with the objective of
living or working in countries where these languages are spoken. This, however, does not mean
that someone who has no intention to visit or work in a foreign country does not have to learn a
foreign language. Actually, learning a second or third language benefits everyone.

Language improves our cognitive skills. Studies have shown that bilingual people are smarter
than people who speak only one language. Multilingual people are even smarter. Learning a
foreign language helps our brain in many ways. It allows us to make connections faster and
remember things better. It is not surprising that bilingual people earn higher salaries and make
better relationships.

Thanks to the advent of the internet, the world has become a village. We can now meet people
from all parts of the world online. If we speak a foreign language, we will also be able to talk to
them, share ideas and get answers for our questions. This clearly explains why an inability to
speak a foreign language is a disability in this modern world. When we learn a foreign language,
we also develop respect for the culture of the people who speak that language. This
understanding and admiration for other cultures forge better relationships between people and

To conclude, there are numerous benefits to learning a foreign language. Travel and work are
just two of them. Language skills also make us smarter and better.

Band 7
The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how people should live,
think and behave. However, some people believe that these ideas are not helpful in
preparing younger generations for the modern life. Discuss both views and give your

Every generation has its set of values. The values that young people cherish are not necessarily
those of their parents or grandparents. In fact, youngsters often rebel against the traditional
values of older people. In their opinion, the traditional way of thinking, living or behaving is not
appropriate for the modern age. I both agree and disagree with this.

The argument that the traditional way of living is not very helpful in the modern world is true to
some extent. For example, many orthodox families in Asia still have apprehensions about
sending their daughters to college or work. They believe that a woman’s world is within the four
walls of her home. Of course, young women rebel against this mindset and I fully support them.
The traditional code of conduct has its limitations too. For example, the older generation does
not want young men and women to have excessively friendly relationships between them. While
I am against immoral liaisons, I do believe that in this day and age women have to interact with
men on various levels and parents or grandparents who prevent their daughters from meeting or
talking to men are not helping them in any way.

On the flip side, there are still a lot of things that we can learn from older generations. The older
people are used to living in joint families. They believe in sharing the joys and sorrows of life.
By contrast, younger people raised in nuclear families tend to be more selfish. They can indeed
learn values of kindness, compassion and sharing from their elders.

To conclude, in my opinion, there are still a lot of things that we can learn from the traditional
values of older generations. This, however, does not mean that every belief of our parents or
grandparents is suitable for the modern life. In my opinion, values also need to change with

Band 8
Some products can be made quickly by machines. Other items take long time to be made
by hand. As a buyer which do you prefer and why?

There are mainly two ways for producing things – using hands and using machines. Machine
manufacturing is faster and more economical. Even so I prefer hand-made products because
when things are made by hand, each one is unique in its own way. Machine-made goods lack this

The biggest advantage of machine manufacturing is that it is faster. Also machine-made goods
are cheaper than hand-made goods. Using machines we can produce tens of thousands of
identical copies of an object in a short amount of time. This makes machine manufacturing ideal
for mass production. To produce an equal number of products using hands, a company will have
to hire thousands of people.

On the other hand, the initial cost of setting up a factory is pretty high in the case of machine
manufacturing and it may take several months or even years to recover the investment. By
contrast when goods are made by hands, the labour costs may be higher but other expenses are
negligible. As a result, even if one does not have a lot of money to invest, one can easily launch a
business of manufacturing hand-made goods.

There is yet another advantage to producing goods by hand. They look unique, elegant and
desirable. For example, Switzerland is famous for the production of hand-made watches which
are well known in all parts of the globe for their accuracy and charm. Likewise, hand-made silk
saris produced in Banaras are cherished by millions of Indian women for their meticulous details.
If hand-woven fabrics are compared with machine-made fabrics, the former will look and feel
superior to the latter. This is because of the creativity with which hand-made goods are made.

To conclude, in my perspectives as a buyer, hand-made items are superior to machine-made

goods in several ways. Of course, machine manufacturing certainly has some advantages but
machine-made goods cannot beat hand-made goods in quality or elegance.

Band 8.5
Nowadays there are more and more advertisements. Some people think that they have a
negative influence on people, and therefore should be restricted.

Do you agree or disagree?

People have been debating the positive and negative aspects of advertising for a while. Some
people believe that advertisements must be banned because they have negative impacts on our
lives. Others including I disagree with them. My actual observation of life has convinced me of
the positive aspects of advertising. In this essay, I shall explain my point of view by analyzing
both sides of the argument.

First of all, advertisements educate people and expand their knowledge. From commercials we
hear about new products which can solve many of the problems we face in our everyday life. My
opinion was echoed by Naomi Miller, Chairwoman of the education department at Hunter
University. In an article that she published, Professor Miller describes a study of 181 families.
Some of them watched advertisements, while others did not. The study showed that there was a
95% increase in productivity in the first group because they were aware of the new products in
the market and used appliances like dishwashers to improve their productivity and efficiency.

Admittedly, despite all the reasonable evidence in favour of advertisements, some people argue
that they influence people negatively and therefore should be restricted. Firstly, they claim that
some advertisements market fake products. They are also concerned about the consequences of
using fake products. Of course, these concerns sound convincing and stand to reason. However,
if consumers exercise caution, they can avoid falling prey to false claims made by advertisers.
After all, nobody is supposed to believe all that they see or hear in commercials.

In conclusion, while there are strong arguments on both sides of the case, my personal opinion is
that without advertisements we would not be aware of the new products and innovations in the
market. That is why I would strongly recommend advertising and disagree with their restriction.

Band 7.5
Today, the high of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the
real needs of the society in which they are sold.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Consumer goods are flying off the shelves. People feel a compulsive need to buy them because
their friends and colleagues have already bought them. They don’t care whether they need a
particular product or not. The thrill is in buying. Therefore, I agree with the argument that the
huge popularity of consumer goods is a reflection of the power of advertising.

Commercials always present a product as a must-have. However, the reality is different. It is

perfectly possible to lead a normal life without owing the latest version of the iPhone. Still
people are standing in queues for hours on end to get their model as soon as a new version of the
famed phone launches. Everyone wants to be the first among their friends to own the latest iPad
or iPhone. It is touted as an achievement.

New age commercials exploit the human need to brag and show off. They showcase their
product as cool and sexy and drive home the point that if you own it, you will also be cool. Ten
or fifteen years ago smart phones didn’t exist. People were still able to communicate with one
another without much difficulty. Nowadays it is hard to find someone who doesn’t have a smart
phone. This does not mean that people’s need to communicate has increased. It shows the power
of advertising. Smart phones have become a status symbol. You need to possess the latest model.
Otherwise, you feel inferior to your peers who dump their perfectly working old phones as soon
as a new model hits the market. Phones are no longer a device we use to make calls. They now
possess a lot of features that the vast majority of us do not use or even need. Still, we feel a
compulsive need to own the latest version. This is true in the case of other products too.
Everyone wants the latest model cars or gaming consoles.

To conclude, it is evident that advertising drives sales. Commercials have such a huge impact on
our lives that we don’t mind spending our hard-earned money on products that we don’t even

Band 8
The number of people who are at risk of serious health problems due to being overweight is
increasing. What is the reason for the growth in overweight people in society? How can this
problem be solved?

Over the last few years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of overweight people in
the world. This can be attributed to unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical activity. Obesity
is a major health problem. It is a risk factor for diabetes, stroke and heart disease.

Excessive consumption of junk foods is the number one cause of obesity. Junk or fast foods are
rich in calories and unhealthy fats. When we consume more calories than our body can burn, it
will convert the excess calories into fat. As a result, people who consume calorie rich foods on a
regular basis gain weight. Late night dinners are another cause of weight gain. When we have a
heavy meal immediately before going to bed, the body does not get an opportunity to burn it.
Our sedentary lifestyle is also to blame. Most of us have jobs that allow us to spend our entire
day in a chair. This lack of physical activity reduces our requirement for calories. Still, we are
consuming more calories than we need.

Limiting the consumption of calories and making physical activity an important part of your
routine is the only way to combat obesity. Our bodies are designed to move. When we exercise,
we not only burn the excess calories but also reduce our risk for a variety of illnesses like
diabetes and heart disease. We need to make proper changes to our eating habits too. We must
make a conscious effort to stay away from fatty foods. We must also ensure that we are having
low calorie healthy meals at regular intervals.

To conclude, while it is true that the number of obese people is on the rise this problem can be
tackled by making appropriate changes to our lifestyle and eating habits.

Band 7.5
Some people think that keeping pets is good for children while others think it is dangerous
and unhealthy. Which opinion do you agree with? Discuss both options and give examples.

Whether to have a pet or not remains a controversial issue. While some people are against having
pets, in my opinion, domestic animals have a positive impact on our physical and psychological
health and wellbeing. Also they make great companions for our children.

People who are against having pets argue that playing with them can cause serious health
problems in human beings especially children. Of course, there are people who keep spiders and
snakes as their pets. These creatures are certainly dangerous and pose considerable threat to the
life of their owners. However, the vast majority of pets do not belong to this category. Another
argument against keeping pets is that they can cause skin allergies and aggravate bronchial
asthma. These health concerns are real and I feel that people who are susceptible to them should
stay away from animals. Animal rights activists also claim that keeping pets away from their
natural habitats will affect their health and the food chain. However, in my opinion, if their
owners take good care of them, keeping them at home is unlikely to have any adverse impact on
their health.

While it is true that keeping a pet may have some ill effects on our health, the benefits of having
one are more significant. Pets improve our mood and health. Playing with the pets or taking them
for a walk will keep both children and adults fit and healthy. What’s more, most people keep
dogs, cats and fish; however, serious accidents caused by pets remain rare and statistically
insignificant. Last but not the least, having a pet makes children more responsible. They learn to
take care of another life and also become more sensitive, caring and sympathetic.

To sum up, although there are some minor drawbacks to owning a pet, in my opinion, the
advantages of having a pet are far more significant. Pets make great companions and prevent
depression in children and adults.

Band 7.5
Some people say that the best way to improve public health is to increase the number of
sports facilities. Others, however, say that this would have little effect on public health and
that other measures are also required.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Sports and games play an important role in our lives. They keep us mentally and physically fit.
Some people, therefore, feel that building more sports facilities is the most effective way to
improve public health. While I agree with this argument to a certain extent, in my opinion, other
measures are also required.

Most people enjoy playing sports and games. Sports are essentially a leisure time activity for us.
If we have access to good sports facilities, we will readily use them. Playing a sport has several
health benefits. It keeps us fit, alert and agile. Unfortunately, there are not many sports facilities
in our towns or cities. As a result, few people can take advantage of them even if they want to.
Building more sports facilities, therefore, is the easiest way to ensure that more people can play
sports and games.

However, this does not mean that building more playgrounds or sports clubs is all that the
government needs to do to improve public health. Actually, a lot of factors affect public health.
In order to be healthy, we should adopt healthy eating habits. In addition, we should have access
to health care facilities. The quality of our surroundings is another factor that affects our health.
Pollution is a major problem in many of our cities. If it goes unchecked, public health will not
improve even if we build numerous sports clubs.

To conclude, building more sports facilities is just one of the many things that the government
needs to do to improve public health. It is also important to control pollution and make health
care facilities accessible to everyone.

Band 8
The most important thing about a job is how much money you earn in that job. Do you
agree or disagree?

While it is being argued that salary should be the prime criterion for choosing a job, in my view,
a safe and stress-free working environment is as important as the financial benefits gained from a

Of course, money is much more than a means for satisfying one’s needs in this materialistic
world. It is also a status symbol. Being supported by a prestigious salary certainly allows the
employee to afford spending on housing, travelling, health insurance and recreation. The weight
of the pay packet also affects the performance of the employee. Underpaid employees are more
likely to work in a careless manner because they lack the motivation to work harder. This feeling
of dissatisfaction can result in the failure of an organization if it is prevalent among all of its
employees. It is thus evident that the income that an employee obtains from a job will play a
crucial role in determining their willingness to continue in that position.

This, however, does not mean that salary is the only thing to consider while choosing a job. For
most employees, a safe and stress-free working environment is equally important. Working in a
hazardous industry can lead to consequences that cannot be compensated with whatever amounts
of money. For example, people working in the mining industry run the risk of getting buried
while digging in mines. Although they are well-paid, their salary won’t help them if they die or
get seriously injured. Likewise, unachievable targets and tight deadlines are the norm at many
organizations. They put tremendous pressure on employees and hinder their personal and
professional life. For example, in Japan, a lot of people commit suicide because of work
pressure. The reasons mentioned above clearly show that several factors other than financial
advantages need to be considered while proceeding with a job offer.

To sum up, in my view a safe and stress-free working environment is as important as a fat salary.
We need money to meet our expenses. We need to stay safe from injuries and illnesses too.

Band 8
Some People think that the government is wasting money on the arts and that this money
could be better spent elsewhere. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Governments all over the world are grappling with problems like rising unemployment and
growing threats of terrorism. Poverty is still a major issue in many countries in Asia, Latin
America and Africa. In such a scenario, the argument that the government should stop wasting
money on arts might sound logical. However, in my opinion, arts do have a place in the society.
While I don’t think that the government should waste a lot of money on arts, it should at least
adopt a benevolent attitude towards arts and artists.

Contrary to popular belief, arts are not a waste of time. In fact, they are also an industry with
great potential to generate money. Performance arts, for instance, enjoy considerable following.
A music concert or a dance show featuring an accomplished singer or dancer can create a lot of
jobs. Arts can also help sell a country as a tourist destination. For example, the Indian
government actively uses traditional arts forms to promote tourism in the country. India’s
classical dance forms like Bharatanatyam and Kathakali have enthralled audience all over of the
world and attract thousands of international tourists to the nation. The influx of tourists creates
jobs and helps the local economy.

Paintings and sculptures also have huge commercial value. Millions of people visit museums in
Spain, Italy and Holland to admire the works of masters like Vincent Van Gog, Picasso and
Salvador Daly. While these artists are no longer around, their timeless works are still earning a
lot of money for their countries. Nations that promote their ethic arts and crafts also tend to enjoy
good reputation overseas.

To conclude, while it is true that spending money on imparting education and building
infrastructure is more important than promoting arts, in my opinion, the government should still
do whatever it can to promote and sustain arts. Art forms, especially those that have a huge
following, benefit the national economy in many ways.

Band 8
Most societies have their homeless people. Some people think that the best way to help
them is to give them money. To what extent do you agree?

In this twenty-first century, it is surprising that many people still have no homes. Some people
argue that the governments should help the homeless by giving them money. I do not agree with
this argument. In my opinion, giving cash to homeless people will only worsen the situation.

Homelessness in most cases is a result of laziness. When the government rewards it with
monetary help, the homeless people will have no motivation to earn money to enjoy home
ownership. Instead, they will want to continue to enjoy government benefits. Worse, people who
are already struggling to make a living will start assuming that being homeless is the easiest way
to gain help from the government. So instead of doing anything to improve their living standards,
they too will start queuing up for benefits.

Being homeless is a miserable state. Also it does not reflect well on a society when people sleep
on the streets. So, in order to help the poor people, the government should put them in a
community shelter for a limited period and also get them involved in some work. To improve
their employability, the government should give them vocational training. And once they have
acquired the necessary skills they should be encouraged to find a job and a home on their own. If
the government continues to give them financial assistance, they will not do anything to improve
their living standards.

To conclude, instead of giving financial benefits and free accommodation to homeless people,
the government should provide them with training that will help them to find a job and earn
money. And when they have money, they can buy a home on their own.

Band 8
It is generally believed that the Internet is an excellent means of communication but some
people suggest that it may not be the best place to find information. Discuss both these
views and give your own opinion.

The internet has revolutionized our lives. It has changed the way we communicate and research.
According to some people, the internet is a great communication tool but it is not a reliable
source of information. I do not quite agree with this view. In my opinion, the internet is not only
an excellent communication tool but also a treasure trove of information.

The internet has given us access to a vast pool of information. In fact, anyone who has access to
a smart phone and an internet connection can now find information on just about any subject
within a matter of seconds. This ease of finding information online has even made physical
libraries redundant.

The main problem with finding information online is that we cannot always trust the source. The
internet allows anyone and everyone to be a writer and a publisher. You can blog on any topic;
you can post your opinions on any subjects. No one will ask you whether you are qualified to do
so. As a result, some of the information that we find online is not very reliable. This, however,
does not mean that all the information on the internet is erroneous.

While I admit that it is possible to find factually incorrect information on some lesser known
websites, blogs and forums, the truth is that the vast majority of these unreliable sources do not
make it to search results. When you do a Google search for a particular keyword, the websites
that pop up are authority sites that do their research before posting information online. Take, for
instance, the case of online encyclopedia Wikipedia. Anyone can edit it so we might think that it
will contain a lot of mistakes. On the contrary, Wikipedia does not contain any more errors than
the celebrated Encyclopedia Britannica because it has committed editors and writers who want to
provide the most authentic information to their readers.

To conclude, I do not agree with the argument that the internet is not a reliable place to find
information. If we only refer to authority websites and blogs we do not have to worry about the
authenticity of the information we find.

Band 9
Differences between countries are becoming less. Nowadays people all over the world are
adopting similar fashion and trends. Do you think disadvantages outweigh the advantages?

Globalization, open economy and advancements in communication technologies have had both
positive and negative impacts on our lives. The world has become a global village where
everyone wears the same kind of outfits, watches the same films, listens to the same music and
eats the same food. In my opinion, this trend is more disadvantageous owing to its consequences
in the developing world.

Thanks to speedier modes of transportation and advancements in communication technologies,

ideas, technologies, fashion, trends and products can easily travel between countries. The only
country that benefits from this phenomenon is the country where these innovations originate. In
most cases, this is a developed nation like the United States. When everyone copies American
fashion and buys American products, American companies flourish. For example, Apple
products are now a craze all over the world. Since it is an American company when Apple sells
more smart phones and tablets, the real beneficiary is the US economy. At the same time, smaller
manufacturers in the developing world like India or China are struggling to compete with giants
like Apple and Samsung. This creates unemployment in these nations.

Another major disadvantage of globalization is that smaller and less developed nations are losing
their cultural heritage. Take, for instance, the growing popularity of western outfits in Asia and
Africa. People all over the world now use jeans while it is only suitable for use in cold countries.
Yet you find men and women wearing jeans in a tropical country like India. This blind copying
of fashion and trends cause several health problems for people who adopt them without
questioning their suitability. It also kills the ethnic garment industry in their countries.

To conclude, when everyone adopts the same trends, the real beneficiaries are the makers of
those trends. The rest of the world does not gain anything from this arrangement. Therefore, in
my opinion, the lessening of differences between nations is more disadvantageous.

Band 8.5
Is freedom of speech essential in a free society? Give reasons for your answer.

In a free society everyone should be able to express their thoughts and opinions freely.
Unfortunately, if everyone freely expresses their thoughts, there will be more conflicts than
consensuses because my words can offend or hurt another person. Because of this reason I
believe that freedom of speech is essential for the functioning of a free society, but there should
be some restrictions on it.

In this age of blogging and social media when anyone can become a writer and a publisher,
freedom of speech is one of the most abused fundamental rights. Just because we are living in a
free society, it does not mean that we should be allowed to say whatever we want. A lot of
people have too much confidence in their constitutional right to freedom of speech. They freely
post all kinds of stuff on social media and online forums. This leads to a lot of problems, even
lawsuits. Posting derogatory stuff about another person just because you have the right to express
your thoughts is not only mean but also illegal. In my opinion, there should be strict laws to deal
with this menace. No one should be allowed to hurt another person in the name of freedom of
speech or expression.

Not only the citizens, the media also sometimes abuse their freedom of speech. They often
publish private or sensational information about public personalities. Recently when the Indian
Army was carrying out a military action against terrorists, a news channel broadcast up-to-the-
minute details of the operation from the scene. They thought they were exercising their freedom
of expression. Unfortunately, such thoughtless actions even put the safety of soldiers and
civilians at risk. Also they reveal vital clues about the place using which terrorists can refine
their attacks in the future.

To conclude, freedom of speech should be entertained as long as it does not hurt the interests of
others or the nation. When people express their thoughts, they have a duty to think about the
consequences. What’s more, there should be stringent laws to deal with those who abuse their
right to express themselves.

Band 8
It is generally accepted that families are not as close as they used to be. Give some reasons
why this change has happened and suggest how families could be brought closer together.

There is no denying the fact that family ties are becoming weaker. This is particularly true in
western countries where relationships are becoming less and less relevant. There are several
reasons behind this unfortunate development. The most important, of course, is the change in our
lifestyles, values and goals.

Families that spend a lot of time together tend to be closer. And families where the members
rarely come face to face with one another have hardly anything that ties them together. In the
olden days parents and children used to live and work together. In many families, children
pursued the same career as their father. They learned the trade or craft from their parents and
elder siblings. This allowed them to spend more time with their family and that made their
relationships stronger.

Now we are living in the age of individualism. Everyone needs their space. This has made us
more self-centered than our parents or grandparents. This also reflects in our relationships. We
no longer believe in making adjustments or compromises. We want everything our way. This
attitude creates strain in our relationships.

There is yet another reason that affects family bonds. People are increasingly moving to another
city or country in search of better education, jobs or living standards. They leave their family
behind. While it is possible to keep in touch through modern communication means, an email or
phone call is not equal to a face-to-face interaction. The only way to forge better ties with our
near and dear ones is to spend more time with them. We must realize that our biggest strength is
our family. Relationships are like potted plants. We need to nourish them. If we don’t give them
the love and affection they need, they will wilt.

To conclude, if we need better family relationships we must be willing to adjust and

compromise. We must realize that the only way to win love is to give love. Instead of confining
ourselves to our space, we must come out of it. We must let others in too.

Band 9
We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in business,
hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in the
future? Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of
their benefits?

Computers have become an integral part of our lives. They are now used in almost all sectors
like healthcare, education, administration and banking. In the future, these machines could even
support human life. For example, they could be used as a substitute for certain organs. They
already help surgeons in the operation theatre. In the future, they might perform the surgeries
themselves. In my opinion, computers have improved our lives in myriad ways. However, over
dependence on them will result in several problems.

Computers have made our lives easier in numerous ways. They have increased our efficiency.
They have made learning and teaching easier. They also allow us to communicate more
efficiently. In fact, computers have made physical boundaries irrelevant. No matter where we are
in the world, we can now stay connected to our near and dear ones living in another country or
continent with the help of computers.

In the future, computers will have greater applications in fields like education, healthcare and
banking. I wouldn’t be surprised if someday they replaced human teachers or doctors.
Unfortunately, computer technology has its shortcomings too. Online frauds are already costing
nations billions of dollars. Increased use of computers will also lead to an increase in cybercrime.
In the future, identity theft will create a lot more problems than it does now. Also, computers are
machines that can breakdown at any time. If we don’t back up our data on a regular basis, we can
lose it. And in spite of our best efforts, malicious software can wipe or steal our data without our
knowledge. Computers can even affect our memory. They eliminate the need to remember even
simple spellings and passwords. Excessive use of computers will also lead to several health

To conclude, computers are good and useful. But if we become overly dependent on them, we
may face several problems. In my opinion, we should use computers only in cases where the
benefits of using them outweigh the disadvantages.

Band 8
As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an
important element of individual well-being.

What factors contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job
satisfaction for all workers?

Most of us now spend a great deal of our time at the workplace. If we love our work, we will get
to spend much of our lives doing things that we enjoy doing. Because of this reason job
satisfaction plays an important role in ensuring our wellbeing. In fact, people who are satisfied
with their jobs are healthier and happier.

Job satisfaction means different things to different people. For some, it means earning a six
figure salary or occupying a higher level position in an organization. A lot of people equate
wealth and social status with happiness and wellness. They don’t mind spending their entire lives
at the workplace provided that they receive handsome salaries.

Some people may have well-paying jobs but they are still unhappy because they don’t like what
they are doing. There are also people who find satisfaction in helping others. Money does not
motivate them. They are driven by their passion to change the world. Most of them will readily
work for an NGO or some other charity.

While it is true that everyone seeks job satisfaction, few people actually manage to find it. The
rest are simply spending their time at the workplace with the sole objective of earning a
livelihood. They don’t like their job, but they can’t quite it either because they need money to
support their family. The vast majority of workers, unfortunately, belong to this category. This
dissatisfaction with their work and the lack of motivation to do it eventually lead to various
health problems in these people. Several studies have shown that work related stress is a major
cause of health problems in adults.

To conclude, everyone seeks job satisfaction, but very few people manage to find it. While job
satisfaction can mean money or social status for some people, others find happiness in doing
things that they enjoy.

Band 8.5
It is important for schoolchildren to learn about local history rather than world history. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

We learn quite a few things from history. It helps us to understand the progress of nations and
civilizations. Some people believe that local history is more important than international history
for school children. I don’t agree with this view. In my opinion, national and international
histories are as important as local history.

There is no denying the fact that children should learn local history. It helps them to stay
connected to their roots. Children who understand the history of their district or state are more
likely to appreciate their culture and the contribution of their ancestors. This knowledge will help
them to grow into proud citizens.

While it is true that children have several reasons to learn local history, they have an equal
number of reasons to learn international history. To start with, we all belong to this world. In this
day and age when the world has become a global village the line between local and foreign
histories are blurring.

Today’s school children are the citizens of tomorrow. When they grow up many of them will
move to foreign countries in search of jobs or higher education. Actually, a large number of them
will even migrate to foreign countries. Learning international history makes such migrations
easier. It also prevents children from falling into the trap of chauvinism. When children
understand that the histories of other countries are as glorious as the history of their own country,
they will learn to appreciate and respect foreign cultures and civilizations.

To conclude, it is impossible to say whether local history is more important than foreign history.
Children should learn both to get a better understanding of the world and its workings.

Band 9
In some countries an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a
result of eating too much fast food. It is therefore necessary for governments to impose a
higher tax on this kind of food. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It is evident that excessive consumption of fast foods on a prolonged basis leads to several health
problems. Some people, therefore, argue that the government should increase the tax on fast
foods to reduce their consumption. In my opinion, this measure is neither efficient nor practical.

Imposing a higher tax on fast food will only marginally affect its consumption. Fast food
consumption is particularly common among the rich. Price is of little concern to them. They
prefer it because they put convenience before health. Nowadays most people are busy and as a
result, they do not have the time or patience to cook a proper meal. Fast food companies cater to
this segment. Even if the government increases the tax on junk foods, they will continue to
consume them. On the other hand, some people choose fast food because they have no
alternative. Many people living in large cities away from their families do not have access to
healthy home food. Expensive restaurants too are way beyond their reach. So, most of them
subsist on fast food. If higher tax is imposed on these food items, it will make them unaffordable
to many poor people. This will lead to more problems.

Instead of increasing the tax on fast food, the government should make healthy food more
affordable and create awareness about the ill effects of junk food consumption. It can rope in
celebrities and media personalities for promoting healthy eating habits. If the government exerts
too much interference in the market, it will only hurt the local economy.

To conclude, to cope with the dangers caused by the excessive consumption of fast food, the
government should focus on promoting a healthy lifestyle, rather than simply charging a higher
tax on fast food.

Band 8.5
Even though organic fruits and vegetables are more expensive than conventional fruits and
vegetables, they are worth the extra cost. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this

Organic fruits and vegetables are becoming more and more popular because they are healthier.
Organic crops are grown without the application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. As a
result they taste better and contain more nutrients. Therefore, I agree with the argument that
organic foods their higher price tags.

To start with, the cultivation of organic crops requires more time and effort. Since this kind of
farming does not permit the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, organic crops have
increased risk of getting damaged by pests and weeds. By contrast, conventional farmers use
chemical fertilizers and pesticides abundantly. As a result, they get much better yields and can
sell their products at a low price. Since it is not easy to grow organic fruits and vegetables on a
commercial basis, they are more expensive than regular crops. However, their quality justifies
their higher price.

Organic products are safe and healthy. Dangerous levels of pesticides are found in crops grown
using the traditional method. People who consume such foods on a prolonged basis have
increased risk of developing health problems like cancer. It is true that pesticides increased yield
but they also led to a variety of diseases. As a result there is now growing awareness against the
use of pesticides. Prevention is better than cure. By switching to organic foods people can reduce
their risk for cancer and other diseases to a great extent. In other words, by spending a little bit
more today, people can save much more on their hospital bills in the future. What’s more, if
more people start using organic foods, then more farmers will adopt this method of cultivation
and prices will eventually come down.

To conclude, the nutritional value and health benefits of organic foods completely justify their
increased price. I hope the government will support organic crops and facilitate their commercial

Band 9
Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other
important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is

Discus both these views and give your own opinion.

Compared to other professionals, sportsmen earn a lot more money. Some people believe that
this is unfair; however, in my opinion, it is justified. I believe that a person’s salary should reflect
the amount of money they can generate.

International sporting events attract a global audience and help generate a lot of money and jobs.
These events are huge commercial successes. They also boost tourism. In fact, the city that hosts
an international event like Olympics or World Cup Football gains international recognition. Its
infrastructure gets a tremendous boost and thus its standard of living improves.

Success of major sporting events hinges upon the performance of internationally acclaimed
sportsmen and women. Since their participation is crucial to the success of these events, I believe
that their exorbitant salaries are justified.

Of course, I admit the fact that a doctor or a teacher is more useful to the society than a swimmer
or a sprinter. Still, people pursuing these professions earn much less money than sports people.
In my opinion, this is a case of supply exceeding demand. There are plenty of doctors, engineers
and advocates. By contrast, there aren’t many internationally acclaimed sports personalities. For
example, there is only one Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps. Likewise, there is only one Serena
Williams or Lionel Messi. Obviously, they earn a lot more than a doctor or an attorney. Actually,
they earn a lot more than other less successful sports people.

To conclude, the amount of money that a sportsman or sportswoman earns is a direct reflection
of their potential to generate money. Successful sportsmen not only earn money for themselves;
they also help generate jobs and money. Therefore, I believe that their higher salaries are

Band 9
News editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in newspapers. What
factors do you think influence these decisions? Have we become used to bad news?
Wouldn’t it be better if more good news was reported?

Editors play a decisive role in determining what news should be broadcasted on television and
printed in newspapers. These decisions are affected by a variety of factors like market
economics, political affiliations and profitability.

Most of our news channels and newspapers are owned by private organizations. Their chief
concern is making money so only news that has the potential to grab eyeballs is given coverage.
Since bad news grabs more attention, it is given more importance. Sometimes news items that
are important for the public are given less or no coverage because they don’t appeal to
advertisers. While I agree with the argument that good news should be given more coverage, I do
not expect to see this anytime soon.

The preference of the readers or viewers has an impact on the kind of news being reported. A lot
of us get drawn to bad news such as crime, violence, death and destruction more quickly than
good news. This is probably because such items inspire shock and awe. It is therefore
understandable why bad news is given more importance than good news. Unfortunately,
excessive coverage of bad news creates a sense of insecurity in the society. This does not serve
public interests, but it might protect the interests of advertisers. For example, when too many
incidents of robbery are reported, it is quite normal for the sale of CCTV cameras and burglar
alarms to go through the roof. It is, therefore, evident that bad news serves commercial interests
better than good news.

To conclude, editors are influenced by a variety of factors and always choose news items that
serve their and their advertisers’ interests. They might change this stance if the readers and
viewers turn a blind eye to such content; however, I don’t see this happening anytime soon
because the public too relish such content.

Band 8.5
Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and
behaviour. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural
differences. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

More and more people are now traveling to other countries for higher studies, medical treatment,
business and tourism. Some people feel that visitors should follow the culture and tradition of
their host country when they are abroad. Others, however, feel that the host nation should respect
cultural diversity. In my opinion, visitors should respect the local culture. The host country
should also show a willingness to embrace cultures from around the world.

There are several advantages to respecting diverse cultures. To start with, it creates a
cosmopolitan environment in the country and develops a sense of tolerance in the people. This
attitude will benefit them when they visit another country. Another benefit of embracing
diversity is that it makes life more interesting. Variety, after all, is the spice of life. When people
belonging to different cultures live in one place everyone will be able to enjoy a variety of
cuisines, wear different kinds of clothes, celebrate exotic festivals and learn several languages.
This not only makes life more interesting but also helps the local economy. The United States
and the European Union nations are home to people from all over the world. Their success and
their growth rates are a result of their willingness to accept the best talent from all over the world
irrespective of their cultural backgrounds.

While it is true that a nation can benefit from cultural diversity, it does not mean that local
cultures and traditions should be ignored. They should be promoted too and a nation can
encourage visitors to follow the local customs; however, in my opinion, imposing them on a
visitor is unwarranted. Visitors who follow the local customs also benefit. They have better
chances of blending themselves with the local community. They also enjoy greater degree of

To conclude, a host country should always welcome diverse people with diverse cultures from
all over the world; however, this should not be at the expense of the local culture.

Band 8
Spending several hours in front of a TV or computer affect the intellectual development of
children. Do you agree or disagree with the given statement?

New media such as computers, tablets, television and smart phones occupy too much space in
our lives and consume a lot of time. Children as well as adults are hooked to their screens. A lot
of people believe that spending several hours in front of the computer affects the mental abilities
of children. In my opinion, screen time can be both good and bad.

The first thing that we need to consider is the amount of time spent in front of the TV or
computer. Too many hours are certainly bad for the intellectual and physical development of a
child. Excessive screen time will result in physical inactivity and various health problems.

The age of the child is another thing that should be considered. Babies and toddlers need
interaction to learn. When they smile they need someone who will smile in return. They need to
touch, feel and manipulate in order to learn about forms, dimensions, consistency etc. A
computer is completely unable to offer them that sort of learning environment. For older children
I think this is different. School going children should learn how to use a computer, do research
on the internet and choose a TV program or game.

The last thing that needs to be considered is the quality of the content. Not all TV programs or
computer games are of bad quality. Actually, some do have educational value and children
should learn to tell the good from the bad.

To conclude, my belief is that spending time watching television, on the internet or playing
computer games can be beneficial for children if it is supervised by parents. They should oversee
the quality and set a time frame. Moreover, I believe that parents should share interesting
content with their children. Children will inevitably have to use these devices a few years later
and learning how to use them in their childhood will only help their intellectual development.

Band 9
In some countries an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a
result of eating too much fast food. It is therefore necessary for governments to impose a
higher tax on this kind of food. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Fast food has become a way of life because of our hectic lifestyles. We are always in a hurry and
have little time or patience for cooking a proper meal. Stores like McDonalds and KFC have
become very popular among all age groups because they serve snacks and meals round the clock.
There is no waiting period. You are served as soon as you enter their food joint. Unfortunately,
excessive consumption of fast food result in several health problems. One way of reducing its
consumption is to make it unaffordable. Therefore, I support the argument that the government
should increase tax on fast foods.

There is no denying the fact fast foods keep us full all the time, but they are also the number one
reason behind our bulging waistlines. My boyfriend, for example, is a huge fan of Burger King.
An investor relations manager in London, he is constantly hopping from one meeting to the next
and does not have time to cook meals. So, whenever he feels hungry he grabs a burger and keeps
himself satiated. This, in his opinion, is better than staying hungry. There are millions of people
like him.

Unfortunately, fast food is rich in bad cholesterol. It might lead to abnormalities in lipid profile
and cause heart diseases. I am a doctor and one of my patients, a 25 year old man, had suffered
myocardial infarction at a young age because of hypertension and hyperlipidemia caused by an
improper diet full of fat.

It is true that fast food is convenient but the health consequences make it dangerous. Therefore, I
firmly believe that the government should regulate the fast food industry by setting up a special
department entrusted with the job of checking the quality of ingredients used by fast food
companies. In the short term, imposing higher tax on fast foods is the best option. When taxes
are increased, fast foods will become less affordable and that will encourage many people to
switch to healthier and cheaper alternatives.

Band 8.5
Many countries spend too much money on training of a few individuals for international
sports competitions. Some people think that governments should invest more in ordinary
people instead. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples.

Throughout human history sport was and still is one of the major types of entertainment.
Colosseum battles, Olympic Games, and other countless sports competitions play an enormous
role in our life. The better the performance of athletes, the more interesting and exciting the
game. However, in order to deliver a good performance, sportsmen require monetary support.
Therefore, I disagree with the argument that governments should cut down their investments in
sport. In this essay I am going to highlight the importance of government funding in national
sports clubs.

First, every single country wants to prove that they are the best in the world. There are multiple
ways to prove this and sport is one of them. Each year various international competitions take
place around the globe. America is the unbeaten leader in many of these events and it is not
surprising. Annual government reports show that the US investments in its sports clubs are one
of the highest. By contrast, African government spends just over 10% of their budget on sport.
This fact easily explains why America outperforms most other countries in sports.

Second, success in international games unites a nation. For instance, when Brazilian soccer team
won the gold in the recent Olympic Games in Rio, the entire nation celebrated the success for
almost three days. People became very proud of their nation. These victories increase national
pride and tilt public opinion in favour of the country and its government. People forget other
shortcomings of their nation.

To recapitulate, sport has the power to unite people. When a country loses in international
competitions it harms the morale of its people. Therefore, I strongly believe that governments
should provide funding to sports clubs and athletes.

Band 7.5
Some people believe all children should be taught together. Others say that they should be
separated according to academic abilities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

As competition for jobs is becoming tougher and tougher, there are several different views on
how young students should be taught in the classroom. While some people argue that regardless
of their academic performances, youngsters should be taught together, others are firm in their
belief that classrooms need to be divided according to the academic skills of the students. I also
agree with the latter view.

There are a few benefits to grouping children together. Students, who are sensitive to peer-
pressure, are less likely to feel isolated from their peers when they study in the same classroom.
If poor performers are separated from brilliant students and taught in another classroom, they
may feel a sense of abandonment. As a result of this, they may develop mental and physiological
problems which will inevitably have a detrimental effect on their lives in the future.

On the flip side, separating students on the basis of their academic skills has its merits too. This
separation will benefit them when they enter the job market. We are now living in an age of cut-
throat competition. Students need superior academic credentials to survive in this competitive
environment. The education system needs to be revamped to meet the different needs of students
at different levels. When students of different intellectual levels are put together, teachers will
not be able to teach effectively because the level of understanding of the subject will be different
among students. Slow students need more attention. When a class is a mix of students of
different skills, the teacher will not be able to spend more time on any particular student.
Therefore, this type of grouping will only produce mediocre students who will struggle to secure
a well-paying job.

To conclude, while there are some benefits to grouping students together, I strongly believe that
separating them will be more beneficial to them. This way, teachers can give slow students more
attention and help them compete better.

Band 8
In many parts of the world people do research in family history. Some people believe
research on previous generation to be useful while others say that it is better to focus on
present and future generation.

People all over the world like to know about their ancestors and family history. Some people feel
that it makes great sense to research one’s family background. Others, however, oppose this
view. In their opinion, we should concentrate more on the present and future generations. In my
opinion, it depends upon the individual. If one really wants to know about one’s ancestors, I see
no harm in researching one’s family history.

There are several benefits to researching one’s family background. Many diseases, for example,
are hereditary. Someone who studies their family history will be able to identify the diseases that
run in their family. This information will help them stay better equipped to deal with such
diseases. Studying one’s family history is also a great way to discover the culture and traditions
of one’s family. This research may help people stay rooted in their culture. What’s more, people
feel proud when they discover that their family had a glorious history.

On the flip side, not everyone is fortunate enough to have a glorious family history. Some people
therefore feel that researching one’s family history may reveal embarrassing or disturbing
information about one’s ancestors. In their opinion, our present is far more important than our
past. So, they opine that instead of wasting time on family research, we should focus on the
present and future. After all, the past is past and there is nothing we can do about it. Therefore, it
makes greater sense to focus on our future.

To conclude, everyone has the right to learn about their forefathers. This, however, does not
mean that everyone should research their family. People who are interested in discovering more
about their families should be able to do it and others should just focus on the future.

Band 8
Recent figures show an increase in violent crime among youngsters under the age of 18.
Some psychologists claim that the basic reason for this is that children these days are not
getting the social and emotional learning they need from parents and teachers. To what
extent do you agree or disagree with this option?

Psychologists claim that the rise in criminal activities among young people is due to the lack of
social and emotional guidance from teachers and parents. I agree with the above statement to
some extent; however, in my opinion, other social and economical factors also contribute to the
surge in criminal offences.

Parents and teachers play an important role in the moral development of children. They are their
source of guidance and support. For example, a child who is bullied at school may go up to
his/her teacher for support. Here it is the teacher who tells the students what is right and wrong.
By doing so the teacher is inculcating good values in the students. However, nowadays, teachers
only focus on academics; they do not spend time on instilling values. Interactions between
parents and children are also becoming fewer and fewer. In many families now both parents
work. Long working hours prevent them from interacting with their children. Children who don’t
have a good rapport with their parents often turn to other sources for support and guidance.
Unfortunately, such sources may get them into unhealthy or illegal activities like drinking,
smoking and gambling. Children who get into bad company will eventually become criminals.
Parents and teachers can prevent this from happening by providing children the emotional
support they need.

External influences such as media, availability of drugs and peer pressure also contribute to the
rise in crime rates. When commercials and movies glorify smoking and drinking, young people
often get carried away and experiment with them. They end up getting intoxicated and this
increases their chances of committing crimes.

To conclude, several factors contribute to the alarming increase of crimes all over the world. Not
getting emotional support from parents and teachers is one of them. There are several other
factors too. Identifying and eliminating all of these factors is necessary to reduce crime rate
among youngsters.

Band 8
Many people say that the only way to guarantee a good job is to complete a course of
university education. Others claim that it is better to start work after school and gain
experience in the world of work. How far do you agree or disagree with the above views?

Many people believe that completing a university degree is the only way to get a good job;
others think work experience matters more. While universities prepare an individual
theoretically, working after school equips a person with skills required for coping in the
workplace. In my opinion, both the aforementioned arguments are true to a certain extent.

A university degree enhances an individual’s knowledge and promotes intellectual reasoning.

This training makes an individual more mature and ready to face the challenges of the
workplace. For example, when I was at university, most of our assignments involved critical
thinking and research; this has expanded my knowledge in my field. In this modern world, most
employers especially those in sectors like finance and health insist that all applicants should have
a degree. A student who starts working immediately after leaving school will not be able to
obtain a professional degree and hence cannot find employment in these sectors.

On the flip side, there are several benefits to getting a job soon after leaving school. A job will
give the individual valuable work experience; however it is limited to certain occupations such as
those in arts and crafts, fashion designing and cooking where creativity and skills matter more.
For example, my friend, who is a chef at a famous restaurant never went to a cooking school;
however, she makes delicious food because she has been working at a restaurant ever since she
left school. This experience helped her polish her cooking skills.

To conclude, both university education and work experience have a role in guaranteeing a good
job. Some occupations require a university degree while others do not. In my opinion, everyone
should choose what is right for them.

Band 8
Nowadays it is possible to use computers and mobile phones for automatic language
translation, and there is no need for human translators and interpreters. Do you agree or
disagree with this statement?

Plenty of translation apps are available for computers and mobile phones. They are quite popular
too because many of them are free. This, however, does not mean that they can replace human
interpreters or translators because none of the tools available today are able to do justice to their

Anyone who has used Google’s translation tools will know why they cannot replace human
translators. These tools merely give the meaning of words. They cannot produce sensible
sentences. As a result, the meaning often gets lost. Only a human translator can understand the
nuances of the language. We have not yet been able to produce apps capable of rivalling humans
in this department. Because of this reason, I do not believe that we can do away with human

A piece of text translated by a human translator is not only readable but also enjoyable. The
translated work will perhaps fail to create the same impact as the original work. Even so, most of
them do justice to the original. Russian and French classics, for example, have been translated
into numerous languages. Since few people outside of Russia or France understand these
languages, the rest of the world depends on translations of the works of stalwarts like Victor
Hugo and Dostoevsky. I admit that their translations were not as good as the original works but
they did justice and made characters like Dmitry Karamazov and Jean Val Jean famous all over
the world. Had we got these works translated by machines, I am sure no one would have
bothered to read them beyond the first page.

Another problem with translation apps is their inability to understand meaning from the context.
The same word can have several meanings. If the tool cannot figure out the right meaning, it will
create a lot of misunderstanding and confusion. For example, if medical or legal documents are
translated by computer apps, the consequences can be disastrous.

To conclude, translation tools that can rival human translators are yet to make their debut. Until
then we will need human translators and interpreters.

Band 9
Some people think that global marketing is useful and an economic way to learn different
languages and cultures and spread ideas. While, others support the opinion that it is
intrusive and invade countries. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people believe that international marketing is quite invasive and upset the sentiments of
the local community. Others, however, feel that such campaigns give people an opportunity to
learn more about other cultures, their customs and languages. In my opinion, international
marketing has both positive and negative aspects.

In some countries religion plays an important role in the society. Some campaigns particularly
those that hurt religious sentiments are not welcome there. In the same way, some societies are
highly conservative and may object to the introduction of western clothing trends into their
country. They detest international propaganda.

International marketing campaigns are often designed and executed by businesses in the United
States or Europe. They often introduce festivals like Halloween or symbols like Santa Claus in
regions that have not even heard about them. For example, the vast majority of Indians or
Arabians have not even heard of Halloween. Still, there are brands that try to hard sell this event
in these markets. They often organize Halloween themed celebrations in such markets. One can
argue that these campaigns give people an opportunity to learn more about foreign events and
customs. However, in reality few people actually care about them.

On the flip side, international campaigns have a beneficial and useful side too. They help people
learn foreign languages. For example, people all over the world watch events like World Cup
Football and Olympics on their television. The commentaries and commercials are usually in
English. People watching these events often learn English without even trying to do so.
International marketing has also given people an opportunity to become familiar with exotic
cuisines. Such campaigns introduced burgers and hot dogs in non-American countries. Such
campaigns also helped promote exotic cuisines in Europe and America. Food markets all over
the world are now filled up with exotic fruits and vegetables and spices. In all towns and cities
one can find restaurants offering a variety of cuisines.

To conclude, international marketing campaigns can be quite invasive and intrusive. However,
they also benefit communities in many ways. In my opinion, whether we like them or not we will
continue to see these campaigns in the future too.

Band 8.5
Nowadays children spend a lot of time watching TV and playing computer games.
However, it does not help in improving their mental abilities. Do you agree or disagree?

Most children now spend a ridiculous amount of time in front of their TV or computer. They are
always glued to their screens. Staring at a screen does not engage the brain. Several studies have
shown that when children watch TV or play computer games, their brain activity is minimal.
When the brain remains idle for a long time, it affects the intellectual development of the child.
Therefore, I agree with the argument that watching TV or playing video games does not improve
children’s mental or intellectual skills.

When a child sits for hours staring at a computer screen, very few areas of their brain are
activated. By contrast, activities like reading or drawing activates many areas of the brain.
Activities that engage the brain improve the intellectual and cognitive skills of the child. Physical
activity also helps with brain development.

When children watch TV, they don’t move their limbs much. They don’t even blink. They just
stare at the screen. This kind of content consumption is not good for the brain. In fact, studies
have shown that children who stay active by engaging in physical activity or creative pursuits
like writing, singing or painting are smarter than those who sit in front of their TV for hours on
end. All that screen time also causes several health problems in them. For example, they are
more likely to be obese. They may even develop diabetes.

To conclude, our bodies and minds are not designed to be idle for long periods. If we keep them
idle, our intellectual skills will suffer. Therefore, I agree with the argument that watching TV
does not help brain development in children. Our brain is a big muscle. If we work it, it will
develop. But if we leave it idle, it will start losing its faculties.

Band 8
Today, the quality of life in large cities is decreasing. Discuss the causes and solutions.

Industrilisation and urbanisation have brought opportunity and prosperity albeit at a cost. The
quality of life in cities is diminishing. As urban population increases, the complexity of the
challenges also increases. Nonetheless, there are several solutions to this problem.

The causes for the decrease in the quality of life are paradoxically the prosperity of metropolitan
cities. Cities provide jobs and this makes them more attractive to people. However, the huge
influx of migrants eventually leads to a decrease in the quality of life as the city can experience
overcrowding, exorbitant property prices, and increased vulnerability to terrorist attacks. For
example the density of London makes it more vulnerable to a terrorist attack, when compared to
a smaller city such as Bradford. This clearly shows that cities are victims of their own growth
and prosperity and urban citizens, especially the poor, often have to be content with a lower
quality of life.

As for the solutions, well, greater investment in public transport will ease traffic congestion.
Building separate lanes for bikes and cycles will also help. In theory this will reduce air
pollution, and possibly improve the health of the population if they adopt a more active lifestyle
and cycle to work. To counter violent terrorist attacks, cities could install CCTV cameras to
closely monitor the threats. For example, the CCTV cameras in London are said to have foiled
many potential attacks, and thus greatly increased the security of its citizens.

To conclude, a wealthy city attracts large influx of people, which then puts pressure on existing
infrastructure and security. Various solutions exist to mitigate such drawbacks; nevertheless a
permanent solution is yet to be found.

Band 8
Some people believe that sport competitions are a source of emotional stress for young
people. Therefore, youth should be banned from participating in sport competitions. Do
you agree or disagree?

Whether it is a sports match or an academic test, competitions are very much a part of life and
they cause stress in the participants. Since there is no escape from competition, everyone needs
to prepare themselves to deal with the stress and strain associated with it. Therefore, I strongly
disagree with the argument that children should be banned from participating in sports

We cannot achieve anything by banning children from participating in sports events. There is no
denying the fact that matches cause stress and tension. This, however, does not mean that
forbidding children from participating in these events will solve the problem. A sporting event is
much more than a competition. It teaches children a variety of life skills. For instance, they learn
to work in a team. They also learn to accept both success and defeat. Actually, several studies
have shown that children participating in sporting events enjoy better mental and emotional
health. They are better equipped to deal with stressful situations like failures. Such experiences
will help them face more stressful situations in the future.

There is yet another benefit to participating in various sporting events. Sports improve physical
fitness. When children participate in games like tennis, football or basketball, their fitness levels
improve. They become agile and alert. Mental and physical fitness will improve their
performance in other areas of life as well.

To conclude, there is no justification for banning children from participating in sporting events.
It is true that sporting events cause some stress in the participants. However, not participating in
sports is not the solution to this problem. It will only aggravate it.

Band 8
Some people believe that unpaid community service should be compulsory part of high
school programmes (for example working for a charity, improving the neighborhood or
teaching to younger children). To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Every nation needs citizens who show social commitment. Since children are the future of a
nation, some people believe that they should be required to engage in unpaid community work
while they are at school. I strongly agree with this argument. In my opinion, every student should
be required to do something for the society. Since many of them are unlikely to have the
inclination to do so on their own, making it compulsory is the only way out.

When school students engage in community service, they get to learn a lot of life skills. They
learn to be empathetic. When they help poor or disabled people, they learn to appreciate their
own life. They realize that they have got many things that other people don’t have. Working with
or working for less fortunate people is a great way to understand the meaning of one’s own life.

There is yet another reason for making social work compulsory. Nowadays children are
becoming too full of themselves. They have little time for others. They are constantly glued to
their smart phones or gaming consoles. In most cases, making community service an integral part
of the school curriculum is the only way to get them engaged in social work. The best part is that
once they become involved in social causes they will begin to enjoy helping others. When they
realize that their work makes a difference to another person’s life, they will begin to like it.

Another important benefit of engaging in community service is that it provides children an

opportunity to improve their communication skills. When they interact with people from all
walks of life, they learn a lot of coping skills as well.

To conclude, students who engage in unpaid community service reap a lot of benefits. Since few
students have the natural drive for social work, making it compulsory is the only way to get them
engaged in social work. Therefore, I agree with the argument that community service should be a
compulsory part of school curriculum.

Band 9
Many countries spend too much money on training of a few individuals for international
sports competitions. Some people think that governments should invest more in ordinary
people instead. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples.

There is no denying the fact that governments need to invest in ordinary people. This, however,
doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t spend money on nurturing the talents of young men and women
who have an aptitude for sports and games. If these athletes manage to deliver superior
performance at international events like Olympics, they will bring glory to their motherland.

When athletes from nations like the United States and China fared spectacularly well in the
recently concluded Rio Olympics, they gave plenty of reasons for their countrymen to rejoice.
They ignited values like nationalism and patriotism. Events like Olympics give nations an
opportunity to showcase their talent in front of an international audience. When players perform
well in international events, it is a matter of pride for their nation. Likewise, when they perform
badly, their country loses its face.

India, for example, is a nation of over a billion people. Still, the country has not been able to
produce many world champions. India’s performance at the Rio Olympics was pitiable and
caused a great deal of distress to Indians. Indian athletes’ poor performance at the Olympics is
often attributed to the lack of adequate training facilities in the country. Unlike China, Indian
government does not spend too much on their athletes and this reflects in their lackluster
performance. Their poor performance at Rio was a cause of shame for the entire nation and
forced authorities to analyse the situation.

To conclude, the bunch of athletes who represent a nation at international events are much more
than a few individuals. They represent the entire nation. They carry the hopes and aspirations of
their nation on their shoulders. Their performance brings glory to their motherland and improves
its standing among world nations. Therefore, I strongly believe that the government needs to
hone their skills by providing them adequate facilities.

Band 7
Nowadays children are consuming too many sugar-based drinks. What are the reasons and
the solutions for this situation?

Sugar-based drinks give an instant energy boost. They are also tasty. These are the main reasons
that made sugary drinks popular among children and youngsters. Unfortunately, these drinks are
not healthy and pose a major threat to the health of young people.

Sugary drinks are becoming more and more popular because they are readily available. Even in
villages, there are shops that sell these instant energy boosters. These drinks are also heavily
marketed. Manufacturers rope in national and international celebrities and sports personalities to
endorse these products on television and in newspapers. If a famous sportsperson says that a
certain drink is the secret of his health, his young fans are bound to believe it. Consequently, they
start using the drink themselves. Another reason behind the popularity of these drinks is that they
are addictive. They contain ingredients that make children addicted to them. The same
ingredients also elevate energy levels and enhance mood.

Excessive consumption of sugary drinks can have long term health consequences. These drinks
are high in calories, but they don’t offer any nutrition. Regular consumption of sugar-based
drinks can result in obesity and diabetes. Actually, we are already seeing a dramatic increase in
the number of children suffering from these health problems.

These are several ways to deal with this situation. Creating awareness among children about the
negative effects of sugary drinks may or may not have the desired results because few children
are actually worried about health. A better strategy is to limit their availability or make them
unaffordable by increasing taxes on them. The government also needs to ensure that commercials
of such drinks are not aired during prime time when children are likely to be in front of the TV.
Parental control is important too. Parents should resist the temptation to buy high calorie drinks
for their children.

To conclude, a lot of factors have contributed to the popularity of sugary drinks. Limiting their
availability or making them less appealing or affordable may help to counter this problem.

Band 8.5
Cycling has many benefits, yet in some countries there is a decrease in the number of
people using bicycles as their main form of transportation. Why is it happening? Give
suggestions how to encourage people to use bicycles again.

Cycling has several health benefits. It is also an environment friendly means of transport. Even
so, cycling is becoming less and less popular. There are several reasons for this.

First, there are no dedicated lanes for cyclists in most towns and cities. Cycling on a busy road is
a dangerous activity. Even bikes are not safe in cities. When our cities and towns are not cycle-
friendly, we cannot blame people for not using cycles. If there are dedicated lanes for cyclists, I
am sure a lot of people living in urban areas will switch to this mode of traveling. It should be
noted that cycling is still very popular in countries like China where the right infrastructure

Second, cycling is not suitable for long distance travel. Unlike driving, cycling is a strenuous
activity. Cycles can only be used for traveling short distances. This is another factor that worked
against cycles.

Third, cycling is not considered as ‘cool’. A cycle serves more or less the same purpose as a
motorbike. It is much cheaper and does not require any fuel. Still, people ditch their bicycles and
buy bikes if they can afford them. The fact that a cycle is an inexpensive vehicle makes it less
fashionable or attractive. This might sound strange but it is true.

To conclude, several factors have contributed to the waning popularity of cycling. Cycling is
healthy but it is not exactly safe especially in cities where the traffic is heavy. If the government
wants to promote cycling, the first thing it needs to do is to create separate lanes for cyclists.

Band 7.5
Many countries increase the amount of household garbage going to landfill every year.
What are the causes? What can be done to reduce it?

Over the last few years there has been a dramatic increase in the amount of garbage produced by
each household. All of this eventually ends up in the landfill. Overflowing landfills have become
a major health hazard. They pollute the land, air and water. Several factors have contributed to
the increase in garbage production.

Consumerism is on the rise. Societies all over the world are becoming more and more
materialistic. We are buying stuff without even wondering whether we actually need it or not.
One of the reasons behind this trend is the increase in household incomes. As families become
richer, their spending on consumables also increases. They are amassing things and when their
cupboards overflow, they just throw them away.

Gone are the days when we used to reuse items until they wear out. Use and throw – that is the
latest trend. Buy it. Use it once and then throw it away. From bottles to nappies, we are now
living in the age of disposables. Take for, instance, the case of nappies. A child uses tens of
thousands of nappies before she turns three. All of these end up in the landfills.

The only way to reduce this problem is to create awareness about the environmental impacts of
our actions. We need to realize that throwing stuff away is no longer a fashionable thing to do.
We must realize the environmental impacts of our actions and make a conscious effort to reduce
our carbon footprint. One way of doing this is to produce less waste. Both the government and
the media can create awareness among the people about the dangers of overflowing landfills.

To conclude, unless we make a conscious effort, it will not be possible to reduce the amount of
waste we produce.

Band 9
Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live
with it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Climate change has started threatening our very existence on this planet. The soaring
temperatures have already caused the extinction of many species. Some people feel that it is
difficult or impossible to stop climate change. In their opinion, we need to find ways to live with
it. I disagree with this view because climate change can be prevented to a great extent. And when
it can be prevented we do not have to find ways to live with it.

The argument that instead of preventing climate change we need to explore alternative ways to
live with it shows our unwillingness to change our irresponsible ways. We need to accept the fact
that climate change didn’t happen on its own. It was triggered by our actions. Since the days of
industrialization we have been consuming natural resources without thinking about the
consequences of our actions. When we burn fossil fuels, we are producing many gases that
increase global warming. The last decade saw a dramatic increase in the number of vehicles on
the road. All of them emit dangerous carbon dioxide. Refrigerators and air conditioners are now
found in almost all homes. They also produce greenhouse gases. Unfortunately, what we do to
reduce the heat inside our homes and offices increases global warming. This is a vicious cycle
and we must get out of it.

The best way to reduce climate change is to use our resources responsibly. We need to invest in
alternative energy sources like solar and wind. In addition, the government should encourage
people to use public transport systems. Imposing ‘green taxes’ on private vehicles and airlines
could be a step in the right direction. Everyone needs to make a conscious effort to reduce their
carbon footprint by consuming less energy. Both the government and the media need to create
awareness about the growing threat caused by rising temperatures and changing climate.

To conclude, there are several ways to prevent climate change and hence the argument that we
need to find ways to cope with it does not hold water. It merely shows our unwillingness to
reduce our carbon footprint.

Band 9
Since the 18th century technological advances have replaced people in the workplace. With
today’s technology this process is happening at a greater rate. Technology is increasingly
responsible for unemployment. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this

Modern technology has made our lives easier; however, technology like everything else has its
advantages and disadvantages. Some people feel that technology has resulted in unemployment. I
do not quite agree with this statement.

A few decades ago, robots were merely a science fiction concept, but now they have started
controlling many aspects of our lives. Technology has made many jobs redundant. In a matter of
minutes a computer can perform tasks that will take a human being several days to complete.

Unemployment rates in the 21st century are somewhat higher than what it was a couple of
decades ago. Inventors are working hard to build new machines and robots. Machines save
labour and reduce the cost of production. Self-checkout machines installed in supermarkets have
replaced cashiers. A lot of us now perform banking transactions online. We withdraw money
from cash machines. As a result, many banks have stopped recruiting new employees. Even
existing employees are being laid off.

Now let’s take a look at the other side of the coin. Automation has resulted in the loss of several
jobs. It has also created many jobs because machines need people to operate them. Factories
manufacturing computers, cell phones and ATM machines employ tens of thousands of people.
These jobs were not available a few decades ago. The truth is that automation has created new
professions. Machines require regular maintenance. Computers need operators and programmers.
Teachers and instructors who show people how machines should be used are also in huge
demand. What’s more, machines have enhanced our productivity and eliminated costly and
dangerous errors.

To conclude, it is not hard to see that the advantages of automation outweigh the disadvantages.
Using all the machines available today and still blaming them for lack of jobs is nothing but

Band 8
Nowadays many people are diagnosed with anorexia. What are the causes of this? What
can be done to improve the situation?

Fashion and lifestyle magazines are promoting unrealistic and impossible beauty standards.
Wafer thin models adorn billboards all over the world. As a result, many people, especially teens
now equate beauty with thinness. They refuse to eat because they are worried that they will
become fat. In medical parlance, this disorder is called anorexia and it has become a major cause
for concern.

Food is our fuel. If our body does not receive the right amounts of nutrients, it will not be able to
function properly. Nutritional supplements can never be a substitute for food. Studies have
shown that vitamins and minerals that the body receives through supplements are not absorbed
properly. By contrast, the body can easily absorb the nutrients in foods. This undermines the
importance of eating right.

While anorexia can be considered as a psychological disorder, it is a byproduct of our obsession

with beauty and thinness. Fashion magazines and designers have their own reasons to promote
thinness. If everyone is of the same size, it helps the mass production of clothes and other
accessories. This will increase their profits. Unfortunately, teens who adulate super thin models
and who refuse to eat do not realize that they are doing a disservice to their body.

Creating awareness about this menace is the first step to stop it. The government and the media
can do a lot. In my opinion, the government needs to ban publications and commercials that
promote impossible and unhealthy standards of beauty. Parents need to be vigilant too. They can
easily spot the eating disorders in their children. If they feel that their children are not eating
properly, they should consult a doctor and a counselor. Anorexia is not an incurable condition.
Youngsters who are counseled against its ill-effects are more likely to adopt healthy eating

To conclude, creating awareness about health and beauty is the first step towards combating
anorexia. Youngsters need to realize that thinness is a sign of malnutrition, and not beauty. The
government, doctors, media and parents need to make a concerted effort to dispel myths
surrounding beauty.

Band 9
In many countries governments spend a lot of money on internet infrastructure. Some say
it is reasonable to allocate these funds, but others disagree and say that many more
important programs need this money. Discuss both views, give your opinion and include
any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Most countries now spend a great deal of money on developing internet infrastructure and
promoting internet penetration. In my opinion, this is justified because the internet has the
potential to bring about rapid changes and developments in the society. Of course, the
governments have to take care of a lot of other things as well. This, however, does not mean that
they should reduce their spending on the internet and information technology.

The internet has revolutionised our lives. Having access to an internet connection is a bit like
having access to all the information in the world. The internet allows students to prepare for their
examinations and youngsters to find employment. It keeps people connected to their near and
dear ones and can act as a savior in a calamity. Because of its always-on nature, the internet
allows people to share news and information in real time.

The internet empowers people. By giving them access to vital information, it makes them aware
of their rights. It provides opportunities to people living in remote areas or villages. The internet
has created countless jobs directly and indirectly and allows people to work freelance. Perhaps,
no other invention has had such a tremendous impact on our lives during the last twenty years.

The internet acts as a leveler. By giving internet access to the poor and depressed sections of the
society, the government can bring them to the mainstream and ensure their participation in
growth and development.

To conclude, the internet has the potential to create jobs and economic development. In my
opinion, therefore, the government spending on the internet is justified.

Band 8.5
Nowadays many young people are drawn towards dangerous sports. What makes them so
attractive? What measures should be taken to regulate such sports and minimize the risks?

Nowadays youngsters are showing too much interest in extreme sports. They do not care about
their safety. They just want to experience the thrill and adrenaline rush. Unfortunately, a lot of
them injure themselves while engaging in dangerous sports. There are several reasons behind the
popularity of extreme sports.

Young people, especially teens, seek appreciation. They want to show off their courage and
skills. They enjoy posting photos of their daring acts on social media. They want to get as many
comments and likes as they can. A lot of them also enjoy the thrill and excitement that they get
to experience while performing these activities. For example, my friend shared a photo of him
trying bungee-jumping on social media. It was his first attempt and he received a lot of
appreciation from his friends. I am sure he will repeat the act.

Dangerous sports are just that – dangerous. Accidents often occur and cause serious injuries to
the participants. I recently read in an article that a girl had fallen from the top of a giant wheel
and died.

Banning adventurous sports probably does not make sense because people have a right to engage
in activities that they enjoy. Most people who participate in these activities are aware of the risks
they are taking. However, the government needs to control and regularise the sector. Only
licensed companies should be allowed to operate in this field. Violators should be punished with
monetary fines and/or prison terms. Parents too can play an important role here. They should not
allow their children to engage in activities that are dangerous to their lives.

To conclude, people have a fundamental right to pursue activities that they enjoy as long as they
do not cause harm to themselves or others. Young people seek fun and thrill. They government
cannot prevent them from engaging in adventurous activities; however, it should enact
appropriate laws to ensure the safety of the participants.

Band 7
The modern family structure and roles of each member have changed in the recent years.
Do you think it has a negative or a positive effect on families? Give your opinion and
relevant examples.

Until a few decades ago, men were the providers and women were the care givers. Men would
go out to work and earn money. Women would stay at home looking after children and cooking
food. This arrangement is disappearing and in my opinion it is a positive trend.

In many families, now both spouses work and earn money. This is particularly true in developed
and developing nations. This trend has changed the structure of families and the role of family
members. Men are no longer seen as the only bread winners. In some families, women earn more
than men do. They deserve equal treatment.

Working women expect their partners to share the household responsibilities with them. They
want their husbands to help them with the kids and housework. Most men are willing to lend a
helping hand. Many of them never saw their dads doing the dishes or dusting the furniture, but
now they do it happily because their women are also busy with their careers.

As more and more women become financially independent, the role of family members will
change. Modern women have carved a niche for themselves in almost every sector. They now
work and earn. Naturally they deserve equal treatment and respect. Men who still have age-old
notions of male supremacy may find it difficult to come to terms with the change of roles.
However, those who think practically have certainly changed their attitudes and support their
women in their career and at home.

To conclude, women’s empowerment is the reason behind this change in the structure of
families. Women no longer want to confine themselves to the four walls of their home. As they
have started working outside, traditional definitions of husbands and wives have changed. Men
are no longer the only breadwinners and women are no longer the only care givers. In my
opinion, this is a positive trend that has the potential to make our world a better place where both
men and women command equal respect.

Band 9
Some people believe that the government should help the unemployed ona weekly basis. Do
you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion.

Unemployment is becoming a major problem all over the world. Even in some developed
nations, the rate of unemployment is high. This is sometimes attributed to the financial recession
that gripped the world during the first decade of this century. While the situation improved
considerably over the last few years, a lot of people who had been laid off by their previous
employers are still out of work. Some people feel that the government should give them weekly
financial allowances. I do not think that this is a viable solution.

To start with, if governments were to provide financial assistance to every unemployed person,
they would have little money to run the country. Most nations already have several welfare
schemes for the jobless and the governments certainly offer some financial assistance through
these schemes. Of course, these nominal financial aids are unlikely to solve the financial woes of
the jobless. I will not blame the governments for these because there is a limit to the amount of
money they can spend.

In most cases unemployment is the result of the lack of skills. People who possess skills that the
industry demands will have no difficulty finding jobs. Yes, the recession wiped away many jobs.
However, there are still several sectors that need skilled man-power. Instead of doling out
financial assistance to jobless people, the government should run free training programs and
camps where the jobless can pick up skills. This will provide a lasting solution to this problem.

The government should also create awareness about the dignity of labour. The unemployment
rates in India are high. This is not really caused by the dearth of job. Rather it is a result of
misplaced notions of dignity. The educated middle class Indians will only accept white collar
jobs. If the jobless take up manual jobs, the nation will become much more prosperous.

To conclude, giving weekly financial assistance to the jobless will not increase the GDP of a
nation. It is never a solution. Instead of giving people money, the government should provide
free training that will increase their employability.

Band 8.5
Nowadays the differences between countries are becoming less evident because we see the
same TV shows, advertisements, fashion and follow the same brands. To what extent the
advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?

We are now living in a global village where geographical barriers have become insignificant. All
over the world, people wear the same kind of clothes, eat the same foods and watch the same
films. In my opinion, this trend has made life easier for us all.

There are several benefits to following global fashion trends. It makes traveling easier. For
example, now Indians and Americans or Europeans have more or less the same tastes in fashion,
food and music. As a result, young Indian professionals can travel to the US or Europe and still
feel at home there.

The biggest advantage of following a global lifestyle is that it eliminates culture shock when you
travel to other countries. It also protects you from discrimination. When you wear the same kind
of clothes or eat the same kind of foods as everyone else, you will not stand out. This will
actually protect you from various forms of discrimination that you might experience when you
are in a foreign country. An Indian woman living in the US will be at a disadvantage if she
insists on wearing only traditional Indian clothes and eating only vegetarian foods. This will
limit the choices she has, but if she is willing to follow the culture of the country she lives in, life
will be easier for her.

The only disadvantage of this trend is the loss of ethnicity. Every nation has its traditional styles
of fashion and clothing. When everyone wears the same kind of clothes, this cultural legacy gets

To conclude, the benefits of following global trends in lifestyle and fashion are many. It makes
life easier for the globetrotting youngsters. There are, nonetheless, a few disadvantages, but there
is an easy way to get around them. People who are proud of their ethnic fashion and lifestyle can
follow it when they are in their own country.

Band 9
Nowadays there is a rapid increase in the use of natural resources such as oil, forest and
fresh water. What dangers does it bring? What are the possible solutions to address these

The world is becoming hungrier for resources. We have already destroyed much of the forest
cover and depleted fresh water sources. Oil wells are drying up. In my opinion, excessive
consumption of natural resources will have long lasting consequences that will even endanger
our existence on this planet.

Human population increased rapidly over the last few decades. Increasing population puts strain
on natural resources like forests. Forests are being cleared to build homes and factories. Trees are
being cut down to build furniture. Unfortunately, deforestation leads to several problems like
increase in atmospheric temperature, droughts and soil erosion. When temperature rises people
buy air conditioners. This does not address the issue. In fact, some chemicals released by
refrigerators and air conditioners add to global warming.

Depleting oil resources can wreak havoc with global economy. Oil is the biggest source of
energy for the developed and developing world. Over 90 percent of vehicles run on petrol and
diesel. If oil disappears one day, people will not be able to travel. All transportation activities
will come to a stop and people will not have access to essential commodities.

Fresh water is another resource that is fast becoming unavailable. It is impossible to survive
without fresh water. It is true that plenty of water is available in the oceans, but ocean water
cannot be used for drinking. While it is possible to desalinate ocean water, this process requires a
great deal of energy.

To conclude depleting natural resources are the biggest problem we face today. The only
possible solution is to invest in renewable energy sources. We also need to learn to use resources
judiciously. Even simple acts like planting trees and saving rain water will make a great

Band 9
Several languages die every year. Many people feel this is a positive trend and that a world
with fewer languages promotes harmony and understanding between people. Analyze both
sides of this argument and provide your opinion.

Each year many languages around the world die because people are adopting some international
dialects that are widely spoken. Whether this is a positive development or a negative
development is debatable.

Some people believe that fewer languages will promote better harmony and understanding. This
is true to a certain extent. We feel an immediate connection to people who speak our own
language. If all of us spoke the same language, the world would definitely be a better place to
live in. People will be able to travel to any part of the world and conduct business. When
language barriers disappear a lot of conflicts will also disappear. In other words, a world where
just one language is spoken is more likely to be a world filled with peace and harmony. Tourism
will also flourish and lead to economic development.

On the flip side, when a language dies the culture associated with it also dies. The wealth of
knowledge and information contained in the literature of that knowledge will become
inaccessible to future generations. This is not a positive development. Archeologists have
unearthed stone carvings and artefacts from various parts of the world. They still have not been
able to decipher many of these inscriptions because those languages have died and no one can
read them now.

In the modern world, where we have access to sophisticated transportation and communication
tools, we probably need only one language. This, however, does not mean that we should let
languages die. Language is the reflection of a culture. We can’t let it die. In addition to our
mother tongue, maybe we can all learn a more popular language like English for business and
travel purposes.

To conclude, one language will definitely bring us closer to the concept of one world. However,
in my opinion, every nation and every society that respects their culture and heritage has a
responsibility to protect their languages.

Band 8
Many people try to look younger than they really are. What are the reasons for that? Is it a
positive or negative development?

These days, no one wants to look their age. Actually, we are so madly in love with eternal youth
that we try every trick in the book to look younger and more attractive. In my opinion, this trend
has both positive and negative aspects.

A lot of factors have encouraged people to pursue eternal youth. Marketing is the most important
of them. We are now living in the age of information explosion. Every second we are getting
bombarded with images of good looking men and women who never seem to age. They are
everywhere – on the billboards, in the newspapers, on television and the internet. There is no
escaping them. Marketers, especially those working in the beauty industry, are responsible for
creating the impossible beauty standards that we struggle to live up to. Everyone wants to look
like the model on the billboard or the TV commercial. Needless to say people are spending huge
amounts of money on cosmetics and other beauty treatments. Procedures like Botox have
become household names.

Of course, this trend has some positive effects. When people become conscious of their looks,
they start paying attention to their body and its needs. They make a conscious effort to eat well.
This improves their overall health. Good looks may also improve their confidence.

On the flip side, impossible beauty standards also develop inferiority complex in people who
cannot attain them. A lot of us overlook the fact that the models in commercials are actually
photo-shopped to look younger and prettier. By aspiring to look like them, we aren’t doing
ourselves any service. Also, some products that we apply on our skin and hair have serious side
effects. Unfortunately, in the mad rush to look younger, we ignore the side effects of many
beauty treatments.

To conclude, the concepts of beauty and aging have changed over the years. Today, no one
believes in aging gracefully. Impossible beauty standards are the creation of marketers and visual
media has helped in their massive adoption. While this trend isn’t completely bad, it has some
serious repercussions.

Band 8.5
Some people believe all children should be taught together. Others say that they should be
separated according to academic abilities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

In most schools fast learners and slow learners are taught together. Some people are against this
arrangement. In their opinion, there should be separate classes for academically brilliant and
academically poor students. I don’t agree with this view.

When students are separated on the basis of their academic skills it affects their self-esteem.
Academically weak students may develop an inferiority complex which will further affect their
performance. Worse, the brilliant students may look down upon them. While it is possible to
argue that this arrangement will help the performance of both categories of students, in my
opinion, the benefits are negligible.

Just because we put slow learners in a separate class, it will not improve their academic
performance automatically. They will still have to work harder; teachers will still have to spend
more time explaining the concepts. So, I don’t see what the advantages are. In fact, the presence
of slow learners in a class has little impact on the performance of brilliant students. Of course,
teachers will take more time to teach the lessons; however, they will still manage to cover the
portions before the test. In most cases, this will mean paying less attention to slow learners, but
the situation isn’t going to be any better in classes for slow learners either. Teachers are required
to complete the lessons before the test. They can’t waste time on any student.

In my opinion, instead of separating the students the school should organize extra classes for the
slow learners. This arrangement will have a better impact on their performance. Teachers have
less time to work with slow learners during regular classes as they are under pressure to complete
the lessons. If there are extra classes, they will be able to explain concepts in more detail and
solve doubts.

To conclude, separating students on the basis of their academic skills is unlikely to have any
positive impact on their performance. Worse, this arrangement might make slow learners feel
inferior. In my opinion, a better solution is to arrange extra classes for them.

Band 9
For a long time there has been concern about the quality of the food we eat because of
additives and contaminants. Recently genetically modified (GM) food has become more
common, causing concern. Is this concern justified or not?

People are getting more and more concerned about the quality of food they eat. The rich and the
famous have already switched to organic foods. Such foods are costly and nutritious.
Unfortunately, few people can afford them. Those who cannot afford to buy organic foods are
also making a conscious effort to choose foods wisely. They refuse to buy foods containing
additives and preservatives. Some of them are also against genetically modified foods. They are
worried that GM foods might cause diseases like cancer. However, till date, we haven’t got
anything to prove that GM foods cause cancer.

GM foods have been around for over 20 years. Contrary to popular belief these foods have not
been linked to cancer or another disease. There have been several studies, but none managed to
prove that GM crops cause cancer.

Organic foods are certainly healthier than GM foods, but their affordability is an issue. Organic
foods don’t contain pesticides. Since pesticides are not used, their yield per hectare is low.
Because of these reasons organic foods are way beyond the reach of common man. By contrast
GM foods are cheaper. GM plants are resistant to droughts, floods and pests. They can be grown
using very little water. Also, they can resist pests. They provide better yields and hence prices
are low.

Over the last few decades, there has been a dramatic increase in world population. The world
population is expected to reach 8 billion within the next few years. When there is an increase in
population, the need for food also increases. In such a scenario, the only practical solution is to
grow more GM foods. Unless our scientists find a healthier and cheaper option, GM foods are
here to stay.

To conclude, people have the freedom to decide what they should eat. If they are particularly
concerned about GM foods, they don’t have to eat such foods. However, in my opinion, these
fears are baseless. Many people simply overlook the major benefits of GM foods and instead
focus on their unproven negative effects

Band 9
Some parents buy their children a large number of toys to play with. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of having a large number of toys? Give reasons for your
answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Compared to the past, children now have more toys. In my opinion, having more toys is
beneficial to the overall development of the child. However, too many toys may also cause some

Age appropriate toys help the mental and physical development of the child. There are many life
lessons that children can learn from their toys. For example, when kids play with balls, they learn
to share. Spider Man is the role model for many children. Since this fictitious character fights the
bad guys and saves the virtuous, children who adore him also learn the importance of being good
and fighting injustice.

Toys also teach children to be responsible. Girls all over the world love their Barbie Dolls. They
wake the doll up in the morning, comb her hairs and dress her with beautiful clothes. This way
they are learning to take care of others. Toys also offer companionship. Many families now have
only one child. Toys make children feel less lonely when their parents are away.

Parents’ habit of buying too many toys for their children has certain disadvantages too. To start
with, children who have too many toys to play with will have hardly any interest in maintaining
them. They know they will get another toy if they break one. Bad toys can also cause
behavioural problems in kids. Guns, for example, can make children aggressive. Children who
played with toy weapons during their childhood may as well acquire a real weapon when they
grow up.

To conclude, there is no harm in buying more toys for children. Children who get to play with a
large number of age appropriate toys are more likely to have better cognitive skills. They are also
less likely to develop depression. However, choosing the right toys is extremely important.
Parents need to ensure that the toys that they buy will have no negative impact on their children.

Band 7.5
Everyday traffic seems to get worse on our roads. How can we reduce the number of cars
on our roads today? What alternatives can we offer car drivers?

Over the years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of vehicles on the road. This
has reduced the quality of air in major cities. Vehicular pollution also leads to several health
problems. Obviously, this is a major problem that needs to be solved.

If we really want to control air pollution, we need to reduce the number of cars on the road. This
is not possible without proper legislation. In some countries, a family can own only one car. In
my opinion, governments all over the world should enact similar laws. If we can prevent rich
families from buying more and more cars, we will be able to reduce the number of vehicles on
the road.

Controlling car ownership alone will not solve the problem. Cars have a shelf life. Older cars
cause more pollution than newer cars. So, we also need legislation that forbids people from
driving vehicles older than 10 years. Creating awareness among the public is equally important.
People need to be made aware of the environmental impact of vehicles.

Legislation won’t fix the problem if there are no viable alternatives. Fortunately, plenty of them
exist. Public transport is the alternative to private cars. The government should invest more
money in public transport systems. If buses and trains arrive on time, very few people will want
to drive to work. Carpooling and cycling are also good solutions. We also need to develop cities
where people can walk to work.

To conclude, we must control vehicular congestion and pollution before the situation goes out of
control. It is evident that we require new legislation and regulations to control this situation. We
must also opt for better alternatives like public transport and cycling.

Band 9
Some people say that distance learning is a quick and effective way to study. Others,
however, disagree and say that distance learning programs can never be as good as courses
taken in person. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

Distance learning programs have become quite popular in recent years. People who cannot afford
to enroll in a fulltime program because of work commitments or other issues choose distance
programs to further their education. It is true that distance programs have many benefits;
however, in my opinion they are not as effective as regular programs.

The workplace is becoming more and more competitive. In order to get ahead, employees have
to obtain more degrees. Since distance learning allows employed people to complete their course
work at their convenience, they are a boon to working people. Distance courses are also cheaper
than fulltime courses. In addition, they eliminate the need to commute. These are obviously the
positive aspects.

However, distance learning programs still do not enjoy the same status as full time programs.
Employers often prefer candidates who attended a course in person. There are several benefits to
learning in person. When someone attends a class and learns from a professor in person, it
becomes easier for them to digest the concepts. In addition, real classrooms provide ample
opportunities to interact with other students. This also enhances learning. It is not surprising that
students who complete a full time program have deeper understanding of the concepts.

There is no denying the fact that distance learning programs are quick and easy; however, they
have several inherent disadvantages too. For example, only those students who demonstrate
excellent willpower will be able to complete these programs. As there is no one to monitor
progress, learning can become difficult and affect the student’s morale.

To conclude, while I certainly agree that distance learning programs are useful, in my opinion
they are not as effective as full time programs.

Band 7.5
In some countries old people are highly valued and in other countries the young are
considered to be more valuable. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Age brings wisdom. That probably explains why old people are revered in many countries
especially those in the east. In the west, on the other hand, the youth get more importance and

Youth is the time when you can accomplish many things. The young are full of energy. They are
independent. Their energy and zest for life allow them to accomplish many things. In the west,
there is too much emphasis on individual growth and material gains. That probably explains why
youngsters get more opportunities and respect there.

By contrast, eastern countries put a great deal of emphasis on spiritual growth. Old people have
seen more life and hence they know better. They are much less impulsive than their younger
counterparts. This enables them to make better judgements. In eastern countries, children and
youngsters look up to their parents and grandparents for advice and guidance in important
matters. For example, in Indian families important decisions are always taken by parents or
grandparents. Children listen to them. It is not considered appropriate to defy one’s parents and
few youngsters do it.

In western countries senior parents have no real say in their grown-up children’s lives. There
senior adults often spend their twilight years in care homes away from their children and
grandchildren. I am certainly against that arrangement. Many old people can’t work or run a
household in the strict sense of the term. However, they can still offer guidance. They can act as
the voice of reason when problems arise in the family. The youth should be given the importance
they deserve but this does not mean that seniors should be neglected.

To conclude, both the young and the old are valuable members of the society. It is true that old
people are less productive than young people but it does not mean that they are useless. They are
wiser and their sane voice can solve many conflicts in the family and the society.

Band 9
It has been proved that smoking kills. In some countries it has been made illegal for people
to smoke in public places except in certain areas. All countries should make these rules. To
what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Smoking is injurious to health. It can even cause deadly diseases like cancer. Many countries
have already banned smoking in public places. In my opinion, others too should follow suit and
ban it.

There are several benefits to banning smoking in public places. Smoking ban will definitely
improve the quality of air we breathe. Cigarette contains nicotine which is a cancerous substance.
In addition to cancer, smoking causes several other health problems. In fact, statistics have
shown tremendous rise in the occurrence of mouth cancer among people who smoke regularly.
Some studies have also shown that people who smoke more than 3 cigarettes a day have
increased chances of developing cancer. Smoking may also cause other problems like heart
attack and respiratory illnesses.

The biggest problem with smoking is that in order to suffer from its ill effects, you don’t
necessarily have to be a smoker. Passive smoking also kills. It is particularly harmful for young
children and pregnant women. If people are allowed to smoke in crowded public places like
railway stations or bus stands, its harmful effects will have to be borne by all people standing
next to the smoker. Banning smoking in public places is the only way to solve this problem.

Pollution is one of the biggest problems that we face today. Smoking not only aggravates this
problem but it also causes the depletion of the ozone layer which protects us from sun’s harmful
ultraviolet rays. It is evident that smoking plays a significant role in damaging our health and our

In conclusion, I personally believe that all governments should ban smoking in public places.
This might cause some inconvenience to chain smokers, but ultimately this ban will benefit them
as well.

Band 9
Many students find it difficult to learn subjects like mathematics and philosophy and hence
they should be optional in schools. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

There is no denying the fact that subjects like mathematics and philosophy are difficult for many
students. This, however, does not mean that they should be made optional. Children need to
master at least the basic concepts of these subjects to be able to get on with their lives.

Not all students want to be engineers or bank managers. They don’t have to be either but they
should still be able to do addition and subtraction. They should understand the concepts of
multiplication and division. If they lack these skills, they will find it difficult to manage their
everyday life.

Mathematics plays a very important role in our life. Children will not remain children for life.
The will become adults a few years down the lane and then they have to manage their finances.
Students who didn’t study mathematics at school will not be able to take care of their finances.
The fact that they don’t have even basic math skills will also affect their employability. No
employer will hire someone who can’t even solve simple sums.

The same is true in the case of philosophy as well. It is not a subject that many students can
digest. However, it offers a better perspective on life and helps us to cope with the ups and
downs of life.

The existing education system allows students to choose subjects of their preference when they
start university education. In my opinion, children should be taught all subjects at the school
level. They can choose subjects of their preference when they go for higher education.

To conclude, I strongly disagree with the view that subjects like mathematics and philosophy
should be made optional because such a decision will do students more harm than good.

Band 9
Some people believe that free housing should be provided by the government for under-
privileged and people who can’t afford to buy a house. To what extent do you agree and
disagree with the statement? Give examples based on your own experience.

Global economy may have developed considerably over the last few decades; however, millions
of people still do not have homes. This problem is particularly worse in developing and
undeveloped countries. Some people argue that the government should take care of this situation
by providing free housing to the poor. That demand certainly sounds logical; however, I don’t
think that it is the best solution.

To start with, the government can’t provide free housing to all poor people. Any such attempt
will put too much pressure on the public exchequer. The government already has a lot of other
things to take care of. For example, in India, the government provides free education and free
medical care through government schools and hospitals. Many government colleges and
universities even provide higher education free of cost. There are also several government
schemes for the rehabilitation of slum dwellers in urban areas. In the tribal areas, too, the
government provides free housing to the homeless.

Having said that, providing free homes to all poor people in the country does not seem possible.
A better solution is to make homes more affordable. If homes are unaffordable, that is because of
the exorbitant land prices. The government can make homes less expensive by allotting
government land at concessional rates and waiving taxes on the homes built on this land. Low
cost housing projects can be launched all over the country. Only basic amenities should be
provided in these homes to make them more affordable.

To conclude, although I do not think that government should provide free housing to all
homeless people in the country, I am in favour of the government launching low cost housing
projects. The government should also consider giving free land to the landless. These initiatives
will certainly make homes more affordable and solve the problems of the poor to a great extent.

Band 9
Some teachers think that international student exchange would be beneficial for all teenage
school students. Do you think its advantages will outweigh the disadvantages?

Students who participate in international student exchange programs gain rich benefits. They
return as more confident individuals with a wider perspective on life and international affairs.
Needless to say many parents and teachers support these programs. In my opinion, international
student exchange programs have more advantages than disadvantages.

Student exchange programs force students to leave their comfort zone and explore a foreign
territory totally unknown to them. This helps them discover their hidden talents and leadership
qualities. They also learn to adapt to unfamiliar surroundings and living conditions. As a result,
they become bolder and more confident.

In countries like India, children are overly dependent on their parents. In fact, it is not
uncommon for Indian parents to take decisions on their children’s behalf even after they turn
adults. When these teens participate in exchange programs they learn to live on their own.

Also, when students get to study in another country and mingle with students of another culture,
their perspective on life broadens. They learn to tolerate differences. They also understand that
the world is big enough to accommodate people of all faiths, customs and religions. This makes
them better individuals.

Cultural exchange is another benefit. When students live abroad as part of an exchange program,
they learn to appreciate another culture. They also bring their culture with them. This allows
their hosts to become familiar with their culture.

Student exchange programs also improve the career prospects of the participants. Because of
their broader perspective and their exposure to international communities, they are sought after
by companies that operate in different parts of the world.

To conclude, there are several benefits to participating in international student exchange

programs. These programs boost the confidence levels of the participants and make them more

Band 9
Every year several languages die out. Some people think that this is not important because
life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.

Language is the means of communication. There is no denying the fact the life would be a whole
lot easier if we all spoke the same language. However, this does not mean that we should let
languages die.

In the past, language barriers used to prevent people living in one part of the world from
communicating with people living in another part. Now thanks to the availability of better modes
of transport people are traveling to other countries and continents. This has also led to the
massive adoption of languages spoken in the developed world. English is a good example.
People coming from developing countries are trying hard to learn English because it opens many
doors. This is definitely a positive development.

On the flip side, the world wide adoption of a couple of languages that have a large number of
speakers has led to the death of several less popular languages. These are mainly the languages
spoken in the developing world. Some of them don’t have a large number of speakers. Others do
have enough speakers, but learning or speaking them do not improve a person’s career prospects
and hence they do not enjoy acceptance even in their countries.

For example, most parents in India now send their children to English medium schools because
English enhances their employability. Unfortunately, this is leading to the death of several local
languages. When a language dies, the culture associated with it is also dying. This may have far
reaching consequences. When communities adopt foreign languages and allow their mother
tongues to die, they are actually allowing their culture and legacy to die. In the process, they will
also lose their identity.

To conclude, the death of local languages is an alarming development. There is no harm in

adopting a popular language like English. It will make communication easier and improve our
lives. However, we should still keep our mother tongues alive by using them within our country
and community.

Band 9
Health experts say that walking is the best form of exercise; however, people now walk less.
What could be the reason for this? What might encourage people to walk longer distance?

A daily walk of 30 minutes is said to be the best exercise. Our grandparents used to walk for
miles on end to reach their destination. Today, people walk much less. Many factors are
responsible for this.

In the developed world most families have cars. They don’t walk even to the nearest grocery
store. In the developing world, too, people are giving up the habit of walking because they have
easy access to public transport systems.

We all seek comfort. Walking on foot can be tiring. Needless to say, people prefer to travel by
buses or cars whenever they have access to them. Motor vehicles are fast and thus they also help
save time. Unfortunately, this habit of using the car or bus has several negative consequences.
Most of us now spend hours in the office sitting in front of a computer. Because of this sedentary
lifestyle, we have developed many health problems like obesity, diabetes and heart trouble. We
can avoid most of these lifestyle diseases by simply walking for 30 minutes a day.

Many people who have given up the habit of walking are unaware of the health problems they
face. The government and health workers need to create awareness among the general public
about the benefits of walking. People who use a car should park their vehicle farther from their
office and take steps instead of the elevator. Children too should be encouraged to walk to
school. Once they get used to this habit, they are more likely to stick to it in the future too.

To conclude, lack of time and the need for comfort are the reasons that prevent people from
walking. However, most of us will start walking again if we are aware of its health benefits. So,
creating awareness is the key. The government and the media can play an important role in this.

Band 8
Nowadays more people prefer to socialize online rather than face to face. Is this a positive
or negative development?

People are glued to their cellphones and tablets. They are constantly updating their status on
social networks and checking out the photos and videos uploaded by their virtual friends. In fact,
most of us now have more friends online than in the real world. In my opinion, this is a negative
development that can have far reaching consequences.

Excessive online socialization can lead to depression, isolation and behavioural problems. The
internet is a great platform to share views and opinions, but it also fuels unhealthy competition
among people. Studies have shown that people develop an inferiority complex when their friends
get more comments or likes than them.

Social media has many negative sides. There is no guarantee that the people we meet online are
actually real. Many of them create fake profiles with the objective of cheating naïve users. There
have been several instances of teenagers committing suicide after they got cheated by their
online friends. Most people who are addicted to online socialisation have hardly any time for
talking to their family members or neighbours. This affects family relationships. Also, it can
cause the individual to become isolated from his community.

Face to face communications, on the other hand, lead to the development of trustworthy
relationships that last long. Meeting a friend or a dear one over a coffee or in a park is always a
memorable experience. Social media friendships lack that warmth. Also, we cannot expect our
online friends living in another part of the globe to help us when we are in trouble.

To conclude, it is not hard to see that excessive online socialization is bad. It affects our
relationships. It is true that the internet has enriched our lives in many ways, but if we are
addicted to it, we will develop many problems. After all, the virtual world cannot replace the real
world; neither can virtual friends the real ones.

Band 9
Some people say that mobile phones should be banned in public places such as libraries,
shops and public transport. Do you agree or disagree?

Mobiles have made communication easier and more convenient. However, sometimes people
talking on their mobile phone disturb the surrounding environment and the general public.
Because of this reason, several people have opined that the use of mobile phones should be
banned in public places like libraries, shops and on buses and trains. I agree with this view.

When people traveling on a bus or train make or receive calls on their mobile phone, they are
causing a great deal of disturbance to other passengers. In order to ensure that the listener can
hear properly, the caller often talks too loudly. This can disturb fellow passengers who may be
reading or sleeping. And when people driving a vehicle talk on their mobiles, it can result in fatal
accidents. This cannot be allowed at all.

Libraries are another place where the use of mobile phones should be banned or discouraged.
Library is meant for reading and thinking. If people use mobile phones when they are inside the
library, they will unnecessarily disturb other people reading or studying there.
By simply banning mobiles in public places, we cannot perhaps solve this problem. We also
need to create awareness about the proper and polite way to use mobiles in public places.

Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives. In fact, most of us can’t even imagine a
life without our mobiles. They are also a blessing in emergencies. In such situations, their use
must be permitted.

To conclude, there is a real need to ban the use of mobile phones in public places. It is true that
they are a necessity and have enriched our lives in many ways, but their excessive use in public
places must be discouraged at any cost.

Band 9
With pressure on today’s young people to succeed academically, some people believe that
non-academic subjects should be removed from the syllabus so that children can
concentrate wholly on academic subjects.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There is no denying the fact that school children are under tremendous pressure to perform well
in academics. It is not surprising, though. Students who score high grades in academics are more
likely to have a successful career in the future. Most schools these days have a curriculum that
includes both academic and non-academic subjects. However, many parents and teachers believe
that non-academic subjects should be removed from the curriculum so that children can focus on
academics. This might sound logical but I do not believe that removing non-academic subjects is
the solution.

To start with, non-academic activities like dance, drama, singing, cookery or physical education
cause hardly any stress. In fact, they provide relaxation and help students concentrate better on
academic subjects. Also, learning these subjects is essential for the overall development of

There are many more reasons to include non-academic subjects in the curriculum. Not all
students are academically brilliant. However, this will not be an issue if the student has skills in
other areas. For example, a student does not need an A grade in physics or mathematics to be a
successful singer, writer or painter.

By encouraging students to engage in extra-curricular activities, schools can bring out their
hidden talents. This will help not only the students but also the society. After all, not everybody
is required to be a doctor or an engineer. The world needs athletes, writers, chefs and actors as

To conclude, there is no point is eliminating non-academic subjects from the syllabus. In my

opinion, schools should encourage students to pursue a career in a field of their choice. This
would not be possible without including a variety of topics in the curriculum.

Band 9
It is very clear now that English should be the primary foreign language taught in all
schools around the world. Learning a different foreign language before English, in today’s
world, is a waste of time.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

English is the most widely spoken language in the world. In fact, the number of people who learn
and speak English as a second language is greater than the number of people whose first
language is English. Other international languages like Spanish, French, Mandarin and Hindi are
also taught in many parts of the world. However, in my opinion, learning another foreign
language before English is not worth our time or effort.

There are several benefits to learning English. People all over the world understand English. If
you know English, you can travel to any country in the world. The huge popularity of the
internet has also made learning English a necessity. Most information available on the internet is
in English. A person who understands English can access the whole of this information.

Over the years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people who travel or study
abroad. English is the language they use to communicate with others. Students who can speak
and write English have better job opportunities than those who do not understand English. All of
these make learning English imperative.

A language is the reflection of a culture. When we learn a foreign language, we get to know that
culture. That probably explains why other international languages are also taught in schools and
colleges. However, I see absolutely no justification for learning Spanish or German instead of
English. Although these are all well-developed languages spoken by millions of people, they are
much less influential than English.

In conclusion, it is evident that learning English is more beneficial than learning another foreign
language. In my opinion, if a student plans to learn only one foreign language, then it has to be

Band 7.5
Children today are too dependent on computers and electronic entertainment. It would be
better for them to be outside playing sports and taking part in more traditional pastimes
than spending all day indoors. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons
for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

Most children are glued to their computer or cellphone these days. This is not a positive
development because when children spend the whole day playing games on their computer or
gaming console, they will develop many health problems. They may even develop behavioural
problems. In my opinion, it is more beneficial for children to spend time outdoors playing sports
or engaging in other activities.

Outdoor games are good for children. They make them fitter and stronger as individuals.
Children who play games are healthier. They are also less likely to engage in antisocial activities.
Better still, outdoor games require the participation of more than one individual. When children
play games like football or cricket, they are also learning several social and management skills.
They learn to share and work as part of a team.

On the other hand, children who spend the whole time indoors will most probably spend several
hours in front of the TV or computer. This may lead to several health problems like obesity and
diabetes. These children may also find it difficult to interact with others. Also, when they spend a
lot of time on their computer, they are more likely to be exposed to inappropriate materials on
the internet. All of these factors can have an adverse impact on their physical and psychological

To conclude, it is not hard to see that there are several benefits to engaging in outdoor activities.
Parents should not allow children to waste their whole time in front of the TV or computer. Even
in those families where both parents are away at work, parents can use software programs to
limit their children’s exposure to television and the internet.

Band 9
In some countries people prefer to live alone more often than in the past. Do you think this
is a positive or a negative development? Why?

Over the years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people who live alone.
Globalisation has made it possible for people to find jobs in nearly all parts of the world. In a bid
to build their career, they leave their home and country and live alone in another part of the

There has also been an increase in the number of people who prefer to live alone. I think this
trend is more popular in western countries. There are at least a few benefits to living alone.
When you live alone, you have absolute freedom. You also learn to do things on your own. This
makes you stronger as a person.

On the other hand, living alone has several disadvantages too. Psychologists believe that being
disconnected from one’s family can make one emotionally weak. As human beings, we need
people to share our joys and sorrows with. We need people to take care of us when we are ill.
Perhaps this is the biggest disadvantage of living alone. When you need help, you have none to
offer it. In addition, people who are used to living alone may have difficulty adjusting when they
have to share space with others. They might even come across as unfriendly.

After analysing this development it is not hard to see that living alone has its fair share of
advantages and disadvantages. However, in my opinion, the disadvantages outweigh the
advantages. Human beings are gregarious by nature. We seek company and feel happy when we
have our friends and family around. It is true that the traditional family setup curtails the amount
of freedom an individual can enjoy. However, there are very many ways to improve the situation.
In my opinion, there is absolutely no need to live alone just to enjoy freedom.

Band 8
Some people believe that countries should invite foreign companies to open their branches,
offices and factories in order to develop their economies. Others think countries should
invest in their own companies instead. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Many countries have been battling slow economic growth since year 2008. Some countries are
on the verge of a financial breakdown. Financial problems and negative growth have encouraged
many governments to solicit foreign investment in their countries. There are several advantages
to attracting foreign investment. There are some disadvantages too.

On the bright side, foreign investment helps the local economy in many ways. When foreign
companies open their branches and offices in a country, they help generate several jobs. This
gives a boost to the local economy. The arrival of new companies also increases the competition
in the market. This will encourage companies to price their products competitively. Tough
competition will also improve the quality of products and services. It is evident that foreign
investment benefits not only the country but also the consumer.

On the flip side, foreign investment has its fair share of disadvantages too. One should not forget
that companies that set up their establishments on the foreign soil are driven by their desire to
make more money. They aren’t looking to engage in charity work. They are financially stronger
than local companies and hence they can easily stifle competition. Also in the past many
multinational companies have been accused of engaging in unethical practices to kill local
competition. Because of these reasons many economists feel that governments should help local
companies instead of inviting foreign companies.

Considering the arguments in favor of and against inviting foreign companies, it is not hard to
see that there are several benefits to attracting foreign companies. There are a few disadvantages
too. However, governments can solve these problems by enacting proper laws to ensure healthy
competition. By doing this governments can also protect small businesses and enable economic

Band 8
Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. Others,
however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion.

The advantages and disadvantages of sending children to mixed schools have always been a
subject of debate. Some parents and teachers feel that mixed schools are better; others are more
in favour of separating boys and girls. In my opinion, both types of schooling have their merits
and demerits.

There are at least a few benefits to separating boys and girls. It is quite normal to feel attracted to
members of the opposite sex. This attraction often results in distractions. By separating boys and
girls distractions can be reduced to a great extent. This will make the atmosphere in the
classrooms more conducive to learning. If boys and girls are taught in the same schools, the
chances of boys getting hyperactive are pretty high. It is a general fact that boys commit more
mischiefs when girls are around. They want to impress girls and often fail to focus on their
studies. If boys are taught in boys’ schools, this situation can be avoided.

On the flip side, single sex schools do not facilitate interaction between boys and girls. As a
result children taught in single sex schools often find it difficult to interact with members of the
opposite sex. This can lead to awkward moments at social gatherings where they have to deal
with such encounters.

I think this is the biggest disadvantage of single-sex education. Mixed schools, on the other hand,
allow boys and girls to interact freely and help in the overall development of their personality.
When boys and girls study together, they get to understand the skills and limitations of each

After analysing both sides of the argument it is not hard to see that mixed schools and single sex
schools have their merits and demerits. However, in my opinion the advantages of teaching
children in mixed schools outweigh the disadvantages. I hope that mixed school education will
be promoted by parents and teachers.

Band 7.5

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