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Disuatu hari .

sebuah perusahaan kecantikan bernama sk 1 company sedang membuka sesi

wawancara kerja . disini lah cerita ini dimulai
Chapter 1
R : Hello, good morning, can I sit next to you ?
D : Sure
R : Are you coming for interview ?
D : Yes, and you ?
R : So do I, I’m Aisye
D : Nice to meet you Aisye, I’m Lutfi
R : Nice to meet you too Lutfi, where are you from ?
D : I’m from Tegal, and you?
R : Ohh, Tegal, and I’m from semarang. By the way, what position you apply for interview ?
D : Oh, I wanna apply for Manager position
R : Really? Omg! I also wanna that position, actually I’ve work hard to get that position. I’ve been
working as manager for 3 years, but in a small company, so this time I wanna enhance my skill set. I am
looking for better opportunities.
R : OH I see
D : so how about you ?
R : I’m fresh graduate from Diponegoro University
D : Really ? are you sure to apply this position ? because I’ve read the qualifications that they must have
2 years experience for this position.
R : I just try HEHEHE
D : ok. Good luck for us
R : Aamiin
R : omg it my turn, see you.
D : Okay, good luck

Chapter 2
1 week later. Devi dinyatakan diterima sebagai manajer marketing di sk 1 company . dihari pertama
kerja devi langsung menghadap ceo sk 1 yaitu mrs nala
D : Hello, Good morning Miss Nahla, I’m devi as a new manager
N : Hello devi, good morning, welcome to our company, please sit down
N : Here you are as a manager marketing, did you know your desk job ?
D : emm… just a little..
N : did you have working as a manager before ?
D : errr… no… this is my first experience
N : hah? Really? –mukanya gimana gitu- hhuftt… okay, I will tell you your job desk. First, you must
developing strategies and tactics to boost the company’s reputation and drive qualified traffic, after that
you must make sure to successful marketing campaigns our product, and analyze consumer behavior
that affects our product sales.
D : waduh… I will try
N : not just try but do your best! Any question?
D : ========

Chapter 3
Aisye bertemu mrs nala dan ia diberitahu bahwa ia mendapatkan bonus . dengan hati gembira ia
langsung menghampiri titin untuk berbagi cerita
T : heyyy, what happened ? you looks like being chased by a dog
A : hahahaha noooo… but you know you know
A : I’m so happy today, do you want to know it ?
T : SURE, what is that?
A : I got an enormous bonus
A : Because I can develop new product in this month and boss said that this product will be booming in
A : Thank you

Chapter 4


A : heyy rinda come here
A : let me introduce my college’s friend, she is rinda who I have told you before
T : Ohhh.. I know, sye often tells everything about you,
N : Yes, sye always told me that you are clever until she really want you work in here
R : HEHEHEHe… nope, aisye tell too over, nice to meet you guys
N : but why you didn’t choose as a manager instead devi who a fresh gradute which selected as a
manager , really im confusing with this
R : so do I, devi tell me when we interview that she have no experience
N : Yes, I also overheard when boss talking to devi about her job desk and she didn’t know anything
A : yeah actually rinda have 3 years experience and she is one of the best gradutes at our college
T : and I heard on the grapevine that she was Gajah Mada University graduates
A : but its useless if she have no experience, I think there is something wrong at interview or test or hrd
N : but just between us, Devi is a Mr Syafii girlfriend’s , you know Mr. syafii is interviewer
R : OALAH. I see.
A : I regret it 
T : BUT nlablas

Chapter 5
Rinda sebagai sales bermaksud menawarkan produk dari sk1
R : Good morning. Am I speaking to Mrs. Vivi ?
V : Yes, I am
R : Oh hello Mrs. Vivi . This is rinda from SK I company
V : oh yes
R : Do you have a moment to speak to me ?
V : umm well yeah
R : thank you. My company spealizes in helping skin ==================. Do you think that’s
something that might be of interest to you?
V : er well ===

Chapter 6
Di sisi lain nahla menghubungi mrs lutfi untuk mengonfirmasi janji temu
N : Hello , good morning Mrs Lutfi, this is Nahla I am the secretary for SK I Company . how are u doing?
L: oh, nahla . Iam doing well, and u?
N : I’m great. Thank u . I’m just ringing to confirm our appointments for Friday afternoon at 10 a.m to
discuss about materials contract for our new product.
L : sure I’m looking forward to it.
N : okay Mrs Lutfi can I just check the place for meeting ? that is legend café. Isn’t it?
L : excellent . at legend café
N : okay Mrs Lutfi , I’m noted it. It’s a pleasure to talk with you . thank you so much .

Chapter 7
T : SK 1. Titin speaking. How can I help you ?
L : Good Morning, my name is Navis . I’m the customer of SK 1. Am I speaking to your customer
relations, please ?
T : Speaking.
L : Thank you, Ms Titin. I need to make a complaint. I hope you can help me. I’m not satisfied with your
T : Oh dear. What seems to be the problem ?
L : It’s very disappointing and I didn’t think I could accept it
T : How do you mean ?
L : well, when I receive a product from your company, the product is defective and has holes and the
product is not full
T : I see…. Well, I’m sorry to hear that. Could we give an offer to you ?
L : What is’t ?
T : we give the offers in the form of discounts if buying more product and buy 1 get 1
L : I think so…. Yes, I do. I will order a product SK 1 today, please
T : yes, I will creat the order. Many thanks

Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Running to face to face meeting
N : everybody is here now. So let’s get started. Now, we’re here to discuss the rollout of the new our
product. You are the people who’ll have to implement it and we need to decide what you need for the
rollout. So let’s at point number one on the agenda: research and development. Aisyah, would you like
to start ?
A : Right, at the moment here’s I will explain about our new product: skincare. Product will be launch is
whitening day cream with palm extract so this product absolutely 100% halal.
D : Well, who is our marketing target ? and any bad impact to the skin ?
A : Womens around 18-40 years old, yes there are definitely bad effects but depends on sensitivity of
consumer’s skin. And we have tried to reduce that effects.
R : but I analyzed the field about the product and lots of similar product. How are we handle that ?
D: how about if we sell the product lower price than other ?
R : But if we want to sell the product lower price than other , we must thinking about what the material
we use to product
D : and we must increase our marketing strategic so many consument use our product
N : OK. The conclusion is we must made long terms contract with supplier so we can press the material
cost. I think its enough, thank you so much for your attention :*
Chapter kesekian
A : Hello good morning, I’m aisye from SK I Company
L : Helo nice to meet u
A: and that basically, is why I meet with u lutfi . I will discuss about materials to be used in our new
L : oh I see , so what exactly do you need?
A: my company propose that you long terms contract for materials to be used in our new product. In
this contract we offer u to be the one only supplier for our new product materials.
L: ok. Btw you need how much material to make your new product?
A: maybe every month we will produce 100.000 kilogram, how much price is it?
L: so , maybe I can give you a price Rp 50.000 for one kilogram
A: can’t you go down on the price mrs?
L: well how much do you have in mind?
A: I was think around Rp 30.000
L: I think Rp 30.000 per kilo is far to low. Maybe Rp 45.000 is nearer the mark.
A: I don’t think we could go along with that. You see , we have very strict budget limits.
L : okay, how about if Rp 40.000 per kg . this is the last bid.
A: okay deal. We can live with that.

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