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Palatal Perforation: Case Report and Literature Review

Palatal Perforation: Case Report and Literature Review

Archana Chaurasia, 2Ramkant Dandriyal, 3Shazia Safi, 4Vishakha Lal

ABSTRACT integration results in cleft palate. Alteration in the normal

Palatal perforation is a breach in the palatal vault leading to an fusion process, defect in the regional vascular supply, a
abnormal epithelized track between the nasal and oral cavity, mechanical alteration in tongue size can lead to perfo-
associated with nasal regurgitation of fluid, food lodgment in the ration. During pregnancy, mother-to-fetus transfer of
defect, hypernasality of voice, besides the risk of nasal infection substances, such as alcohol, drugs or toxins or infections,
resulting from food lodgment. It is a rare condition encountered in
cigarette smoking, folic acid deficiency, corticosteroid use,
routine dental practice. It is well understood that palatal perfora-
tion can be a difficult diagnostic dilemma. Collagen membrane and anticonvulsant therapy are some causative agents for
used in our study is found to be an effective dressing material this abnormality.
for faster uneventful healing of palatal perforation. Drug related: Palatal perforation due to drug abuse like
Keywords: Collagen membrane, Palatal perforation, Suction cocaine, heroin, or narcotics is a well-known situation in
cups. adults. Cocaine is an alkaloid extract derived from the
Erythroxylum coca plant. Its unique vasoconstrictive
How to cite this article: Chaurasia A, Dandriyal R, Safi S, Lal V.
Palatal Perforation: Case Report and Literature Review. J Dent properties led to its use as an anesthetic, but if overused,
Sci Oral Rehab 2017;8(3):113-116. the intense vasoconstriction leads to ischemia of affected
tissues, which can progress to necrosis and then perfora-
Source of support: Nil
tion.5 The nasal septum is eroded and eventually disinte-
Conflict of interest: None grates with the collapse of the internal support structure.
The area of damage extends to causing perforation of the
INTRODUCTION hard and/or soft palate.
Trauma: Sometimes, an elderly edentulous denture
The palate is an integral part of the oral cavity constitut-
wearer complains of a perforation in his/her palate. Due
ing various types of tissue that give rise to different types
to bone resorption, a previously impacted canine may
of pathological conditions. Perforation is a hole or break
emerge in the form of a palatal perforation. Sometimes,
between two epithelial surfaces commonly between a
following a tooth extraction, an oroantral fistula remains.
hollow viscus and the skin (external fistula) or between Other procedures such as sagittal palatal fracture occur-
two hollow viscera (internal fistula), lined with granula- ring with a palate alveolar fracture or with a comminuted
tion tissue, which is subsequently epithelialized.1 Palatal Lefort fracture may sequestrate leading to late post trau-
perforation is also known as oronasal communication matic period, forceful slipping of extraction instruments
or oronasal fistula. By definition, it is an internal fistula (straight elevator and chisel) during upper posterior teeth
represented by an abnormal epithelialized track com- removal and this can lead to perforation.
municating between the nasal and oral cavity. Infections: There are some infections resulting in
There are various etiological factors for palatal perfo- palatal perforation seen in tuberculosis, tertiary syphi-
rations discussed in various literature, which can occur lis, leprosy, rhinoscleroderma, naso-oral blastomycosis,
alone or in combination.2-4 leishmaniasis, actinomycosis, histoplasmosis, coccidio-
Developmental: During the sixth week of prenatal mycosis, and diphtheria.
period, the nasal cavity is separated from the oral cavity, Neoplastic: Tumors involving maxilla and other
anteriorly by premaxilla and maxilla, and posteriorly anatomically related structures may require surgical
by the horizontal plate of Palatine bone. Failure of this management and resection of the involved area, result-
ing in palatal perforation. Besides developmental cysts
like nasopalatine duct cyst, median palatal cyst, globu-
Senior Lecturer, 2Professor, 3,4Postgraduate Student lomaxillary cyst, nasoalveolar cyst, and odontogenic
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Institute of cystlike periapical cysts presence, when also treated by
Dental Sciences, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India enucleation and curettage may destroy the bony floor of
Corresponding Author: Archana Chaurasia, Senior Lecturer the nasal cavity and lead to oronasal fistula.1
Department of Oral and Maxilofacial Surgery, Institute of Dental Maxillary tumors are usually handled surgically,
Sciences, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India, Phone: +919451260999 either by conservative approach in localized lesions or
by a wide or radical approach in more aggressive lesions,
Journal of Dental Sciences and Oral Rehabilitation, July-September 2017;8(3):113-116 113
Archana Chaurasia et al

which includes maxillectomy, a process of partial or total abscess, or tumors prevent spontaneous healing and
removal of maxilla in a patient suffering from benign result in perforation of palate.
or malignant neoplasm.6 The resultant surgical defect Based on size, it can be categorized into three types:
often includes part of the hard and soft palate, which small (<2 mm), medium (3–5 mm), and large (>5 mm).11
results in an oroantral and/or oronasal communication.7 Hypernasality of voice due to audible nasal air escape
Rehabilitation can be accomplished either surgically or during speech, nasal regurgitation of fluids, food lodg-
prosthetically. ment into nasal cavity with risk of rhinitis and tonsillitis,
Autoimmune: There are some autoimmune diseases it is most commonly observed on the junction between
that result in palatal perforation, such as lupus ery- soft and hard palate.
thematous, sarcoidosis, Crohn’s disease, and Wegener
granulomatosis. CASE REPORT
Idiopathic: Lethal midline granuloma is a disease entity
A 54-year-old female visited our Department of Oral and
associated with the destruction of the nasal septum,
Maxillofacial surgery with a chief complaint of hole in
hard palate, lateral nasal walls, paranasal sinuses, skin
upper jaw since 7 to 8 months, which is slowly increasing
of the face, orbit, and nasopharynx by an inflammatory
in size. She further gave a history of nasal regurgitation
infiltrate with atypical lymphocytes and histiocytic cells,
of fluid, food lodgment in the defect, and hypernasality
ulcerative necrotizing lesion with a strong inflammatory
of voice. She is wearing the suction cup denture for the
component, angiocentric and angiodestructive, leading
entire day and night, and has been removing it only for
to the destruction of structures and frequently to bone
cleaning from the last 4 to 5 years. The patient also reveals
sequestration, which causes perforation.
Others: Rhinolithiasis—Exogenous (such as grains, that she is under medication for tuberculosis since last
small stone fragments, plastic parts, seeds, insects, glass, 1 month and gave no history of any drug allergy.
wood, and others) or endogenous (dry secretion, clots, On examination, intraorally it showed two oval-
cell lysis products, mucosa necrosis, and tooth fragments) shaped holes present in the midline of the hard palate.
products may act as foreign bodies8 and lodge into nasal One was approximately 0.3 mm in dimension and another
cavity, resulting in an uncommon disease, which may was 0.6 mm in dimension (Fig. 1). On palpation, margins
present asymptomatically showing characteristic pres- were nontender. All surrounding tissues appeared normal
ence of mineralized tumor,9 large enough to cause nasal in color and texture. When the patient was asked to
septum perforation or deviation, oroantral and orona- gargle water, it escaped through her nose. No extraoral
sal fistula, chronic sinusitis, and destruction of lateral abnormality was observed, and regional lymph nodes
nasal wall.10 Usual symptoms are progressive unilateral were not palpable. Maxillary occlusal radiograph showed
nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea (usually purulent and fetid), radiolucency in the center of the hard palate. For the
cacosmia, and epistaxis with headache, facial pain, and measurement of the radiolucency, computed tomography
epiphora seen less commonly. (CT) scan was done, and the measurement was 1.00 cm
The presence of maxillary sinusitis, epithelialization in greatest dimension (Fig. 2). The patient was advised
of the fistula tract, osteitis, or osteomyelitis on fistula to discontinue the denture immediately, and the surgery
margins, a foreign body, dental cysts, a dental apical closure was planned.

Fig. 1: Hole in the palate Fig. 2: Computed tomography scan showing palatal perforation


Palatal Perforation: Case Report and Literature Review

Fig. 3: Suturing of the palatal perforation using collagen membrane Fig. 4: Postoperative 2-month follow-up

The surgical closure of palatal perforation was Palatal perforation beneath the suction cup under the
planned under general anesthesia. It was induced by maxillary upper denture is a challenge for reconstruction.
nasotracheal intubation. Patient was placed in the supine Closures of palatal perforation are difficult because of the
position and neck extension achieved by keeping a pillow stiffness of palatal mucosa and further complicated by the
under the shoulder. Local anesthesia with adrenaline was nonavailability of adequate tissue for tension-free closure.12
injected around the lesion for hemostasis. The margins of No single procedure can be satisfactory for all types of
the fistula were excised to remove the epithelial lining. palatal perforation. The choice of operating technique
Collagen membrane was used for the closure of the defect depends on the site and size of the defect and age of the
using 3-0 Vicryl sutures (Fig. 3). patient. Depending on the size of the defect, there are various
Before surgery, primary impression was taken and flaps available to close the defect. Palatal flap, nasolabial flap,
acrylic plate was fabricated on the cast. The perforation buccal pad of fat, and tongue flap are the locoregional flaps
was blocked in the cast by wax to prevent unwanted that can be used to close the fistula. Among the distant flaps
extension inside the defect. This plate was given to the that can be used are myofascial flaps, forehead flaps, etc.
Collagen can be used as an alternative to the above-
patient immediately after surgery.
mentioned graft materials to cover the intraoral surgical
One week postoperative review showed that the
defects. As there is a large body of evidence that collagen
defect area healed without infection, dehiscence, and was
is a common denominator in all stages of wound healing,
covered with normal fibrin. Fifteen days after surgery, the
it serves as the key extracellular component for repair and
wound in the defect area healed well. After 2 months of
remodeling.14 Unique features of collagen membranes
the surgery, the patient was referred to prosthodontics
include guiding function, chemotactic property, hemo-
for fabrication of new denture (Fig. 4).
static property, and resistance to masticatory forces for
sufficient time and allowing granulation tissue to form.15
The palatal perforation closure techniques are much CONCLUSION
studied in the patients with the history of previous This to conclude that the use of collagen membrane
surgeries and cleft palate. The management of palatal showed accelerated healing process. This may be
perforation caused by suction cup begins with educat- explained through the formation of a gelatinized coagu-
ing the patient about the ill effects of continuous use lum containing abundant amounts of fibrinogen and
of suction cup denture.12 These perforations are due to fibronectin, which have high concentrations of chemoat-
continuous negative pressure from the vacuum, which tractants and growth factors that help in deposition and
results in resorption of the underlying bone and atro- organization of freshly formed fibers. Granulation tissue
phies the mucosa beneath the suction cups inserted into facilitates migration of fibroblasts into the wound bed.16-18
the tissue surface of upper complete dentures.13 This Collagen appears to be biocompatible, has no signifi-
device is not advisable according to academic recom- cant immune rejection, and is with biodegradable char-
mendations, but it is used by nondentist denturists, acteristics. None of the cases showed adverse or allergic
who traditionally fabricate complete dentures without reactions to the collagen, proving its safety as a biological
scientific knowledge. dressing material.19-21
Journal of Dental Sciences and Oral Rehabilitation, July-September 2017;8(3):113-116 115
Archana Chaurasia et al

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