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21st Century teaching and learning requires a teacher to be equipped with new sets of

Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, and Values (KSAV’s) in order to cope with its challenges and
demands. It is essential that he should develop these KSAV’s within himself first before he can
transfer it to his students.
Likewise, we teachers, have the responsibility to lead and guide our students towards
becoming the best they can be and at the same time, help them meet the challenges of the 21st
century. We should serve as an important agent in preparing them to become productive members
of the 21st century societies so that they will succeed in their endeavors and become fruitful
citizens of the country in the near future. However, this is not an easy task for us teachers.
The first session made me reflect on the experiences I have had in my work station and
made me gauge how far I am putting into practice the 21st Century KSAVs.
With the use of ICT and multimedia in the teaching-learning process. It was in my first
year of teaching that I have taught through the “chalk to talk” method for several times because of
scarcity of resources. We have only 2 LCD’s and 1 television for teachers and a few computers.
However, this problem was already addressed for not so long, additional teaching resources have
arrived. I am already using powerpoint presentations which are sometimes linked to videos and
other resource materials to further enrich the learnings of the students. I have also let my students
read issues and let them give their stand through an article critique or a position paper. My students
also experience answering quizzes online through kahoot.
Gone are the traditional learning environments that are teacher centered and those that
which promote rote memorization. Education nowadays is characterized by, among others,
innovative and modern instructional methods such as the use of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) in teaching. Students are now taught through the use of ICT. Using a variety
of instructional tools such as PowerPoint, pamphlets, and many others can show that the teacher
is applying the critical attribute of adapting technologies and multimedia in his teaching.
Subjects nowadays are integrated within and across curriculum. Through this, a student
will be taught to think of the links of the subject matter to other areas. Likewise, education now
promotes cooperative learning. Students are taught to collaborate with co-learners in order to come
up with a better idea or to learn from each other. The teacher now is not sole source of information.
Furthermore, content of learning is not just focused on subject knowledge but towards intellectual
abilities. Learning content in the 21st century is relevant to the lives of students, especially if
integrated with other disciplines. It also seeks to enhance creative and critical thinking skills not
just memory recall of data.
Learning in the 21st century is no longer confined to formal academic settings; acquiring
knowledge and skills becomes a lifelong endeavor through informal and nonformal means, such
as online learning modalities and hands-on experiential learning like internships.
21st century has a new generation of learners characterized by different sets of values,
languages, and pop-cultures, and different ways of thinking, reacting, responding, and getting
motivated. They are technology-savvy, with ICT skills and competencies oftentimes better than
those of their teachers. They come from more diverse backgrounds and cultural identities, and
possess new traits of independence, creativity, open mindedness, and enterprising minds.
Lastly , the 21st century offers learning opportunities outside the confines of the classroom
which means that learning can happen anywhere.
The first session made me realize that I need to strive more to develop the KSAV’s within
me before I can pass it to my learners.

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