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Population growth rate and

suggestion to control it...

(Capitalist country)

Name :- Khushi Thakur

Division :- A
Roll no. :- A38


 What is Capitalist economy ?

Capitalist is an economy system in which private individuals or
businesses own capital goods . The production of goods and
services is based on supply and demand in the general
market . The purest form of capitalism is free market or laissez-
faire capitalism. Here private individuals are unrestrained.
They may determined where to invest , what to produce or sell,
and at which prices to exchange goods and services. The
laissez-faire marketplace operates without check and
control.Capitalism depends on the enforcement of private
property rights, which provide incentives for investment in and
productive use of productive capital.
1. Right to private property:- This right means that private property such as
property,factories ,machines,plant, etc . Can be owned under private individuals and
2. Profit motive :-What to produce, how to produce,
and how much to produce is determined by individual profit
rather than social benefit.
3. Competition :-The producer compete with one
another to get the consumer’s choice.
4. Class conflict :-The society is divided into two
classes-the haves and have-not which are constantly at war
with each other
5. Risks :-There are risks of losses the person
who risks his money can control the business.

Background study of the Bangladesh:-

Capitalism is one of the most successful modes of capital
management practicing in most of the countries of the world.
Bangladesh adopted it since last 80s and became the heaven of
capitalism by these 35 years. Bangladesh achieved its independence
from Pakistan through a bloody liberation war in 1971. Soon after the
independence government policies was socialist. After an unwanted
killing of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 1975
government policies started to shift into a capitalist society from
socialism. Now Bangladesh is one of the most free market oriented
economies of South Asia. Bangladesh has Trade and Investment
Cooperation Framework Agreement (TICFA) with the USA .
Bangladesh is welcoming foreign direct investment (FDI) into its
economy with highest priority. Bangladesh is one of the leading
advocates of Duty free and quota free market access (DFQFMA)
under the World Trade Center (WTO) regime. We want
implementation of mode -4 around the world. It took 35 years to shift
from socialistic into capitalistic society for Bangladesh. But now a
days Bangladesh is operating fully based on capitalist ideology with
few socialist leaders in the current parliament. The Bangladeshi
economy has benefited greatly over the last two decades from an
export – oriented push at the entry level of the manufacturing space-
garments. Bangladesh is now the world’s number two garment
exporter, just after China.

Time Period – 2015-19
(Population growth in Bangladesh)

Data analysis:-
Study of population growth from 2015-19
In the year 2015 the total population of country was 156,256,276
 Urban population-55,305,132
 Rural population-100,951,144
 Density(P/Km) -1,200

In the year 2016 the total population of country was 157,977,153

 Urban population -57,168,030
 Rural population-100,809,123
 Density(P/Km) -1,214

In the year 2017 the total population of the country was 159,685,424
 Urban population-59,046,818
 Rural population-100,638,606
 Density(P/Km) -1,227

In the year 2018 the total population of the country was161,376,708

 Urban population-60,944,245
 Rural population-100,432,462
 Density(P/Km) -1,240

In the year 2019 the total population of the

country is 163,046,161
 Urban population -62,865,820
 Rural population-100,180,341
The graph shows the increase the
population of Bangladesh from 2011-19 ,
Bangladesh ranked in, population is 8.
Components of Population change in
Bangladesh are:-
 One birth in every 11 second
 One death in every 35 second

The graph and study of population growth shows that in

Bangladesh there is more population in rural area as compared
to urban area the main reason is due to lack of job opportunities
in urban area as compared to rural area. Many people in rural
area live on the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers, farming rice
and other agricultural products. Bangladesh suffers from annual
floods during the monsoon season. Tropical Cyclones are also
funneled up the Bay of Bengal where dense populations live on
the fertile floodplains of the Ganges Delta.

In Bangladesh main source of

income is agriculture as shown in the
pie chart it provide job opportunities
to almost 12.5 millions people ,
another reason for large number of
population engaged in agriculture in
lack of education , most of them are
unskilled labours and they prefer to
continue their jobs in agriculture
sector. Agriculture remains the most
important sector of Bangladeshi
economy, contributing 19.6 % to the
national GDP and providing
employment for 63 % of the

There are certain reasons which lead to increase in population of

Bangladesh are:-

 Age of marriage:- Most of the girls in Bangladesh

get married within 14 to 18 years . So, they enjoyed long
married life and take more children.
The graph shows that 57.50%
of girls have poor knowledge
of marriage when they are
getting married , and only
42.50 % of girls have
sufficient knowledge when
they are getting married. So this can be the main reason of
Population growth in Bangladesh.
 Poverty :- Large number of people in Bangladesh
are living under poverty line . They are deprived from
many opportunities of life. They have need for money .
They have need for money. They believe , “ more
children earn more money ”. So they procreate more
children in their married life.
 Configuration of land :- Configuration of land and
soil of Bangladesh are very favourable to live and
agricultural work. Earning means and living are easy in
Bangladesh so the population is increasing at high rate.
 Dropping out from school:- According to the data
from Bangladesh Bureau of Education Information and
Statistics (BANBIES) showed a 10 % increase in the net
enrollment rate for secondary and primary schools in the
last ten years , it also pointed to an alarming dropout
rate. In 2016 the dropout rate was 19.2 % . A large
number of people in Bangladesh are illiterate. Because of
it they are not aware about the affects of increasing of
population. They take many children in their married life.

 Life Expectancy rate:-It is average number of years

that a new born is expected to live if current mortality
rate continue to apply.

The graphs shows that in Bangladesh

life expectancy rate tends to increase,
earlier in the year 1981 it was 55.3 but
in 2017 it is 73.5 in women and 70.6 in men. Life expectancy rate is
one of the main reason for increase in population of Bangladesh
because birth rate also tends to increase in same rate as life
expectancy rate .

Policies of Bangladesh government to control Population :-

Family Planning in Bangladesh is carried out by government agencies
and supported by non-government organisations. The Directorate
General of Family Planning is the government agency responsible for
family planning in Bangladesh. In 1975 the population of Bangladesh
was 76.3 million, and by 2019 the population has reached 163.05
million. Recently, Bangladesh family planning programs are
described as weakened , because in Bangladesh women are not
comfortable going out to get services. They don’t go out to shop,
they don’t feel comfortable talking about family planning or their sex
life with a man.So there can be some points which the government
of Bangladesh can follow to make their family planning successful
which are:-
 Minimum age of marriage:-According to official
government estimates in Bangladesh 65% of girls are married
off before their 18th birthday. 60% of girls brides have children
by the time they are 19 and 10% of them have children by the
time they are 15. Bangladesh Penal Code places the age of
consent at 14, though sex before marriage is frowned upon
socially. According to me maximum age of marriage should be
21 years for women as fertility depends on the age of
marriage. This law should be firmly implemented and people
should also be aware of this through publicity.
 Empowering Women:-In Bangladesh still society
doesn’t give equal respect to women as men in many
issues,such as women are not paid equal wages as men,
including she does not have choice for the number of children
she wants to have. This situations will change only if women
are empowered and made to think beyond their duties. When
they are empowered and thinking on their own, they will
influence their husband and other family member which will
help in better family planning in Bangladesh.
 Creating options for child adoption:- While one side
of the population is having too children, there are people who
long to have a child in their home. Balance can be achieved by
creating governmental policies and procedure to connect these
two. Child adoptions must be encouraged and promoted by the
government so that those kids will have a good home and
future, which also helps the country.
 Benefits to those who are staying within the
suggested limit in terms of number of children:- There
should be certain motivations by the government to the people
to make sure that they plan their family in right size. If the
national average is having two children per family , then
schemes are to be created to provide benefit to those who are
staying within the limit. For example, they may get some tax
benefit, or providing free education to their children.
 Separate fund for family planning:-The government
must allocate proper fund for family planning because in
Bangladesh women are not comfortable talking about their sex
life with a men, for family planning. Women should be trained
by door to door counselors and they should be motivating
people to attend permanent birth control programs.
 Improving Maternal Health:-In a society where
pregnant women are taken care, their children live longer and
this automatically takes care of the population issue. This will
make women and men think smart on how many children they
must have and in turn, bring the population under control.
 Spread of education relating to contraceptives:-
According to Bangladesh government data 40% of couples in
the country do not use contraceptives. The most popular
choice of contraceptives is birth control pill. The government
should subsidies contraceptives in Bangladesh. In addition to
this, in 2015 about 50% of ever-married Bangladeshi women
had not heard of menstrual regulation. And Reproduction
health must taught in schools and which is yet not part of the
National Educational Curriculum, Bangladesh also have large
number of illegal abortions and increased the availability of
contraceptives,. With the above fact government should start
campaigns to spread message and start counseling for citizen
to control population.

My conclusion after undertaking this project is that
overpopulation is one of the most important problems facing
humanity today. The population is great malady for
Bangladesh. But this can be solved if Family Planning
education can be provided through family planning services,
along with the means to control fertility. By providing nutrition
advice, Family Planning services can also help in reducing
infant mortality and improving nutritional standards.Some
measures should be taken by government to expand
education, especially for females and to improve their income
earning opportunities, this will tend to raise women’s marriage
age and reduce both their desired and actual number of
number of children, to the extent that improved income-
earning opportunities for women lead to increased control by
women over such income, this will have strong positive effects
on child health and welfare on infant and child mortality and
hence on women’s fertility preference.

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