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Manifestari neurologice in Arterita Takayasu-Caz clinic


Afiliere: 1 Splitalul Clinic Colentina, Clinica de Neurologie, Bucuresti, Romania

Introducere: Arterita Takayasu- vasculita rara, cronica nespecifica ce afecteaza in principal aorta si
arterele mari cu origine din arcul aortei , de etiologie necunoscuta. Afecteaza predminant femeile ( 80%-
90%), varsta de debut de obicei intre 10-40 ani, prevalenta fiind crescuta la asiatici, asociat cu HLA-Bw52
si HLA-B39.2. Manifestarile clinice in stadiile precoce ale bolii sunt fatigabilitatea, scaderea
temperaturii, pierdrea in greutate, manifestarile clinice depind de vasul afectat.

Obiective: Scopul prezentarii este descrierea manifestarilor neurologice in Arterita Takayasu.

Metode: Prezentarea cazului clinic a unei paciente in varsta de 51 ani, cunoscuta cu arterita Takayasu,
multiple stenoze( a.renala, iliaca comuna si externa stanga, trunchi celiac), se prezinta pe Sectia de
Neurologie pentru tulburare de limbaj de tip afazie expresiva, agrafie si alexie, durata simptomatologiei
~ 15 minute.

Rezultate: Obstructie a arterelor subclavii bilateral, artera vertebrala dreapta mult filiforma. Traiect
sinuos al arterei carotide comune drepte. Coarctatie de aorta.

Concluzii: In cursul bolii, manifestarile neurologice se intalnesc in 10-20% cazuri, cele mai frecvente
fiind cefaleea, senzatia de ameteala posturala urmata de AIT , AVC , encefalopatia hipertensiva, crize

Neurological manifestations in Takayasu arteritis –case report


Affiliation: Colentina Clinical Hospital, Clinic of Neurology ,Bucharest, Romania

Introduction: Takayasu Arteritis (TA) is a rare chronic inflammatory vasculitis of unknown

etiology , affects aorta and its primary branches. Women are affected in 80 to 90 percent of
cases, with an age of onset that is usually between 10 and 40 years, with the greatest prevalence
in Asians, in association with HLA-Bw52 and HLA-B39.2. Systemic symptoms in the early
phase of Takayasu arteritis are fatigue, weight loss, and low-grade fever, clinical manifestations
depend on the affected vessel.

Aim: The purpose of the presentation is to describe neurological manifestations in Takayasu

Methods: Case report of a 51-year-old patient, known with Takayasu arteritis, multiple stenosis
(renal, left common iliac and external , celiac artery), is presented on the Neurology Section for
expressive aphasia speech disorder, agraphia and alexia, symptom duration ~ 15 minutes.

Results: obstruction of bilateral subclavian arteries, right vertebral artery and common carotid
artery threat-like path. Coarctation of the aorta.

Conclusion: During the course of the disease, neurological involvement is seen in 10 to 20% of
cases, the most common are headache, postural dizziness followed by TIA, stroke, hypertensive
encephalopathy, seizures.

Neurological manifestations in Takayasu arteritis – Case Report


Affiliation: Colentina Clinical Hospital, Clinic of Neurology, Bucharest, Romania

Introduction: Takayasu Arteritis (TA) is a rare chronic inflammatory vasculitis of unknown

etiology that affects aorta and its primary branches. Women being affected in 80 to 90 percent of
cases with a usual onset age between 10 to 40 years and a higher prevalence among Asians
associated with HLA-Bw52 and HLA-B39.2. The clinical symptoms in the early phase of
Takayasu arteritis include fatigue, weight loss, and low-grade fever. Clinical manifestations
depend on the affected vessel.

Aim: The purpose of this Case Report is to describe neurological manifestations of Takayasu

Methods: Case report of a 51-year-old patient previously diagnosed with Takayasu Arteritis and
multiple stenosis (renal, left common iliac and external, celiac artery), has been admitted to the
Neurology Section with expressive aphasia speech disorder, agraphia and alexia, symptoms
duration ~ 15 minutes.

Results: obstruction of bilateral subclavian arteries, right vertebral artery and common carotid
artery threat-like path. Coarctation of the aorta.

Conclusion: During disease development the neurological manifestations are encountered in 10 to

20% of cases, the most common being the headache, postural dizziness followed by TIA, stroke,
hypertensive encephalopathy, seizures.

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