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Our system has two main interfaces one for Admin panel and other
is for User which is jailor. Along with these we have other interfaces
which can be discussed as below:

Users need to be registered in the clinic management system so as
to use the system and add the criminals’ details, add complaints,
update closed cases etc.

If the user is not registered in the the prison management system,

he/she cannot do any task with it like writing FIRs, adding prisoner
crime and punishment details etc.

After registration one can log in the system as the operator of the
system on the behalf of user. After this he has the other useful
interfaces available for further actions.

Writing FIR:
First option that is provided in the prison management system is
writing FIR. We all know FIR is First Information Report. All FIRs
have unique complaint number, date, time and location.

Similar interface is provided for writing FIR in this system. FIR

written cannot be lost and fast actions can be taken on the basis of it
as it will be uploaded on server and others can see it.

In this system FIR has all the options that are in the old
handwritten system but is more secure as no changes can be made
once the FIR is submitted and only the authorized users can see it.

Adding Prisoner:
The second option that is given in this is the one of the most
important that is adding prisoner.
As soon as the court declares that the victim is found guilty and
tells his or her punishment and in which prison the victim must be
kept, the prisoner will be send to the same prison as told by court
and all the details of criminal like name, address, age, criminal
number, crime and the punishment all can be updated in the prison
management system.

Then later these details can be used further and there is no option to
delete the prisoners data so once the prisoner is added to the
database, no one can delete the data of the criminal and it will be
helpful as papers can get lost or can be theft but in this case
information cannot be lost and there is no use of theft this data as
no changes can be made in the database.

Prisoners data cannot be lost because the backup of the database is

there and the backup gets updated as soon as the changes are made
into the database.

Adding Postmortem Report:

The third important feature that is provided by this system is
adding the details about the postmortem report. If in any case, any
dead body is found then the postmortem of the body is done and if
the details about the postmortem report can be found with all the
other information then it becomes very easy to to found the criminal
instead of gathering all the information first.

So, this option is given in the crime management system to reduce

the time taken to find the criminals. The other details that can be
saved with the postmortem are the name of the doctor who did the
postmortem, age of the dead person, blood group and death time
and cause etc.

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