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1 thes 4:1

Col 3:17

1. Our heart’s desire is to honor God

2. Our attitude is always humble and grateful
3. Eliminate distraction (mat 6:33)
4. Focus and maintain faithfulness
5. Be happy and enjoy the blessing of God with peaceful life

Drug prevention, anti-smoking and alcoholism

1 Corinthians 6:19

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from
God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and
in your spirit, which are God’s.

Colossians 3:17

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the
Father through Him.

It’s ironic, to think that people desire to be saved from their misery when in the first place, they are the
one responsible for the destruction they have brought upon themselves.

The question that still lingers in my mind up until now is that, why would someone

Why would you let yourself be destroyed by temporary happiness? Why would you let yourself be
consumed by dangerous pleasure?

I don’t understand why people continuously inflict damage to themselves when they’re already broke in
the first place.

Our reflection can be a very powerful thing. It holds the truth about us. Most importantly, what we see
and how we view ourselves shapes how we act. The boy on the left saw nothing but an addict. He saw
the allure of heroin and cocaine. He was drawn to the idea of money and drugs and the lifestyle that
came with that. That boy wanted nothing more than to live in that life and was naive to the downsides
of that path. The man on the right has a little bit of a different view. He sees himself as a living success
story of recovery. He knows what depression and low self-esteem feels like and knows how to combat
them to the best of his ability. He sees his past as a tool to shape his future. He is the brother and son
that the boy on the left never could be. But most importantly, the man on the left sees value in both of
these reflections. He knows that without the left, the right isn’t as powerful. He understands that the
boy on the left helps to make his story complete. What I see are two lives lived in the same skin. What I
see is addiction and recovery.


Drugs and Alcohol Reflection

The abuse of drugs and alcohol is a problem that plagues our teenage generation. Teenage
experimentation with alcohol and drugs is quite common in our world, but many teens do not see the
consequences of their actions. Although the drugs commonly used are both legal and illegal, all of them
have negative health effects and cause many other problems to the teen. Drugs are often narcotic and
addictive, and can control one’s life in a negative way. Gateway drugs such as marijuana often leads to
other, harder drugs, that cause the user to become heavily addicted, to a point in which the use relies
on the drug. It then turns into a vicious cycle, with the teenager coming back for more and spending
more and more money while their life turns into a downward spiral. This can all be avoided if you don’t
‘try’ or experiment with drugs for the first time whether it be out of curiosity or peer pressure. Just walk
away and find something else to do.Alcohol is straight out prohibited to people under 19 years of age in
BC, although many teenagers still find a way to get a hold of alcohol to drink. If you are invited to a party
that you suspect will have drugs and alcohol, simply don’t go to the party. It’s as easy as that. Find
something else to do. Don’t get influenced by your peers to start drinking or start taking drugs.

Binge drinking is becoming a serious problem among teenagers. It is the act of consuming more alcohol
with the intention of getting drunk. Not only is getting heavily intoxicated a serious health issue, it also
impairs your thinking heavily. Binge drinking can lead to violent and unsafe scenarios among teenagers
with alcohol impairing their rational thinking. Over-consumption of alcohol may also even lead to death,
heart attacks, and mental problems.

If you currently are using drugs or drinking alcohol in a negative way, it isn’t the end of the world. Firstly,
you must realize what you’re doing is bad and find a way to stop immediately. There are many
rehabilitation centers out there for youth, and they really do help to fight addiction. If you think your
problem isn’t as serious, suck up your pride and tell your parents or a trusted adult. They will be there
for you and they deserve/need to know.

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