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Desirae Cruz

Studying Buildings

For the purposes of this activity, and to encourage us to see our own thought, our professor did not give us
any information about the buildings. Once the assignment is graded, the citation will appear here.

Starting with the first building, I believe that the architect wanted to catch our
attention with the colors, its large shape and size, and decoration of the building. The
main focal point of the building are the statues and the arcade windows. The windows
are very tall and the statues are placed on top of the building. I feel like the statues are
the most unusual things to look at in the picture, they tend to stand out. Also, I want to
point out that the colors of the building are kind of red and green. These colors together
are actually known as ‘complimentary’ colors. That means that the colors are opposites
but they compliment each other because they don’t match. One color can stand out
more than the other to make something more noticeable. This building features both
horizontal and vertical lines. The building texture looks like it has a rough brick touch
and has a simple decorative pattern of lighter colored lines stretching straight across the
building. I feel like these were implied lines because they don’t make up the entire
building but they are there for decoration as well but they go in the same direction and
are parallel to each other. Some regulating lines that I noticed are maybe some lines
that make up outside moulding on the building. There’s a few border lines that are seen
toward the bottom of the building, where the people are walking. There are a lot more
geometric shapes and geometric lines that make up the building.The window feature
geometric lines within them. Some natural lines could be interpreted into the statues or
on the outside moulding. I see a lot of squares and triangles, the building reminds me
of a large box house. I feel like all elements were repeated in this work because it’s a
large sized building. The color around is constant, the building is symmetrical, the
pattern is the same. There’s even more than one statue. The form of the building is the
same all around. While analyzing the facade of this building, I got some educational and
serious vibes. I feel like this building serves as a museum or an important government
building like a courthouse because it naturally stands out but the building looks very
business oriented. It has elements to present itself as a church but there is no real
indication that it is a church.
For the purposes of this activity, and to encourage us to see our own thought, our professor did not give us
any information about the buildings. Once the assignment is graded, the citation will appear here.

Onto the next building. The second building was a little more less difficult to
analyze because it was a more interesting to look at rather than the first building; at
least in my taste. The entire tone that I get from both of the buildings are very different.
The attention of building #2 was brought by its unusual and man-made abstract design
rather than with building #1, I felt that the attention was brought with mainly colors and
decorations. Some lines in building #2 are the same but are also different. The labeled
lines are more perpendicular than parallel like the lines in building #1. The entire shape
of building #2 is more like a natural shape. I don’t see building #2 as a box house. The
size and setting of both buildings seem very similar but this building has more of a
modern vibe rather than the first one. You see many shapes within the odd shape. The
windows for both buildings are similar because they have rounded edges and are tall
but these windows are not arches and they go almost around the entire building. The
pattern of the two are similar because they are both just simple but how they are
interpreted in both buildings are different. The pattern in building #2 is more large scale
and makes up the entire building. The windows in this building also feature their own
geometric pattern. You can even see the interior design fits with the exterior. The vibe
that I get from this building is still kind of educational but also I feel like I can gather
information from this building, like a museum. Building #2 also seems more calm and
collective rather than the other building. In the picture, there isn’t as much traffic which
gives the building a more calm vibe.

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