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First, I would like to start this motion with some data related to history to explain why the

United States should attack China's economy. At present, the United States is
characterized as a world power, for its solid institutions, its strong democracy and its
vision and care of the world.

The commitment of EE. UU begins when you decide to be part of a strong democracy.

THBT American government should not attack China's economy

The view on China has changed the most in the Bush-Obama-Trump evolution: for
decades the Chinese growth (with all its commercial traps) has also meant a lot of
business and profit for American companies, but America remained calm while in Asia it
was the toy factory.

In the turn to artificial intelligence and last generation networks. Accompanying indicators
and projections the Chinese dream of presenting oneself to the world as inventors and
not as replicators or operators. In the field of business and economic growth, China is
postulated as a power capable of positioning itself alongside the United States and
propose an alternative model to the hegemonic after the end of the cold war.

The creation of fifth generation and high-end products could be one of the keys to the
motivation of this cold war, which is going to be a key technology for the next generation
of digital products and services, there are many benefits economically.

US attacks UU to China's economy because war is not necessary, since China has been
creating modern and sophisticated technological advances in an irresponsible way that
affects human life and the environment. I Will suporte tris with the following two reasons.
First, we need to guarantee global stability. More than 230 scientists from more
than 40 countries have expressed their "serious concerns" regarding the
ubiquitous and growing exposure to electromagnetic charges generated by
electrical and wireless devices already before the further release of the 5G. The
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that
electromagnetic charges of frequencies from 30 KHz to 300 GHz are possibly
carcinogenic to humans.
The effects include increased risk of cancer, cellular stress, increased harmful
free radicals, genetic damage, structural and functional changes of the
reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders and
negative impacts on the general well-being of human beings, animals and plants.
Second for the security of our state. Breaking the security system that protects
human beings such as: health, economy, etc.
We should not allow that; we consider that as a hostile action to be considered
weak beings for our enemies.
In a report in the newspaper El País, it involves the participation of China with
Julian Assange to filter the private documents of WikiLeaks.
And more recently, we discovered the alliance with Iran to sell technology to a
terrorist organization that used to cause fear and damage to the world.
The local company Guizhou Guanyu Technology Ltd., which is developing a
leading microchip technology, has reached agreements with 11 Guizhou schools
so that their students bring their products inside the uniform and study and perfect
their system.
China created a company in Singapore, which sent microchips to Iran. The
company was owned by Huawei.
In conclusion you must impose an economic protest to start listening to us.
The ideal would be a diplomatic conversation with agreements to obtain benefits
for both countries and the world.
Therefore, we believe that attacking China's economy will generate conflicts with
the United States. It is sought that China does not generate economic problems
in many states of the world and reduce its hostile position and solve the problems

Segundo por la seguridad de nuestro estado. quebrantar el sistema de seguridad que protege a
los seres humanos como: salud, economía, etc.
No deberíamos permitir eso, consideramos eso como una acción hostil al ser considerados seres
débiles para nuestros enemigos.

Hay un informe del diario El País, que involucra la participación del gobierno chino con Julian
Assange para filtrar los documentos privados de wikileaks. Y más recientemente, descubrimos
la alianza con el estado de Irán para venderles nuestra tecnología, tenemos que decir que la
tecnología terminó en una organización terrorista que solía causar miedo y daños en el mundo.
Nuestro departamento de seguridad descubrió que China estaba comprando microchips
especiales de nosotros, eso es indiscutible. Pero cuando descubrimos que los microchips en los
arsenales iraníes nos preguntamos cómo lo consiguen, y lo encontramos. China creó una
empresa en Singapur, y para esa compañía estaba enviando nuestros microchips a irán. La
compañía era propiedad de Huawei.

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