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Long time ago, agriculture products was practiced naturally and produced without

using of artificial chemicals, it is always been produce organically. After many years,

Artificial fertilizers enters the world of farming. These early fertilizers were cheap,

powerful. Similar advances occurred in chemical products such as pesticides and

fertilizers. Due to the adaptation of pests to these chemicals, more and new

agrochemicals were being used, causing side effects in the environment. These new

agricultural techniques, while beneficial in the short term, had serious long-term side

effects such as soil compaction, erosion, and declines in overall soil fertility, along with

health concerns about toxic chemicals entering the food supply. Up to this day, some

farmers around the globe still used agricultural chemicals such as fertilizer, pesticides,

growth regulators, growth hormones, and antibiotics that have detrimental effects on the

farmers, the farm itself, the consumers and the future generation. Many studies are

conducted after finding out the effects of the chemicals used in farming, some countries

starts to regulate the use of this product to protect their people. Now, the world has turned

their back to organic farming and one of them is the Philippines.

Organic farming is on the rise again especially in the Philippines. For many

decades has passed, farmers in the Philippines is now coming back practicing an

organic-based agricultural production strategy. Now, they are using the organic method

of farming. Organic crops are one of the most important needs for Filipino farmers as

they provide the needed nutritive value as well as food security not only to farmers but to

consumers as well. a trend toward a healthier lifestyle. Organic farming has many

benefits. This farming practice cumulatively conditions and enriches the fertility of the
soil, increases farm productivity, reduces pollution and destruction of the environment,

prevents depletion of natural resources, saves on imported farm inputs, and protects the

health of farmers, consumers, and the general public.

In the ancient times, food production has been produce organically. All the plants

were grown naturally without using any chemical inputs; all of them grows in naturally

there in habitat. After many years, technology introduced agrochemicals that aims to

protect crops from pest and enhance crop yields. The most common agrochemicals

include pesticides and fertilizers. Due to the adaptation of pests to these chemicals, more

and new agrochemicals were being used, causing side effects in the environment. Pose

significant environmental and health risks, particularly in the event of accidental spills.

These agri-chemical products makes the soil toxic and they can cause harmful or lethal

effects after a single episode of ingestion, inhalation or skin contact. In many countries,

use of agrichemicals is highly regulated. After finding out the effects of the chemicals

used in farming, the world has now turning back to organic farming and one of them is

the Philippines.

Organic farming is on the rise again especially in the Philippines. For many

decades has passed, farmers in the Philippines is now back practicing an organic-based

agricultural production strategy. Agricultural chemicals that the farmers still used today

such as fertilizer, pesticides, growth regulators, growth hormones, and antibiotics have

detrimental effects on the farmers, the farm itself, the consumers and the future

generation. Now, they are using the organic method of farming. Organic crops are one

of the most important needs for Filipino farmers. They provide the needed nutritive value

as well as food security not only to farmers but to consumers as well.

2Long time ago, agriculture products was naturally produced without using of any

chemicals, it is always been produce organically. After many years, pest and other crop

problems starts to corrupt agri-products, that is the time when artificial fertilizers enters

the world of farming. These early fertilizers were cheap, powerful. Similar advances

occurred in chemical products such as pesticides and fertilizers. Due to the adaptation

of pests to these chemicals, more and new agrochemicals were being used, causing side

effects in the environment.

These new agricultural techniques, while beneficial in the short term, had serious

long-term detrimental effects such as soil compaction, erosion, and declines in

overall soil fertility, along with health concerns about toxic chemicals entering the food

supply. Up to this day, some farmers around the globe still used agricultural chemicals

just to aid their products. Studies are conducted after finding out the effects of the

chemicals used in farming, some countries starts to regulate the use of this product to

protect their people. Now, the world has turned their back to organic farming and one of

them is the Philippines.

Organic farming is on the rise again especially in the Philippines. For many

decades has passed, farmers in the Philippines is now coming back practicing an

organic-based agricultural production strategy. They are using organic method of farming

to produce their own product and make a living. The government makes an act of

formalizing the adoption of this farming system signing of Republic Act No. 10068 known

as the Philippine Organic Agriculture Act, on June 16, 2012. For others, this was

considered as a landmark legislation which provided for the development and

promotion of Organic Farming in the Philippines.

Long time ago, organic farming was already used by our ancestors to plant their

products without using chemicals.

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