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Nolan’s American News

York, Pennsylvania, United States — Monday, March 16, 2019 — 2 pages

Tensions with Could it Happen In addition, China’s constant

military drills in Russia prove
China Soar! again? that China is waiting to wage
war against the United States.
By: Nolan Vasali China and Russia have very
The United States has had a lot
Read more to find out good diplomatic relations.
of tensions with China the past why another Cold War is Similarly, during the Cold War,
year. It seems another Cold War almost guaranteed to the Soviets had their allies in
is inevitable. Like the former happen! the Warsaw Pact to help them
Soviet Union, China’s increased in the Cold War. With the
arms and military is a sign of alliance system China would
aggression against the United also have its own allies to

States. In addition, China’s combat the USA. China is
global influence has been getting support from countries
threatening our own. We, as like Russia and North Korea
By Nolan Vasali
Americans, can not let China These nations are evil, so they
China has the biggest military support China. We as
push us around and therefore in the world with about
must increase our influence Americans must fight not only
2,300,000 current military for the safety of our own
and show China we can take a personnel. The Soviets had
stand against them. China’s country but for the world as
about 4-5 million soldiers well. Furthermore, China is also
influence to other countries during the Cold War. China is
such as Venezuela and North developing new military
slowly building up its military weapons including planes and
Korea is a danger to the United just like the Soviets did. China
States and our own influence naval vessels as well as even
is mobilizing for war and we, nuclear missiles and bombs.
on the world. Keep your the United States, must build
families safe. China’s During the Cold War the Soviet
up our military in order to Union started developing and
oppressive authoritarian counter this impending
government is a threat to all variety of nuclear weapons and
threat. We can either stand missiles in the arms race. This
Americans and even the entire and fight or be crushed by the
world. It is the United States’ was in order to show strength
oppressive nation of China. and threaten the United States.
duty to stop China’s global
influence. Just as we did with China has also started
the Soviet Union back during developing nuclear weapons,
the Cold War! As Americans, we missiles, and even some
must all support our country, nuclear carriers such as
government and military in nuclear submarines. China is
order to combat this impending obviously trying to build up
threat and oncoming second more nuclear arms. Another
Cold War! arms race is surely oncoming.
China has also been using cyber
attacks against the US in order
to get information about
military and government.
Economical In relation, China’s
government has also been
By: Nolan Vasali China’s Leaders taking rights away from
citizens and has had multiple
are evil!
Not only is China militarizing,
accounts of humans’ rights
but they are also challenging
violations. As a free nation, we
the United States economically.
can’t let other countries adopt
China is an evil communist Help our great nation such an oppressive system. If
country just like the former fight China and its one country is influenced by
Soviet Union. China has also
been increasing tariffs and
corrupt communist China than countries nearby
leaders! will also be influenced just like
fuming this ongoing trade war
with communism during the
with the us. We can’t let China
Cold War. We must work to
get away with the tariffs and
contain China’s influence and
take jobs away from American
soil. Furthermore, like the Political political system. In addition,
China’s government system
former Soviet Union, China has
stresses that the government
a five year plan in which they By: Nolan Vasali
and its decisions outweigh the
are mass constructing cities Not only is China militarizing
individual. In contrast the
and other buildings. This plan and quickly growing their
United States’ system has the
could allow China’s economy to economy but they are also
individual and people outweigh
boom and become much challenging the United States
the government and the people
stronger than us. Let’s fight for politically as well. China’s
are the ones who really define
sanctions against China in president and government hate
our country and run it. We
order to slow down this five the United States of America
must show that our way of
year plan and make sure that and want to see it destroyed.
government is better because it
we stay on top economically. During the Cold War the Soviet
gives people more freedom and
We must also urge our allies Union had much
rights than China’s oppressive
around the world to sanction anti-American propaganda
government system. It is
and put pressure on China’s which included the American
almost certain that another
ever growing economy in order government system of
Cold War between us and China
to protect our nation’s industry capitalism. China has been
will take place. We Americans
and our own economy. The using social media and
must be ready and stand
United States and our NATO censored google in order to
together to fight this
allies sanctioned the Soviet spread fake news and stories
impending threat to our great
Union, Cuba, and the Warsaw about the United States and our
Pact in order to ensure the government.
decrease of economic growth of
these communist countries
during the Cold War in order to
protect our ow economy and
even the American way of life.
If China’s economy grows so
will their military which will
lead to China invading Europe
and then they will invade the
United States. We not only
should prevent China’s
economic growth but also work
to build up our own economy.
We must work to employ
people, to move jobs back to
America, build up our industry
and increase our trade with
other countries.

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