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Mathematics A (H230, H240)

End of Stage 1/AS Mathematics:

Paper 2: Pure Mathematics and Mechanics

Please note that you may see slight differences

between this paper and the original.
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Candidates answer on lined paper.

Other materials required:

Scientific or graphical calculator


• Use black ink. HB pencil may be used for graphs and diagrams only.
• Answer all the questions.
• You are permitted to use a scientific or graphical calculator in this paper.
• Final answers should be given to a degree of accuracy appropriate to the context.
• The acceleration due to gravity is denoted by g m s-2. Unless otherwise instructed, when a
numerical value is needed, use g = 9.8.


• The total number of marks for this paper is 75.

• The marks for each question are shown in brackets [ ].
• You are reminded of the need for clear presentation in your answers.
• The total number pages is 8.

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A Level Mathematics A (H240)

Arithmetic series
n(a + l=
) 12 n{2a + (n − 1)d }

Geometric series
a (1 − r n )
Sn =
1− r
=S∞ for r < 1
1− r

Binomial series
(a + b) n =a n + n C1 a n −1b + n C2 a n − 2b 2 +  + n Cr a n − r b r +  + b n (n ∈  ) ,
n n!
where n=
Cr Cr =
= n 
 r  r !(n − r )!
n(n − 1) 2 n(n − 1) (n − r + 1) r
(1 + x) n =+
1 nx +
x +  +
x +  (x < 1, n ∈  )


f ( x) f ′( x)
tan kx k sec 2 kx
sec x sec x tan x
cotx − cosec 2 x
cosec x − cosec x cot x
du dv
−u v
u dy
Quotient rule y = , = dx 2 dx
v dx v

Differentiation from first principles

f ( x + h) − f ( x )
f ′( x) = lim
h→0 h

f ′( x)
∫ =
f ( x)
dx ln f ( x) + c

∫ f ′(=
x ) ( f ( x ) ) dx ( f ( x) ) + c
n n +1

n +1

dv du
Integration by parts
∫ u dx d=x ∫
uv − v

Small angle approximations

sin θ ≈ θ , cos θ ≈ 1 − 12 θ 2 , tan θ ≈ θ where θ is measured in radians

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Trigonometric identities
sin( A
= ± B) sin A cos B ± cos A sin B
cos( A ± B) =
cos A cos B  sin A sin B
tan A ± tan B
tan( A ± B)
= ( A ± B ≠ (k + 12 )π )
1  tan A tan B

Numerical methods
b b−a
Trapezium rule: ∫a y dx ≈ 12 h{( y0 + yn ) + 2( y1 + y2 + … + yn−1 ) }, where h = n
f( xn )
The Newton-Raphson iteration for solving f( x) = 0 : xn +=
1 xn −
f ′( xn )

P( A ∪ B)= P( A) + P( B) − P( A ∩ B)
P( A ∩ B)
= A ∩ B) P( A)=
P( B | A) P( B) P( A | B ) or P( A | B) =
P (B )

Standard deviation

Σ(x − x )
Σf ( x − x )
Σ x2 Σfx 2
= − x 2 or = − x2
n n Σf Σf

The binomial distribution

)   p x (1 − p ) n − x , Mean of X is np, Variance of X is np(1 – p)
If X ~ B(n, p ) then P( X= x=
 x

Hypothesis test for the mean of a normal distribution

 σ 2 X −µ
If X ~ N µ , σ 2
) then X ~ N  µ ,
n 
 and
σ/ n
~ N(0, 1)

Percentage points of the normal distribution

If Z has a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1 then, for each value of p, the table gives the
value of z such that P( Z ≤ z ) =

p 0.75 0.90 0.95 0.975 0.99 0.995 0.9975 0.999 0.9995

z 0.674 1.282 1.645 1.960 2.326 2.576 2.807 3.090 3.291

Motion in a straight line Motion in two dimensions
v= u + at v= u + at
s ut + 12 at 2
= s ut + 12 at 2
=s 1
2 (u + v ) t =s 1
2 (u + v ) t
v= u 2 + 2as
s= vt − 12 at 2 s vt − 12 at 2
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Section A: Pure Mathematics
Answer all the questions

1 In this question you must show detailed reasoning

Express each of the following in the form a 5 , where a is an integer

(a) 4 15 × 3

(b) 52

log10 a
2 Solve the equation 24 x −1 = 35− 2 x , giving your answer in the form x = .
log10 b

3 The value £V of a car t years after it is new is modelled by the equation V = Ae − kt , where A and k
are positive constants which depend on the make and model of the car.

(a) Brian buys a new sports car. Its value is modelled by the equation V = 20000e −0.2t .
Calculate how much value, to the nearest £100, this car has lost after 1 year.

At the same time as Brian buys his car, Kate buys a new hatchback for £15 000. Her car loses
£2000 of its value in the first year.

(b) (i) Show that, for Kate’s car, k = 0.143 correct to 3 significant figures.

In this question you must show detailed reasoning

(ii) Find how long it is before Brian’s and Kate’s cars have the same value.

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4 In this question you must show detailed reasoning

6cos x
(a) Show that the equation sin x − cos x = can be expressed in the form
tan x
tan 2 x − tan x − 6 =0.

6cos x
(b) Hence solve the equation sin x − cos x = for 0o ≤ x ≤ 360o
tan x

5 The sketch shows the curve with equation y= x −

d2 y 24
(a) Show that 2
= − 2
dx x

(b) (i) Hence determine the coordinates of the stationary point on the curve.

(ii) Verify that the stationary point is a maximum.


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6 The sketch shows the circle with equation x 2 + y 2 − 8 x − 6 y − 20 =

(a) Find the centre and radius of the circle


(b) The circle crosses the positive x-axis at the point A.

(i) Find the equation of the tangent to the circle at A.


(ii) A second tangent to the circle is parallel to the tangent at A. Find the equation of
this second tangent.

(c) Another circle has centre at the origin O and radius r. This circle lies wholly inside the
first circle. Find the set of possible values of r.

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Section B: Mechanics
Answer all the questions

7 A particle is projected vertically upwards with speed 7 ms−1 from a point on the ground.

(a) (i) Find the speed of the particle 0.4 s after projection.

(ii) Find the distance above ground of the particle 0.4 s after projection

(b) Find the maximum height of the particle above the ground.

The sketch shows the velocity-time graph of an athlete running in a straight line on a
horizontal track in a 100 m race. He starts from rest and has constant acceleration until he
reaches a speed of 15 ms−1 when t = T. He maintains this constant speed until he
decelerates at a constant rate of 1.75 ms−2 for the final 4 s of the race. He completes the race
in 10 s. 15 ms−1

(a) Calculate T.

The athlete races against a robot which has a displacement from the starting line of
( )
3t 2 − 0.2t 3 m, at time t s after the start of the race.

(b) (i) Show that the speed of the robot is 15 ms−1 when t=5.

(ii) Verify that the athlete and the robot reach the finish line simultaneously.

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9 The unit vectors i and j shown below are the horizontal and vertically upwards directions

Forces p and q are given, in newtons, by =

p 12i − 5 j and =
q 16i + 1.5 j .

(a) Show that the force p+q is parallel to 8i-j


(b) Show that the force 3p + 10q acts in the horizontal direction.

(c) A particle is in equilibrium under forces kp, 3q and its weight w.

(i) Verify that the value of k must be -4.


(ii) Find the mass of the particle.



Particles P and Q, of masses m kg and 0.05 kg respectively, are attached to the ends of a
light inextensible string which passes over a smooth pulley. Q is attached to a particle R of
mass 0.45 kg by a light inextensible string. The strings are taut, and the portions of the
strings not in contact with the pulley are vertical. P is in contact with a horizontal surface
when the particles are released from rest. The tension of the string QR is 2.52 N during the
descent of R.

(a) Find the acceleration of R during its descent.


(b) Determine the tension in the string PQ during the descent of R.



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…day June 20XX – Morning/Afternoon
Mathematics A (H230, H240)
End of Stage 1/AS Mathematics:
Paper 2: Pure Mathematics and Mechanics


Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes


This document consists of 13 pages

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Question Answer Marks Guidance
1 (a) M1 or 4 5 3 × 3
For method mark, makes a correct start
to manipulate the expression i.e. at least
combines two parts correctly or splits
(not just 4 5 × 3 × 3 ) one part correctly
or 720 or 240 × 3 or better
A1 Correctly simplified answer
1 (b) M1 do not allow without a clear
( 5)
or 53 intermediate step. Do not allow for
A1 cao
Examiner's Comments

(a) Most candidates were successful with this easy starter, but a significant minority found it quite challenging. Most earned at least a method mark for correct surd manipulation of some kind, but the accuracy was more of a problem, with
some arithmetic errors and also conceptual ones such as .

(b) This was generally less successful than parts (a), with just under three-quarters of candidates earning the mark. Many of those who did not give the answer in the required form did at least understand the notation as was often
seen, but then simplified to .

The DR statement has been added here to reflect that the majority of modern calculators will automatically simplify surds. Whilst using a calculator to obtain the answer will not gain full credit, students should be encouraged to check their
written work by calculator to eliminate careless errors.

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Question Answer Marks Guidance
2 M1* Introduce logs throughout and drop Allow no base or base other than 10 as
long as consistent, including log3 on LHS
power(s) or log2 on RHS
Drop single power if log3 or log2 or both
powers if any other base

( 4 x − 1) log10 2 =
( 5 − 2 x ) log10 3 A1 Any correct linear equation Brackets must be seen, or implied by
later working Allow no base, or base
ie 4x − 1 = (5 − 2x) log23 other than 10 if consistent
or (4x − 1)log32 = 5 − 2x
M1* Attempt to make x the subject Expand bracket(s) and collect like terms
- as far as their 4xlog102 + 2xlog103 =
log102 + 5log103
Expressions could include log23 or log32
Must be working exactly, so M0 if
log(s) now decimal equivs
x(4log102 + 2log103) = log102 + 5log103 A1 Obtain a correct equation in which x LHS could be x(4log102 + 2log103),
xlog10144 or even log10144x
only appears once Expressions could include log23 or log32
RHS may be two terms or single term
xlog10144 = log10486 M1d* Attempt correct processes to combine Use b log a = log ab, then log a + log b
= log ab correctly on at least one side of
logs equation (or log a − log b)
Dependent on previous M1 but not the
A1 so log10486 will get this M1
irrespective of the LHS
log10 486 A1 Obtain correct final expression Base 10 required in final answer - allow
x= A1 if no base earlier, or if base 10
log10 144 omitted at times, but A0 if different base
seen previously (unless legitimate
working to change base seen)
Do not isw subsequent incorrect log
work eg x = log 27/log 8
Examiner's Comments

Most candidates were able to gain the first two marks for taking logarithms of both sides and using the power rule, though a number of candidates failed to use brackets. This lack of precision was penalised unless subsequent working
clearly showed the correct intention. In order to make further progress candidates had to then expand the brackets and gather like terms which, only the better candidates realised the need to do. Even fewer managed the next step of making
x the subject of the equation although some did manage to get a method mark for correctly combining two relevant logarithms. Recent examination sessions have shown candidates becoming more proficient in using logarithms to solve
equations when a decimal answer is required, but it appears that algebraic manipulation of logarithms is still a challenge for many. Nevertheless, a pleasing number of fully correct solutions were still seen.

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Question Answer Marks Guidance
3 (a) V = 20000e −0.2t

when t = 1 , V = 16374.615... B1 (soi) art 16 400

so car loses (£)3 600 B1 condone no £, must be to nearest £100 or B2 for correct answer
3 (b) (i) when t = 1 , V = 13000 If k = 0.143 verified, e.g.

15000e − k
⇒ 13000 = M1 15000 e−0.143 = 13001[.31 …], SCB1

 13000  M1 taking lns correctly

⇒ − k[ln e] =ln   need not have substituted for V and A
 15000  oe e.g. ln 13000 = ln15000 –k [lne]
=k 0.1431...
= 0.143 (3sf) A1 cao NB AG must show some working e.g. k = − ln (13000/15000) = 0.143
if 4th d.p. not shown
3 (b) (ii) −0.143t −0.2t must be correct, but could use a more
15000e = 20000e M1*
accurate value for k
dep* o.e. e.g. ln15000–0.143t = ln
⇒ (15000/20000) = e(0.143 − 0.2)t M1dep
20000 − 0.2t
If M0, SCB1 for 5 − 5.1 years from
⇒ t = ln 0.75 / − 0.057 = 5.05 years so correct calculations for each car, e.g.
A1 cao accept answers in the range 5 − 5.1
after 5 years t = 5, £7358 (Brian), £7338 (Kate) or
(£7334 with more accurate k)
Examiner's Comments

(a) This was a very accessible two marks, provided candidates answered question – the loss in value rounded to the nearest £100.
(b)(i) Again, this was very well answered. Occasionally the final ‘A1’ was missed by skipping straight from –k = ln(13/15) to k = 0.143: as this is a given answer, some additional working was required. Occasionally, the result was verified
by substituting k = 0.143 and evaluating 15000e-0.143. This was treated as a special case and got 1 mark only. It is important candidates know the difference between ‘show’ and ‘verify’.
(b)(ii) This was a little more demanding, requiring candidates to combine the e-0.2 and e-0.143 terms. This defeated quite a few candidates. Some listed the values of each car for t = 1, 2, 3, etc years, and if successful picked out t = 5 as
when they were closest. This was judged to be worth 1 mark only.

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Question Answer Marks Guidance
4 (a) tan x(sin x − cos x) =
6cos x M1 sin x Must be used clearly at least once –
Use tan x = correctly once either explicitly of by writing e.g.
cos x ‘divide by cos x at side of solution
Allow M1 for any equivalent
 sin x 
tan x  − 1 =
6 e.g. sin x = cos x tan x
 cos x 
tan x(tan x − 1) =
tan 2 x − tan x =
tan x − tan x − 6 =0 AG A1 Obtain tan 2 x − tan x − 6 =0
Correct equation in given form,
including ‘=0’
Correct notation throughout so A0 if tan
rather than tan x seen in solution
4 (b) DR
( tan x − 3)( tan x + 2 ) =
0 M1 Attempt to solve quadratic in tan x This M mark is for explicit attempt to
solve disguised quadratic. Condone any
substitution used, inc x = tan x
tan x = 3, tan x = -2
tan −1 ( 3) , tan −1 ( −2 ) M1 Attempt to solve tan x = k at least once Not dependent on previous mark so
M0M1 possible
x = 71.6°, 117°, 252°, 297° A1 Obtain two correct solutions Allow 3sf of better
Must come from a correct method to
solve the quadratic (as far as correct
factorisation or substitution into
Allow radian equivs i.e.
A1 Obtain all 4 correct solutions, and no Must now be in degrees
Allow 3sf or better
others in range A0 if other incorrect solutions
A0 if solutions outside range
Examiner's Comments

(a) A variety of methods were seen for this proof, some more efficient than others. Most candidates did get there in the end, but full credit was only given if the correct notation had been used throughout. Candidates must also ensure that
each step is clearly and convincingly detailed when a ‘proof’ has been requested.

(b) This question was generally very well done, and many candidates gained full marks on this question. The most common error was to completely discount the solution resulting from tan−1(−2) as it resulted in a negative angle rather than
appreciating it would still generate other angles within the given range. It was also disappointing to see candidates with a correct method failing to gain full marks due to rounding errors. As in previous questions involving trigonometry,
some candidates did not ensure their calculator was in the correct mode before proceeding. Angles given in radians could gain some credit, but candidates did not actually consider which measure they were using so the typical error was
tan−1(3) = 1.25 and hence 189.25

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Question Answer Marks Guidance
5 (a) y′= 1 + 8 x −3 M2 M1 for just 8x-3 or 1-8x-3

y ′′ = −24 x −4 A1 −24
But not just as AG
5 (b) (i) Their y ′ = 0 M1
x = −2 A1 A0 if more than one x-value x=-2must have been correctly obtained
for all marks after first M1
y = −3 A1 A0 if more than one y-value
5 (b) (ii) −24 M1 Or considering signs of gradients Condone any bracket error
Substitution of x = −2 : either side of -2 with negative x-values
(−2) 4
<0 or = -1.5 oe correctly obtained isw A1 Signs for gradients identified to verify
Examiner's Comments

(a) Most knew what to do here, but 8x−3 and 1 - 8x−3 were often seen. Only a few candidates failed to show sufficient detail of their working to earn the third mark following a fully correct dy/dx

(b) There were many correct solutions, although even some of the better candidates neglected to find the corresponding value of y, or evaluated the second derivative as + 1.5, and concluded the stationary value must be a local maximum.
A few obtained x = 2 following correct differentiation, but never bothered to look at the graph to realise that this must be wrong. It was surprising just how many candidates solved 8x−3 = 0 to obtain x = 2, without realising that something
must have gone wrong.

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Question Answer Marks Guidance
6 (a) Centre of circle (4,3) B1
( x − 4 )2 − 16 + ( y − 3)2 − 9 − 20 =0 M1 ( x − 4 )2 − 42 and ( y − 3)2 − 32 seen or r 2 = 42 + 32 + 20
(or implied by correct answer)
r = 45
r =3 5 A1 45 or better www
6 (b) (i) At A, y=0 so x 2 − 8 x − 20 =
0 M1 Valid method to find A e.g. put y=0
and attempt to solve quadratic (allow
slips) or Pythagoras’ theorem
A=(10,0) A1 BC
3−0 1 M1 Attempts to find gradient of radius (3
Gradient of radius = = − out of 4 terms correct for their centre,
4 − 10 2
their A)
Gradient of tangent = 2 B1
y − 0= 2( x − 10) M1 Equation of line through their A, any
non-zero gradient
y 2 x − 20 oe
= A1 Correct answer in any three term form
6 (b) (ii) A′ = (−2,6) B1 Finds the opposite end of the diameter
y − 6= 2( x + 2) Line through their A' parallel to their
M1 Not through centre of circle
line in (ii)
y 2 x + 10
= A1 Correct answer in any three-term form

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Question Answer Marks Guidance
6 (c) Attempts to find the distance from O to ISW incorrect simplification
OC= 32 + 42 =
M1 their centre and subtract from their
[0 <] r < 3 5 −5 A1 Correct inequality, condone ≤
Examiner's Comments

(a) This proved to be a very successfully answered question, with around nine in ten candidates securing all three marks.

(b)(i) Just over half of candidates obtained full marks in this part, with errors appearing at all stages. Some put x rather than y equal to 0 when trying to find A and the alternative method of using Pythagoras’ theorem often led to slips.
There were a significant number of problems finding the gradient and errors such as -3/6=-1/3 were commonly seen.

(b)(ii) Many candidates did not realise that the point required for the parallel line was the opposite end of the diameter. Most did use the same gradient as in (i), but some used the negative reciprocal. An interesting method sometimes seen
was consideration of translation of the original line.

(c) This proved very demanding, with many candidates unable to start; those who drew a diagram were generally more successful but less than a quarter of candidates secured both marks. Even amongst those who found the maximum
length of the radius to be it was quite rare to see the correct inequality.

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Question Answer Marks Guidance
7 (a) (i) v =7 − 0.4 × 9.8 M1 v=7 +/-0.4g
v = 3.08 ms-1 A1 Exact, or correct to 3sf from g=9.81
(3.076..) or g=10 (3)
7 (a) (ii) 1 2 M1 s=7 x 0.4 +/- g0.42/2 or
s =7 × 0.4 + ( −9.8 )( 0.4 ) (their v)2=72-2 x 9.8 x s
s = 2.016 m A1 Exact but accept 2.02,
g=9.81 (2.0152…) or g=10 (2)
7 (b) 7 2 M1 oe when v=0
2 × 9.8
H = 2.5 m A1 g=9.81 (2.497…), g=10 (2.45)
Examiner's Comments

(a) Nearly all candidates found both values correctly. Marks were lost either through finding only one quantity, or using an incorrect sign with the value of g.

(b) No examiners report for this amended part.

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Question Answer Marks Guidance
8 (a) 1 M1 Or v = 15 − 1.75 × 4
sdec = 15 × 4 − × 1.75 × 42
2 15 + v
= s ×4
sdec = 46 A1 May be implied
15T  15T  M1 Any attempt at combined 3 stage
100 − 46= + 15(10 − 4 − T )  = 15 × 6 − distances being 100
2  2 
= 90 − 7.5T A1ft Simplification not essential ft cv( sdec ,
T = 4.8 s A1
8 (b) (i) d 2 M1 Attempt at differentiating sR
= 3t − 0.2t 3
vR= 6t − 0.6t 2 A1 Accept vR = 6t − 3 × 0.2t 2
vR (5)  = 6 × 5 − 0.6 × 52  =15 ms-1 AG A1 Must show explicit substitution

8 (b) (ii) sR (10 ) =× 2
3 10 − 0.2 × 10 3 M1 Substitute 10 into sR formula or sets up and solves
equation for robot
3t 2 − 0.2t 3 =
sR (10 ) = 100 A1 Needs comment about athlete or both
finishing race in 10 s
Athlete and robot both finish race in 10 s
Examiner's Comments

(a) Most candidates gained full marks. The commonest source of error lay in the calculation of the distance the athlete travelled while decelerating. The setting up of the equation in T was in general done well.

(b)(i) Nearly all candidates obtained full marks.

(b)(ii) Though most candidates followed the route indicated in the question (“Verify...”), some tried to solve the equation for the time taken by the robot to reach the 100 m line. Lacking the knowledge to solve this, they usually lost one, or
both, marks.

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Question Answer Marks Guidance
9 (a) 12i + 16i = 28i , −5 j + 1.5 j =−3.5 j B1 p+q=28i-3.5j
tan θ=-3.5/28, θ=-7.13°
p + q= k (8i − j) M1 Or equivalent. k may be implied by going straight to 3.5 8i-j
tan θ=-1/8, θ=-7.13°
k=3.5, (so they are parallel) A1 So they are parallel

9 (b) 3(−5 j) + 10(+1.5 j) =
0 M1 oe
Therefore no force acting in vertical direction A1
9 (c) (i) The horizontal component must be zero
so 12k + 3 × 16 =0 B1 Substituting k = −4 and showing i
component is zero is acceptable
⇒ k =−4 AG
9 (c) (ii) w = −24.5 j B1 Award for 24.5 seen
mg = 24.5 ⇒ m =
2.5 The mass is 2.5 kg B1 Award for 2.5 seen. FT from their
Examiner's Comments

This question was about vectors defined using i, j notation. It was well answered with many candidates obtaining full marks. Most of the errors that did occur were in part (c) where candidates were required to interpret the vectors as forces
on a particle in equilibrium, with its weight now introduced. Some did not interpret the equilibrium conditions sufficiently rigorously, failing to recognise that both the horizontal and vertical components of the resultant had to be zero. The
question ended with a request for the mass of the particle and some candidates confused this with its weight.

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Question Answer Marks Guidance
10 (a) 0.45
= a 0.45g − 2.52 M1 N2L for R. 2 vertical forces. Accept
+/-0.45a = 0.45g +/– 2.52
a = 4.2 ms-2 A1 Accept –4.2
10 (b) 0.05 ×=
a 0.05g + 2.52 − T M1 N2L for Q, 3 vertical forces, 0.05 × 4.2 ACCEPT A COMBINED Q AND R
= 0.05g +/− 2.52 +/− T accn not 9.8; (0.45 + 0.05) × 4.2 =
T = 0.05 × 9.8 + 2.52 − 0.05 × 4.2 A1ft ft cv(a). Any equivalent form of 0.45g + 0.05g +/− T M1
(0.45 + 0.05) × 4.2 =
equation 0.45g + 0.05g − T A1ft
T = 2.8 N A1 T = 2.8 A1

Examiner's Comments

(a) Often this was answered correctly; erroneous methods usually entailed the inclusion of an irrelevant mass or weight. Mis-reading the tension as 2.25 N was also seen.

(b) The motion of the particle Q is determined by three forces. The equation for its motion frequently omitted one of these.

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Paper 1: Pure Mathematics and Statistics Paper 2: Pure Mathematics and Mechanics
1 Competing the square 4 1 Surds 4
2 Trigonometry 4 2 Log equations 6
3 Disguised quadratic 6 3 Exponential model 8
4 Inequalities 5 4 Trig equations 6
5 Polynomials 12 5 Gradient function 8
6 Calculus 10 6 Coordinate geometry 14
7 Reduction to linear 9 7 Vertical projection 6
8 Mean and standard deviation 2 8 Kinematics 10
9 Probability 6 9 Force vectors 8
10 LDS representation 7 10 Connected particles 5
11 Binomial Distribution 10

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