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“Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” – Benefits & Miracles – Nichiren Chanting

In Buddhism, chanting is a traditional way to prepare your mind for mediation as part of a
formal practice. It is in the form of a musical verse or incantation, which is very similar to a
Hindu, Christian or a Jewish religious recitation. Some forms of Buddhism use chanting for
ritualistic purposes also.
The core or the essence of the main concept of Buddhism is the conviction that all of us,
have within us, at each moment, the ability to overcome any problem or difficulty that we
may face in our lives, which can also be regarded as a capacity with which we can transform
any suffering. And it is believed that by practising the Nichiren Chanting on daily basis gives
you the ability or capability to face all such suffering.
The practice of chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo”, was established by a 13th century
Japanese priest named Nichiren, hence chanting this mantra is also known as Nichiren
Chanting. His purpose was to enable all people to tap into their inherent Buddha nature.
“Nam Myoho Renge Kyo”, can be described as a vow or an expression of determination, to
embrace and manifest our Buddha nature. It is a pledge that you make to yourself to never
give up and to win over your suffering.
Shakyamuni, who is the founder of Buddhism, first awoke to this law. It was a yearning in
him to find the means with which all the people could be free from the inevitable pains of
life. This record of Shakyamuni’s teachings to awaken others was captured for posterity in
various Buddha sutras and the culmination of these teachings is the ultimate Lotus Sutra.
The mantra: “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo”
Meaning of “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo”:
All the individual characters of the phrase “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” together express the
key characteristics of this law.
The phrase “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo”, means “I dedicate my life to the wonderful law of
cause and effect that leads to Buddhahood.
The word Nam comes from the Sanskrit word namas, which means dedication or to devote
oneself too.
Myo means mystic or wonderful and ho means law, which is an expression of the dharma or
underlying principle inherent in all life. Myo, signifies the unseen essence of life and its
potential to revive and open and ho refers to life’s manifestations.
Renge implies lotus flower. The lotus flower is really pure and fragrant not at all unsullied by
the muddy water in which it survives. And very similar to this the beauty and dignity of our
humanity is brought to us by the sufferings of daily reality.
The lotus produces seeds and flowers at the same time and hence symbolizes the
simultaneity of cause and effect. Very similar to how a pure lotus flower blooms in a muddy
pond, so the pure life state of Buddhahood exists within our lives.
Kyo, literally means sutra and here it indicates the mystic law likened to a lotus flower,
which is the fundamental law that not only permeates life but is also the eternal truth, in
short it is the voice or teaching of the Buddha.
“Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” – Getting Started with Nichiren Chanting:
To begin chanting it is recommended that you sit in front of a blank wall or an empty space
if is good to find a peaceful place that won’t distract you. You can sit anywhere, one the
floor or in a chair whichever is comfortable. Then put your hands together in front of you
like the gesture of Namaste and start by chanting, “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo”.
You can keep your eyes open and there is no need to visualize anything at all, just be
yourself and try to focus on your prayer. What you should do now is to try and concentrate
on the sound of “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo”.
For beginners, chanting this mantra even for a few minutes is really good and as you
develop in your practice you can increase the duration for which you chant.
Benefits of chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo”:
Chanting this mantra on daily basis is like a spiritual workout for your mind and body. It not
only refreshes you but also gives you the strength to tackle or handle everyday problems
with ease.
Chanting the lotus sutra is an act of faith in the magnitude of your life’s inherent
possibilities. It should not be considered to be a mystical phrase that will bring upon some
supernatural powers, rather it is a principle that those who live normal lives and make
consistent efforts will duly triumph.
Miracles of Chanting “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo”:
Nichiren believed that this mantra best explains the essence of the Lotus Sutra and express
Shakyamuni Buddha’s core message really well. The message, that everyone, without
exception, possesses the enlightened life state of Buddhahood.
It is considered to be a powerful tool that puts you in the path of self-empowerment. The
whole purpose of starting this practice was to help all living beings attain enlightenment. It
is a practice where one holds oneself responsible for one’s fate and not just the destiny
waiting for us but the one that we can actually create for ourselves.
Practioners of this mantra testify that when these four words are chanted together, they
give off such spiritual vibrations that their perception of the world changes and they start
experiencing many positive changes around them.
This chant like all other chants is also great in soothing your mind, removing the veneer of
suffering, grief and pain, and replaces all such negative feelings with peace. The chanting of
this mantra provides courage to meet challenges with determination.
As well all know, proof always lies in practice and the benefits of this mantra can only be
experienced through personal practice. Start small, chant the mantra in the mornings for
three times and evening for three times and see the changes that come along.
To chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, is to bring forth the pure and fundamental energy of life,
honouring the dignity and possibility of our ordinary lives.

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