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St Lawrence’s Primary School: Case Management

Student: Mackenzie Curtin Class: PPD

Date of Birth: 23//04/2014 Teacher: Madeleine Dent
Referral Date: 1/3/2019 CMM Date:7/03/2019
Attendance %: 95.12% Date Parent Informed: 21/2/2019

Reason for referral:

- Further investigation needed
- Concerning inconsistencies in understandings when assessed
- Unable to share knowledge and understandings with others
- Blank stare
- Consistently chewing and putting things in mouth
- Crying, very emotional, constantly sucking on her hat and putting things into her mouth

- Literacy/Numeracy:
Unrecognizable name writing
- Low Letter/Number I.D
- Attending Speech
- Attending OT
- Struggles packing away bag each day and completing simple everyday tasks

Teacher/Parent Concerns:
- Mackenzie knows the letters “m, o, I” and the number 8 and can count to 13. She can only write the let ‘M’ in
the name (samples).
- Mackenzie struggles to follow instructions and completing tasks appropriately (art activity).
- Parents are concerned they are not receiving enough support from OT.
- Mackenzie had a difficult birth which has resulted in her having tracheomalacia as an infant, requiring surgery.
(OT report states that Mother reported NO difficulty with pregnancy or birth).
- Mackenzie did not reach her developmental milestones at an appropriate age. Walking – 13-14 months,
Single words – 2.5 years, using 2-3 word sentences – 3.5 years
- zoning out, blank stare when spoken to, difficulty following instructions, inability to describe why she is upset,
stands in one spot for a long time before deciding what to do, wanders around outside area without deciding
who or what to play with.
- Wears glasses
- Pre-Lit twice in Kindy

Student Data Summary:

- Teacher observations
- Unaided writing sample
- Number ID
- Name writing sample
- Directed art activity from Nat Cooper

Background Knowledge: Jenny Casey documented concerns during kindy year (2018). See September 2018
Tracker in TEAMS

Met and spoken with previous year level teachers? Jenny Casey - Yes
Reviewed student’s school reports?
Reviewed reports kept on SEQTA? Yes
Reviewed Enrolment Information and records on paper file?
Does this student have a CAP/IEP? No
1. School to provide a letter outlining our concerns to her GP with regards to a referral to a Pediatrician.
2. Attend Pre –Lit Literacy Intervention - daily
3. Organization Skills Chart - Create a daily routine flip chart, so that she can begin to independently organize
her day. (Use Mackenzie as the model)
4. Social Stories – How to be a friend in Pre-Primary (Tania/Danika to supply resources)
5. Classroom Observations - Paula Power (Discuss with Fiona Currans in Week 10)
6. Write up a CAP for MacKenzie and explain to parents.
REVIEW: CMM T2,W2: May 8
1. Developing independence skills – organizing her own bag
2. Letters – knows MAC, working on E (Can’t get K)
3. Toileting – doesn't like to wipe her own bottom, try giving her wet ones (Silver chain)
4. Eating fingers/toes - asked Mum to put her amber necklace back on. (Sensory beads – Queens IGA)
5. Learning – tracing writing and having language scribed for her
6. Has been referred to a pediatrician by her GP after a meeting with class teacher- school provided a letter
expressing our concerns. (Long wait list) Private pediatrician- if they can afford it?
7. Social skills showing strong growth
8. Pre-Lit literacy lessons into PP (Teachers to liaise with Marg)
(Maddy to follow up with communication – no letter sent home)
CM Form on SEQTA Parent Letter Sent Parent letter Copy - Pastoral Care Note -

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