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Intro the topic: The effect on the education system when schools decide to focus more on profit,
and less on providing a quality education to their students.

Essentially,when schools are focused on more on “profits” rather than “products”

Now, most schools arent “for-profit” institutions, but I’m going to be using the term profit to
describe how schools focus on saving as much as possible on their budgets.
The products are you guys, and me. Students seeking an education to fullfill a higher role in

Why is this important? As students, you guys are directly affected if schools use such a mindset
to guide their desicions.
Have you ever had a teacher or professor who didnt seem to know how what they were doing, or
maybe they were really unsure or new to the job? Thats probably because your school hired...
A lot of times schools will hire new teachers with only bachelors or masters in order to cut down
on costs. Or that teacher could fill multiple positions.
Have you ever wondered why so many high school history teachers are coaches? Its to cut down
on costs.

You see, schools try to act like normal businesses in their hiring methods. Companies like
McDonalds, or Google, or Amazon, hire someone in an entry level position, but that person is
expendible to them. Let’s look at McDonalds for sec. There’s plenty of fry cooks in sea, so
MickyD’s is fine with firing and hiring many people in these positions, because these positions
take up so little room in Mcdonald’s budget. McDonald’s doesnt need to focus on hiring quality
employees for their most basic positions, and are going to be more focused on maximizing profit.

This is approach to hiring people is how schools operate most of the time. When a school needs
to tighten its budget, which is often these days, due external factors like the government budget,
they have very feew options when it comes to teachers. A school’s first option is to cut the
salaries of teachers. However, you can cut salaries so far. Or rather, why spend 80000 dollars a
year on a teacher with a doctorate when you can pay someone fresh off their bachelors 350000
dollars a year?

So what happens to education when schools do these things?

Well, its not pretty.

First, lets talk about the students. Nationwide, the average test scores have been steadily
descreasing, in both the public and private sectors of education. Specifically, a 7% average
deviation decrease in test scores across the nation.
In terms of schools hiring less experienced teachers, this figure shows that the teacher “quality”
as it were, has dropped to around 90 percent what they used to be.

This doesnt seem significant on the surface, but in statistics, anything higher than 5% is pretty
scary and very significant. Explain stats signifigance (School sleep example).

So students are reciving a substansial drop in education quality, which just is not good. College
debt is the second largest amount of debt people will accrue in their life, behind purchasig
houses. If we pay so much for a degree, whats with this drop in quality?

And it isnt just the costs of education that make this whole deal sour, its the fact that most
students are attempting to get a job in a career, and when they arent prepared after going to
college, due to a drop in education quality, they could lose that job. Students might even find
they have to go back to college to get a higher degree, to get more training and experience in
theire career.

So, Its a cycle. Schools hire less experienced teachers or professors in order to save money, and
students recieve a worse education, and have to get more experience due to the lack of

I gathered my infrmation on my topic from Forbes, FutureEd, andthe US Bureau of Labor


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