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Session #11

“Private Sessions”

Wednesday, May 31, 1995 (Group)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Vicki (Lawrence), Christie (Oliver), Bill (Kasha),

and Elizabeth (Elizabeth).

Note: These beginning comments are in reference to people asking for private

ELIAS: Good evening. I suspect we have all thought about our most recent sessions.
You are correct in your thinking. This is for a group purpose. Michael was correct
in his interpretation of my response to his dream. I am not helping in the respect
of doing the action for you or for Michael. This part of our interaction must come
from yourselves.

I am of the opinion that I may not have made my intent completely clear. I am
aware that the essences in question are not present. I will instruct all of you
anyway. It is important that there be interaction between your essences. There is
purpose for this. If I had not been aware of your desires to learn and to
correctly shift to avoid trauma to your essences in this focus, I would not have
come to you all. I would have come individually.

This is an incorrect focus for your growth. You are already of the belief systems
that you are disconnected from each other, and us, and nature, and the Universal
One and Whole. This is an incorrect belief system. Addressing to you individually
would only serve to perpetuate this existing incorrect belief. This is why I speak
with you. I offer you the opportunity to understand and connect more fully with
your essence and those around you.

I wish also to clarify, for no future misunderstanding, our purpose in instruction

with you here is for your focus here. In every state or dimension, every fragment
or part of your essence, there is no future. There is only an eternal continuing
present. Therefore, it is useless to you to focus on something coming in what you
term future. All that is, is now. You are in a continuous state of becoming. You
are never finished. Just as the Creating Universal One and Whole is never
completed, as it is always in a state of becoming, so you are also. Whichever
focus you choose, wherever you choose to manifest will always be in the now, not
in the future.

I understand these are difficult concepts. You have no past, as you think of it,
as you have no future. You only have your present; but I shall retract the word
only as your present is all encompassing of all things, of all time, of all
focuses simultaneously, happening now. In my desire to help you, I came here only
to instruct that you will increase your awareness of all that you are. Therefore,
when your age and your focus shifts as a whole, it will already be familiar to
you. You will not experience trauma.

You all notice a change in consciousness of your world. Even those who are unaware
notice a changing shift in consciousness. This is a new emergence into a wonderful
awareness that you have all agreed and decided to accomplish. You are moving in an
age not unlike that of your beginnings of your Christian church, a tremendous
conscious effort in creativity and motion which changed the focus of your world
for a great duration of time, in your terms, of this planet. Another great shift
is happening. This is because you are ready and anxious. Some are more ready than
others. This focus is not one that you are familiar with. This is why we choose to
help in avoiding trauma.
This is not a religious focus, as you may be used to. This is a new emergence of
your consciousness in union with its own essence, a widening of your awareness and
vision. You, here, already are experiencing this shift. You are aware of
yourselves shifting each day. What you will accomplish will be of amazement to
you. Your essence is truly a wonderful thing, capable of more that your
imagination can understand in this focus. You are many more things than you

This is why I direct you to focus with your dreams. You spend, as I have stated,
many of your hours in this sleep state. Do you believe this is because your
physical body needs to sleep? No. (Laughter) It is not. Your physical body may be
regenerated with energy by not exercising and being quiet. It is not for the
benefit of your physical body that you engage in sleep state. A baby does not
exercise much, but it is in a sleep state much more than you as an adult. This is
because it recognizes its connection to its essence, and prefers its own company.

You, through your lifetime in your terms, have disconnected far. Your sleep state
is your reconnection state. In not discounting your waking physical experience, I
would instruct you though, that it is of much importance in the focus of this
shift that you connect yourselves in your sleep state more attentively. This will
offer you much understanding and glimpses of what I speak to you of. You will find
it will be much easier for you to understand concepts that I offer you if you are
noticing the action and interaction in your sleep state. If you are experiencing
difficulty in connecting in this area, you may practice in your waking state.

In practicing in waking state, you can artificially produce similar experiences in

games. You may, if you focus ... Excuse. I am receiving a suggestion. In contrary
to only explaining and in acceptance of suggestion, I will invite you to
experience a very small game now. You may focus in your thoughts of one
experience. Choose something, as a trip to the beach or a Fourth of July or a
Christmas experience. Focus on the individual experience of your choice. In doing
this, do not focus too intently. Allow your mind to drift. As it drifts, you will
notice other pictures or impressions or feelings related to this event that was
your original focus. These other thoughts may take on thoughts of their own that
are completely unrelated to the original thought. You will notice an expansion of
thoughts. As these thoughts expand, they will appear to you to be as symbols. You
may interpret them in the same way that you interpret your dreams. (Here, there is
a pause during which we all attempt this exercise.)

You may practice small exercise games as this often. This will show you, in waking
physical terms, how your mind expands automatically, given its own space. In this,
in allowing yourself a new freedom in not holding your thoughts so carefully, you
may find it easier to move through your sleep state. What creates ease in any
situation is a familiarity. When something is not familiar, you are not at ease
with it. Therefore, you do not allow its natural flow. This is true with all
things, everything we have already spoken of, and all things we will speak of in
future times, in your terms.

Do not be concerned if you cannot interpret what is happening in dreams. It is not

important initially. We were addressed with a dream of a small house. Dreams are
multi-dimensional. Often, if you recreate a certain dream, in physical terms more
than one time, you do this because you are, so to speak, getting ready to create
in physical terms.

Everything is created, energy-wise, in your other conscious first. We will not use
the term unconscious, for this creates a thought and a feeling of being
disconnected, and not real. It makes you think in terms that you cannot connect.
You see the idea of your unconscious as being something disconnected from you,
something you must tap into. This is not true. Your other consciousness is only
another focus, but is very much connected and very working within every day of
your lives.

Your dream state is a physical expression of part of your other consciousness. It

speaks to you continuously. You also speak to it. You express desires as a little
house. Your essence responds and forms pictures. Your essence offers back to your
physically focused consciousness the picture of your desire. If your desire is
great enough, it will work together with your essence to focus this energy into a
physical manifestation.

This is why, when I am asked about interpretation of dreams, it is much more

complicated than you imagine it to be. It is not merely a movie picture in your
head. Each symbol that appears may be a representation of a physically focused
desire, or it may be a symbol of a message from your essence. It may be a
recognition of a simultaneous future event. It may also be a recognition of a
simultaneous past event. It may be watching, or glimpsing, or even interaction in
other dimensions. It may be interaction with other essences in this dimension, or
other dimensions. This is why you do not understand what you dream. You
automatically classify all images and try to relate them to what you are
physically familiar with. You attach significance only in a physical focus. When
these symbols do not make sense, (pause) parenthesis...this is incorrect? (To

VICKI: Quotation marks.

ELIAS: Quotation marks! When, in quotation marks, “This does not make sense”, you
dismiss the symbols. You think they have no validity because you do not understand
them. Also, you will recognize in your sleeping state, time has no reference.
Events may happen backwards. They may happen in a forward motion and a backward
event may...pop! front of them. There will seem to be no continuity. This is
reality. There is no time sequence; or, things are happening at once. Therefore,
it is not inconsistent for events to happen out of sequence. We will not spend our
entire session speaking of this issue, but it is important that you learn these
things. These are what is involved in your shift. When you realize the greater
expanse of your own essence, you will also incorporate new experiences.

In your small waking exercise that I have given you, you will also notice a lack
of time continuity. You may think of an event when you were of your age of ten. In
expanding, you may have thoughts that seem, initially, to go forward to ages above
ten, in your terms. Then you may experience an impression or memory of this same
or related event at age seven. It will seem...jumbled up. This is the point.
Period. In order to understand the simultaneousness of your being, you must notice
these things that are expressions of it all around you. Are you understanding what
I am speaking to you of? (Pause)

GROUP: Somewhat.

ELIAS: This is indicative of confusion! (Laughter, followed by another pause)

VICKI: If everything is simultaneous, then haven’t we already had this experience

of this transition?

ELIAS: It is occurring presently. Yes.

VICKI: The simultaneous thing gets me all twisted up, because if that’s the way it
is, then why should we need any help?

ELIAS: You have chosen to create, for a portion of your essences, a physical
linear time focus. In this one part of your essence, you are experiencing in
moments of time, very slowly, a very slow vibrational quality. You do this for the
experience. Sometimes, in this focus, in order to experience it fully, you
disconnect from your essence so far, and forget so well, that you forget how to

VICKI: I understand the forgetting part!

ELIAS: This creates a division of this part of your essence. This, in actuality,
is a very good question, because then you may think, why would this small part of
my entire essence merit such attention? When you think of yourself, who do you
think of? (Laughter) Do you think of yourself as your body? No. But, you also do
not think of yourself in terms of your essence. You think of what you have termed
your soul, or your mind, or your self, or your psyche. All are terms for your
physically focused consciousness, that part of your essence which you have
divorced for the purpose of experience. You only think of yourself as this you.
You may believe in an immortal and even creating soul, but somehow you even
disconnect with that until you believe yourself to be...dead! (Laughter) Then,
somehow, your immortal creating soul becomes you, miraculously! (Laughter, and
then, very dramatically...) This shadowy cloud that is you, in your soul, “flies
away” and becomes part of the universal consciousness, which we do not understand
what this is. But, in returning to the “real world”, in your waking alive state,
you do not view yourselves as your soul. You view yourselves as...yourselves!
(Laughter) This is why I am here.

This physical focus, although only a part, is not an only. It is equal in

importance and focus as any or all other parts of your essence, just as each of
you belongs to an essence, but is also part of the Creating Universal One and
Whole. Energy is not separated. There is no division in any form. It may take on
form if it chooses, but energy is energy. It is not something that can be divided.
You cannot cut it into pieces. You cannot separate it, ever. It is not separable.
This is how you are all connected. This is how we are all connected. Energy is
everything universally, in every dimension. It only manifests in different forms
or frequencies, but there is no difference, and it cannot be divided. It is not an
entity. It is nothing you may hold. Therefore, you cannot separate it. This will
be...a thought to think about! (Pause)

CHRIS: You talk about...we’re together because we’re going to...or you’re
here...because as we shift, we don’t want our essences to...what’s the get too much trauma. I think I kind of know what you’re talking
about, because when I was a young person, I was scared to death of the idea of
death. I couldn’t handle that at all. I couldn’t get the concept of it. Yet,
before my father died, I began to study and read about metaphysics and
reincarnation, and everything made sense to me in that respect, and the death
issue was completely gone, so that when he died there was no trauma to my essence
in this death. So I’m trusting that that was a shift similar to what we’re talking
about now.

ELIAS: This was a shift. This is why it is important for you to notice your
shifts, to notice all things about you, not only when you are experiencing
conflict, but also when you are not experiencing conflict. It is important because
it creates a basis for familiarity. In this, you will be able to shift more
easily. It will be more natural. It will not be unfamiliar.

Michael’s concept of effortlessness is more correct than he even realizes. This is

truly the nature of your essence. You have only complicated this focus, but you
are now learning to move back to the effortlessness of your essence. You do not
work at dreaming. This is just as much a part of your essence and your reality as
your waking state. Your waking state may be as effortless as your sleeping state.
We are of understanding that you are quite happy and comfortable with sleeping
states. Waking states may be as easy as this. (To Elizabeth) You, Little One,
shake head in disbelieving.

ELIZ: No, I believe. I just don’t like to wake up! I could sleep for a long time.

ELIAS: We will address then to you to notice in your dreaming state, and I will
visit you.

ELIZ: Thank you.

CHRIS: When you spoke of the soul, and how we feel that we are not one until we
die, and that our soul is the person that we really are...I think it might be
because we as humans...our soul is something that is perfect, yet we are not
perfect, that we view our mistakes and then we view ourselves as something that is
less than our soul because of these mistakes. However, if we would view them not
as mistakes, but as experiences, then we would more view ourselves in that soul
and more complete. Is that correct?

VICKI: That’s the duplicity thing, kind of, isn’t it?

ELIAS: I will instruct Lawrence in transcript to say Elias says “This is exactly
correct!” to Oliver. (Much laughter) You are only thinking that you are making
mistakes. What will you say are your mistakes? A relationship? A broken car that
was not given attention earlier? A job that you are not pleased with? A decision
that you think you may have made more wisely or better? No. These are not
mistakes. These are only experiences. They all serve a purpose. If you have any
concept that would be close to viewing as a mistake, it would only be your fear,
but even your fear sometimes serves a purpose in demonstrating your ability to

CHRIS: Overcoming your fear?

ELIAS: Exactly. (Pause) This is why it is important for your interaction within a
group. There are essences who have, in Elizabeth’s terms, “got it,” as Oliver.
(Pause) You do not have more questions?

VICKI: I have a question. It’s not my question, it’s for Catherine.

ELIAS: Catherine...

VICKI: Catherine telephoned me today and asked me to ask you a question for her.
And her question is, she wants to know why she is having conflicting feelings
about attending these sessions, why she has so many urgings to not attend, and
then just as many urgings to attend, and finally, what is your opinion on whether
she should attend or not. So I told her I would ask for her.

ELIAS: I am understanding. You may also tell Catherine I am acknowledging her in

her attempt to express this to me in this forum, and not individually. This, in
itself, is accomplishment. Catherine experiences conflict out of fear. We have
briefly spoken of this before. Catherine’s essence urges in the direction of our
sessions. It feels a drawing, for it knows what is true. It knows trust within it.
It knows that it will be easier, with some help, to make transitions and shifts.
Catherine, in the physical focus, has much conflict. She is not experiencing
support in other areas. This creates conflict. This is a basic urging of your
essence, a wanting to connect with those essences around you. You do not always
believe this is possible. It is. We believe Catherine would be well served to
continue with us. We respect Catherine’s choice in refocusing. We will not tell
Catherine she must do this. We wish not to encourage uncomfortable feelings...on
one hand. (Laughter) On the other hand, we do wish to encourage uncomfortable
feelings! (More laughter) This is an obvious indication of shifting, and becoming
more aware. Only since each of you have been in connection with me, you have all
individually, in different manners, experienced conflict and uncomfortableness.
This is productive.

I understand that in your minds, you believed in the beginning that if you met
what you term an “entity,” you would automatically be “fixed.” (Much laughter) I
also understand that if you encountered an “entity,” you would have all of your
answers automatically. I will say to you, when I encounter an “entity,” I will
share that with you! (Again, much laughter) I am not an “entity.” I am a
personality essence, as you are also. I have the benefit of much wisdom in being
taught by masters. You have the benefit of my wisdom in viewing yourselves to be
being taught by a master.

I will explain that Catherine will notice a lessening of conflict if her shifting
begins to allow an opening of her focus. I have been to you each within your
essence validating you all, to allow you the perception of truth and connection
and safety. You have not all connected reciprocally. You will, eventually. You
experience conflict because you do not understand. I also understand that as many
times as I have repeated, you still do not understand! This is acceptable. I have
much patience! (Laughter and agreement within the group)

VICKI: Yes, you do!

ELIAS: We would wish Catherine to continue, acknowledging her conflict and

struggle and acknowledging that this will continue for a while, but we are of like
spirit and in loving harmony, and wish to incorporate her essence in this learning
and sharing. (Pause) If you wish, we may end, or if you wish, we may briefly
discontinue for a moment. It will be your choice.

VICKI: Well, let’s take a break.

BILL: Yes, let’s take a break.

CHRIS: A brief break! (Laughter, and agreement by the group)

ELIAS: Acceptable.


ELIAS: We will continue. You wish to discuss another subject.

BILL: Sure!

ELIAS: I will allow your expression of this, although I am aware already of your
focus. (Pause)

VICKI: I wish to go into the political element.

ELIAS: This is appropriate, continuing from our previous focus in this session. In
regards to connection of essences and also of dreaming states, it is interrelated.
Your political element of your essence is that part of your essence which is
focused with not only yourselves, but the interaction and connection with other
essences. This connection, as in everything else with your essence, does not only
focus in this dimension. In addressing your political element of your essence, we
address to all interaction of all essences, in all dimensions in all of times, in
your terms.

Everything that your essence connects with, other than yourselves, is encompassed
in your political element. As it is a basic element of your essence, it should be
obvious to you all that you have a basic need to not be separated. It is contrary
to your essence. You try very hard to isolate and separate yourselves. Even when
you think you are trying to connect with other essences, your physical focus is
still trying to disconnect. You think this is an expression of your individuality.
This is incorrect. Do you believe that your individuality will be “swallowed up”
if you are in connection with another essence? It will not. It is not possible for
you to lose your individuality. It is you. You interact with other essences
continually out of a basic necessity.

This subject will also take much attention, because it extends much greater and
farther than you are presently aware. You, as individual essences, but also
simultaneously connected with all, repeat all other essences, not only of your
world, but of all essences. You affect all other essences with every thought and
impulse that you possess. You do not believe this, only because you do not see it.
Nevertheless, it is reality. You do not understand the greatness of your essence
and how completely affecting it is to every event, whether it be in your own
individual life, or within the scope of your entire world. Your energy affects all
energy. You are not separate. You only do not understand.

Do you think that wars are begun all at once? In reality, one essence will
initiate the creation. Others will join. Situations as this will escalate quickly,
but they have begun with the essence of what you will term one person. In your
world war...your second world war...your entire world was affected by this
tremendous conflict. Do you believe that this conflict began involving all of
these essences at one time? Because it did not. It began in small increments. You
do not see this part. Although there were agreements made to create this
situation, and although there were agreements made to participate in this
situation, you should take note and be aware of the affecting power of each
essence on your entire planet.

You have had examples throughout your history, repeatedly, of the effectiveness of
individual essences, and how powerfully they affect the consciousness of your
entire planet. If an individual essence can affect an entire planet, it also
affects the entire universe, in your conception of it. This is not limited to only
certain essences. It is also not limited to what you see as world events. It is
not simply a concept to think of positive energy affecting a situation halfway
around your planet. All energy that you send, even when you do not believe it is
going, it is all being received and also sent back. It is all incorporated. On
smaller scales, you may think to yourselves in the manner of cause and effect, and
logically be able to see small examples of this same energy chain. You will call
this coincidence. It is not. It is also not cause and effect. You are all present
here not because of coincidence, but because of an interconnectedness of essences.
In this same manner, essences that you believe you do not even know are
continually affected by all things that you do. You are not singularly separate.
You are individual, but at the same time you are all connected. You believe that
you can keep secrets from each other by not speaking them in language. There is no
such thing. All things are known to all essences. It is merely a courtesy of not
acknowledging or not focusing on certain aspects, but do not fool yourselves to
think that you are so private. You may never speak another word in your lifetime,
and all other essences will know you anyway.

This is not a negative thing. This is only reality. There is nothing in you that
needs to be hidden. There is nothing in you that is unacceptable. Even essences
which choose to manifest in a physical form on your planet with the focus of
someone whom you believe is evil or bad, such as the physical focus of one you
called Hitler, is no different from your own essence. Only the focus and the
experience is different.

You have engrained in your physically focused consciousness terms, concepts, and
beliefs of good and evil, of right and wrong. These are incorrect. They do not
exist, although some essences in a physical manifestation, as I have stated
before, could avoid some violent or negative action by connecting with their
essence and not allowing a build-up of impulses. Even correctly focused impulses
in this physical focus can turn to what you term negative if they are continually
blocked, and not allowed to be expressed. This is a very intricate psychological
focus. The psychological aspect of yourselves we will not address this evening,
only because that will come in our discussion of your religious element. In your
political element, we address only to the interaction and the importance of your

In this audience, you are engaging in the satisfying of your political element of
your essence by participating with other essences and connecting with them. You
are also being given the opportunity to see your effect and interconnectedness
with other essences. This may be on a level as simple as physical inconsequential

You, Oliver, may go tomorrow to look at a card. In doing so, someone else at
another place may be affected by what you see on a card. Let us say you see a
picture of a flower. Someone far away from you at the same moment may enter
another shop, wishing to purchase a gift. The thought will come to them of a
flower. They will, in turn, purchase the flower. They will choose a color. Someone
in another location may be painting, and the color of the flower will impress
them. They will have no knowledge of your card or the other person’s flower. They
will only have an impression of a color, but it is all connected.

You believe that the only way that you affect another individual essence is if you
are directly involved with them. This is not correct. You affect other essences
continually, and do not even know. Elizabeth may go to school. She may appreciate
a color of a desk for an instant. Another person in another part of your world may
be struck by the thought of the same type of wood to make a desk. You do not think
these things have any connection. You are very incorrect. You may not choose to
interact with another single person during your day. You are nonetheless
affecting, with your very being and thoughts, all other essences in existence.
This is why it is important for you to understand that you are not separate or
disconnected. This is why I choose to speak with you in a group. You will be
experiencing more connection continually. You will be aware of your greater
connection with other essences. You must begin here. (Here, I realize that the
video tape has stopped. I change the tape, not knowing whether or not we have
missed any information)

CHRIS: So...

ELIAS: We shall first applaud Lawrence! (Much laughter, in recognition of the fact
that this is the first time I have operated the video camera all by myself, and
quite nervously, I might add!)

VICKI: Thank you!

CHRIS:’re saying that our actions and thoughts affect the planet.

ELIAS: This is correct.

CHRIS: And when we decided to manifest in this physical lifetime, our goal is to,
perhaps, see the beauty in everything, have harmony and love...but we know that in
the physical manifestation things are going to be thrown at us to not make that
happen, and that’s where the experience comes in. Is this correct? So, we
experience things that are not harmonious and loving, for the experience, but the
whole goal of us here is to experience that and yet have harmony and love, and be
connected with everyone.

ELIAS: This is very correct. You are not in the connected focus of being able to
accomplish this yet, but this is the shift you are moving towards. You have, until
now, separated and only been focused in the experience. You are completing this
circle now. You are now ready to incorporate the experience, and at the same time
be aware of your essence and its fullness.

It could be compared to the experience of being aware of a dream. When you

accomplish this small experience within your focus, you will have a much greater
understanding of what I am explaining. When you can have a dream memory, and know
that you also could be part of your dream, but separate from it in viewing, you
are still connected, and it is still all part of the dream experience. But, you
are experiencing two or more different focuses simultaneously. In recognition of
this type of awareness, this will allow you to see much easier the reality of what
I am explaining to you.

CHRIS: So...when you talk about being in a sleep state, and awake at the same
time, I’m trusting it might have something a little bit to do with meditation.

ELIAS: You may experience this also in meditation. The only reason that I do not
focus with all of you in the meditative state more is because of your culture.
This is not a focus that you have incorporated and practiced from small children.
You have practiced dreams. They are very natural to you. In your culture and
focus, meditation is not always a natural focus; therefore, you do not always
accomplish the same results. This is not to say that it is not possible, it is
only to say that you are not familiar with that process. Dreams are natural and
familiar to your process. Therefore, they are an easy mode for you. Even in
meditation, if you were to practice, you would find that it would be much more
difficult for you to connect. Your dream images flow easily. You also may suggest
different focuses to yourself for your dreams. Yourself will listen to you and
respond. It will oblige you in your dreams.

ELIZ: Michael was saying...(Pause, while Elias takes a drink) Michael was saying
that when I was a baby in this focus, that I had nightmares a lot, even when I was
only two months. We were wondering what that might have been about.

ELIAS: Elizabeth’s essence is not a new essence. It is very creating, and has had
much experiences. This essence, in a previous physical focus, chose to end a focus
at a very young age. This experience was not pleasant. It was an extreme
experience involving much trauma. In that focus, you pulled your essence from your
physical experience very quickly. In a partial confusion, you projected back very
quickly. In this, the memory of the previous physical focus was very fresh. As a
small one, you did not allow your essence to wait and adjust to processes of
newness in a focus. This caused conflict within you as a small child, and as an
infant. Your dreams were not of your birth experience. They were memories of a
developmental focus of a previous time. Your experience in an emotional focus in
this developmental focus was caused for this same reason, an uncomfortableness of
childhood in a previous focus, creating a not wishing to repeat smallness in this
focus. Here, if there were a thing as “walk-ins”, you would have chosen to pass
childhood and begin at a later age. There are no “walk-ins”. Therefore, in your
creation of this developmental focus, you began from the beginning, as do all
others. Do you understand?

ELIZ: I think so. I’ll let it soak in.

ELIAS: I believe they are all letting it “soak in”! (Laughter, followed by a long
pause) We do not have more questions? (Pause) Then we will allow all of you, until
our next meeting together, to “soak in”!

CHRIS: Elias, I won’t be able to be at the next meeting, and I just know I’m going
to miss it, but I just want to apologize to you for not being there, but I have a
big family thing. And with the information that I learned tonight, I think it’s
going to be a wonderful family thing for me. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome. We will also miss your presence, but are wishing you much
enjoyment and connection with your family essences and fragments.

CHRIS: Thank you.

ELIAS: We shall meet again. Good evening.

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