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All students of Senior High School are watching the flag rising of merah putih
when hores day on Saturday, 10 November 2018

Anis Oktoviani

After the competition to commemorate the Languange Month, all students council
officials Senior High School 1 Tanjung had lunch in front of the student council room
on October 26, 2017.

Keke Faturahman Mubarok

Several scout member of Senior High School 1 Tanjung eat together in activity to
celebrate BADEN POWEL’s day on 22 February 2018.
Dika Mardita Pratama

A group of students SMA n 1 Tanjung held a clean Friday evwnt 10 February


Lutfi indah

Student class 12 sains 6, Senior High Schhol 1 Tanjung is presenting about protection
and law enforcement in Indonesia in front of teacher and my friends, Tanjung
November 9, 2018.

Lutfiana Dewi

Twelfth grade female students are discussingmath assignments in front of the 12th grade
7 class on November 14, 2018.
Cahya Lutfiani

High school students 1 Tanjung saw the choir competition held in the study of the
Indonesiaan lague followed by IPA and IPS.

Aulia Nurul Hikmah

October 31st 2018, there are students of science six doing a daily picket. They clean the
classroom environment.

Dewi Safitri

Two representative students from class XI science seven is participating in a news

reading competition to commemorate the month of language on October 30, 2018 at
Senior High School 1 Tanjung.

Drs. Eko Priyono, M.pd. The headmaster of Senior High School 1 Tanjung is giving a
shower to the scout members at the sertijab program on Friday, November 16 2018.

Nabila Fauziyah

On October 29 2018, Senior High School 1 Tanjung commemorating the language

month one of the students is preparing costumes for the competition to commemorate
the Languange Month, one of them is the choir competition.

Riza Meilinda

November 15th 2018, some students are practicing cooking PKWU subjects. They are
fry a combro in the kitchen of Senior High Schoo 1 Tanjung.
Triana Hesti Ningrum

Heroes day ceremony is attended by students held on November 10 2018 in the

ceremonial fiekd, Senior High School 1 Tanjung.

Azhar Dhia Falah

Senior High School 1 Tanjung held a flag ceremony to commemorate the hero’s day on
November 10, 2018.


The choir practice to sing certain songs in commemorateation of the hero’s day on
November 10 2018.
Ayu Aulia

On October 19 2018 students Senior High School 1 Tanjung are doing water relay gamr
during scout activities in the central field.

Huda Pratama AS

Scout membersof Senior High School 1 Tanjung held an position handover ceremony
and inaugurate new board for term of 2018/2019.

Nurba marsa sativa

10th grade students of senior High School 1 Tanjung are attending a bonfire ceremony in
the backyard of their school at the PERWADHIGARA event on July 23, 2018.
Aman Maulana

The processionof awarding (thropies) to champions 1,2, and 3Indonesian quiz

competition (LCC Language Indonesian) in commemoration of the language month
(Youth pledge day) be held by OSIS SMA N 1 Tanjung on Monday, October 29, 2018
ata Senior High School 1 Tanjung. Award the thropies is do by OSIS developer Mr.
Daniel Lumondo after completing the ceremony to commemorate Hero’s day on
November 102018.

Hani Yusrika

The students from class 12 sains 6 is preparing to take part in the choir competition
during the “Bulan Bahasa” on October 30 2018 in Senior High School 1 Tanjung.

Iis Isnaeni

August, 17th SMA N 1 Tanjung holds a plastic club competition to commemorate 73rd
Indonesian independence day.

The choir member from the scout organization who is attending the successor handover
ceremony of 1 Tnjung state High school scout organization.

Rio Romadhon

The students of SMA N 1 Tanjung follows the flag ceremony to commemorate the
hero’s day on the SMA 1 Tanjung field on October 10, 2018.

Nurul Aeniah

Students are doing outdoor defense in the backyard of the high school 1 Tanjung.

Azzah Annisa
On November 13, 2018 the picket group Wednesday presented
about alkaline earth in the twelfth grade of sixth grade.

Alfian Amar Firmansyah

Some 12th grade students science 6 followed choir competition in the

framework of the 2018 language month.

Anne Maryane

Students of senior high school 1 Tanjung playing takraw ball in front of

class when free class on Monday, November 19, 2018.

Thariq Alfarizmi
All students Senior High School 1 Tanjungtake part in the flag ceremony
to commemorate the day the hero of the students follows the ceremony in
on orderly manner

Seismi Yunianti

Students daily activity at the green house behind the classrooms. Students
water plants every morning and afternoon after school. This activity makes
students responsible to keep their environtment.

Putri Novi Mar’atus

Awarding trophies to the winners of the fashion show competition.

Nur Kholis Majid

Yhe students clss twelve science 6th are doing cooking practice in the PKWU kitchen on
Thrusday, November 15, 2018in Senior High School 1 Tanjung.

Siti mulyani

Participation of 10th grade students in school year 2018/2019 in commemorating 57th

boy scout on August 14, 2018

Wildan Nadiv

Selection of the students council Senior High School 1 Tanjung head online

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