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Types of Depression and their Common Symptoms

It is very common to go through the lows and highs of life now and then. You sometimes find
yourself in deep sadness and grief. These feelings usually tend to go away with time within a
matter of a few days or weeks, depending on how fast you overcome the circumstances.
however, deep sadness that persists for more than several weeks and affects your functioning
ability, which indicates a sign of ​depression​.

Some of the common symptoms that can be seen in depression are:

● Persistent feelings of sadness
● Gloomy moods
● Changes in sleep
● lack of energy
● Inability to focus
● feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness
● Changes in appetite
● Not being able to go through your normal activities
● Lack of interest that were once enjoyable
● Desocializing
● Having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of self-harm

Depression, however, occurs differently on different people, and there are several types of
depression. While some of the symptoms might be common, they are different depending upon
the causes and situations.

Major Depression
Major depression is also commonly known as major depressive disorder, unipolar depression.
And classic depression. People suffering from major depression undergo symptoms almost
every day. Sometimes there are no evident reasons for your depression, but still, you can have
a severe form of depression that results in symptoms like.
● Grief or gloom
● Insomnia or sleeping too much
● Fatigue and a lack of energy
● Overeating or sudden loss of appetite
● Pains and aches that are unexplained
● loss of interest in your favourite activities
● lack of concentration and memory troubles,
● Inability to make decisions
● Suicidal thoughts and thoughts of self-harm

Persistent Depression
A persistent depressive disorder is the kind of depression that remains for two years or more.
It’s also known as chronic depression or dysthymia. Persistent depression is not as intense as
major depression, but it can still make things difficult for you.

Some symptoms of persistent depression include:

● Hopelessness
● Feelings of inadequacy
● Low self-esteem
● Lack of interest in your favourite things
● Changes in appetite
● Insomnia
● Concentration and memory troubles
● Social withdrawal
This is a type of long-term depression, Persistent depression sometimes become a part of the
life of someone who is suffering from it.
Manic Depression
Manic depression shuffles between mania or hypomania, where one may feel very happy at the
moment, followed by episodes of depression. It is also another name for bipolar disorder.
When you experience an episode of mania lasting for around seven days, then your bipolar
disorder is diagnosed. Signs of the depressive phase is the same as major depression, whereas
symptoms of a manic phase include:
● Extremely high energy
● Lesser sleep
● irritability
● Unclear thoughts and speech
● Enhanced confidence and self-esteem
● Self-destructive and risky behaviour
● The feeling of euphoria, elation or a new high

Depressive Psychosis
Some people suffering from major depression tend to lose touch with reality. This is called
psychosis, where hallucinations and delusions are also involved. Depression, along with
psychosis, can result in certain symptoms as well, which includes agitated behaviour or slowing
of physical movements.

Perinatal Depression
Perinatal depression is a type of depression that occurs during pregnancy or after four weeks of
childbirth. It’s also known by the name of postpartum depression. Hormonal changes occurring
during pregnancy and childbirth are the major trigger that brings changes in the brain resulting
in the mood swings.
Symptoms of perinatal depression are:
● Extreme sadness or grief
● Anxiety
● Rage
● Exhaustion
● Worrying excessively about the baby‘s health and safety
● Not being able to care for yourself or the new baby
● Suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming the baby
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) refers to a severe type of premenstrual syndrome
(PMS). the symptoms of PMDD are generally psychological. However, these psychological
symptoms are much more severe than those of PMS. A woman suffering from PMDD
experiences sadness and depression that interferes with the normal activities

symptoms of PMDD include:

● Extreme sadness and despair
● Anger and irritability
● Mood swings
● Binge eating
● Anxiety or panic attack
● Sleep problems
● Lack of focus

Seasonal Depression
Seasonal depression, which is more commonly known as seasonal affective disorder, is a type
of depression that occurs in certain seasons. Mostly this depression hits during the winter
Symptoms usually start appearing in the fall season, and as the days become shorter, the
following symptoms appear.

● Enhanced need for sleep

● Weight gain
● Social withdrawal
● Extreme grief or sadness, unworthiness or hopelessness,
Once spring arrives these symptoms usually improve. This occurs due to changes in your bodily
rhythms in response to the natural light that is abundant in summers.
Situational Depression
Situational depression occurs due to some specific events or situations that are traumatic, such
● Losing a loved one
● An illness that is serious or other life-threatening events
● Being in relationships that are emotionally or physically abusive
● Facing severe financial troubles or being unemployed

Situational depression symptoms start after three months of the traumatic event and include:
● Difficulty in sleeping
● Pains and aches
● Fatigue and lack of energy
● Frequent crying
● Sadness and hopelessness
● Anxiety
● Changes in appetite
● Inability to concentrate
● Social withdrawal

Atypical Depression
Atypical depression is the kind of depression that is only temporary and goes away in response
to any of the positive events. atypical depression is quite difficult and challenging as nobody can
figure out. If you are depressed to others, however, it may be accompanied by an episode of
major depression.

Other symptoms of atypical depression can include:

● Enhanced appetite
● Weight gain
● Binge eating
● Poor body image
● Sleeping too much
● Insomnia
● Sensitivity to criticism
● Pains and aches

Homeopathy has the answer to depression, and Dr. Shalini is the best homeopathic doctor for it.
Book an appointment with Dr. Shalini today.

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