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Chapter No 1


1.1Problem Statement
This present study is aimed to investigate the relationship between stress, self concept and life
satisfaction among medical and non medical students. Stress, however make students less
productive in their academic achievements mainly when students take it as burden. It has been
consider that university students have more concern of grading, financial stress, parental
expectations relevant problems and future stress. Difficult syllabus ,Test routines, exams
schedules and other stressors make students less productive and can affects on their mental and
physical health. This stress shake off the self concepts of students and they become less satisfied
by their life.

1.2 variables

What is stress?

Stress is a feeling of strain and pressure. Stress affects motivation, adaptation and environmental
reactions of the individual. Excessiveness of stress leads towards bodily harm as stroke, heart
attacks, ulcers and mental illnesses such as depression(Sapolsky, Robert , 2004)

Regular Old Academic Stress

Workload of studies significantly involved in stress of students and at college and university
level it come with less holding with parents and teachers. Due to scheduling issues, difficult test,
challenging classes, and other academic obstacles in which students find themselves studying

Social Stress

While college and university life students face many social challenges involves moving towards
independence from dependence of parents or less parental support, dealing with being away from
home for the first time, creating a new social network an entrance towards another pattern of life
as living with a roommate, balancing friends with study work and often part time jobs, all these
challenges lead students towards a significant stress.

Other Stresses

There are many miscellaneous stresses during college life. Many students studying late and
getting up early for classes and trying to manage all the work and fun that can possibly fit. One
major stress of students is to manage good grades due to high competency rate nowadays and try
to fulfill parents' expectations, lack of interest, financial problems and health issues due to stress.
Students try making their future secure by attempting different activities with studies as a part
time job and want to be a high achiever in all aspects of life at this adolescent age.

The Impact of Stress:

What effect do these issues have on students? Everyone deals with stress in a unique way,
students experience a range of consequences of stress, from mild to severe.

Dropout Rate

Low socioeconomic status, family background, college environment and curriculum are some of
the major and the basic reasons of dropout. The study also revealed that teacher’s behavior and
university’s policies have a great effect on this phenomenon (Quraishi, Nazirv,2016)

What is Self Concept?

Self-concept is differ from self esteem and self-awareness/ self-knowledge defined as,
consistent, and currently applicable to one's attitudes and dispositions. (Ayduk, Gyurak,
Luerssen, Anna , 2009).

Self-concept is a cognitive or descriptive component of one's self made up of ones self schemas,
self esteem, self knowledge and social self. it includes past, present and future selves or possible
selves and all others to form one’s self as whole.( Myers, David, 2009).

People paying more attention to positive self evaluation and preventing themselves from
negative self ( Wilson, Ross, 2001). People gave more favor to their current self than past self
and perceive future self more positively ( Schmidt, 2012).

Academic Self Concept

Academic self-concept refers to the personal beliefs about academic abilities or skills of students
(Gabriel ,2009).

Some researches concluded that due to parental and early educators influence it begins from
ages 3 to 5 ( Tiedemann, Joachim ,2000). Children begins to comparing their academic abilities
to their peers at the age 10 to 11. ( Rubie, 2006). They begin to self estimate themselves in terms
of cognitive ability as subject evaluation through numbers. Self-estimates were more likely to be
poor in other areas, such as reasoning speed (Freund, Philipp, Alexander, Kasten, Nadine, 2012).

Parents and teachers develop student self concept through social comparison such as within a
particular group. grouping affects on themselves and students view themselves in relation to their
peers(Trautwein, 2009).

Gender Differences and Self Concept

Different researches of from 1997, suggested both men and women are interdependent in their
self concepts. Women utilize relational interdependence and men show collective
interdependence.(Gabriel, Shira, 1999).

In a study of 1987. In their view of interdependence, men consider themselves as higher traits of
achievements, financially oriented and more competitive and women are sociable, moral and less
assertive then men. These differences potentially affect the individual's subjective well-being. (
Martin, 2001).

Media and Self Concept

Self concept of individual related to form of media they indulged or used most.(Woelfel, 2010).

In this day social media highly influenced on the development of self concepts, where people

experience most of their communication ( Gunduz, Ugur, 2017).

The importance of Life Satisfaction

Life satisfaction has been in addition to several useful outcomes. People with high life
satisfaction tend to own additional positive social relationships, receive additional social
support, compared to those with lower life satisfaction(Wayment,2009).
Moreover, people with high life satisfaction are at a plus in terms of occupational success.
High life satisfaction is related to higher job performance, larger career

satisfaction, multiplied structural commitment, and diminished turnover intentions
Life satisfaction is additionally associated with health and longevity. Higher levels of life
satisfaction are related to higher overall physical health and fewer long-run health
conditions (Siahpush, 2008).

Moreover, people with high life satisfaction have a considerably lower risk of mortality
than people with low life satisfaction (Lyyra, 2006)

Education and Life Satisfaction

Life satisfaction is related to positive educational outcomes as well. It has been demonstrated
that high life satisfaction to an absence of psychological distress, is an important facilitator of
student’s educational goal and academic achievement among university students
(Antaramian, 2015).

Life satisfaction is also associated with more positive academic chance, increased academic self-
efficacy and self determination , greater perceived rise toward goals, and less academic stress
(Navarro, 2011).


Total 300 Graduate and undergraduate participants were from different departments of the

• 52% Male and 48% Female students.

• 72 female and 78 male students from medical departments

• 72 female 78 male students from non-medical departments

• Age range: 18 to 25

Chapter 2


Student satisfaction with their selected field either medical and non medical is responsible of
achieving excellence in his or her field. By comparing life satisfaction with selected profession
among medical and non medical students, it has been examined that satisfaction level of students
depends upon many factors as GPA, academic competency and interest. Students who achieve
successfully their goals were more satisfied than others. It has been reported that medical
students experience more stress due to abundant burden of studies and sometimes lack of
interest because they choose due to other people influence. This psychological stress having
effects on academic achievement and professional growth. This study show the positive
correlation of stress with life satisfaction as students taking some kind of stress learn to face
strongly their academic challenges. They become more satisfied than non medical students,
because medical students have a great hope of having support from community, attractive salary
packages, splendid professional services. (Maryam, Arshad, Altaf, 2017).

Students of medical and non medical having some sort of different educational and
environmental influences so psychological factors can be effect on them partly different. A
research focused on the topic that if there is any difference or not among medical, engineering,
and social sciences students of city of Karachi, Pakistan in the level of anxiety, suicidal ideation,
depression, stress, and life satisfaction. Sample population was total 300 students (150 males and
150 females) with specific age range of 19–26 were selected from faculties of medical,
engineering, and social sciences of different universities of Karachi, Pakistan, Result of the
research describes that Social sciences and engineering students were significantly higher on
depression, anxiety, and stress than medical students (Naseem, Munaf, 2017).

A study was conducted check the prevalence of stress among medical students and to observe a
relation between the levels of stress and academic performance, including the sources of their
stress. Sample was from medical students from year one to year five levels from the College of
Medicine, King Saud University. Study administered Kessler10 psychological distress (K10)
inventory. The occurrence of stress was calculated and compared with the five study variables,
like gender, academic year, academic grades, regularity to course attendance, and perceived

physical problems. Results of the study shows that stress was higher during the initial three years
of study and among the female students. Physical problems are associated with high stress levels.
Study had no significant relation among grade and regularity with stress (Abdulghani, Alkanhal,
mahmoud, peruma, Alfaris, 2011).

Main purpose of conducting this research was to identify the relationship between self-concept
and test anxiety among students of bed honors degree program supported by USAID study was
comparison of students enrolled in 3 different universities of Pakistan(university of Punjab,
university of education Lahore and Sardar Bahadur khan university ,Quetta) sample consist of
219 students(184 female and 35 male)one to measure test anxiety and other one to measure self-
concept of male and female students the relationship nature was calculated through pearson r
correlation (Malik, Fatima, Husnain, 2016).

To investigate the effect of academic stress on the mental health of college and university
students. A study was administered by taking Sample of 70 and the age range was 15-23 years.
(male students (n=35) and female students (n=35).Sample for the research was from University
of Wah, International Islamic university, Islamabad, SKANS institute of Accountancy and Fauji
Foundation School and College, Gujjar khan. Depression scale, CES-D was administered. The
results show that females have a greater level of academic stress in contrast to males, however
there was no gender difference exists among male and female students in experiencing mental
health (Kiani, Latif, Bibi, Rashid, Tariq, 2017).

A study measures the relationship between psychological distress and life satisfaction among
university students. In research sample was consisted of 398 university students from three
faculties in research the depression Anxiety, stress scale (DASS) and life satisfaction scale were
administered The results of the study show that student of Engineering, Medical & Social
Science are at risk of depression, anxiety and stress. Their life satisfaction levels are similar to
other students, but their happiness levels are lower and that life satisfaction has highly significant
negative correlation with like depression, anxiety & stress. (Kumar, Shaheen, Rasool, Shafi,

An another factor is emotional intelligence which have adverse effects on stress as it has been
predicted in a when emotional intelligence is high, life satisfaction high and stress become low.

Three hypothesis were developed by conducting study on the variables of life satisfaction, stress
and emotional intelligence among college students. The first hypothesis is about negative
correlation of stress and life satisfaction of college students. The second one is base on positive
correlation between life satisfaction and emotional intelligence. The third hypothesis that life
satisfaction of students would be predicted by interaction of emotional intelligence and stress.
Both have negative correlation with each other, high level of stress level of emotional
intelligence and students become less satisfied from their life. (Holinka, 2015).

2.1 Research Question

The question in the present study was whether stress, self concept and life satisfaction are related

in an educational context (i.e. at a university).

2.2 Rationale of the study

Study is conducted on the topic of stress, self-concept and life satisfaction among medical and
non-medical students. Study was conducted to check that student who are from ar from medical
field are more stressed or those are more stressed who are from non-medical.who have strongly
clear self concept and who is more satisfied from life. There are many researches conducted on
students to check their stress their self concepts their life satisfaction. In 2017 Maryam, Arshad,
Altaf conducted a research on medical and non-medical students to check their stress level by
comparing their life-satisfaction and they found medical students are more stressed and less life-
satisfied and non-medical students were less stressed and more life-satisfied. They check the
positive correlation between stress and life-satisfaction. Another research by malik, fatima and
husnain in 2016 was conducted to identify the relation between self-concept and test anxiety
among students of B. Ed honors degree program supported by USAID measures the relationship
nature in this study among male and female students. Study by Kiani, latif, bibi, Rashid,and
Tariq in 2017 to study self-concept and academic achievement relation among students of higher
level and their was slight negligible relation between them.

There is gap of some years in conduction of studies on the topic related to self-concept and life
satisfaction along stress because students prevent from providing information about their self and

life. Therefore we feel the need to conduct the research on the stress, self concept and life-
satisfaction among medical and non-medical students

Need for study is conduction was to measure that is their any significant relation between stress,
self-concept and life satisfaction among medical and non-medical students. To know that the
relation of the variables is positive or negative the study was need to be conducted. .Also in this
study we feel need to see that did stress play predictive role in self concept and life satisfaction
among students and in which students it is higher as predictor in medical students or in non-
medical students

Research was held to identify that medical students are more stressed or did this stress affect
their self concepts their life satisfaction or non-medical have high grades in it and to check may
be the stress did not affect the self-concept and life-satisfaction among students. It was observed
that somehow these variables affect students education also.

This research will help also other in study. They will know about the relation and predictors or
mediators which play important role among medical and non-medical student this research will
be useful for future researchers.

2.3 Objectives:

Following are the main objectives of the research:

• To find relationship among stress ,self-concept and life satisfaction among medical and
non-medical students.

• To assess the predictive role of stress level for self concept and life satisfaction among
medical and non-medical medical students.

• To see the mediating role of stress between self concept clarity, and life satisfaction
among medical and non-medical students.

• To see the role of demographic variables in study variables among medical and non-
medical students.

2.4 Hypothesis:

Following are the main hypothesis of the research

• There would be a significant relationship among stress, self concept and life-
satisfaction among medical and non-medical students.

• Level of stress would be a significant predictor of self concept clarity and life
satisfaction among medical and non-medical students.

• Level of stress would be a significant mediator among self-concept clarity and life
satisfaction among medical and non-medical students.

• There would be a significant role of demographic variables in study variables among

medical and non-medical students.

Chapter 3


3.1 Population

The sample of 300 and their ages between 18 to 25, selected from Faisalabad institutes of Post
Graduate College of Science, GOVT, Women University, Faisalabad (GCWF) and GOVT
College University, Faisalabad (GCUF). The sample of study divided into two groups; first
group consist of 156 male of four disciplines of medical sciences and four disciplines of non
medical, the second group consist of 144 females of four disciplines of medical sciences and four
disciplines of non medical.

3.2 Research design

We choose correlational research design for our research. We use correaltional research design to
find the correlation between stress, self concept and life satisfaction.

3.3 Inclusion Criteria

Above 18 years student of medical and non medical disciplines included in the study

3.4 Exclusion Criteria

Below 18 years students of secondary education were not included in the study

3.5 Sampling Techniques

Stratified sampling technique has been used as samples of the population was subdivided into
various disciplines of medical and non medical students.

3.6 Operational definitions of variables


Stress is a state of mental and emotional state or tension resulting from advance or demanding
circumstances. Stress is operationally defined as the scores obtained on the Depress Anxiety
Stress scale (DASS).

Life Satisfaction

Life satisfaction is a way in which people show their emotions, feelings and how they feel about
their goals and opportunities for the future. Life Satisfaction is operationally defined as the
scores obtained on the life satisfaction scale.

Self Concept

Self concept is the person beliefs about person self attributes with respect to comparison with
others. It is operationally defined as the scores obtained on the self concept scale ( Urdu
Adjective Check List.

Demographic Sheet

The data collection questionnaire consist of age, institute, education, semester, GPA gender,
marital status and family.

3.7 Instruments

Following instruments were used in the current study to measure the variables.

Demographic Sheet

The data collection questionnaire consist of age, institute, education, semester, GPA gender,
marital status and family.

Stress scale

Stress is a sub scale of DASS(depression anxiety stress1995) consist of 14 items out of 42 items
of DASS .Stress scale is design to measure negative emotional state of stress .the stress scale
assess difficulty in relaxing, being easily upset, irritable and impatience. Respondents are asked
to use four (4)points severity scales to rate the extent to which they have experienced in past

The self concept scale

It is one’s perception and evaluation about his or her own abilities, characteristics and attributes
which he or she compare with others. In present study the highest scores on self concept would

mean higher and positive self concept of individual. The scale Urdu adjective check list also
called self concept scale was originally developed and validated in national institute of
psychology, Quaid-e-azam Universiry by Ansari, Farooqi, Khan and Yasmine (1982). Age range
of scale is 15 to onwards, it consist of positive and negative items , very much = 5, much = 4,
moderate = 3, less = 2, very less =1 and reverse for negative items. The adjectives in the scale
can easily understood by general population of Pakistan. Than tariq 1992 use the short version of
UACL consist of 54 items in the five point rating scale. UACL consist of 54 itmes used in the
current study to measure self concept among students.

The life satisfaction scale

Life satisfaction was developed by Mahmood (2013). The scale measure the satisfaction of life.
The scale consist of five point likert scaling method. There are 21 items in the scale. Strongly
agree= 5, agree=4, neutral=3, disagree=2 and strongly disagree=1. It consist of eight reverse (
negative) items (4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 20).

3.8 Procedure

In order to fulfill the requirements of the current research, 300 research participants were be
selected , in which 150 were male and 150 were females from 4 disciples of medical (BS) and 4
of non medical students (BS) by the range of 18 to 25 from each discipline. The research
participants have been taken from different government institutes of Faisalabad. In order to avoid
any hurdle in data collection permission letter given by the Head of the Department was shown
to the chair person of the institutes so that process of data collection was carried out smoothly.
Participants were given brief description about the purpose of the data collection and were
assured that data collected from them would be used for research purpose and and would be kept

3.9 Statistical analysis

In the current study the correlation and t-test used through SPSS window version 20.00.
Correlation used to find relationship between Stress, Self Concept and Life Satisfaction among
medical and non-medical students. The t-test compare the scores of male and female students as
well as scores of medical and non-medical students on Stress, Self Concept and Life Satisfaction.

Chapter 4


The present study of stress, self concept and life satisfaction among medical and non medical
students. The aim of the study was to finding out the correlation among medical and non medical
students. The sample was consist 300 (144 female and 156 male ) medical and non-medical
students, were selected from different educational institute of Faisalabad. Depression Anxiety
Stress Scale 42 (DASS 1995), Urdu Adjective Checklist (Ansari, Farooqi, Khan, & Yasmine,
1982) and Life Satisfaction Scale (Mahmood, 2013) was used to measure Stress, Self Concept
and Satisfaction with life resepectively. Pearson product moment co-efficient of correlation and
independent sample t-test were used for statistical analysis. The results obtained from data are
described as follows.

Table no 1

Demographic characteristics of Medical and non medical students sample N=300

Variables N Percentage
Men 150 50%
Women 150 50%
Medical 156 52%
Non medical 144 48%

300 students were assigned for this study to conduct the relationship between stress, self concept
and life satisfaction among 156 of medical and 144 of non medical university students, by
taking sample of 150 male students and 150 female students.

Table no 2

Correlation between Stress, Self Concept and Life Satisfaction in medical (n=156) students

Variable Stress Self Concept Life Satisfaction

Stress -- -298** -390**

Self Concept -.298** -- -472**

Life satisfaction -.390** -472** --

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

This hypothesis was tested by using Pearson product moment correlation to find out relationship
between stress, self-concept and life-satisfaction in non-medical students. the results are given in
the Table 3.

The above table show that stress, self-concept and life-satisfaction in non-medical
students is highly significant as p value is less then alpha 0.01.

Table no 3

Correlation between stress, self concept and life satisfaction in non-medical (n=150) students

Variables Stress Self-Concept Life-Satisfaction

Pearson Correlation -- -.222** .369**

Sig. (2- tailed) -- .004 .000

Pearson Correlation -.222** -.596**

Sig. (2-tailed) .004 .000

Pearson Correlation .369** -.596** --

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 --

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

This hypothesis was tested by using Pearson product moment correlation to find out relationship
between stress, self-concept and life-satisfaction in non-medical students. The results are given
in the Table 3.

The above table show that stress, self-concept and life-satisfaction in non-medical
students is highly significant as p value is less then alpha 0.01.

Table no 4

Mean, standard deviation, t and p value of medical students , men and women (N=300).

Variable Gender N M SD t df p

Male 151 33.1 8.6 -2.5 297 0.10

Female 148 35.8 9.5 -2.5 293.1 0.10

Male 151 196.1 20.9 1.9 297 0.50

Female 148 191.2 21.8 1.9 295.8 0.50

Male 151 53.1 87 -810 297 .419

Female 151 54.2 1.01 -809 289.5 .419

p > 0.01

This hypothesis was testing by comparing means of medical and non-medical students through
independent sample t-test the results are given in the table no 5 the results show that this
hypothesis is overall non-significant at p > 0.01.

Result show that there is significant difference at p >0.01 on the level of stress , self-concept,
life-satisfaction among medical and non-medical students. It indicates that gender does not play
significant role in stress, self-concept and life-satisfaction among medical and non-medical

Table no 5

Mean, Standard Deviation, t and p value of Medical and Non-medical students (N=300).

Variable Education N M SD t df p

Medical 156 33.8 8.1 -1.219 298 .224

Non-medical 144 35.1 10.1 -1.2 274 .228

Medical 156 192.5 21.6 -1.01 298 .311

Non-medical 144 195.0 21.3 -1.01 296 .311

Medical 156 53.9 11.5 .389 298 .697

Non-medical 144 53.3 11.5 .389 296 .697

p > 0.01

This hypothesis was testing by comparing means of medical and non-medical students
through independent sample t-test the results are given in the table no 5 the results show that this
hypothesis is overall non-significant at p > 0.01.

Result show that there is significant difference at p >0.01 on the level of stress , self-concept,
life-satisfaction among medical and non-medical students. It indicates that education does not
play significant role in stress, self-concept and life-satisfaction among medical and non-medical


This study investigate stress, self-concept and life satisfaction among medical and non-medical
students. Main object of the study is to find out the relationship between stress, Self-concept and
life satisfaction among medical and non-medical students. Also check is there any significant
relation between study variables and demographic variables. The sample was consisted of 300
students from GCUF, GCWUF and Postgraduate College of Science,Samanabad. The Sample
was consisted of 150 medical and 150 non-medical students sample further divided as 78
medical male students and 72 femal medical students. And 78 males from non-medical and 72
females from non-medical. In this research age range was from 18-24 scales used in research are
life satisfaction by Mahmood (2013) consists of 21 items. And self-Concept Urdu Adjective
Checklist by Farooqui, Ansari, Khan and Yasmin(1982) consists of 54 items. DASS short
version stress is used which consists of 14 items. By Urdu Translation & Adaptation of DASS-42
was carried out by the Huma Zafar original was developed by Lovibond(1995). Correlation
research design is used to find out level of stress, self-concept and life satisfaction among
medical and non-medical students. Correlation and independent sample t-test is used at the end
data is analyzed by SPSS.


This research was attempted to explore the relationship between stress, self-concept, life-
satisfaction among medical and non-medical students. Research was conducted to check effect of
stress as a predictor on self-concept and life satisfaction among medical and non-medical
students .To measure the significant correlation between variables the correlation test was
performed .The purpose of this research was to investigate the facts of relationship b/w
variables. Our main goal is to check the level of stress, self-concept and life satisfaction among
medical and non-medical students , When we were on working this research, we found that
stress, self-concept and life satisfaction does not effect the study of students. Our main tasks was
only to check correlation among variables and to check there any differences of stress, self-
concept and life satisfaction among students of medical and non-medical and there was not
significant difference in their results. The variable does not affect the students gender wise
Participants personal information is not shown.

The research exposed the effect of self-concept on academic achievements among students of
College of Education, Akwanga, Nasarawa state-Nigeria. The Sample was of 412 which were
randomly selected for the study . The results show no significant correlation between the self-
concept and academic achievement of male and female students.(Balla, 2014)

The study was held to evaluate the effect of stress and self-esteem and gender’s on students’
academic performance in some private universities of Pakistan. 300 students were taken as
sample. Result of this study explain that the level of stress and self-esteem have no significant
effect on academic performance (Farhan, 2015).

Study was conducted to check the relationship of academic achievement and life satisfaction
among undergraduate students of UITM shah-alam sample was consisted of 137 participants
results revealed that there is no relationship between academic achievement and the life
satisfaction among undergraduate students (Malik, Nordin, Zakaria, Sirun, 2013).

In some past researches there was also no relationship between study variables and demographic
variables. These studies also support our research result.


There are some recommendations related to this research

• While the overall findings of the study were encouraging. It is important to acknowledge
its limitations as well.

• The was consisted of 300 sample. Sample was in huge amount because it is representing
a great amount of population.

• Only students are used in the research

• Research is conducted from specific institutions

• Research is conducted from specific disciplines of medical and non-medical.

• Age range of sample was specified from 18 to 25

Recommendations :

There are some recommendations related to this research

• Sample should be more so the hypothesis can b evaluated more appropriately

• There is not much work available on stress, self-concept and life satisfaction among
medical and non-medical students. More work can be done on this topic.

• Further studies can explore why there is not a significant relationship between the study
variables and demographic variables.

• It can also explore is there any possibility of having a significant relationship between
study variables and demographic variables.


This study found a significant relationship between stress, self concept and life satisfaction, but it
also has found that gender, educational disciplines(medical and non-medical) and academic
achievement does not play a significant role in stress, self concept and life satisfaction students at
university level.


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