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Submitted to: Submitted by:

Mrs Shahnaaz mam Saleha banu
Principal and HOD of OBG. MSc (n) Ist yr.
Name of the student : Saleha banu
Class : Msc (N0 Ist yr.
Subject : OBG.
Topic : Role play.
Method of teaching : lecture cum discussion.
Group : Msc (n) Ist yr.
Date of presentation : 13/8/2018.
Place of presentation : Msc (N) Ist yr classroom.
AV aids : transparency, flipcharts, flash cards, charts.
Supervised by : Mrs Shahnaaz mam
Principal and HOD of OBG

By the end of my class room presentation the group will be able to gain in depth knowledge regarding role play.


by the end of class room teaching the group will be able to

• Define role play.

• Brief note on history of role play
• Explain purpose of role play.
• Describe values of role play.
• Illustrate principles of roleplay.
• Discuss types of role play.
• Enumerate the steps of role play.
• Describe the uses of roleplay.
• Explain the disadvantages of roleplay.
5 min Introduce the INTRODUCTION
roleplay As a teaching learning from role playing is useful
for developing communication skills involving
emotions and encouraging group work. Many
teachers confuse role play and drama. Although
they are similar, they are also very distinct in
Perhaps the most strategic point of
difference in handling the subject matter genuine
drama requires a script whereas role playing
reclaims the element of spontaneous or at least
extemporaneous reaction.
3 min Define roleplay DEFINITION:
Role playing refers to the changing of once
behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously
to fill a social role, or consciously to act out.
-shabeer p basheer-
Role play is defined as changing of once behaviour
to fulfil a social role
-Oxford dictionary-
An educational technique in which people
spontaneously act out problems of human relation
and analyse the enactment with the help of other
role players and observer.
-Neema Bhaskar-
Role playing is spontaneously acting out of
roles in the context as human relation and
It’s a part of 2 broad methods.
1. Socio drama
2. Psycho drama
It deals with interaction of people with
other individuals or groups.
E.g.: mother, nurse, reader etc
It always involves situation of more than one
person and deals with problems that are majority
of the group face in executing roles.
psycho drama:
Practised in a group setting mainly
concerned with the unique need and problem of a
particular individual. It should not be attempted
under the guidance of trained therapist.
1 min Brief note on HISTORY OF ROLE PLAY:
history of role The term role play is originally coined in the
play year 1920s by Jacob L.morens. a psychiatrist who
surmised patient gained more knowledge from
exploring their problems by acting them out then
talking about them
5 min Explain purpose PURPOSE OF ROLE PLAYING:
of role play • To develop specific skills.
• To develop a situation for analyse.
• To develop understanding of points of use
of others.
• Increasing student insight into typical ways
of dealing.
• To create awareness in the minds of
students which make the situation clear.
5 min Describe values VALUES OF ROLE PLAY:
of roleplay ❖ The actor really tries to feel the part of the
character he is portraying and the audience
get some kind of emotional involvement.
❖ It is enjoyed by people who do it.
❖ It also fulfils some of the very basics
principles of teaching learning process
such as learner involvement and intrinsic
❖ The involvement of the playing
participants can create both an emotional
and intellectual attachment to the subject
matter at hands.
❖ If a skilful teacher has accurately match the
situation to the needs of his group the
solving of realistic life problem can be
❖ Individual may develop new skills for
dealing with problem ibn human relation.
principles of ➢ As a teaching technique role playing is
role play based on the philosophy that meaning are
in people not in words or symbols.
➢ Creating a teaching situation which can
lead to the change of self-concept requires
a distinct organizational pattern.
➢ Should be flexible.
➢ Should be simulant to think and should not
be escape from disciplines of learning
➢ Requires rehearsal is an important feature
to produce effective outcome and an
audience to help player interpret their role.
➢ Should be able to analyse and evaluate
which is an essential element to gain
maximum, learning benefits.
➢ Should be done for a brief period.
5 min Discuss types of TYPES OF ROLE PLAYING:
roleplay 1. SOCIO DRAMA:
It deals with interaction of people with
other individual or group.
Eg; mother, nurse, teacher etc. it always
involves situation of more than one person
and deals with problem that a majority of
group fare in executing their roles.
Socio drama concern itself with
group issues. It is a group action method in
which participants act out an agreed upon
social situation spontaneously and discover
alternative way of dealing with the
It concerns itself with those aspect
of roles that we share with others and help
people to express their thoughts and
feelings, solve problem, and clarify values.
Unlike simple role-playing socio
drama employs many techniques to duper
and broaden the action of the enactment.
Practical in group setting mainly concerned
with the unique needs and problems of a
particular individual. It should not be
attempted except under guidance of trained
A psycho therapeutic technique
in which people are assigned roles to be
played spontaneously with in a dramatic
context devised by a therapist in order to
understand the behaviour of people with
whom they have difficult infraction.
Role play Can be used
for student;
1. Develop real communication skills in
leadership interviewing and social
interaction and obtain constructive feed
back from peers.
Eg: how to listen, how to lead a discussion.
2. Develop sensitivity to another’s felling by
having the opportunity to put oneself in
another’s place, by noting that there as a
difference between what a persons says
and what a person does and develop
empathy and understanding.
3. Develop skills in group problem solving
4. Develop ability to observe and analyse
For teacher:
In the teaching learning situation it provides her
with the opportunity to.
a. Note the individual students needs by
observing ad analysing her needs in a
simulated real life situation.
b. Assist the students in need in her own need
by either giving her or encouraging group
members in give her spot suggestion.
c. Encourage independent thinking and
o Role playing is a means not an end.
o It requires experts guidance and leadership.
o Sometimes participants may feel
o Used an education technique not as a
therapeutic one.
o Time consuming in developing group
readiness, should not be used where
pressure of time is present.
Point to be noted:
❖ There should never be one answer a
situation presented.
❖ The time of the play should be brief.
❖ Enough time should be allowed for
discussion and analysis of the situation.
❖ Evaluation concern the teacher and
participants through discussion or follow-
up as to specific individual behaviour or
sequential of group action.
10 min Enumerate steps STEPS IN ROLE PLAYING:
of roleplay o Select a problem for role playing:
The group leader who recognizes a
problem that can be used effectively and
suggested to the group.
The group can list problem on the black
board and decide which problem they want
to work out.
o Set up the role-playing scene:
The group should be coming to a clear
agreement on the chief objective to be
realized in the role play
The group work together with the leader
decide what character to be involved.
➢ The attitudes and personalities of
the character
➢ The setting of the story.
➢ The point on which story should
➢ The leader may brief the players on
the situation which they have
decided they want to portray the
leader may arbitrarily assign
individual to take the various role
of members may volunteers play
the different role.
➢ The players lines are never fixed
for just what the character thinks
his character would say in given
o Getting underway in the role playing
The player should be given sometimes to warmup
or to get the feeling of the roles they are about to
play specific names, other than their own should
be used to help them to get into their roles.
o Part the group players:
Those members not involved in the actual role-
playing act as a observer they may be assigned to
water particular role players or to look for
important cues which come out of roles playing.
o Cutting the role playing:
The leader may cut at point where enough action
has already occurred to provide a basis for
o After the role playing is act
Get immediate reaction of the role player use in
the discussion the role names of each person.
So that the player will not feel he is
being evaluated.
When role player succeed in really
projecting themselves into the roles assigned them,
they usually give during the discussion valuable is
the into the problem and provide additional
material for discussion.
o The audience observer
o The comments of the audience observe
constitute the least of the role playing as a
discussion technique.
o How did the group think the role was
o What are the good point of the action
o What were the poor points of commission.
o The role-playing scene:
the role might be played by different
people so that these might be a comparison of the
behaviours of different people
o Caution in the use of role playing;
❖ Use role play only if when it will be
useful not just for the sake of doing
❖ Be careful about the interpersonal
relationship with in the group.
❖ Avoid uncovering deep seated
personal problems. Which requires
professional help.
o Summarize
The leader sums up with the group the chief
point or principle which have come out in the
playing and the comment of the observe which
5 min Discuss the PROCESS OF ROLE PLAY
process of role Preparation
play ➢ Define the problem
➢ Create readiness for the roles
➢ Establish the situation
➢ Cast the character
➢ Brief and warm up
➢ Consider the training.
• Acting
• Stopping
• Involving the audience
• Analysing the discussion
• Evaluating
Specifically, role playing can be used to help
Describe the student.
uses of role play ➢ Develop real communication skills in
leadership, interviewing, and social
interaction and obtain constructive
feedback from peers
➢ Developed sensitivity to another’s feeling
by having the opportunity to put ones on in
another’s place.
➢ Develop the skills in school problem
Eg; the group work as a whole developed the
problem of concern to group to develop the
situation to identify critical issues and come to
some mutual agreement.
➢ Develop ability to observed and analyse
➢ Practice selected behaviour in a real-life
situation without the stress of making
Role playing helps the teacher.
o In the teaching learning situation to
provide her with the opportunity to note the
individual student needs by observing and
analysing her needs in a simulated real life
o Assist the student in meeting he owns needs
by either giving her or encouraging group
members to give her on the spot suggestion.
5 min o Encourage independent thinking and action
by stepping aside or giving indirect
Explain the guidance for emphasis is on the student
advantages of helping themselves.
role play Disadvantages
❖ Role playing is means not an end.
❖ It requires expert guidance and leadership.
❖ Sometimes participants may feel
❖ Strongly dependent on students
❖ Time consuming in group readiness
❖ Requires willing volunteers who would be
ready to act out.
Role play is a teaching learning form and
definition of role play, purpose , values, principles,
types of role playing steps in role playing process,
uses ad disadvantages of role playing.
Role play is useful for both teacher and
learner for developing skills involving emotions
and for encouragement of group work it is the
educational technique in which people
spontaneously act out problems of human relation
and analysis the exactment with the help of other
roleplays and observer.
Nina Bhaskar a text book a nursing education, 2nd
edition, emmes publication, Bangalore , (pg no
Shabir .p.basheer, a text book of nursing
education, 2nd edition , emmes publication, (


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