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Arawali Veterinary College, Sikar

Unit Test-IV (Veterinary Clinical Medicine-II), B. V. Sc. & A. H. - 4th Year

Topic: Combined (Metabolic/Production Diseases + Vitamins & Minerals Deficiency Diseases)
Course No: VMD-421 Date: 18.07.2014 Time: 1.5 hr MM: 50
Name: Roll No.:
Note: Attempt all questions.
Q. I. Define the followings. 30X1=30
1. Biot’s spot

2. Keratomalacia

3. Amblyopia

4. Nyctalopia

5. Night blindness

6. Osteomalacia

7. Ricket

8. White muscle disease

9. Piglet anaemia

10. Polioencephalomalacia

11. Pine

12. ‘Peat scours’ and ‘teart’

13. ‘Neonatal ataxia’ and ‘Sway back’

14. ‘Achromotrichia’

15. Spectacle disease

16. Falling disease

17. Parakeratosis

18. Pernicious anemia

19. Megaloblastic anaemia

20. Stiff lamb disease

21. Nutritional myopathy

22. Mulberry disease

23. Yellow fat disease

24. Goitrogenic substances

25. Goitre

26. Azoturia

27. Downer cow syndrome

28. Malignant hyperthermia

29. Parturient paresis/Milk fever/Hypocalcaemia

30. Production diseases

Q. II. Write short notes on any ten (10) of the followings. 10X2=20

1. Vitamin A deficiency diseases

2. Vitamin D deficiency diseases

3. Vitamin B complex deficiency diseases

4. Porcine stress syndrome (PSS)

5. Baby pig disease

6. Pregnancy toxaemia

7. Fatty cow syndrome

8. Hypomagnesaemic tetany/Lactation tetany

9. Monday morning disease

10. Ketosis and four clinical forms of ketosis

11. Eclampsia in bitches

12. Post Parturient Haemoglobinuria


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