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Effect of CHO Loading Patterns on Running


Article in International Journal of Sports Medicine · August 2008

DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-989265 · Source: PubMed


9 384

6 authors, including:

Chen Yajun Stephen H Wong

Sun Yat-Sen University The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Chun Kwok Wong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Chun Kwok Wong
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598 Nutrition

Effect of CHO Loading Patterns on Running


Authors Y. Chen 1, S. H. S. Wong 1, X. XU 2, X. Hao 2, C. K. Wong 3, C. W. Lam 3

Affiliations Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
College of Sports Science and Physical Education, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China
Department of Chemical Pathology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong

Key words Abstract and low GL (LL); and 31%, 79, and 227 for the
" glycemic index
l ! high GI and low GL (HL), respectively]. There
" glycemic load
l This study examined the influence of 3-day iso- were no differences in the time to complete the
" run performance
" metabolism
energetic carbohydrate (CHO) loading with dif- 10-km run between the two high-CHO trials;
ferent glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load however, the performance in the LL trial was im-
(GL) meals on running performance and meta- proved as compared to that in the HL trial (mean
bolic responses. With a randomized crossover ± SEM: HH vs. LL vs. HL: 51.3 ± 5.3 vs. 48.6 ± 1.3 vs.
design, nine male runners performed a 1-h run 55.3 ± 6.9 min). It appears that the amount,
at 70% V̇O2max followed by a 10-km performance rather than the nature, of the CHO consumed
run after a 3-day diet adaptation, which involved during the 3-day isoenergetic CHO loading may
different GI and GL meals [CHO intake (%), GI, and be the most overriding factor on subsequent me-
GL per day were 73%, 80, and 553 for the high GI tabolism and endurance run performance.
and high GL (HH); 73%, 36, and 249 for the low GI

Introduction ability in the absolute glycemic response to foods

! and also reflects the rate of digestion and absorp-
The onset of fatigue during prolonged exercise is tion of a CHO-rich food. In addition, the glycemic
associated with the depletion of the body’s load (GL) was first proposed in 1997 by Salmeron
stored muscle glycogen [11]. For this reason, and co-workers as the measure which incorpo-
there has been great interest over the years in rates both the quantity and quality of the dietary
the nutritional means of increasing the supply of CHO consumed [21].
exogenous carbohydrate (CHO) both before and Some studies have indicated that a low GI (LGI)
accepted after revision during exercise. Carbohydrate loading is known meal may have potential benefits over a high GI
August 25, 2007 to produce an increase in stored muscle glycogen, (HGI) meal when considering a high CHO intake
and this practice has been found to correlate pos- prior to exercise because of the promotion of sus-
itively with performance during submaximal ex- tained CHO availability during exercise [25, 30].
DOI 10.1055/s-2007-989265
Published online Nov. 14, 2007 ercise events lasting over 90 min [10], even In comparison to a number of studies that have
Int J Sports Med 2008; 29: though the factors affecting glycogen kinetics examined the application of a pre-exercise CHO
598 – 606 © Georg Thieme and the underlying mechanism are not com- GI meal [25, 27, 30], the concept of GL is less
Verlag KG Stuttgart • New York • pletely understood. During the last decade, the studied directly in sports nutrition and is primar-
ISSN 0172-4622
most commonly used method for CHO loading ily applied in epidemiological research [16, 21,
Correspondence was from either the 3-day classical or the modi- 26]. Furthermore, GL is derived by multiplying
Prof. Stephen H. S. Wong fied regimen [7, 23]. the amount of available CHO consumed in the
The Chinese University of
Hong Kong Carbohydrate can be functionally classified ac- diet by its GI value. Therefore, GL can be reduced
Department of Sports Science cording to the extent to which it increases blood by lessening either the CHO intake or the dietary
and Physical Education glucose levels. This leads to the concept of glyce- GI. Although both of these approaches reduce
G02, Kwok Sports Building,
Shatin, Hong Kong mic index (GI), which is a ranking of foods based acute plasma glucose and insulin responses [15],
852 Hong Kong on their actual postprandial blood glucose re- their effect on metabolic and physiological re-
China sponse as compared to a reference food, either sponses during exercise is still unclear. A latest
Phone: + 85 2 26 09 60 95
Fax: + 85 2 26 03 57 81 glucose or white bread [16]. This index counters study in our laboratory [8] observed that the in- the problem of considerable interindividual vari- gestion of mixed isoenergetic meals with an

Chen Y et al. Effect of CHO … Int J Sports Med 2008; 29: 598 – 606
Nutrition 599

Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the experi-

mental procedures.

equal GL 2 h before exercise, regardless of their differences in GI sponses regardless of their difference in GI and CHO content,
and CHO content, produces similar glycemic and insulin re- and (2) that as compared to a HGI diet with an equal amount of
sponses and other metabolic changes during the postprandial CHO, a 3-day CHO loading with a LGI meal would result in an at-
period and during exercise. However, there is little information, tenuated metabolic response to exercise and an improved run-
if any, on the short-term adaptation to the effects of the meals ning performance.
with different GI and GL on subsequent metabolic responses.
Although the above-mentioned CHO loading regimens can ele-
vate muscle glycogen content to levels of 160 – 200 mmol • kg–1 Methods
wet mass, it is important to note that none of the studies from !
the original/modified regimen has attempted to establish Subjects
whether or not the CHO type (GI) ingested in the CHO loading Nine healthy male runners (age: 20.1 ± 0.8 years; body mass:
period might influence the supercompensation status and sub- 64.8 ± 5.0 kg; V̇O2max: 61.9 ± 2.9 ml • kg–1 • min–1) were recruited
sequent endurance performance [7]. Thus, the purpose of this for this study. Ethical approval was obtained from the Clinical
study was to investigate the influence of 3-day CHO loading with Research Ethical Committee of the University. Written informed
different GI and GL meals on running performance and subse- consents were collected from all the subjects. They were also re-
quent metabolic responses. To prevent consuming more time, quired to complete medical history questionnaires and provide
some modified CHO-loading protocols started the regimen with details of their running ability. None of the subjects had a history
a high-CHO diet while ceasing or tapering-down exercise [7]. of diabetes mellitus.
However, muscle biopsy studies showed that when glycogen
concentrations are decreased to 66 – 70 mmol • kg–1 wet wt, gly- Experimental design
cogen synthesis activity increases rapidly [3]. Upon CHO loading, With a counterbalanced crossover design, subjects completed
competitive athletes generally prefer moderate training to rest three different standardized preloaded treadmill performance
out of concern that detraining may occur and offset the potential runs. The procedure involved a 3-day CHO loading with different
benefits of supercompensated muscle glycogen [19]. Conversely, GI and GL meals after a 1-h exhaustive run, followed by a stan-
a high-intensity, exhaustive prolonged exercise and CHO loading dardized preloaded exercise protocol, i.e., 1-h preloaded con-
will prevent muscle glycogen supercompensation [24]. It has stant run at 70% V̇O2max (T1), and a 10-km time trial (TT)
been reported that 20 min of moderate exercise could be per- (l
" Fig. 1). The pretrial preload allows for achievement of a

formed daily throughout the CHO loading protocol without neg- “steady state”, which may be advantageous to researchers mea-
atively affecting muscle glycogen supercompensation [13]. Thus, suring gas exchanges. Furthermore, this 1-h run also allows for a
the present study designed a modified CHO loading protocol lowering of endogenous substrate stores, i.e., muscle glycogen,
with a 1-h exhaustive exercise before the CHO loading for glyco- before a TT performance test, and this type of testing has been
gen depletion and a 20-min light training during the CHO load- suggested to be a relatively reproducible method when mea-
ing for the maintenance of metabolic adaptations acquired sured in endurance-trained runners, which is important for re-
through endurance training. search assessing the effect of diet on endurance running per-
It was hypothesized that (1) a 3-day CHO loading with an equal formance [9, 25]. After performing a glycogen-depletion exer-
GL diet would produce similar glycemic and metabolic re- cise, the subjects were randomly assigned to one of the three tri-

Chen Y et al. Effect of CHO … Int J Sports Med 2008; 29: 598 – 606
600 Nutrition

sequent two days in the CHO loading period, all the subjects
Table 1 Nutritional protocol (for a 70-kg subject)
were required to perform light exercise training, i.e., 20-min
Trials High GI, Low GI, High GI, run at 70% V̇O2max on a treadmill. On day 4, the subjects began
High GL Low GL Low GL the standardized exercise protocol after the test breakfast. All
(HH) (LL) (HL) the last breakfast foods (each regimen started from the lunch
Fat (g/day) (%) 60 (14) 62 (14) 205 (49) on day 1 and ended at the breakfast on day 4) in the main trial
Protein (g/day) (%) 126 (13) 124 (13) 198 (21) had to be consumed within 15 to 20 min. The subjects remained
CHO (g/day) (%) 701 (73) 699 (73) 284 (30) seated in a quiet area of the laboratory, and their activity level
GI 80 36 79 was minimal. Blood glucose concentration and the perceived
GL (GI × CHO [g]/100) 553 249 227
rating of gut fullness were recorded throughout the 2-h post-
Calorie (kcal/day) 3838 3830 3822
prandial period at specific time points (i.e., 15, 30, 45, 60, 90,
Note: Because the GL is a calculated indicator that incorporates the quantity and and 120 min after the test meal). These blood glucose assess-
quality of the CHO [GI × CHO (g)/100], an isocaloric diet with a low GI (< 45) and high ments were made using finger-prick sampling and were a sepa-
GL (LH) is practically unfeasible.
rate measurement from the venous blood sampling measure-
ments indicated in l " Fig. 1.

A standardized 5-min warm-up at 60 % V̇O2max was performed

als, namely, high GI, high GL (HH), low GI, low GL (LL), and high after the 2-h resting period. The treadmill speed was increased
GI, low GL (HL), in the following three days (l
" Table 1). Each trial to that required to elicit 70% V̇O2max immediately following the
was separated by at least seven days. warm-up. T1 required the subjects to run at a fixed 70% V̇O2max
for 1 h [32]. During the TT, the subjects could change their
Preliminary test speeds ad libitum and were required to run as quickly as possible
After familiarizing the subjects with treadmill running and the to complete the 10-km distance. To ensure maximal effort dur-
experimental procedures, they were required to undertake a se- ing the 10-km performance run, strong verbal encouragement
ries of preliminary tests before the main trials, which included a was given to the participants throughout the run solely by the
speed-V̇O2 test, a V̇O2max test, and a speed-lactate test, through chief experimenter, who was unaware of the treatments. Dis-
which the speeds of corresponding %V̇O2max were determined. tilled water intake was not restricted throughout the exercise
All the air samples were analyzed by a metabolic cart system and the 2-h recovery period.
(MAX-1 Physio-Dyne, Quogue, NY, USA). Before the main trials, Throughout each exercise test, expired air samples were col-
the postprandial glycemic responses of the subjects were as- lected and analyzed at 20-min intervals during the 1-h run at
sessed during a screening session to ensure that they responded 70% V̇O2max (T1), at 2.5-km intervals during the 10-km TT, and
normally to the prescribed test meals [12, 25]. at 1-h intervals during the 2-h recovery. From the V̇O2 and
V̇CO2 values collected, the substrate oxidation rates and the total
Dietary analyses and training control CHO and fat oxidized were estimated using the stoichiometric
Each subject was required to have a 3-day food diary record be- equations [18]. Heart rate (HR) was monitored continuously us-
fore the 3-day adaptation to the diets with different GI/GL and to ing a HR monitor (Sport Tester PE 4000, Polar Electro, Kempele,
repeat the same diet before each main trial in order to minimize Finland) and recorded throughout the experimental trials. Rat-
the variation in muscle and liver glycogen concentrations. In or- ings of perceived exertion (RPE), ratings of abdominal discom-
der to maintain a euhydration condition before each experimen- fort (AD), and perceived thirst (PT) were also obtained [25].
tal test, the subjects were instructed to drink approximately At each time point in the premeal, 1-h pre-exercise (– 60 min),
500 ml of water the night before they reported to the laboratory. immediately before exercise (Pre-Ex: 0 min), 20-min intervals
In order to exclude any residual effects of previous exercise on during T1, 5-km interval during the 10-km TT, and the first
the experimental treatment, they were also required to refrain (Post-60 min) and second (Post-120 min) hour in the recovery,
from strenuous exercise and consumption of alcohol or caffeine 5-ml venous blood samples were drawn from an antecubital
24 h prior to each main trial. vein into evacuated collection tubes (Vacutainer; Becton Dickin-
son, Mountain View, CA, USA) and then were stored at – 70 8C for
Prescribed GI/GL meals later measurement of serum insulin (Insulin ELISA, Mercodia,
All meals of the three trials were planned by a registered dieti- Sweden), serum free fatty acid (FA 115 kit, Randox Laboratories
cian from the Hong Kong Sports Institute and were prepared by Ltd., Crumlin, UK), and serum glycerol (GY 105 kit, Randox Labo-
the same person. The HH and LL trials provided 10.0 g • kg–1 BM of ratories Ltd., Crumlin, UK) concentrations by using commercially
available CHO per day, whereas the HL trial provided only available kits.
4.0 g • kg–1 BM of available CHO per day. The water content of all The data were examined using a two-factor (trial × time of mea-
meals was standardized so that each provided equal fluid. In or- surement) ANOVA with repeated measures design. Any signifi-
der to avoid the occurrence of bias, the specific purpose related cant F ratios were assessed using the post hoc Tukey test, where
to the GI/GL foods and the weight of the food was not disclosed appropriate, to locate any significant difference. All data were
to the subjects. The detailed contents of the meals used in the 3- presented as a mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM), with
day CHO loading are shown in l " Table 2. the significance set at p < 0.05. The effect size (ES) was also esti-
mated for the strength of meaningfulness of the treatment ef-
Experimental procedures fects.
On the first day of the CHO loading protocol, the subjects com-
pleted a 1-h exhaustive exercise, which consisted of a 30-min
run at 80 % V̇O2max, followed by a further 30-min run at 70%
V̇O2max, in order to reduce the muscle glycogen [2]. On the sub-

Chen Y et al. Effect of CHO … Int J Sports Med 2008; 29: 598 – 606
Nutrition 601

Table 2 Three meals used in the 3-day CHO loading (for a 70-kg subject)

D1 252 g white bread + 84 g white bread + 350 g macaroni (cooked) +
10 g margarine + 20 g margarine + 10 g lean ham +
350 ml soy milk + 50 g raw whole egg + 74 g tomato sauce +
65 g cornflakes cereal + 134 g egg white + 114 g sponge cake +
500 ml orange juice + 45 g lean ham + 400 g spaghetti +
10 g white sugar + 180 g beef sirloin + 500 ml Fanta orange soda +
900 g white rice (cooked) + 142 g iceberg lettuce + 71 g ground beef +
100 g beef sirloin (lean) + 110 g banana + 200 g apple +
113 g bok choy + 90 g cashew nuts + 74 g raw egg white +
500 ml apple juice (canned) + cornflakes cereal + 250 g bok choy +
25 g strawberry jam + 500 ml soy milk + 550 ml apple juice (canned) +
250 ml lemon tea + 425 g white rice (cooked) + 330 g rice noodle +
4 tsp sugar (20 g) + 180 g pork loin chop with lean and fat + 300 g low-fat fruit yoghurt +
100 g chicken breast without skin + 142 g choy sum + 60 g chicken breast without skin +
113 g choy sum + 150 g watermelon + 150 g grapes
250 g grapes 500 ml lemon tea with total 7 tsp sugar (35 g)
D2 252 g white bread + 84 g white bread + 60 g Kellogg’s all bran cereal +
90 g salmon + 33 g margarine + 300 ml soy milk+
300 ml soy milk + 200 g salmon + 20 g sugar +
60 g cornflakes cereal + 100 g egg white + 120 g banana +
500 ml pineapple juice + 70 g lean ham + 250 ml orange juice +
15 g white sugar + 142 g iceberg lettuce + 400 g rice noodle +
800 g white rice (cooked) + 100 g banana + 85 g salmon +
300 g watermelon + 95 g cashew nuts + 200 g choy sum +
114 g spinach (raw) + 60 g tofu + 250 ml lemon tea +
550 ml Coca-Cola classic + 300 ml soy milk + 3 tsp sugar (15 g) +
15 g strawberry jam + 460 g white rice (cooked) + 131 g orange +
20 g peanut butter + 180 g chicken meat without skin + 57 g blueberry muffin +
100 g chicken breast without skin + 142 g choy sum + 500 ml apple juice +
113 g choy sum + 100 g watermelon + 400 g spaghetti, +
150 g banana 250 ml lemon tea with 3 tsp sugar (15 g)+ 90 g lean pork loin chop +
100 g low fat fruit yoghurt 113 g lettuce +
152 g kiwi fruit +
700 ml Coca-Cola classic +
250 g low-fat fruit yoghurt
D3 252 g white bread + 126 g white bread + 350 g macaroni (cooked) +
10 g margarine + 35 g margarine + 30 g lean ham +
90 g beef sirloin (lean) + 50 g raw whole egg + 60 g lean beef sirloin +
350 ml soy milk + 67 g egg white + 76 g sponge cake +
60 g cornflakes cereal + 60 g corned beef + 425 g spaghetti +
500 ml orange juice + 180 g beef sirloin + 500 ml orange juice +
5 g white sugar + 142 g bok choy + 113 g iceberg lettuce +
800 g white rice (cooked) + 200 g apple + 200 g apple +
250 g watermelon + 75 g peanuts + 67 g raw egg white +
113 g spinach (raw) + 300 ml soy milk + 113 g raw spinach +
500 ml gatorade + 25 g sugar + 510 g white rice (cooked) + 100 g yam +
113 g choy sum + 171 g pork loin chop with lean and fat + 260 g rice noodle +
10 g strawberry jam + 142 g choy sum + 100 g low-fat fruit yoghurt +
374 g canned peach + 250 ml lemon tea with 3 tsp sugar (15 g) 60 g chicken breast without skin +
150 g banana + 200 g grapes +
250 ml lemon tea + 250 ml lemon water with 4 tsp sugar (20 g)
3 tsp sugar (15 g) +
100 g chicken breast without skin +
550 ml Coca-Cola classic

Results at the same hydration status and under similar environmental

! conditions.
In the three trials, the body mass in Day 1 (pre-depletion) (HH The resting body mass did not change after the 3-day dietary
vs. HL vs. LL: 64.8 ± 5.4 vs. 64.8 ± 4.7 vs. 64.9 ± 5.1 kg), the labora- treatments with the high-CHO meal (HH: 64.8 ± 5.4 kg vs. 64.9 ±
tory temperature (HH vs. LL vs. HL: 22.0 ± 1.5 vs. 21.2 ± 1.1 vs. 5.6 kg for Day 1 and pre-Ex; LL: 64.8 ± 4.7 kg vs. 64.8 ± 5.2 kg for
21.7 ± 2.2), and relative humidity (HH vs. LL vs. HL: 64.2 ± 2.4% Day 1 and pre-Ex) and light training. However, body mass de-
vs. 62.9 ± 3.5% vs. 66.1 ± 2.7%) in Day 4 (pre-exercise) were not creased (p < 0.05) when the subjects ate the low-CHO diet (HL:
different, indicating that the subjects started all the experiments 64.9 ± 5.1 kg vs. 64.6 ± 5.6 kg for Day 1 and pre-Ex) with light

Chen Y et al. Effect of CHO … Int J Sports Med 2008; 29: 598 – 606
602 Nutrition

Table 3 Total CHO oxidation and fat oxidation before, during, and after exercise in the H-H, L-L, and H-L trials (n = 9, mean ± SEM)

Trial Total CHO oxidized (g) Total fat oxidized (g)

Postprandial Exercise Recovery Postprandial Exercise Recovery
HH 34.12 ± 6.17 251.40 ± 16.59 36.15 ± 4.09 12.57 ± 1.55 27.44 ± 5.19 15.62 ± 3.02
LL 32.59 ± 7.15 245.25 ± 11.36 35.29 ± 7.71 13.05 ± 1.83 29.64 ± 6.26 16.57 ± 4.18
HL 26.74 ± 8.11a 218.89 ± 10.00a 30.00 ± 5.64 14.81 ± 3.56 37.22 ± 3.15a 14.31 ± 3.75
p < 0.01 from H-H and L-L

Table 4 Heart rate, rate of perceived exertion (RPE), abdominal discomfort (AD), and perceived thirst (PT) before, during, and after exercise during H-H, L-L, and
H-L trials (n = 9, mean ± SEM)

Pre- 20 min 40 min 60 min 2.5-km 5-km 7.5-km 10-km Post- Post-
meal 60 min 120 min
Heart rate (beats • min–1)
" HH 61 ± 3 169 ± 3a 169 ± 3a 170 ± 3a 172 ± 2a 180 ± 3a 182 ± 3a 187 ± 2a 75 ± 5 68 ± 2
" LL 59 ± 3 164 ± 2a 164 ± 2a 166 ± 2 a 168 ± 3a 180 ± 2a 181 ± 2a 191 ± 2a 78 ± 2 73 ± 4
" HL 63 ± 5 163 ± 3a 169 ± 2a 171 ± 2 a 171 ± 4a 175 ± 3a 178 ± 2a 180 ± 2a 84 ± 5 66 ± 2
" HH 6±0 11 ± 1a 12 ± 1a 13 ± 1 a 15 ± 0a 15 ± 1a 16 ± 0a 17 ± 1a 7±0 6±0
" LL 6±0 10 ± 1a 11 ± 1a 13 ± 1 a 15 ± 1a 15 ± 1a 16 ± 1a 17 ± 1a 8±0 6±0
" HL 6±0 10 ± 1a 12 ± 1a 13 ± 1 a 15 ± 0a 15 ± 1a 17 ± 1a 17 ± 1a 8±0 7±0
" HH 0.8 ± 0.2 2.3 ± 0.4 2.2 ± 0.4a 2.6 ± 0.4 a 2.9 ± 0.4a 2.6 ± 0.4a 3.8 ± 0.5a 3.6 ± 0.3a 0.6 ± 0.6 0.5 ± 0.2
" LL 0.6 ± 0.5 2.6 ± 0.2a 3.1 ± 0.5a,b 3.8 ± 0.4a,b 3.8 ± 0.6a,b 4.4 ± 0.5a,b 4.4 ± 0.9a 4.8 ± 0.5a,b 0.6 ± 0.7 0.6 ± 0.3
" HL 0.3 ± 0.4 2.1 ± 0.9a 2.9 ± 0.3a 3.6 ± 0.5a,b 3.4 ± 0.5a 5.0 ± 0.3a,b 5.6 ± 0.8a,b 5.8 ± 0.6a,b 0.9 ± 0.4 0.5 ± 0.4
" HH 1 ± 0.4 3 ± 0.3a 4 ± 0.2a 4 ± 0.3 a 4 ± 0.5a 4 ± 0.5a 4 ± 0.3a 4 ± 0.6a 2 ± 0.4 1 ± 0.1
" LL 1 ± 0.2 4 ± 0.3a 4 ± 0.3a 5 ± 0.4 a 5 ± 0.3a 5 ± 0.5a 5 ± 0.5a 5 ± 0.5a 2 ± 0.4 1 ± 0.2
" HL 1 ± 0.1 4 ± 0.4a 5 ± 0.5a 5 ± 0.3 a 5 ± 0.4a 5 ± 0.4a 5 ± 0.4a 5 ± 0.5a 2 ± 0.5 1 ± 0.4
p < 0.01 from pre-meal; b p < 0.05 from H-H

There were no differences in the time to complete the 10-km run Blood glucose
between the two high-CHO trials (HH vs. LL: 51.3 ± 5.3 vs. The 2-h incremental area under the blood glucose curve after the
48.6 ± 1.3 min, p = 0.127). However, the performance in the LL tri- last breakfast was about 1.5 times larger in the HH trial than in
al was improved as compared to that in the HL trial (LL vs. HL: the LL and HL trials (HH vs. LL vs. HL: 164.3 ± 6.2 vs. 110.4 ± 6.0 vs.
48.6 ± 1.3 vs. 55.3 ± 6.9 min, p < 0.05). 101.4 ± 6.4 mmol • L–1 • min–1, p < 0.01). Higher blood glucose con-
Average RER values were higher in the two high-CHO trials (HH centrations were observed in the two high-CHO trials (HH and
and LL) compared with the low-CHO trial (HL) (p < 0.05) LL) during the exercise and the recovery period (p < 0.05) com-
" Fig. 4) before exercise. The average RER values were mostly pared with that in the low-CHO trial (HL) (l " Fig. 2).

higher in the HH trial compared with those in the HL trial

throughout the experimental period, except for the initial period Serum insulin
of T1. However, there were no differences between the two high- Serum insulin concentrations peaked at 60 min after consump-
CHO trials. tion of the test meals in all trials and then decreased gradually
During the 2-h postprandial period, the total CHO oxidation was towards the end of the exercise period. Just prior to exercise,
lower (p < 0.05) in the HL trial than in the two high-CHO trials. the plasma insulin concentrations in the HH trial were still high-
During exercise, the total CHO oxidation remained lower er (p < 0.05) than the premeal value and that of the other two
(p < 0.05) in the HL trial, with a compensatory increase in fat ox- low-GL trials (LL and HL). No differences in the plasma insulin
idation (p < 0.05) as compared to that in the HH and LL trials values were observed throughout the exercise and recovery pe-
" Table 3). There were no differences in CHO and fat oxidation
(l riod among the three trials (l" Fig. 3).

between the two high-CHO trials (HH and LL). The overall energy
expenditure in the three trials was similar irrespective of their Serum NEFA and glycerol
difference in substrate oxidation (data not shown). Serum non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) (l " Fig. 5) and serum

There were no differences in HR, RPE, and PT at any time points glycerol concentrations (l Fig. 6) were greater before exercise

among the three trials (l " Table 4). The AD ratings were higher after the 3-day dietary treatments and light training in the low-
(p < 0.05) during exercise in the three trials compared to rest, CHO trial (HL) than in the two high-CHO trials (HH and LL)
while they were lower (p < 0.05) in the HH trial at the later stage (p < 0.05). The NEFA concentrations increased at the onset of
of T1 and during the 10-km TT than that in the HL and LL trials. the exercise and were greater starting from the 60-min point of
T1 to the end of the 2-h recovery in the HL trial compared with
those in the HH and LL trials (p < 0.05). Similar to the NEFA, the

Chen Y et al. Effect of CHO … Int J Sports Med 2008; 29: 598 – 606
Nutrition 603

Fig. 2 Blood glucose concentrations (mmol • L–1)

before, during, and after exercise in the HH, LL and
HL trials (n = 9; mean ± SEM). a: p < 0.01 from Pre-
meal; b: p < 0.01 from HL; c: p < 0.01 from HH.

Fig. 3 Serum insulin concentrations (mU • L–1) be-

fore, during, and after exercise in the HH, LL, and
HL trials (n = 9; mean ± SEM). a: p < 0.01 from Pre-
meal; b: p < 0.01 from HL; c: p < 0.01 from HH.

Fig. 4 Respiratory exchange rate (RER) before,

during, and after exercise during the HH,LL, and HL
trials (n = 9; mean ± SEM). a: p < 0.05 from HH;
b: p < 0.05 from HL.

Chen Y et al. Effect of CHO … Int J Sports Med 2008; 29: 598 – 606
604 Nutrition

Fig. 5 Serum NFFA concentrations (mmol • L–1)

before, during, and after exercise in the HH, LL, and
HL trials (n = 9; mean ± SEM). a: p < 0.01 from Pre-
meal; b: p < 0.01 from HL; c: p < 0.01 from HH.

Fig. 6 Serum glycerol concentrations (mmol • L–1)

before, during, and after exercise in the HH, LL and
HL trials (n = 9; mean ± SEM). a: p < 0.01 from Pre-
meal; b: p < 0.01 from HL; c: p < 0.01 from HH.

serum glycerol concentrations were higher in the HL trial than and insulinemic responses, pattern of substrate availability in
those in the HH and LL trials throughout the exercise (p < 0.05). plasma, substrate utilization, and Pre-Ex CHO status, only be-
However, there were no differences for both serum NEFA and se- tween the high CHO (HH and LL) and low-CHO trials (HL).
rum glycerol concentrations between the HH and LL trials Despite the lack of a measurement of muscle glycogen by biopsy
throughout the experiments. or MRS, the pre-exercise CHO status could also be assessed indi-
rectly via such indications as changes in body mass and the sub-
Blood lactate strate availability in plasma. The loss of body mass during the 3-
The blood lactate concentrations during exercise were higher day CHO loading in the low-CHO trial (HL) probably represented
than the pre-exercise value in all trials (p < 0.01). Higher blood the loss of water that had been stored by the liver, and muscle
lactate concentrations were observed in the two high-CHO trials glycogen. Although the Pre-Ex blood glucose concentrations
(HH and LL) at the end of the 10-km TT compared with the low- were similar among the three trials, lower mean glucose values,
CHO trial (HL) (p < 0.05) (l
" Fig. 7). i.e., 3.32 mmol • L–1 at the end of 10-km TT and 3.26 mmol • L–1
during the 1-h recovery, were observed in the HL trial, which
was comparable to that typically associated with fatigue en-
Discussion countered at the end of an endurance exercise [11]. In addition,
! higher NEFA and glycerol concentrations during the 2-h post-
The major finding of this study was that there were no differ- prandial period and the whole experiment period appeared to
ences in the time to complete a preloaded 10-km TT between be a reduced CHO availability in the HL trial.
the two high–CHO trials (HH and LL). However, the performance The relative contribution of CHO and fat as fuel for working
in the LL trial was improved as compared to that in the HL trial. muscles is largely dependent on exercise intensity and duration
The results also indicated that a 3-day CHO loading with differ- [29]. In the present study, there were no differences in the RPE,
ent GI and GL meals and daily light training altered the glycemic HR, and V̇O2 responses throughout the exercise period among

Chen Y et al. Effect of CHO … Int J Sports Med 2008; 29: 598 – 606
Nutrition 605

Fig. 7 Blood lactate concentrations (mmol • L–1)

before, during, and after exercise in the HH, LL and
HL trials (n = 9; mean ± SEM). a: p < 0.01 from Pre-
meal; b: p < 0.01 from HL; c: p < 0.01 from HH.

the three trials, which indicates that the subjects were running It has been suggested that muscle glycogenolysis is not affected
at a similar physical exertion level for each trial. However, higher by pre-exercise CHO ingestion if the reduction in fat oxidation
NEFA availability, higher fat oxidation, and lower blood glucose due to hyperinsulinemia is offset by the increase in muscle glu-
values were still observed in the low-CHO trial compared with cose uptake and subsequent oxidation [3]. However, if the in-
those in the two high-CHO trials (HH and LL). Without consider- crease in muscle glucose uptake is not as large as the insulin-
ing the GI or GL value of the meals, these results were similar to mediated decline in fat oxidation, muscle glycogen utilization
previous studies in which increased fat oxidation during exercise may be augmented [3]. A recent study suggested that the inges-
in response to short-term (3 days) or long-term (> 7 days) con- tion of an HGI meal increased muscle glycogen storage at rest
sumption of a low-CHO diet was observed [22]. It seems that in- but augmented its utilization during subsequent exercise as
creased plasma fatty acid availability is responsible for the in- compared to an isoenergetic LGI meal [31]. In relation to this,
crease in fat oxidation in response to low-CHO diets both at rest Burke et al. [6] observed that consuming an HGI meal during a
and during exercise [20]. However, Schrauwen et al. [22] and 24-h recovery period from prolonged heavy exercise resulted in
Bosher et al. [4] reported that the fat and CHO oxidation were higher muscle glycogen resynthesis as compared to an isoener-
not affected despite the difference in the concentrations of glu- getic LGI diet. However, improved endurance performance and
cose, insulin, and NEFA after endurance or resistance exercise improved recovery from prolonged exercise were observed fol-
following ingestion of high-CHO or high-fat diets. Therefore, the lowing the consumption of LGI meals compared with the results
increased fat oxidation after the low-CHO loading in the HL trial following the isoenergetic HGI meals in the 24-h recovery period
may be due to the contribution of plasma TG or intramuscular [27]. It seems that the effect of pre-exercise CHO loading with
triglyceride (IMTG). This notion may be supported to some ex- different GI and GL is a mixed phenomenon in the present study.
tent by findings from studies that long-term adaptation to Although the 2-h incremental area under the blood glucose
high-fat diets increase the capacity of muscle for plasma triglyc- curve after the last breakfast was larger in the HH trial than
eride (TG) uptake by increasing lipoprotein lipase activity and those in the LL and HL trials as predicted [12], higher blood glu-
IMTG storages [14], whereas high-CHO diets increase stored cose concentrations were similarly observed in the two high-
muscle glycogen [14]. However, it could not be determined if a CHO trials (HH and LL) during the exercise and recovery period.
similar “adaptation” to high-fat diets in the “long-term adapta- The HH meal had a GI of 80 and a GL of 553 per day, compared
tion” to a high-fat diet had occurred in the HL trial in our present with the LL meals with a GI of 36 and a GL of 249 per day in the
study after the 3-day low-CHO loading. present study; however, there was no difference in the glycemic,
A higher blood lactate concentration immediately after exercise insulinemic, and lipolytic responses between the two high-CHO
in the two high-CHO trials (HH and LL) might suggest that CHO trials throughout the exercise and recovery period. Similar re-
loading in the high-CHO trials had increased glycogenolysis, per- sults have been reported from other studies which suggested an
haps by the greater utilization of muscle glycogen. Previously, almost similar muscle glycogen synthesis rate after the con-
studies have reported that higher lactate levels were observed sumption of an HGI or LGI diet with large amounts of CHO pro-
after CHO loading compared with normal or depressed glycogen vided [17, 28].
levels [1], indicating that glycogen levels influence its utilization After the last HH breakfast in the present study, the plasma glu-
during exercise. It has also been shown that when lactate and cose concentrations at 20 min during exercise were lower than
glucose are infused simultaneously during exercise, lactate turn- those in the LL trial, which was probably the result of higher in-
over exceeds that of glucose, indicating that muscle glycogen sulin concentrations at Pre-Ex. It has been well established that
provides most of the CHO oxidized during exercise [5]. the pre-exercise ingestion of an HGI CHO produces immediate

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606 Nutrition

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