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Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover

Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover

Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover

Tablet Eliminating Completely Any

Alcohol Hangover

Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover


INFORMATION, GENERAL ..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

0.1 Basic information............................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
0.2 Summary............................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
PROJECT .................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. History of invention ............................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
1B. Setting a dosage, getting to know the work of the substance and other ............ Error! Bookmark not defined.
1C. Description of the product ................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
1D. Costs of the product, its production and safety ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
1E. Receivers ........................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
INTRODUCTION TO THE MARKETPLACE .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
2A. Acquiring patents .............................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
2B. Import of the material and production............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
2C. Other ................................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
OTHER ........................................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
3A. Profits................................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
3B. Author experience, note .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3C. End information ................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover


0.1 | Basic information

Name Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover
Inventor Andrzej Jęziorski
Location Sikorskiego 10/22
87-600 Lipno
Contact +48 570 425 996 / e-mail:

Development stage Finished, completely tested and working produkt (prototype),

currently ready to be introduced to the marketplace.

0.2 | Summary

Product is a tablet, that taken with the start of drinking any amount of alcohol – causes lack of any side
effects of ‘alcohol hangover’ symptoms on the day after1 (lack of psychical breakdown combined with lack of
physical one, also with the disappearance of the symptoms from stomach and headache).

In essence, product works on everyone and eliminates in reality 100% symptoms of alcohol hangover in everyone
(dehydration isn’t a symptom of hangover, despite the result of lack of water: which would be replenished on the
next day).

1 In 89% testes, from group of 15 people. In the leftover from the tested there was only a heartburn (for which the cause could be
a GMO-based product that was consumed like vodka on corn, potato/ beer that has no ingredients shown on label – ie. mixed
from corn/rice/barley where both first: GMO’s [Genetically Modified Organisms], possibly).

Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover


1. History of invention

Author from born, was suffering on a closer unspecified and not-to-be-able to explain symptoms, that were for him a
suspicion and test for self-made curing (as the doctors couldn’t identify the cause and provide any help). In the time
of 3 years, he developed particularly all health topic to the first elements, and causes – that were standing behind,
were identified. To one of the symptoms, included ie.: pain of the whole body, enormous tiredness after wake up and
psychical problems causes by the existence of ‘something’ in the brain, which were a huge problem. Above
symptoms reflected symptoms of the multiple sclerosis, which hasn’t got set ethiology.

In the result of above, however also from varying reasons, in the pursue to find a cure – author has tested on himself
over 1,500 substances in life (however, the amount is rather closer to 3,5k). From rule, if anything is taken by him –
he stays with the substance longer, due to check fully its work. In the another test to find a cure and with combining
particular active substances taken together for the period of few days in a row, on one day necessity arrised to use
alcohol and despite few concerns from the nature of testing herbs (despite that fact, that combining any herbs with
other natural substance – is not able to cause death in a patient, which is not always true in the case of
pharmaceutical so called synthetic drugs) a decision was made about its consumption. It appeared to be smooth, as
the condition after its consumption wasn’t increased or distorted (which it seemed in the past an effect, in the case of
other herbs).

On the next day, after wake up and consuming yesterday quite signifficant amount of alcohol – author has feeled
just good, even very good which hasn’t been at first noticed, and not conscious, but after the period of few next days
(ie. string of alcohol, in the time of Summer holidays) it been noted. It appears to be weird, that after consuming 0.7l
of pure vodka and more (on separate occasion) 7-8 strong beers 6.6% in the period of few hours there would be no
symptoms of drinking such amount of alcohol, where normally and with his case – always it ended being ‘not to
live’ or ‘destroyed’ also not able to anything.

Used substances were dropped in curing the sickness from the reason of their low or zero effectiveness in healing
the condition, although what was the item of interest: was their anti-hangover work caused by the use of alcohol 2.

1B. Setting a dosage, getting to know the work of the substance and other

On the plane of 1.5 month time, it was established by the author the working of those substances, were determined
minimal threesholds (dosages), where the work was felt and threesholds were set for the consuption of the alcohol,
where the effect took place.

Author, after setting the dosage and consumption of the product – always wakes up, as the alcohol wouldn’t been
touched in the previous day. The best sentence, that summaries the working of the product is phrase: if the memory
of the previous day was lost, it would be impossible to say whether alcohol was touched yesterday.

It’s far away from the placebo effect (what also has been tested), because when the product was not taken –
hangover appears and it feels to be very touching. In essence: author, currently – is not imagining himself going on
any drinking without the prior usage of the product.

The working of the tablet was confirmed by other people (notices of the author were confirmed). In addition, people
who used the product – had started to come to the author to get another doses, to avoid hangover. It was done a
private research, that is available on the page: and there would be two private opinions
quoted (of other people).
Subjective Opinion for the Working of the Grade Recommends?

2Author has wrote a book in the subject (over 691 pages, way beyond quarter of a million words) that is available for purchase:,s_1600.htm.

Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover

Piotr Maćkwiecz [NOT Translatable, but the opinion is: yes, it 9/10 Yes
Ul. Jastrzębska 57 works – nothing of alcohol hangover
87-600 Lipno symptoms]
Tel. [+48] 500 725 643 Siema, pisze Ci jak na drugi dzień się czułem...
a więc Ci powiem, ze wstałem możliwie rano
bo o 8 i zero bólu głowy, czy tam jakiegoś nie
wiem suszenia w ryju itp. wiadomo, że jakieś
zmęczenie czułem aleto raczej z nie wsypania.
takze pozytywnie.!!
Następnego dnia czułem się dobrze, nie
czułem objawów kaca, jedynym kacem
towarzyszącym na drugi dzień był kac
moralny 
Dawid Wiśniewski [The same as above, with the experience and 8/10 Yes
Skępska amounts drank]
87-600 Lipno
91082503057 *Wstęp - Po zażyciu 2 kapsułek ANTYKAC3 w
Tel. [+48] 530 567 274 pierwszych minutach czułem się troche dziwnie
ale nie otumaniły mnie. Po upływie 30 minut
rozpocząłem picie alkoholu wraz z moim kolegą
(rówieśnikiem ). w Przeciągu 2 godzin
wypiliśmy 0,7 l żołądkowej, czystej de luxe.
później zjedliśmy małą przekąskę. Nastepnie
wypiliśmy po 2 piwa 6%. nadal mieliśmy parcie
na szkło wiec postanowiliśmy wraz z moim
drugim kolegą (czyli 3 osoby razem ze mną )
wypić kolejne 2 x 0,5 wódki. Libację
zakończylismy około godziny 23 gdyż mój
pierwszy kolega ( który nie zażył przed piciem 2
kapsułek ANTYKAC) niestety poczuł sie źle i
musieliśy odprowadzić go do domu. Jeżeli
chodzi o mnie to miałem mega fazę alkoholowa i
około 1.30 w nocy wróciłem do domu.
położyłem się spać w granicach 2.05. przed
zaśniecięm wypiłem 3-4 szklanki zimnej,
niegazowanej, nieprzegotowanej wody "( tzw.
kranówki). Obudziłem się o 5.00 gdyż musiałem
wstać do pracy na 6.00.
*Zakończenie - gdy obudził mnie budzik czułem
się świeżo.. bez bólu głowy, bez chęci
natychmiastowego napicia się czegokolwiek, bez
zeschniętych ust oraz zawrotów głowy. Tak jak
wstałem uczyniłem poranną toaletę xd zapaliłem
papierosa, zjadłem śniadanie i wyszedłem do
pracy. W Ciągu dnia nie czułem potrzeby picia w
dużych ilościach zimnych i mało słodkich
napojów. Jedyne co pozostało po wypiciu dużej
ilości alkoholu w dniu poprzednim to tylko
przepalony przełyk, zgaga i częste odbicia
kwasem z żołądka co czasami było uciążliwe.

3 Product in a prototype phase is composed of two separate pills, which consisted 1 dose of the full product.

Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover

Jestem Zdrowy w 100 % : )

ANTYKAC to przełomowy środek, którego

polecam każdemu przed większym melanżem.
Dziękuje za uwagę :)

1C. Description of the product

ANTYKAC [ANTI-HANGOVER] is a suggested name for the product, which is a black tablet (see the picture on
the first page).

There is anticipated a 3-leveled ingredient system for the various groups of people.


Version equipped only in basic ingredients and the minimal, which not necesarrily would give full effect (to 70-80%
of full work) without the feeling of work (‘kick’ or ‘feeling, that something was took’). Suggested retail price
(targeted) for the end client: 0.74-0.93 USD (2.40-3.00 PLN).

What needs to be suggested, is the fact that this version of the product is fully sufficient for people who eat healthy
and have high levels of particular ingredient in the body.


Version full of the product, eliminating in 100% alcohol hangover symptoms. It has so called ‘kick’, so it means that
consumers knows that the product was consumed, which is a property very desired (against the externals). It
contains an additional ingredient which is an element of the diet of a healthy person, which lack can be result of
neglection of the above. It plays particular functions in the body, that are important in alcohol metabolism.
Suggested price for the end client: 0.93-1.24 USD (3.00-4.00 PLN).


Version enriched in addictive ingredient, which intensifies the working of the alcohol and which is fully safe for the
consumer. Suggested retail price for the end client: 1.55-2.17 USD (5.00-7.00 PLN).

An assumption exists, that the tablets would have e.g. gold strap in the version STANDARD and double gold strap
in the ELITE version.

Everywhere was established a profit of 1 PLN [0.31 USD]/ tablet (except the version: elite, where it is on the level
of 2 PLN [0.62 USD]) with taking into account costs of the production and distribution and cut for the wholesaler
and receiver of the product (shop/ other). Included prices are estimates and additional counting need to be done.
Even if the prices would be on the beginning higher from the supplied, there would be going to met a target, to be in
the cost of 1 beer.

Product not increases the tempo of eliminating alcohol from the body and not eliminates him, so alcohol
concentration is constant within the consumption of it. The only function of the product is – on day next where the
consumer wakes up: he is stripped out of any ailments that are connected with the use of alcohol which is named
hangover (person wakes up normally, as the alcohol wouldn’t been consumed on a day before – after the drop of the
working of the alcohol, where the last is still in the blood).

Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover

1D. Costs of the product, its production and safety

1kg [2.20 pound] of material, needed to produce 2,500 tablets (product) in minimal version is a cost of 2,200 PLN
[681 USD] with customs, shipment and other fees (import ones).

It gives a cost (in simplifying) about 1 PLN [0.31 USD] / tablet. You need to notice, that the price of the material
drops by 40% within the one-time order of 20-25kg [44.09-55.11 lbs] (which would give a cost of the tablet on the
level of 0.56 PLN [0.17 USD], although probably there could be found even better prices in another suppliers
(supplied amount is an average from three suppliers). With ordering 1 tonne [2,205 lbs], price would probably drop
to about 70% of the original price (probably not more than 0.24-0.30 PLN [0.07-0.09 USD/ per tablet). Ordering the
material is quite simple – it is sufficient only to pay, and after 10-14 days a package from China would arrive to our

In the case of verions: standard and elite, prices in the cost of tablet are really minimal and they not exceed the cost
of tens of cents (in polish cents).

Costs of capsule (0.01 PLN [0.003 USD]?) and so the package (0.10-0.20 PLN [0.03-0.06 USD]?) were also
included. Herbs have got a term of expirancy on the period of about 3 years from the date of collection 4.

Herbs and substances used in the product belong to fully safe and have pro-health effect [or are sold ‘as-to’]5 – there
were used by humans from thousands of years, which is documented. Anti-hangover effect is produced only within
its combining. These herbs are fully safe, even with having particular medical conditions and taking particular
pharmaceutics – they don’t interact with anything (which is quite unique). All reactions, ie. increase of the bleeding
in the case of taking cures that dillute blood are without any meaning, as they’re not dangerous interactions, or the
ones that could pose any threat to life 6.

Product can be introduced on the market without any permits as there are contained with it only substances common
– which are now, legally sold in the whole world and extensively researched/ tested in the angle of safety. The only
thing that is required, is the registration in the government office (supply the information about the ingredients in the
product and receive, in a couple days confirmation of the registration – which is a free procedure and probably done
in every country, by every producer).

When it comes to an overdose of the product – it is quite hard, as it would require eating at least its couple tens fold
at once (10x doses up). In the minimal product dosage for consumption which is safe is 4x time the dose of the basic
product. In the case of others it is about 4 and appropriately 3, where no side effects of such overdose exist, and later
(when dose is higher increased) could possibly be such sumptoms. It is also hard due to the fact, that in the higher
doses it is felt by the body, which would prevent accidental poisoning that could emerge. In essence, the product is
one of the most safest that exist7.

1E. Receivers

Product is destined for every adult (age 18-21, dependent on state) who wants to prevent alcohol hangover, that
accompanies in rule every higher consumption of alcohol (in principle 3 and more beers 5.6%, despite it could be
connected with the personality traits) that can afford to buy the product.

4 Despite, that probably their consumption after the longer period would not cause presumably any consequences, as they would
loose partially their active ingredients, due to it their potention (power) could drop from 100% to e.g. 90% and drop even greater
in the time.
5 In doses that were used in the product, therefore minimal that can cause effect of anti-hangover in the weight typically to 100

(120) and more kg [221-265 lbs].

However to full and extreme security measures is is recommended to use the product on minimum of 12-24 hours from the
usage of any pharmaceutics.
7 On the back of the packing there would be an information about the product, that it is sufficient enough only 1 daily dose, that

ensures its protective working on alcohol up to 24 hours after consumption (which was established experimentally).

Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover

It is potentially the market of 15 mln Poles [121 mln Americans] and about 1 billion people, worldwide.

In the world, there is nearly 7 billion people, from which there is a reference that 2 billion of them drinks alcohol
and has got access to it at least one time on a monthly basis. From this group 1.5 billion has got hangover, half likes
it – therefore it is group of 750 million clients worldwide. According to those estimates, it is number of around 4
million clients in Poland [33 million Americans] (38 millions [311 millions, US], about 12 millions [97 millions,
US] drinks from which 8 million [77 million, US] has got alcohol hangover and the half wants to get rid of it). With
the assumption that the product really influences the causality and in fact deals with the symptoms of hangover it
can be optimistically assumed the level of 20% market penetration, which gives 800,000 [6,600,000 US] potential
sold tablets per month (assuming buying of only one piece per particular person or group on month). We target the
product distribution on Europe and the world.

Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover


2A. Acquiring patents

Patents on ingredients of the product 3-5 ingredient one, are given typically as an intelectual property, if it would be
presented their effect in particular way (ex. it would be confirmed by 100 people, that combination of particular
substances gives particular effect in particular percentage). Against the common thinking it’s not hard to prove and
such patents are given all the time (even on a natural products, in particular combinations – if they’re so unique, that
the contigency is valid8), disabling the competitors to enter the market with similar product, typically on the next 20
years. Amount of such patents on plant herbal mixes that are given worldwide – is measured in the limit of few
thousands yearly, so it’s achievable.

Patents need to be applied in the same time, typically in the largest and most rich countries (at best: with the highest
percentage of people), as for example – patent can be given in India, Germany whether China or Thailand, rejected
e.g. only in Poland and few others. In essence, it is only about, that the given patent would be registered –
independently where, because of the fact that competitor or anyone won’t have the ability to register similar one,
based on those substances (even if they would – they would be taken to the law by infrigement and pay highly
corporal punishment). It would imply also, that if similar product would enter the market – even if the formula won’t
be patent protected in particular country, the producer would be also contested because of the patent infrigement and
forced to withdraw the product, paying probably very high penalty for the patent owners.

Cost of the patent procedure and the cost of issuing the research (in effect: 100 people comes, volunteers and they
give their review about the product), translating the patent documents on particular countries and applying the
patents, in one time in many countries it is about 50-75k PLN [15,537-23,343 USD]9 and shouldn’t took more than
month or two months time, where it would be done instantly (patent documents can be applied before, and after 14
days a research papers can be attached 10). At this moment production can be launched also.

It needs to be foreseen, that acquiring patents isn’t necessary, but it’s well recommended as such possibility exists
and it is very real11 with the ingredients used and that would allow to protect the business and the intelectual

2B. Import of the material and production

Costs of importing 1kg [2,2 lbs] of material has been presented in s. #1D.

It needs to be noticed, that suppliers are already found (three producers were identified, from which one was
verified12). Potential company13 that would do the capsuling (packing the product into a tablet) is also identified.
Proces of the production is very simple: you need only to put in capsule: 400mg of one ingredient and 400mg of the
second etc., it’s all. Next put the tablet into a packing and the product is ready for sale.

Cost of completing this stage is about 3k PLN [932 USD] (with all) 14.

8 Which in author opinion is viable, as herbs used in this product are really exotic (it’s very probable, that not ever heard in life).
9 There exist companies that are doing this and are specialized in it, so in essence the only task that needs to be done is to pay
them and supply the information needed.
10 Which can be made, best by external insitute signing it with its reputation, in a matter of no more than a week time. It can be

also done by a company, which would deal with everything and it is included in the costs.
11 In author opinion.
12 Confirmed is the company by external audit (on chinese portal alibaba) and also the product (verified supplier).
13 It would also provide packing and capsule, which is included in the cost.
14 Important seems also ordering less than 0.5kg [1.10 lbs] (best only to get a sample 5g) within the first order in necessity to

assume the quality of the product and prevent loses if the seller would appear to be dishonest.

Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover

2C. Other

Cost of making a website is about 500 PLN [154 USD]. There exists a possibility that it would be used as a medium
of sales.

Companies which would take the product and would put it into their assortment would be found due to hiring a sales
representatives or made personally (by giving them good cut/ profit on the product) or due to reason of
accompaniying with the capsuling company which has for sure access to such clients. There are many options,
although what is sure, is the fact that product would sell – everybody would want to have it in the offer, so important
is only finding the first distributor and probably advertisement or just – placing it (by giving a higher cut) within the

It’s sure, that orders: would come, due to the unique and valid with statement (truth) working of the product.

15Option is also an advertisement in the television, however probably it would be done in the later time. Important alternative
seems to be advertisement in the web, where with the payment of 10k PLN [3,107 USD] you can reach very high amount of
receivers. Information about the product would seem to be done by mouth-to-mouth way.

Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover


3A. Profits

Assuming, that in Poland lives 38 million [311 million US] people, from which 15 millions [121 million US]
consists a group that drinks alcohol at least once a month (rest is children and older people) and assuming, that 1 on
15 people would buy once in a month a tablet, within the 1 PLN profit (clean, after taxation) it would give a profit of
1 million PLN [8.06 million PLN = 2,51 million USD in the US, same calculations] a month.

It is worth noticing, that the profit would increase – after getting with the product, abroad (Germany, China, India
and others) and also, that upper estimates seem to be highly lowered.

3B. Author experience, note

Andrzej Jeziorski, born. 29.07.1989,, +48 570 425 996

In the age of 19 he has created a company in the UK which was selling chemical reagents. Thanks to ambitious
goals and continuous work on the project (online store, very-low costs of upkeep) – he had become the #1 largest
retail distributor of highly niche substances from the area of chemical reagest, getting revenue of 250k PLN [77,809
USD], profit. 135k PLN [42,048 USD in today’s value], with the website:, in 6-month time of activity (starting from scratch). Business has been sold
for the reasons of a private nature, soon after selling it a new law has appeared - banning selling of the chemical
reagents by the companies which don't have license on it (in practice: huge pharmaceutical companies can only
handle it). He is for a 7 years handling with professional websites creation, with portfolio: (also:, he runs also a blog, which is
currently in the ranking of 0.5M most visited websites in the world: He also wrote &
published a book (‘Wiedza Tajemna: Moc Spirytualizmu’), its electronic version (PL language) is available for free,
published:,211. One of the internet websites, which he has done for a particular
client, was mentioned in the TVP1 program of public television station. Video is available on the portfolio page.

Finished high school on the mathematics-physics profile and passed final ending school test. Has finished private
gymnasium in Lipno.

Related projects.

-, (deactualised address, copy: project goal was to put

drugs tests to school, in 1,000 letters sent to 1,000 biggest schools in Poland (min. 700-1,400 students), where min.
profit (pure) would be 15k PLN in the case of "1 school scenario" (director was meant to get one-time 20,000 PLN
from the deal yearly in the case of entering it, however it appealed that its forbidden by the law to give any material
advantage to a public person, so the formula needed to be changed and it could be the reason for failure); currently
on sale

-, project in which the users have an opportunity to interchange directly with
themselves currency (also with different rates), it allows savings rating (on the present rate, in particular moment)
min. 2-3% in comparison to banks & cantors; in the case when somebody has took a loan e.g. on home in swiss
frank currency for amount of 200k PLN, it would allow him to save min. 15k PLN in the whole period of time when
repaying credit; copy of the website:, which generates monthly profit of about. 135k PLN (now) with
almost none costs of upkeep; ended with failure, because of lack to find a strategic investor (nobody invested), sold
for 3k PLN (as a copy on "exclusivity" for 1 year period); for instance: similar website which had the funding and
entered the market at the same time, has earned 20 million pln of pure profit in the last 2.5 years of existence

Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover

-, project which goal was to create a global ads website (worldwide), going from the
business ads [businesses to buy/sale] (cost of putting only 1 ad was $100, w/o options); project has reached Final
stage (in the contest) of, however didn't received the funds, because of: a) too huge market, too much
money, b) lack of significant superiority which would allow to become #1 pioneer on the market; not succeeded in
getting money from other business angels funds (business plan: http://path-of- [in PL]); website currently on sale;

-, project which assumed to place internet money lending, directly on your bank account
in 15 minutes by sending SMS/ or via internet form; didn't received outside funding, abandoned

-, project which was created in less than 48h time on a coding marathon: hackfest; it
allowed people to send through 1 click of mouse ? message (e-mail) to all aggregated investors, business angel
funds, banks & private lenders, book publishers & journalists in return for small fee (20-200 EURO); however it
didn't received any award or interest of media/investors

Those last (failure) projects show that in some kind I've got experience in constructing and making to the end
projects & knowledge which would allow me to experience success in the field.

I?ve also had a LCD advertisement in cities idea & file-sharing service. However due to lack of funds that I didn?t
receive on ANY of the ideas caused them to be dropped. Without money building those businesses wasn?t possible
(even to launch them).

In the last 22.5 years of my life I've covered all of the areas of my interest which included everything which was
important in order of accomplishment of my goals, to become the best self I can be. Those abilities included: nlp,
programming (mind), knowledge of the whole processes & laws of the Universe (knowledge about God), how the
human mind works, more than an expert in communication skills, processed of the self; understanding motivations
of the people, survival, cheats, health (curing all the diseases, possible & understanding processes of the body),
business, value, strategic thinking, spotting of flaws, different thinking, manipulation, world, ET. I've also put effort
to understand all the mechanisms behind the things I was interested.

I understand nearly everything or learn very, very fast & efficient of everything which is in any case: important. This
knowledge would be precious in the building of the New World Order.

(last updated: 2011-10-11 15:09)

I've done all those projects at "maximum thinking" (in order to maximum learn from them). Goal was to get few
hundreds thousands to start the business & to allow myself quite a good living for (before) the 2012 (but mainly
from the reason: that you learn by practice). Although I've failed with all the projects I've done, except the first
which I've earned a half of what I've earned in my whole life (see previous entry for financials). The last project,
which is: World Human Knowledge project won't get necessarily attraction in the current system, with the, although I think that it would be a necessity in the new one. Imagine to get in one place all
the best answers for e.g. Health, Technology ? all the database with the things that could be revealed to public,
without any price tag.

In the process I've also attained many skills & knowledge which I would carry for a eternity [
gaining-knowledge-is-important] (even to the next passage; talents would be "easily attainable" again, like puffing a
dust from the wardrobe). It was for me a logical & right thing to do.

I've discovered by myself or through works of others, mainly:

- Health [ ], I'm able to cure anyone from any disease or sickness
(unless its genetic & wasn't acquired on the born, like e.g. Down Syndrome) or other which include viruses or
bacteria that kill in less than days, up to 2-3 weeks (Anthrax, Ebola) & which are probably not our-planetary in
nature germs, viruses & bacteria (carried by other races which our immune system don't knows & cannot protect
itself from). I would regrowth you hair (purely body would start to grow them), de-parasite you, clean out of all

Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover

toxins, kill anything in the body, make you 100% healthy (including destroying cancer [with malignancy/without] in
the body, HIV & other).

2012-11-13. At the current moment, is in the process of writing a book on above subject and he has got completed
523 pages / 169,945 words published:
przeczytasz-zdrowie-andrzej-jeziorski,s_1600.htm (currently [2013-03-22] over 700+ pages & 350,000+ words, still
not finished).

- Complete Knowledge about the God & the Universe [ ] (with all/most
of the Laws [probably all] set within), you've got only sample of the knowledge in the articles. I'm able to explain
nearly everything in the broader sense. Our history of creation, means of the spirituality in real life, behavior
[ ] of the people, why e.g. transplants don't work, mechanisms
of the people & many more things you won't ever imagined that could be explained in those terms. It gives a vital
knowledge on how to project the new system (inc. project new education system), with what trends & with what
ways to follow in order to program yourself future by taking a power over the causes.

- Knowledge over human mind & its processes, how to reprogram it, what & in which patterns it works. What are
the causalities for X, Y. How to use it more efficiently. What are the traits of geniuses. What is ULT & how to use
it. How to extend your skill & capabilities by 90% (over current ones) in days (for the most of the people).

& other, less slightly/less important:

- Knowledge on human communications & desires, Business, Programming [ http://path-of- ] (xHTML, PHP, MySQL, CSS, JavaScript (Ajax), XML), & 100 more (survival,
marketing etc. etc.) (*some of them were mentioned in the over 400 articles [ ] I've

I consider myself a more than expert in cracking systems or strategic thinking if you would point it. I spot all the
flaws in the systems nearly immediately or whats wrong in them. Therefore I've got very open mind for things
which are new to somebody, like e.g.: #hollow [
min-5-7-years-dollar-annum-site#hollow_earth ] (just one of the few funny examples). I've got somehow scientist,
researcher mind, some could say: making for me very easy to spot or do things which couldn't be done by many
others. I practice everyday to develop my skills in the selected areas...

2013-11-22. He wrote a book:

Author would make sure, that the product would be introduced to the marketplace and would always be helpful in
such need.

3C. End information

The process of acquiring patents, to the introduction of the product to the market is quite simple, despite it would
require few phones and some work. However, its not the most important, as what needs to be focused on, that in

Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover

reality: all, after paying – would be done by others and our participation would be limited only to supplying related

In essence it seems, that it might be very profitable, because in the sales worldwide rating dozens (or hundreds) of
millions tablets17, yearly it is potentially life offer, which would in the next decade made us for sure millionaires,
and even would could become a billionaires. Make a decision now, to ensure that You would be the winner in this
offer, thanks to which you would introduce the plan in life and would become the next very rich person, going with
your name and surname to the history and changing the lives of many people, on better.

16 1. Amount 100 doses of the product could be handled in less than 24 hours in local shop (on research due to acquiring patents).
2. Company that registers patents and translates them is WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). In essence it is based
on it, that you go to a patent officer, you say what you need and he does the work for us.
3. ?
It’s all: product can be launched on a day of registering patents (entry is only counted, its date) and supplying research in 14 days.
Time from getting the formula to putting the product on the market is presumably less than 2-3 months (maximally).
Packings and others (idea on advertisement of the product) are already done and would be revealed after payment (see
agreement), scanned documents/ proofs of ID, after receiving personally signed agreement.
17 After introducing the product on worldwide market: US, Germany, China, India and others.

Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover


Signed 2013-03-24 between:

1. Andrzej Jęziorski, Sikorskiego 10/22, 87-600 Lipno, Polska identified by valid ID: ‘AVJ407443’ named
later as ‘Author’ (with method of contact, e-mail: and phone. +48 570 425 996), and:
2. ..................................................., ....................................................., ........................................,
....................... identified by valid ID: ‘...............................................’ named as ‘Investor’ (with method of
contact, e-mail: ........................................................ and phone. ................................................... ...) with the
below content of the agreement.

§ 1. Investor declares, that he he has received a sample of the product – which intention is to eliminate symptoms of
the alcohol hangover (physical and psychical breakdown, associated with the usage of alcohol, that appears on the
after day). Investor declares, that product has been introduced to him and that he knows his actions (e.g. by own
experience or experience of the others, reviews etc.) and he is fully aware of the notes took in this agreement.

§ 2. Author declares that Investor would receive the full formula on 3 versions of the product (information about the
usage ingredients) when the requirements would be met from this agreement (§6).

§ 3. Investor declares that he would put patent applications (backed by research, due to goal of their attainment) to at
least 4 best countries for investment (USA, EU countries [Europatent], India, China and rest of own chosing) and
that the property of granted (potentially) patents would be splited the same as the share of the company, in note §4.

§ 4. Investor declares that he would do all the right steps to introduce the product on the marketplace and that he
would keep the formula secret, until the time of patent registration/ putting the product on the shelves. Investor
declares that he would set a limited company which shares would be splited accordingly to: Investor receives 85%
shares (eight five percent – majority stake), Author receives 15% shares (fifteen percent – minority stake) and the
same value of power in voting.
Investor is liable to send, on a monthly basis (in the day of his chosing) – profit, meaning: profit from the monthly
revenue after striping the costs of attaining this revenue (from the value received before taxation) in the amount of
Author shares, on the bank account supplied by the last.
In the case of selling a company: Investor needs to find an agreeable value point with the Author.

§ 5. In the case of breaking the terms of this agreement or not meeting the criteria – Author can took steps to
compensate his loss.

§ 6. Author declares that all the ingredients are legal both in US and Poland and available in commercial quantities,
which is proven by their availability in the country and their selling in legal buying sources.

Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover

§ 7. Agreement is confirmed, in the moment when Investor would deliver to the Author by mail or in person –
important scans of the documents: proof of ID, driver’s license, scan from the last 3 months from the banking
account confirming home address or scan of the credit card (front only) – all scans need to be delivered in color,
with attached and signed this agreement and it becomes valid in the time when Investor would transfer on the bank
account of the Author, from his own bank account (signed by his name and surname, as on the identification)
money, in the value of $100,000 (one hudred thousand US dollars):

Andrzej Jęziorski
Sikorskiego 10/22, 87-600 Lipno
50 1020 5558 1111 1583 0600 0006

or in the case of abroad transfers:

PL 50 1020 5558 1111 1583 0600 0006


(please contact the Author before making the payment, to confirm & double check the account)

Payment is non-refundable and it is a security and an evidence of this agreement (which becomes valid in the
moment of money entering Author’s account).

§ 8. Disputes raised from this agreement are subject to the Appropriate Court.

§ 9. Agreement has been prepared in two, identical copies.

Author Investor

............................................ ..................................................

Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover

Information: at the current moment author is able to deliver 3 doses of the product in the minimal version on any
given address.

Product is revolutionary and there are huge money to be made.

The amount requested, is made purposely – to discourage people who are not really interested in bringing this
product to the market and are interested only in getting the formula. Additional evidence (scans of bank account
receipt, scans of ID and home/ address bills) need to be supplied to confirm the deal and to make a step closer to its
introduction to the market. I’ve supplied those on my side and it needs to be understood: that for my part I need to
cover myself and protect my intelectual property, even if the patents aren’t still granted (which would be done when
I would gain appropriate funds). All is genuine, I’ve invented it (found it) and tested, despite you can confirm it by

In summary: I’ve got a product that eliminates 100% of alcohol hangover symptoms, if only took on 1 hour before
any drinking.

Thanks for understanding, Andrzej Jęziorski.

Tablet eliminating completely any alcohol hangover

Idea is to add it, to the vodka/ alcoholic beverages.


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