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Name:____________________________ Date:_______________________ Score:________________

Grade/Section:______________________________ Teacher: Mrs. Herlyn Grace G. Rana

Test I. A.
Direction: Match the addition sentence in column A with the corresponding sum in column
B. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
_______1. 3 970 + 2 789 a. 1 339
_______2. 75 858 + 45 798 b. 821 977
_______3. 489 + 563 c. 16 912
_______4. 85 965 + 45 085 + 569 d. 120 311
_______5. 73 756 + 47 948 e. 447 820
_______6. 426 231 + 21 589 f. 121 704
_______7. 762 + 125 + 452 g. 131 619
_______8. 36 451 + 785 526 h. 6 759
_______9. 7 938 + 8 974 i. 121 656
_______10. 23 854 + 96 457 j. 1 052

Test I. B.
Direction: Find the missing digits.
1. 45 992 2. 563 856 3. 799 527 4. 78 841 5. 56 874
+ 52 963 + 85 449 + 562 850 + 4 006 + 12 596
_8 ___ 6___ 9__ ____ 377 8_ ___7 6__ __0

6. 712 273 7. 69 274 8. 53 985 9. 745 902 10. 237 841

+ 450 084 + 8 489 + 7 729 + 106 748 + 54 074
____ 35_ 77 ____ _1 __4 ___ 65_ 2___ 9_5

Test II.
Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong. Write your answer
in the space provided before each number.
_____________1. Addition is the process of combining two or more numbers.
_____________2. Sum or total is the answer in addition.
_____________3. Start adding from left to right.
_____________4. Subtraction is the process of taking away small number from a bigger number.
_____________5. Difference is the answer in subtraction.
_____________6. Start subtracting from the right, ones digit first then tens and so on.
_____________7. To add and subtract numbers, write the numbers in column.
_____________8. Addends are the number to be added.
_____________9. Factors are the number to be subtracted.
_____________10. Closure property is one of the properties of addition.

Test III.
Direction: Solve each problem. (5points each)
1.A family wants to buy a new house that cost P3 275 000. If they have P2 934 000, how much
more money they needed to buy a new house?
WHAT ARE THE GIVEN _________________________________________________
WHAT IS ASKED? ______________________________________________________
WHAT OPERATION SHOULD BE USED? _________________________________

2. Gwen bought a new dress for her birthday party that cost P953. If her mother gave her P1 500,
how much money was left?
WHAT ARE THE GIVEN ________________________________________________
WHAT IS ASKED? _____________________________________________________
WHAT OPERATION SHOULD BE USED? _______________________________
3. Mother deposited P58 500 for the education for her child. Yesterday she withdraw P18 550 for
tuition fee. How much savings was left for her child?
WHAT ARE THE GIVEN ______________________________________________
WHAT IS ASKED? ___________________________________________________
WHAT OPERATION SHOULD BE USED? ______________________________

4. Rouselle wants to buy a dozen of notebooks for P150, a dozen of ballpen for P93, and a school
bag for P325. How much did she buy in all?
WHAT ARE THE GIVEN ______________________________________________
WHAT IS ASKED? ___________________________________________________
WHAT OPERATION SHOULD BE USED? ______________________________

5. Rowena withdraw P10 450 to pay her tuition fees and P3 500 for her school supplies. What is the
total cost she withdraw from her savings account?
WHAT ARE THE GIVEN ______________________________________________
WHAT IS ASKED? ___________________________________________________
WHAT OPERATION SHOULD BE USED? ______________________________

6. During vacaation, the family of Mr. Clavio visiting his mother in Batangas. They always want to
visit and harvest some fruits in their farm. This year they harvested 123 mangoes, 97 atis and 185
sinigwelas. How many fruits they harvested?
WHAT ARE THE GIVEN ______________________________________________
WHAT IS ASKED? ___________________________________________________
WHAT OPERATION SHOULD BE USED? ______________________________

Name:____________________________ Date:_______________________ Score:________________

Grade/Section:______________________________ Teacher: Mrs. Herlyn Grace G. Rana

Test I.
Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong. Write your answer
on the space provided before each number.
__________1. In multiplication, the numbers that we multiply together is called factors.
__________2. To estimate products, round off each factor to its highest place value, then multiply.
__________3. The procedure in division is 1.divide, 2.multiply, 3. Subtract 4.bring down and 5.repeat
if necessary.
__________4. The answer in division is difference.
__________5. A number that is being divided by another number is called dividend.
__________6. The number by which another number is being divided is called divisor.
__________7. To check if our answer is correct in division, we will multiply the quotient to the divisor
to get the dividend.
__________8. 6x7=42 is a closure property.
__________9. Identity property is any number multiplied by 1 is equal to the number itself.
__________10. The nymber we added together are called addends.

Test II.
Direction: Find the estimated product of the following numbers.
1.83 856 x 4 364 2. 52 548 x 87 3. 83 451 x 769 4. 452 x 56

5. 36 451 x 854 6. 533 x 524 7. 188 339 x 298 8. 29 387 x 23

9.857 197 x 283 10. 49 873 x 345

Test III.
Direction: Solve each problem. (5points each)
1.Mr. Cruz planted 850 eggplant seed in 5 rows on his land. How many seedlings were planted in
each column?
WHAT ARE THE GIVEN ______________________________________________
WHAT IS ASKED? ___________________________________________________
WHAT OPERATION SHOULD BE USED? ______________________________

2. Luis is a collector of marbles. He has 192 marbles and planning to distribute equally to his 8
nephews. How many will each one get?
WHAT ARE THE GIVEN ______________________________________________
WHAT IS ASKED? ___________________________________________________
WHAT OPERATION SHOULD BE USED? ______________________________

3. A company manufacturing frozen goods lent 9 unit of freezer to its dealer. If the 9 units cost P140
400, how much does a freezer cost?
WHAT ARE THE GIVEN ______________________________________________
WHAT IS ASKED? ___________________________________________________
WHAT OPERATION SHOULD BE USED? ______________________________
4. A car travelled 564 miles in 9 hours. How many miles did the car travel in an hour?
WHAT ARE THE GIVEN ______________________________________________
WHAT IS ASKED? ___________________________________________________
WHAT OPERATION SHOULD BE USED? ______________________________

5. A mathematics instructor at a high school is paid P48 500 for 4 months. How much money does
this instructor make each month?
WHAT ARE THE GIVEN ______________________________________________
WHAT IS ASKED? ___________________________________________________
WHAT OPERATION SHOULD BE USED? ______________________________

6. Students pays P15 000 for 5 months in one-bedroom apartment. How much do students pay
each month for the apartment?
WHAT ARE THE GIVEN ______________________________________________
WHAT IS ASKED? ___________________________________________________
WHAT OPERATION SHOULD BE USED? ______________________________

7. The parking lot in a new mall is going to have 2 800 parking spaces. If each row can have up to
140 parking spaces, how many rows will the parking lot need?
WHAT ARE THE GIVEN ______________________________________________
WHAT IS ASKED? ___________________________________________________
WHAT OPERATION SHOULD BE USED? ______________________________

8. A house painter has P2 500 to buy paint. If each can of paint costs P250, how many cans of
paint can the painter buy?
WHAT ARE THE GIVEN ______________________________________________
WHAT IS ASKED? ___________________________________________________
WHAT OPERATION SHOULD BE USED? ______________________________

9. A restaurant needs 6 000 garlics. There are 200 garlics in each sack. How many sack should the
restaurant buy?
WHAT ARE THE GIVEN ______________________________________________
WHAT IS ASKED? ___________________________________________________
WHAT OPERATION SHOULD BE USED? ______________________________

10. 300 people need to ride the elevator to the top of a skyscraper. The elevator can hold 10 people
at a time. How many trips will the elevator need to make?
WHAT ARE THE GIVEN ______________________________________________
WHAT IS ASKED? ___________________________________________________
WHAT OPERATION SHOULD BE USED? ______________________________

Name:____________________________ Date:_______________________ Score:________________

Grade/Section:______________________________ Teacher: Mrs. Herlyn Grace G. Rana

Test I. A.
Direction: Match the division sentence in column A with the corresponding quotients in
column B. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
________1. 540 ÷ 4 a. 84 125
________2. 2 559 ÷ 3 b. 20
________3. 5 645 ÷ 5 c. 1 129
________4. 160 ÷ 8 d. 853
________5. 757 125 ÷ 9 e. 135
________6. 776 ÷ 8 f. 12 122 r. 1
________7. 603 ÷ 9 g. 3 524 r. 3
________8. 85 ÷ 3 h. 28 r. 1
________9. 17 623 ÷ 5 i. 67
________10. 24 245 ÷ 2 j. 97

Test I. B.
Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong. Write your answer
on the space provided before each number.
__________1. In multiplication, the numbers that we multiply together is called factors.
__________2. To estimate products, round off each factor to its highest place value, then multiply.
__________3. The procedure in division is 1.divide, 2.multiply, 3. Subtract 4.bring down and 5.repeat
if necessary.
__________4. The answer in division is difference.
__________5. A number that is being divided by another number is called dividend.
__________6. The number by which another number is being divided is called divisor.
__________7. To check if our answer is correct in division, we will multiply the quotient to the divisor
to get the dividend.
__________8. 6x7=42 is a closure property.
__________9. Identity property is any number multiplied by 1 is equal to the number itself.
__________10. The nymber we added together are called addends.

Test II.
Direction: Find the estimated product of the following numbers.
1.83 856 x 4 364 2. 52 548 x 87 3. 83 451 x 769 4. 452 x 56

5. 36 451 x 854 6. 533 x 524 7. 188 339 x 298 8. 29 387 x 23

9.857 197 x 283 10. 49 873 x 345

Test III. A.
Direction: Write TRUE if the mathematical sentence is correct and otherwise, write FALSE.
Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
_________1. 5 x 5 + 4 x 3 + 7 = 44
_________2. 9 x 20 + 12 - 11 = 185
_________3. (8 ÷ 2 + 16) + 13 = 33
_________4. 12 ÷ 4 + 2 = 5
_________5. 6 x 3 ÷ 2 = 18
_________6. 6 + 7 x 5 = 62
_________7. 16 ÷ 8 - 2 = 0
_________8. (25 - 11) x 3 = 45
_________9. (9 - 4) x 8 = 30
_________10. 36 ÷ (6 + 3) = 9

Test III. B.
Direction: Evaluate each mathematical equation. Show the STEP-BY-STEP solution. Use the
space provided after each number. (5 points each)
1.3 x { 4 + [1 568 - 45 + (56 x 2)] + 2} 2. [45 ÷ 9 x 4] + 96 - 48

3. { 4 x [4 + (9 x 2 ÷ 6) - 2] } 4. (65 + 3) x 42 + (320 ÷ 2) - 1 563

5. (4 + 3)2 + 563 - (7 - 5)3 6. 53 ÷ 5 x 36 + (4 + 3 - 2) x 12


Name:____________________________ Date:_______________________ Score:________________

Grade/Section:______________________________ Teacher: Ms. Alayza/Mrs. Herlyn

Test I.A.
Direction: Write O if the statement is to open wordpad, E if it is to exit wordpad and S to
save a wordpad. Write your answer in the space provided before each number.
_______1. Using the X button.
_______2. Double click wordpad.
_______3. Press Alt + F + X.
_______4. Click the Save button in Quick Access Toolbar.
_______5. Go to File Tab then click Save.
_______6. Right click wordpad then click open.
_______7. Go to File Tab then click exit.
_______8. Press Alt + F4
_______9. Press Ctrl + S.
_______10. Go to Start Menu, type wordpad then press enter.

Test I.B.
Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not. Write your answer on
thr space provided before each number.
__________1. Ruler is used for easy measurement and as a placement guide.
__________2. Outline tab is used to display the content outline of your presentation.
__________3. Slide Pane is where you do most of your work in designing and editing your slide.
__________4. Notes pane is the section where you add notes to help you remember important points
and add comments for each slide.
__________5. Status bar displays the slide number, theme name, virw shortcut buttons, zoom
button, zom slider.
__________6. Zoom slider is a slider bar used to the slide zoom in and out.
__________7. Normal view is the default view used for editing.
__________8. Reading view displays thr presentation in a window with simple controls making it easy
to review.
__________9. Slides are the individual pages in your presentation where you put your text, images,
sounds, videos, and other objects.
__________10. Notes page view displays the current slide with a larger area to create notes.

Test II.
Direction: Identify the parts of Microsoft Power point.

Name:____________________________ Date:_______________________ Score:________________

Grade/Section:______________________________ Teacher: Ms. Irene/Mrs. Herlyn

Test I.
Direction: Draw the following time signatures. (5 points each)

Test I.

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