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Script Exit Interview:


Meanwhile, there is a startup company named Walens which runs in a Healtech industry.
Suddenly, there is Sabrina, one of the expertise from Business Development unit wanted to
leave the company because she had the opportunity to continue her master degree with a
scholarship program, so she has to leave the firm. However, this expertise is a key player that
has the ability to develop business strategy which is able to improve the company’s
performance in a short time when the financial crisis happened, and even convince the
investors to invest their money on the firm. That’s why after hearing that information, the
company wouldn’t easily take her knowledge off and planned to make an exit interview
schedule. One day, Sabrina sent invitation to talk about it to her firm. After that the firm appoint
the day of the exit interview, and today is the day. The exit interview begins.

Expertise : Thank you for seeing me

Interviewer (HR) : What can I do for you?

Expertise : I want to thank you for all the things this company has
done to me to make my career success. This company is
wonderful. It’s time I take my study to another level.

Interviewer (HR) : What do you mean by taking your study to another level?

Expertise : I have a chance to take a higher degree, and I’ve already

accepted in the Stanford University with scholarship

Interviewer (HR) : So that means you are going to leave? You know our
company’s performance is decreasing, and I see that you
are the only one who are capable, and may become a key
player to bring our company in a good condition.
You are planned to be promoted in the next 2 years. Are
you sure still want to leave?

Expertise : Yes, because I think this opportunity will not come twice.

Interviewer (HR) : Okay then, what did you do in the company?

Expertise : I was a lot of dealing and solving problems in business

processes and managing financial information.
Interviewer (HR) : How did you do it?

Expertise : At a certain time, I do market research to gather data on

customers and potential customers. The collected data aids
business decision making. Next, my goal in managing
financial information is to present to the investors so our
company will get investor’s trust after I negotiate.

Interviewer (Lead) : Based on your experience working in that position, what is

the most important skill that must be mastered? I mean,
what qualities do you think we should look for in your

Expertise : Understanding about market, building profitable customer’s

relationship and maintain the relationship between other
partners and business. At a profit.

Interviewer (Lead) : Why is that?

Expertise : Because all those things can lead to loyal clients, positive
word of mouth, and increased sales. And the purpose of
maintains the relationship with other parties such as
investors is to keep the company’s credibility, so it can
bring higher company’s capital.

Interviewer (Lead) : You said maintaining relationship with customer is critical

and am sure that you’re good with that. How to do it in your
way? To make the customer loyal to the company?

Expertise : By supply a good service and be available and responsive.

I let customers know how they can contact this company
through different channels. I also prove company’s
appreciation through promotion, personalized messages
and more. I let customers a voice, ask for their opinion and
feedback. I look for new and creative ideas from customer
references through market research, and the result of that; I
implemented in the application so it will accordance with
the wishes of customers.

Interviewer (Lead) : Oh, I see...

Interviewer (HR) : Then, move to your work environment. How would you
describe our company culture? Did you able to keep up
with that?
Expertise : I think this company has a fun, fresh, and friendly culture.
And I can keep up with that.

Interviewer (Lead) : What knowledge that you think you’ve been developed in
this company?

Expertise : I don’t know exactly. But i think it was more about public
speaking. Because i see that my all staff have a significant
improvement in their public speaking ability.

Interviewer (Lead) : Oh that’s good. I see that too. How do you do to make that

Expertise : By doing a mentoring. Every friday I conduct a casual

gathering with all my staff. We do knowledge sharing
session, so they have an opportunity to talk and increase
their speaking ability.

Interviewer (Lead) : In your point of view as a BDV, what are the biggest threat
for our company that you see? And how to overcome it?

Expertise : I see that customer needs and wants always changing by

time. The threat for being beaten by competitor also getting
higher. The company should always innovate and create
something different, not only about the product buat also
the business model. Increase the investment in R&D and
add some features in our product is necessary.

Interviewer (Lead) : Do you feel our company/product/services are heading in

the right direction to stay innovative and competitive with
the market? If no, then why?

Expertise : I couldn’t say this company go to the good direction or not

but I can say that this company can do more
improvements, innovations, productivity and so on. There
are still a big room for improvement in this company.

Interviewer (HR) : Well noted, we will evaluate also based on your advice.
But, we just want to make sure that your KPI progress is
still recorded well, isnt? Since your successor will continue
your tasks, how about the over-handle list?

Expertise : Definitely sir! Everything is still under control, even I put

some recommendations to the upcoming projects. About
the overhandle files, company accounts, and office
equipment I’ve listed them all and provide detailed
information about it.

Interviewer (HR) : That’s a nice thought, and it can be better if you still can
contribute in this company. Then, what can we offer to keep
you in this company? What circumstances that would
change your mind?

Expertise : Well, because the part that I don't think I can miss is the
scholarship, can the company provide the same thing? I
mean, scholarship.

Interviewer (HR) : Hmm…That’s quite a bit expensive investment to conduct

in this condition, but we’ll see.

Expertise : I can’t wait for the good news!

Interviewer (Lead) : So. It’s been almost 3 years I am working with you as a
team. Sabrina, you seem to be developing so many skills
and knowledge while working in this company. I appreciate
your hard work and dedication for the team, and our
company. And also, I see that you’ve become a role model
for some juniors here. That’s great, thanks for helping them
out, I really appreciate it. You’re a role model for our values,
and I’m sure our newer employees value your advice. Good

Expertise : Okay, you;re welcome ;)

Interviewer (HR) : Okay Sabrina, if indeed in the near future there’s nothing
can change your mind. This is 2 months notice, and it
means there are still 2 months until your last day. Thank
you for your hard work for this company. Just let me know if
you have anything to share.

Expertise : Yes of course. Thank You Ma’am.

Interviewer : You’re welcome.

The exit interview is over. The conversation is recorded by the video. The Analyzer watch the
conversation and analyze it to be discuss it later. The next day the Analyzer met the
Interviewers to discuss about Sabrina’s exit interview. The discussion begins.

Interviewer (HR) : Hey all, we’ve done the interview with Sabrina.

Analyzer Basically we would like to know from your perspective about

her related skills to your Business Development KPI. Could
you tell us what is her strength from your perspective?

Interviewer (Lead) : Since she already 3 years in our unit and she has a good
capability in communication skills, her strength is in
maintaining external relationships. She is also good at
persuade investors since within 3 years she can attract 2
investors in a row. Related to our new prototype product
that currently launching, market research also was
conducted by her is a market research lead.

Analyzer : Wow, looks like we will lose a potential successor! But, in

order to replace her, we need to focus on transferring her
knowledge into your division, especially to the one who will
replace her. I suggest you (Lead) to gather all of your unit
and let her share all of her experience even if it is tacit or
explicitly recorded on your database. And also I recommend
you (Lead) to find her successor at least 20 working days
before she leaves.

Interviewer (LEADER) : In addition, she has a good personality since I got my eyes
on her and I think we can adopt the way she behaves
among external entities. What a potential candidate!

Analyzer : And I see that the way she can improve the team’s like
doing knowledge sharing, mentorship is a good idea to be
implemented in this company.

Interviewer (HR) : Then, what else do you think from her that may we can
learn? To implement in this company.

Analyzer : Overall, after I watch the exit interview video I think the way
she did like no others would do is not focusing the profit
first, instead focus in approaching the customer, in order to
understand them. Such as being available and responsive,
let customers know how they can contact this company
through different channels, do company’s appreciation
through promotion, personalized messages and more. She
let customers a voice, ask for their opinion and feedback. I
think it must also be included as golden rules for the
Business development section. Like, we've seen the results
of what she did, why don't we try it too?

Interviewer (lead) : I get it, after all these years we’ve been focusing on the
profit instead of the customer itself. We have to change our
mindset in customer satisfaction. When the customer is
satisfied, they will be loyal and the profit will increase at the
same time.

Analyzer : That’s right. That’s why we should keep the knowledge that
sabrina has and transfer it to the next successor. We should
implement new program to motivate our employees.

Interviewer : I agree with you. Do you have any idea?

Analyzer : I do have some. I was thinking about building some

dashboard employee’s performance. So that we could see
what they have done in order to enhance the business
performance and other employees can see them as a role
model. In addition, it can be a reference to give reward for
outstanding employees.

Interviewer : Nice Idea, I also thought about that. And speaking of

dashboard and reward. We should discuss more about this
with our BOD.

Analyzer : Good. we should arrange the meeting schedule then. But it

can be talked about later.

Interviewer : Sure things. Besides, I got an appointment nearly this time.

See you later.

Interviewer : Me too. See you.

Analyzer : See you.

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