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1. At what angle of projection is the range maximum? Prove it mathematically.

At 45° , the horizontal range will be at maximum. In calculating the maximum distance travelled the formula, d =
(v^2sin 2 θ 2θ)/g must be used where v= velocity at time of projection. In order for d to be maximum (v^2sin 2 θ
2θ) must have its maximum value for given speed, this suggests that sin 2 θ 2θ must have maximum possible
value that is 1. In order for sin 2 θ 2θ to be 1, the angle must be 45.

2. Show that the ranges of two projectiles fired with same speed at angles of projection that are complementary
are equal.
Taking into consideration two angles, 30° and 60° which are complementary angles. In computing for the range,
the formula R = (v^2 sin 2θ)/g where v = projectile velocity, g = acceleration due to gravity , θ = angle of
projectile. When angles 30° and 60° or vice versa are substituted, sin 2θ comes out to be the same value of

3. Show mathematically that the trajectory of a projectile is parabolic.

A projectile with speed u m/s and with an angle θ and covering a distance of horizontal line is considered. If
vertical component of v is y = vsinθ
Horizontal component of v is_x = vcosθ
acceleration on horizontal, ax = 0
acceleration on vertical, ay = -g

using the formula,

x = Vit
x = vcosθ.t
t = x/ucosθ------(1)

Again, y =
y = vsinθt - 1/2gt² substituting into the equation,
y = vsinθ × x/vcosθ - 1/2g × x²/v²cos²θ
= tanθx - 1/2gx²/v²cos²θ

This equation is similar to Standard equation of parabola y = ax² + bx + c her, a, b and c are constant.

Projectile motion is the motion of an object thrown or projected into the air, subject to only the acceleration of
gravity. The object is called a projectile, and its path is called its trajectory. The principle involved in projectile
motion is also related with kinematic equations since it includes velocity and acceleration. However, projectile
motion is calculated by breaking it down into two component vectors, the x and the y-axis. The following
equations are used in projectile motion:
the velocity along the x-axis is Vx ,
the initial velocity along the x-axis is Vxo ,
the velocity along the y-axis is Vy ,
the initial velocity along the y-axis is Vyo .
acceleration due to gravity is g, and
the time taken is t

1. Which will require a greater force: to start the motion of a heavy box or to keep the box moving
with constant speed?
When you start the motion, you start to accelerate which requires greater energy. But keeping an object
with a constant speed after reaching a certain speed, there is less force needed to keep it moving.
2. Why is it difficult to walk with new leather shoes on a polished floor?
The coefficient of friction between the floor and your shoes becomes very low due to the polishing.
There is less force for the frictional force to even match up the force exerted by the feet’s horizontal force.
3. How can an adjustable inclined plane be used to measure the coefficient of static friction and
coefficient of kinetic friction?
In determining the coefficient of static friction, using an inclined plane, when an object is placed and the
angle is increased slowly, the angle where it begins to move is noted and to be used for the formula of static
friction which is μs=tanθ. For kinetic friction, same process will be done but rather there is force exerted on the
object by pushing.
3. The coefficient of static friction and coefficient of kinetic friction between a refrigerator and the floor are 0.45
and 0.38, respectively. The refrigerator weighs 1000N, find the horizontal force needed to a) start the motion of
the refrigerator b) to keep the refrigerator moving at constant speed once it started moving. If a horizontal force
of 400N is applied, what will happen to the refrigerator? In this situation, what is the value of friction?
(0.45)(1000 N) = 450 N
(0.38)(1000 N) = 380 N
"If a horizontal force of 400N is applied, what will happen to the refrigerator?"
If the refrigerator is not moving already, 400N will not get it moving. If the refrigerator is already
moving, it will accelerate:
F = ma
400 - 380N = (1000N / 9.81 m/s²)(a)
a = 0.20 m/s²
"In this situation (meaning a 400N horizontal force is being applied), what is the value of friction?"
If the refrigerator is still, the frictional force is the same as the force exerted on it, 400N. If the
refrigerator is moving, the frictional force is 380N.
4. Explain the usefulness of a parachute for safe landing.
Terminal velocity occurs when your weight equals the force of friction of the air acting on the body (air
resistance). So when a chute is opened, there is an increase in the surface area therefore there is more air that
could slow the downward motion of the body without increasing the weight. So a parachute decreases the
motion by increasing air resistance.

There are two main concepts involved in friction, the static friction and the kinetic friction. Statis friction is the
force that keeps an object at rest. It must be overcomed to be able to move the
object. Once an object is in motion, it experiences kinetic friction. Static friction is
determined by the formula:Fs ≤ μs η , and Fsmax = μs η. The kinetic friction force between systems
moving relative to one another is given by: Fk = μk η

In order to obtain the coefficient of static and kinetic friction,

𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
𝜇𝑠 =
𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒
𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
𝜇𝑠 =
𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒

Normal force on the other hand is a contact force exerted perpendicular to the surface and is given by: N= mg

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