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N ut ri en tWis e


Your Ticket To A
Healthier Lifestyle.
Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Chapter 1: The Biggest Diet Mistakes Most People Make 5

Chapter 2: Sound Nutrition 101 7

Your Calorie Intake 7

Protein 8

Carbohydrates 9

Dietary Fats 11

Chapter 3: Sample Meal Plan For Success 13

Chapter 4: Your 20 Minute Strength Building, Fat Burning Workout Program 17

Compound Movements 18

Circuit Style Approach 18

Reps For Time 18

Workout A – Strength Building Workout 19

Workout B – Circuit Training 20

Workout C - Reps For Time 20

Chapter 5: Supplementation For Success 21

Chapter 6: Tips And Tricks For Staying Motivated 23

Conclusion 25

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Congratulations on taking the very first step towards guaranteeing that you
see success with your health and fitness journey. The hardest step – making the
commitment to take action is now over and you are ready to start seeing results.
Far too many people only talk about making changes in their diet and lifestyle to
improve their body composition and health standing, but by ordering your
products and picking up this guide, you are now well on your way to making
positive changes.

You deserve a huge pat on the back for this as most simply don’t get this
Our main goal now in this guide is to teach you the in’s and out’s of what you
need to be doing to ensure your success. You’ve already purchased your
Nutrient Wise™ products, which is great and is going to help you move in the
right direction, but in addition to that,
’ it s also going to be important that you are
making sure to implement the proper diet and exercise techniques as well.

When you can get all three pieces of the equation – nutrition, exercise,
and smart supplementation under way, that is when you will see the results
that you’re after.
Throughout this guide, we’re going to first begin talking about the biggest diet
mistakes that so many people are making in their current approach. By learning
what these are, you can make sure you don’t commit these fatal crimes.

From there, we’ll talk about what you should do. We’ll cover what good
nutrition means in greater detail so that you know precisely how you should be
moving forward if you want to see the results that you’re after.

We’ll also be giving you a sample meal plan so that you can see what good
nutrition looks like in action. You can then use this plan as guidance as you tailor
it to meet your own needs and preferences.
After that, we’ll go over the exercise side of things, talking about the importance
of getting a smart resistance training program into place and what a good training
program looks like.
We’ll provide you with some workouts to utilise right away as you begin your
journey. These workouts will only take 20 minutes to perform, so there’s
something that everyone should be able to squeeze into their day without an

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They’ll help to rev your metabolic rate so that you can burn fat 24 hours a
day, improve your strength level, and help boost your health and fitness level as
All in all, they are simply going to be the best way to ensure that you get the
results that you’re looking for.

From there, we’ll go over some information regarding the supplementation

that you will be using with the program, and finally, we’ll be finishing up with
some tips to help keep you motivated.

Maintaining motivation is something that many people do often falter with

as they go about their program, so taking the time to make sure that you have a
few smart strategies in place will help to ensure that you aren’t falling off the
program at any point or another.
Once we’ve finished covering all of this, you should be all ready to move forward
and get started with your program plan, seeing results from day one.
So let’s get started right now and go over some of the biggest diet mistakes that
people are commonly making as they go about their nutrition program plan.

"If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have
it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you
don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place"
~Nora Roberts

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Chapter 1: The Biggest Diet Mistakes Most People
First let’s take some time to educate you on the biggest diet mistakes most
people make in their approach to weight loss and nutrition.

As you can imagine, there are a number of mistakes being made, which is a big
reason why so many people find themselves in the position where they are
overweight and not feeling the way they want about their health and body
Here are the main issues that tend to come about.

Crash Dieting

The first big mistake and possibly the most significant that’s often made as
people go about their diet is crash dieting.
They hear that to see fat loss, they need to take in fewer calories than they burn.
So this leads them to think that if 500 calories less than they burn is good, 1000
calories must be better.
But, this isn’t the case at all. What you need to remember is that if you take in too
few calories, your body is going to think starvation is taking place and as such,
begin to conserve fuel.
So while you may think that it’ll initially boost your fat loss – and it very well
may do so, it’s not going to help you maintain a good rate of fat loss over the long
haul and instead will just lead you to come to a halt with your fat burning.
A lower calorie intake is good, a very low calorie intake is not. It’s important
that you realise the difference.

Poor Meal Frequency

Secondly another error that’s often made is poor meal frequency. People
go all day without eating and then wind up binging at night and wondering why
this is happening.
If you aren’t eating regularly throughout the day, you are going to have that binge
Start your day with a proper breakfast and make sure you continue to eat every
3-4 hours after that. It will give you far more control over the food choices that

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you’re making.

All Or None Thinking

Another big error is all-or-none thinking. With this one, you basically think
that you’re either 100% on track or you’re 100% off track. People who adopt this
thinking pattern have issues because if they do happen to have a small slip-up,
that small slip-up then leads to a major breakdown to the point where they move
off their diet for a week or longer.
If you make a mistake, accept it but then carry right on again. A small mistake
won’t impact you, but if it causes you to fall off your diet completely, you’re going
to be facing some serious set-backs as far as your progress is concerned.

Relying On Convenience Foods

Finally, the last diet mistake is relying on convenience or ‘diet’ foods.

People see ‘low fat’ or ‘low carb’ and think this means health and fat-loss friendly.
Always remember that clever marketers are out there waiting to make a quick
buck off you so they will use marketing plans to help you believe a food is going
to help, when it’s actually going to hinder.

For best weight loss results, processed foods need to be eliminated from
your diet, so any food that’s marketed to be fat loss friendly is one to avoid. Eat
foods that mother nature created and you will be on track to better success.

So there you have some of the biggest errors that people are making with their
diet plan. If you can avoid these, you’ll be moving in the right direction.
Now let’s take some time to go over the other basic nutritional concepts that you
should remember that will help you see better results.

"The only place you find success before work is in the

dictionary" ~ May V. Smith

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Chapter 2: Sound Nutrition 101
If you can understand some basic foundational principles when it comes to
good nutrition, you can easily get on track to seeing the success that you’re after.
The main points that we’ll cover is your calorie intake along with your protein,
carb, and fat consumption as these dictate how your diet stacks up.

Your Calorie Intake

When it comes to making changes in your body weight, your calorie intake
is essentially going to be the tell-all of what’s going on. While the food choices
you make will determine how you feel as you go about a diet and the type of
weight that you lose, it’s your calorie intake that determines the direction on the

In order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume.
To gain weight, you’ll be eating more calories than you burn.
And, as you can imagine, to maintain your weight, you need to be eating about
an equal amount of calories as you total energy expenditure.
By monitoring and tracking your calorie intake, you can essentially guarantee that
you reach your body weight goals.

Now, there are a number of fancy equations that you can do to estimate
your calorie requirements however we’re going to show you a very simplistic
method to use that proves to be reliably accurate.
Do keep in mind though that with any equation, it is only ever going to be an
estimate. It’s impossible to predict with 100% accuracy how many calories you
burn off in any given day and furthermore, your total calorie burn will change from
day to day depending on the activities you do.

The equation that we’ll use is to have you simply multiple your body weight by
the following factors:

To lose weight: Body weight (in pounds) X 10 to 12

To Maintain weight: Body weight (in pounds) X 14 to 15
To Gain Weight (muscle mass): Body weight (in pounds) X 16 to 18

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Those who are more active on a day to day basis should use the higher
end of the range, while those who are more sedentary should use the lower end
of the range.
Keep in mind that in order to gain muscle weight rather than just gaining fat
weight, you also need to be using a good strength training program as well.
So take some time right now to calculate your target number. Once you have
this, keep it in the back of your mind at all times as this is the number that you
will be aiming for as time goes on.
Now it’s time to look at the three different macronutrients that make up the foods
that you eat.

First you have protein. Protein is by far the most important nutrient that
you need to be taking in on your diet plan and is the one that is going to help
increase your fat loss results as well.

Protein is required to help you maintain your lean muscle mass, which
serves as the calorie burning engine in the body, keeping your basal metabolic
rate high 24 hours a day.
Those who have more lean muscle mass burn more total calories all throughout
the day than those who don’t, so basically, losing lean muscle is not what you
want on a diet plan.
In addition to this, protein offers the following benefits:

• Helps to maintain stable blood glucose levels as it breaks down slower in

the body
• Can boost the metabolic rate by up to 25% after consumption (as you’ll
burn off approximately 25 calories per 100 calories of protein that you
consume simply breaking it down and digesting it)
• It’ll help to decrease hunger and keep you feeling satisfied longer over the
course of the day
• It’s required for providing the building blocks for all the cells in the body

So as you can see, protein is very important and not something that you can
miss out on with your diet plan. You should be eating protein with each and every
snack or meal that you consume, aiming to get in approximately one gram of
protein per pound of body weight each day.
The best choices of foods to eat to get your protein intake in include (and their
respective serving size which equates to between 120-150 calories:

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• 3 oz. Chicken breast
• 3 oz. Turkey breast
• 3 oz. Lean red meat
• 1 cup Egg whites (with the occasional whole egg)
• 1/2 -1 cup Low fat dairy products
• 4 oz. Fish and seafood
• 1 scoop. Whey protein powder
If you can stick with these for the most part, you’ll be putting high quality
fuel into your body. Keep in mind when calculating your calorie intake that both
proteins and carbohydrates provide four calories per gram, while dietary fats will
provide nine calories per gram.

Now let’s look at the secret macronutrient, carbohydrates.

Moving along, now we come to your carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates
often get a bad rap in the diet industry because everyone believes that eating
them means fast weight gain. But really, it’s more about the type of
carbohydrates that you’re eating along with how many that are the determining

If you eat the right amount of carbohydrates from the right sources, they
will actually help your weight loss efforts because they help you sustain a higher
metabolic rate over time.

Carbohydrates are the primary provider of energy to the body, so don’t be

surprised if you start to feel relatively fatigued if you start cutting them out of the
picture. In addition to that, carbohydrates provide the only fuel that the muscles
can use during intense activity, so if you want to maintain strength training
workouts, you are going to have to consume carbohydrates at one point or

So which carbohydrates should you eat?

First, you want to cut out all processed carbohydrates. Basically, ask
yourself if a carbohydrate is coming from the ground or not. If it’s not, pass on it.
It will only break down rapidly in the body, spiking blood glucose levels, and
putting your body into fat storage mode. If you eat carbohydrates in their most
natural state possible (whole grains, fruits, and vegetables), they will break down

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more slowly, so will provide that stable blood glucose level that delivers energy
for hours at a time.

Within these carbohydrates though, understand that some offer far more
calories than others, so you need to be mindful of the type you’re eating and how
The carbohydrates that are the most energy dense ones and should only be
eating around the workout and first thing in the morning include the complex
carbohydrates. These will add up quickly, so really watch how much you eat.

The carbohydrates that you’ll want to fill up the bulk of your diet plan are
the fibrous ones and include all the vegetables. These are so low in calories that
you can virtually eat an unlimited amount of them without worrying about weight
They’re full of good nutrition as well, so are ideal for those who are looking to
maintain health and a lower body weight.

Eat these often and in high quantities.

Finally, with fruit, you can add them to your diet and they are lower in
calories than the complex carbohydrates, but higher in calories than vegetables.
So as you go about adding them in, just be sure that you are accounting for them
so that you don’t end up overeating and taking in too many calories. They do
contain some fruit sugars, but that sugar is offset with a high dietary fibre content,
which slows the release of sugar into the blood. Plus, fruits are also loaded with
nutrients and antioxidants, so are a wise thing to have in your meal plan.

Here is the list of carbohydrates to choose from (each serving will equate to
around 100-120 calories):

Complex Carbohydrates
• cup cooked Rice
• cup cooked Quinoa
• cup cooked Barley
• 1/3 cup raw Oats
• 1 medium Sweet potato
• cup cooked Yams
• cup cooked Couscous
• 1 slice Very grainy breads (not as ideal, but they are okay on occasion)

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Fruit Carbohydrates
• All fruits with the exception of canned fruit in sugar syrup, avocado (which
is a fat rich fruit) or dried fruit.
Note that one piece of fruit or two cups berries or melons typically has around
80-100 calories.
*Note that dried fruit is still healthy, however it is very, very calorie dense, so
should be avoided by those who are seeking fat loss results.

Fibrous Carbohydrates
• All vegetables (note that potatoes will count as a complex carb, not a
fibrous one as they are more calorie dense). Since vegetables contain so
few calories, you don’t need to worry about counting calories from these.
Stick to these carbohydrates and you can eat carbohydrates and still lose weight.

Dietary Fats
Finally, the last nutrient is dietary fats. Dietary fats are also important to
have in your diet plan as they will provide key nutrients that your body needs to
maintain good health.
In addition to that, they provide the following benefits:

• Will break down very slowly in the body, so provide maximum hunger
• Will help to keep blood glucose levels stable, reducing energy highs and
• Add moisture and flavour to foods
• Help to maintain proper hormonal levels, especially testosterone which is
important for those seeking muscle development

Contrary to what you may think, eating fats won’t make you fat as long
as you aren’t eating too much of them.

They are more calorie dense, as we mentioned earlier at nine calories per
gram, so it is very important that you measure them to ensure you are getting the
right amount.
You’ll also want to note that all fats are not created equally either. You’ll want to
focus on monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, along with omega fatty
acids for the most part. Some saturated fat can be included and is actually
needed by the body for proper hormonal levels, but this should be kept to around

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15% of your total dietary fat intake.
You’ll want to pair your fats with proteins and vegetables for optimal hunger
control and fat burning, keeping them away from the period right before a
workout session.
Taking them in before a workout could leave you feeling slightly sluggish and
weighed down as they do take so long to digest in the body.

The best food choices to consume to get your healthy fat intake in include
(with one serving equating to around 100-120 calories):
• 1 tbsp. Olive oil
• 1 tbsp. Coconut oil
• 1 tbsp. Flaxseed oil
• 2 tbsp. Flaxseeds
• 2 tbsp. Dried unsweetened coconut
• Coconut milk – serving size can vary – check the package you’re using
• 1/3 cup Avocados
• 3 oz. Fatty varieties of fish
• 1 tbsp. Natural nut butters
• oz. Nuts
• 2 tbsp. Seeds

Stick to these and you’ll be improving your health and actually fostering a
healthier body weight.

So there you have a brief outline of the three different nutrients in the diet
and the main roles that they perform. Getting the right combination of nutrients is
one of the key factors that will be necessary for you to see great success with
your diet protocol.
Now let’s give you a sample meal plan so that you can see what that looks like.

“Never, never, never, never give up.” ~ Winston


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Chapter 3: Sample Meal Plan For Success
When it comes to designing your sample meal plan, you’ll first want to
decide how many times you plan to eat each day (I recommend 4-6 times) and
then from there, you’ll want to break down how many calories you should be
consuming in each meal throughout the day, making sure it arrives at your calorie
target depending on your goals.
From that point, you’ll then set your protein intake since protein is the most
important nutrient to be consuming.

While there’s no set amount of carbohydrates or dietary fats that you must
consume each and every day (as this can vary based around your own personal
preferences and how you feel eating each type of food), you must consume one
gram of protein per pound of body weight.

After your protein has been set, you can then divide the remainder of your
calories between the carbohydrates and fats you plan to consume, adding them
to your meal plan.
You should aim to eat the complex carbohydrates and fruit earlier on in the day,
creating meals that consist of proteins/carbs/fats/vegetables and then later on in
the day, focus more on proteins/vegetables/healthy fats. This is going to help
keep fat burning going all day long. Be sure to pick and choose from the food
lists that we provided above for you so that you are taking in the healthiest foods
for your body. Remember that most of those servings listed represent around
100-150 calories, so you can quickly add your servings to each meal, making
sure that you hit your target calorie intake.

Use this form to fill out how many servings of each food you need so then you
can structure your diet, using the below sample plans as guidance:

Target Calorie Intake:_______________________ (bodyweight in pounds X 10

to 12)
Grams of Protein: __________________________ (bodyweight in pounds X 1)
Calories of Protein: ________________________ (grams of protein X 4 calories)
Total Calories Left For Carbs And Fats: _______________ (target calorie intake
– calories of protein)
Total Carb Calories: ___________________ (use roughly 30-60% of the number

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Total Fat Calories: _____________________( total calories left for carbs and fats
– total carb calories).

Now with those last two numbers, consult the food lists above and choose
how many servings of each this will represent and that you will add to your meal
Now let’s show you what a sample 1600 calorie weight loss meal plan would look

Day 1:
• 6 egg whites
• 1 tbsp. olive oil
• 1 cup diced vegetables
• 1/3 cup oatmeal
• cup Low Fat Greek Yogurt
• 1 cup strawberries
• 2 tbsp. flaxseeds
• 3 oz. grilled chicken
• 2 cups steamed broccoli
• 1 tbsp. olive oil
• 1 apple
• 1 cup skim milk
• 1 banana
• 1 tbsp. natural peanut butter
• 3 oz. salmon
• 2 cups spinach salad
• 1 tbsp. olive oil dressing
Before Bed
• cup low-fat cottage cheese
• 1/3 cup chopped avocado

“And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that
count; it’s the life in your years.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

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Day 2:
• cup Greek yogurt
• 1 tbsp. natural peanut butter
• 1 sliced banana
• 1 scoop whey protein powder
• apple
• 1 tbsp. natural almond butter
• 3 oz. grilled cod fish
• 2 cups spinach salad
• 1 tbsp. olive oil
• 1 pear
• 1 can of tuna
• 1 small whole wheat pita
• 1 tbsp. olive oil salad dressing
• Diced vegetables
• 3 oz. lean steak
• 2 cups steamed Brussels sprouts
• 1 tbsp. olive oil dressing
• Lemon juice
Before Bed
• cup low-fat cottage cheese
• oz. almonds

“If you do not change direction, you may end up

where you are heading.” ~ Lao Tzu

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Day 3: Breakfast
• 2 egg whites
• scoop whey protein powder
• cup oats
• 1 tbsp. natural peanut butter
• sliced banana (prepared into a protein pancake with peanut butter and
banana on top)
• cup cottage cheese
• 1 cup blueberries
• 2 tbsp. dried unsweetened coconut
• 3 oz. lean steak
• 10 spears asparagus
• 1 tbsp. olive oil
• 1 cup grapes
• cup Greek yogurt
• cup bran cereal
• 1 tbsp. slivered almonds
• cup raspberries
• 3 oz. grilled chicken breast
• 1 cup spaghetti squash
• cup low-sodium tomato sauce
• 2 tbsp. slivered almonds
• Diced peppers, mushrooms, and carrots
Before Bed
• 1 cup skim milk
• 10 cashews

Use this as a guideline as you come up with your own meal plan structure.
I’d highly recommend that each Sunday evening you plan out your diet for the
week ahead so that way it’s all done for you and there is never any question of
what to eat. Remember that those who are most prepared and take out all the
‘guesswork’ as to what’s for lunch (for example) are less likely to succumb to
temptation and eat foods that they just shouldn’t be eating. So this now wraps up
our discussion of good nutrition.
Hopefully you feel informed and ready to move forward. Now let’s change
gears and talk more about getting together a proper workout program plan.

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Chapter 4: Your 20 Minute Strength Building, Fat
Burning Workout Program
When it comes to your strength training workout sessions, the key thing to
remember is intensity.

Intensity is going to be the name of your game because the more intense
we make your workout sessions, the greater the metabolic rate you will receive
from those sessions, meaning the faster you see progress going forward.
In addition to this, by making the sessions more intense, you can get them
completed faster and on with your day. You lead a busy lifestyle and it’s no
secret that most people don’t stick with their workout because they just don’t
have enough time in the day to do so. Consequentially, motivation hits an all-time
low and before they know it, they haven’t seen the gym in weeks.

By structuring your workout in a specific manner, you can easily get the
workouts completed in a short time frame, doing just three workouts per week
and making it completely manageable for you to stick with over the long haul.
Finally, with intense workout sessions, you’ll also see a greater boost to your
fitness level as well.

The fact of the matter is that moderate paced, long duration workouts do
very little to improve your fitness level. All those hours spent on the treadmill
going at that moderate paced while feeling bored out of your mind?

The truth is that’s doing very little for both your fat loss as well as your health

So many people get caught up thinking they’re doing right by devoting so

much time to cardio training but the reality is that this training does very little to
change your body composition or boost your health level.

The great news as well is that when you structure a workout program
properly, you can get both strength as well as cardiovascular benefits from it.
This means that you will be able to do away with cardio workouts completely,
which is definitely positive news to most people. Few really enjoy spending hours
on cardio equipment, so the faster they can eliminate this from their workout
protocol, the better as far as they are concerned.

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Let’s look at a few of the other concepts that you’ll be utilising in this workout
program plan.

Compound Movements

First, you’re going to notice that these workouts are going to be composed
of primarily compound exercises.

A compound exercise is any exercise that is going to work more than one
muscle group at once, therefore creating a stronger metabolic response, while
allowing you to see more significant strength gains.

Furthermore, if you perform compound movements for the most part, you can get
in and out of the gym (or your home gym) quicker since you have to do fewer
total exercises in each workout session.
It’s really a win-win scenario as far as your results are concerned.
We’ll be using primarily compound exercises, with a few added in to simply
exhaust some of the smaller muscle groups and bring you to a state of total

Circuit Style Approach

The second thing you’ll notice is that one of the workouts will have you
using a circuit training approach. This is a great way to boost your cardiovascular
level of fitness and really supercharge your metabolic rate, allowing you to see
maximum fat burning effects.

With circuit training, you’ll perform one exercise after another, only stopping once
the entire circuit is completed.
It’s an intense workout, but one that will serve you well achieving results fast.

Reps For Time

Finally, we’ll also have you doing a workout where you are doing ‘reps for
What this means is that you will still be using a challenging weight as you would
in your straight set workout, but rather than doing a set, resting, doing a set,
resting, and so on, you’ll perform as many reps as you can in a one minute time

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If you need to rest at any point during that minute, do so but pick right back
up again as soon as you possibly can.

This is yet another extremely intense way to design a workout protocol and is
going to give you a great boost to your metabolism while also helping to increase
your muscular endurance level as well. You’ll essentially be training the body to
do more work in less time, which means when you go back to straight sets again,
they feel that much easier.

So they are the main concepts that we’ll be using throughout these
Below you’ll find three different workout protocols, each one to be performed on a
different day.
You’ll want to set these up on a Monday/Wednesday/Friday type of setup, or
Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday if you prefer.

Just be sure that you do have at least one day off between workouts to allow for
the rest and recovery process to take place.

Workout A – Strength Building Workout

This is the primary strength training workout program so your goal is to lift as
heavy as you possibly can throughout it. Follow the exercise list as mentioned.

Exercise Reps Sets Rest

Chest Press 8 3 60 seconds
Squats 8 3 60 seconds
Bent Over Rows 10 3 60 seconds
Dead lifts 10 3 60 seconds
Shoulder Press 12 2 45 seconds
Bicep Curls 12 1 30 seconds
Tricep Extensions 12 1 30 seconds
Lying Leg Raises 12 1 30 seconds

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Workout B – Circuit Training

Perform each exercise in the list below, aiming for 15 reps total. Once the entire
circuit is completed, rest for 2 minutes before completing one more time through.

• Squats
• Push-Ups
• Walking Lunges
• Bent Over Rows
• Lying Leg Raises
• Dead lifts
• Shoulder Press
• Lateral Raise
• Bicycle Sit-Ups
• Bicep Curls
• Tricep Extensions
• Plank Hold (30 seconds)

Workout C - Reps For Time

Perform this workout, doing as many reps as possible of each exercise in a
one minute time period. Rest for 30 seconds between each exercise and once
the entire list is completed, rest for 5 minutes before repeating a second time

• Chest Press
• Squats
• Bent Over Rows
• Dead lifts
• Shoulder Press
• Plank Hold

If you can keep up these workout sessions, you should have no problem moving
on and seeing the results that you’re after. If you happen to miss a session, just
get right back on track as soon as possible once again.

Now let’s move forward and talk a little more about supplementation.

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Chapter 5: Supplementation For Success

Supplementation is something else that many people often wonder about

as they go along with their program. There’s no question that there are plenty of
different products out there to choose from, but which will help and which will just
waste your hard-earned dollar?

Let’s go over some of the main supplements that you may want to consider using
that will help you see results.

Protein Powder

The first supplement to consider is a high quality protein powder. Some

people do have a really hard time meeting their protein needs and having a
protein powder available can make this that much easier.
A good quality protein powder is going to be low in fat and carbs and can be
designed to either break down very rapidly (such as a whey isolate), or very
slowly (a casein) to meet your goals at the time.


Second, also be sure to pick up a good quality multi-vitamin. This will give
you the back-up assurance that you are going to be meeting your needs and you
don’t have to worry about suffering from nutritional deficiencies.
While you should always be aiming to get your nutrition from the foods you eat, a
vitamin can be there when you can’t.

Fish Oil

Fish oil is the next good supplement to have in your program plan. Fish oil
is going to provide the omega fats that your body needs to sustain all around
good health and it can also help to foster a leaner body composition.
Most people aren’t eating enough fatty varieties of fish throughout the week, in
which case fish oil can stand in perfectly to help them meet their requirements.

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Caffeine/Green Tea Extract

If you need an energising boost to help you get through your day, a product
containing caffeine or green tea extract can be utilised.
You do need to be more careful when using these products as those who are
sensitive to caffeine may suffer a few side effects (similar that if you had a bit too
much coffee to drink), so just be aware of that.
But for faster energy, they can work great.

Hunger Suppressant

If you are constantly suffering from high levels of hunger on your diet plan,
a hunger suppressant could mean the difference between success or failure.
Having something to help deal with your hunger can make it easier for you to
stay in control over your food choices, which is a must if you hope to continue to
eat right. One particular product that tends to stand above the rest and is a more
safe and natural product so better for your system is Garcinia Cambogia. It’s the
one to consider.
Hunger is often what throws many people off their plan entirely, so this can be
one of the most beneficial supplements for you to be using.


Finally, don’t overlook glutamine. Glutamine is a key amino acid that’s

going to promote a stronger immune system and that will help you recover as
quickly as possible from each workout session.
It’ll also help ensure that you are feeling your best on a day to day basis as well.
So there you have the main supplements that will offer powerful benefits that you
should consider using.

Now let’s move forward and talk more about motivation.

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Chapter 6: Tips And Tricks For Staying Motivated

Motivation allows us to energise ourselves in order to show a specific goal-

orientated behaviour. Motivation is quite necessary when it comes to the
achievement of aims.

Finally, the last thing that I want to touch upon in this guide is tips for
staying motivated. Motivation is a huge component of the program plan because
if you lose motivation and aren’t following the program, you are not going to be
seeing results – it’s as simple as that. Since motivation is the biggest issue that
most people do struggle with, you need to have some strategies in place in order
to keep yours high so that you never have to deal with these set-backs as they

So this said, let’s give you a few strategies to consider using.

Keep A Journal

First, one great way to sustain higher motivational levels is to make sure
that you keep a journal of your progress. Take pictures every few weeks to note
how your body is changing so that you can see that the sacrifices you are making
are actually worth it.
In addition to this, you may want to write down any thoughts and feelings you
have as you go about the plan as well as that can help you get them out so they
aren’t sitting there in your mind all the time.

A journal is a great way to control emotional eating as well (write in it first before
you turn to food), so it’s a very helpful tool to have in place.

Set Daily Goals

The next way to boost your motivation is to ensure that you have good
goals. Not only should you be setting your long term goals as these will keep you
striving onwards and seeing the progress that you desire, but you should also be
setting some daily goals as well. It could be something as simple as making sure
you eat 5 servings of vegetables that day or aiming to lift five pounds more when
doing your squats.

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Just think of something that is going to make sure that you feel fully compelled to
continue on with your training and diet plan.

If you give each day a purpose, that small daily goal, you now see a reason to
keep trying
When the long term goals seem so far out of reach, it can be hard to sustain
Plus, each of these mini goals that you accomplish, you boost your self-
confidence that you can in fact achieve what you set your mind to.

Get A Buddy

Another key technique to boost your motivation is to workout with a buddy.

Having someone there along with you to go through the process can be hugely
motivational and provide the support you need when you need it.
Plus, if you know they are waiting for you to show up for your workout session,
you’ll be less likely to skip over them entirely.

If you don’t have a friend or buddy who will join you in the program, at least get a
good friend you can use as a support system when times get difficult.
Not enough can be said for having a solid support system in place, so make sure
that you are not overlooking this.

Use A Reward System

Finally, the last quick tip to use to help make sure you stay motivated is to
get some rewards in place. Many people are good about setting goals, but then
never go ahead and set some rewards for when they accomplish those goals.

Set rewards that are important to you – something that will really inspire you to
keep pushing forward eve when you feel like falling off track.

Also keep in mind that the rewards should scale with the effort you put in.
The reward for achieving a short term goal for example might be a movie night
with a friend, while the reward for reaching your long term goal might be that
vacation that you’ve been dreaming of for so long.

Choose rewards that appeal to you and you will feel far more motivated as time
goes on.

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So utilise these techniques as often as possible. Realise though that what works
for one person may not necessarily work for another, so be sure to think about
what will serve you best.

Try a few out and you should find that a few will be producing the desirable
results that you’re looking for.

So there you have your guide to getting started and seeing fat loss
success. Use this for seven days straight to get into the habit of eating and
exercising right and then continue on from there to continue to see great results.

Remember that slip-ups do occur but it’s how you deal with those slip-ups that
will dictate the results that you see.

Stay in control, stay calm, and stay motivated.

Success will be yours.

"For changes to be of any true value, they've got to be

lasting and consistent."
-Anthony Robbins

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