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Symbolizing while solving linear systems

Michelle Zandieh1   · Christine Andrews‑Larson2

Accepted: 23 August 2019

© FIZ Karlsruhe 2019

Solving systems of linear equations is of central importance in linear algebra and many related applications, yet there is
limited literature examining the symbolizing processes students use as they work to solve systems of linear equations. In this
paper, we examine this issue by analyzing final exam data from 68 students in an introductory undergraduate linear algebra
course at a large public research university in the United States. Based on our analysis, we expanded our framework (Larson
& Zandieh, 2013) for interpretations of matrix equations to include augmented matrices and symbolic forms commonly used
in solving linear systems. We document considerable variation in students’ symbolization processes, which broadly occurred
along two primary trajectories: systems trajectories and row reduction trajectories. Row reduction trajectories included at
least five symbolic shifts, two of which students executed with a great deal of success and uniformity. Students’ symbol-
izing processes varied more in relation to the other three shifts, and these variations were often linked to trends of variable
renaming, variable creation, or imagined parameter reasoning. Students were more flexible in their solution strategies when
solving systems involving lines than for systems involving planes.

Keywords  Linear algebra · Systems of equations · Augmented matrices · Student reasoning

1 Introduction an introductory linear algebra course: for instance, when

making sense of linearly dependent sets of vectors, when
The origins of linear algebra lie in efforts to solve systems of dealing with linear transformations whose null spaces are
linear equations and understand the nature of their solution non-trivial, and when making sense of eigenvectors.
sets. In our experience, instructors of linear algebra tend to Student struggles in linear algebra are well-documented
see the work of teaching students to solve linear systems (e.g., Dorier, Robert, Robinet, & Rogalski, 2000; Stewart
as the more straightforward and procedural portion of the & Thomas, 2009; Trigueros & Possani, 2013; Larson &
course. We speculate that solving linear systems and inter- Zandieh, 2013). Researchers have speculated that the for-
preting their solution sets in fact entails hidden and signifi- malization of ideas such as span, linear independence, null
cant challenges for students that are important for their later spaces, basis, and eigenvectors is problematic for students
success in linear algebra, as well as their work in related for a variety of reasons including their preference for prac-
science and engineering courses. In particular, students tical rather than theoretical thinking (Dorier & Sierpinska,
will encounter and need to make sense of systems of linear 2001) and struggles shifting among representations (e.g.,
equations that have infinitely many solutions throughout Hillel, 2000; Sierpinska, 2000). In the context of systems of
linear equations, Trigueros (2018) argues it is well-known
that students struggle to make sense of solutions and that
* Michelle Zandieh these struggles have links to students’ understanding of vari- ables, functions, and sets.
Christine Andrews‑Larson In the United States, it is generally the case that students taking a first course in linear algebra at the undergradu-
Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, College of Integrative
ate level have prior experience solving 2 × 2 systems, and
Sciences and Arts, Arizona State University, Polytechnic many have some experience solving 3 × 3 systems. Students
Campus, 6073 S. Backus Mall MC 2780, Mesa, often recall that such systems should have 0, 1, or infinitely
AZ 85212‑2780, USA many solutions. In this paper, we explore the complex work
Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA

M. Zandieh, C. Andrews‑Larson

entailed in symbolizing the steps in a solution trajectory to complete a row reduction process. In such cases, as in the
as well as in symbolizing and interpreting a solution to the data for this paper, student symbolization then focuses on
system. In cases where there are infinitely many solutions, moving between systems of equations, augmented matrices
characterizing the solution set can be particularly chal- and even vector equations as part of solving systems and
lenging and involves creating and interpreting a variety of interpreting those solutions.

2.2 Interpreting solution sets

2 Literature on systems of equations
Several papers focus on issues of interpreting systems and
There is limited research on students’ reasoning about sys- their solutions geometrically. Oktaç (2018) drew on ques-
tems of linear equations and their solution sets. We attend tionnaire data from 27 students enrolled in an introductory
to two primary aspects of students’ reasoning about sys- undergraduate linear algebra course in Mexico and argued
tems of linear equations and their solution sets: manipula- that the students primarily thought of systems in terms of
tion of equations and systems of equations, and interpreta- two equations and two unknowns. These students conceived
tion of solution sets. of solutions both geometrically as a point where two lines
meet (which parallel lines do not do, regardless of whether
2.1 Manipulating equations and systems they overlap) and algebraically as an ordered pair that simul-
taneously satisfies both equations. Thinking of the solution
The notion of equivalence is central to making sense of the as one point and not considering overlapping lines as inter-
manipulation of (systems of) equations in order to identify secting raised difficulties for the students in the case of infi-
solution sets, as two equations or two systems of equations nitely many solutions.
are considered to be equivalent if they have the same solu- Sandoval and Possani (2016) examined the ways in which
tion set. Thus the work of solving an equation (or a system) undergraduate linear algebra students make sense of and
becomes a question of how one can manipulate the equation transition among representations of vectors, lines, and planes
(or system) in ways that leave the solution set unchanged in three-space. In particular, they found that while students
while making it clearer what that solution set is. could easily check if a point lies in a plane given the alge-
In the context of solving single equations in secondary braic equation of that plane, students exhibited considerably
mathematics, Steinberg, Sleeman, and Ktorza (1991) found more difficulty in coordinating geometric and algebraic rep-
that eighth and ninth grade students who transformed equa- resentations when constructing the parametric equation of a
tions to determine equivalence (rather than solving and com- line in three-space and relating that line to the intersection
paring solution sets) exhibited the greatest levels of success. of two planes. They argued that relating this coordination to
This suggests it is important that students understand how augmented matrices and their row-reduced forms is an area
two sides of an equation can be manipulated in coordina- that needs to be explored.
tion so that the solution is unchanged (e.g. you can add any Others have drawn on a modeling perspective to exam-
number to both sides or multiply both sides by a non-zero ine students’ reasoning related to systems of linear equa-
number). In the case of a system of linear equations, students tions and found that after some initial difficulties develop-
must also come to reason about how/why equations can be ing systems of linear equations to algebraically represent
manipulated simultaneously so as to leave the solution set real-world situations, these contexts have the potential to
unchanged (e.g. you can substitute the value of an unknown aid or constrain students’ efforts to make sense of infinite
found in one of the equations into another equation, or you solution sets (e.g., Possani, Trigueros, Preciado & Lozano,
can systematically eliminate one variable from subsets of 2010; Trigueros, 2018). These studies suggest that paramet-
the original system to find an equivalent system with fewer ric vector equations tied to real-world contexts can be a help-
unknowns). Harel (2017) detailed a teaching experiment ful representation in supporting students’ reasoning about
with in-service teachers regarding equivalent systems of infinite solution sets.
equations revealing conceptual complexities involved in Based on the existing literature, we argue that there is a
reasoning about what manipulations of systems maintain need to better understand how students make sense of solu-
equivalence. tion sets of systems of linear equations, and the symbolizing
Harel (2017) focused primarily on sense-making regard- processes students use for identifying these solutions. The
ing algebraic manipulations within the context of systems work presented in this paper aims to contribute to this lit-
of equations. In contrast, many undergraduate linear algebra erature by drawing on the conceptual framework of Larson
courses in the United States allow students to use technology and Zandieh (2013) which we elaborate to focus more on the

Symbolizing while solving linear systems

nuances involved in student symbolizing when solving and we determined that the framework of Larson and Zandieh
reasoning about systems of linear equations. (2013) would be useful for describing and documenting stu-
dents’ transitions between a range of inscriptions in solving
systems. In addition, as we analyzed the data and wrote the
3 Conceptual framing paper, we realized that additional aspects would be needed to
more fully describe the nuances in symbolizing that students
For this paper we are interested in student participation were engaged in. In what follows we describe the original
in the mathematical practice of symbolizing. Our fram- Larson and Zandieh (2013) conceptual framework and our
ing is based in Freudenthal’s (1991) notion of mathemat- extensions of it for this paper.
ics as a human activity. Individual student participation in Larson and Zandieh (2013) developed a framework
mathematical activity is one of the four ways of describing for making sense of student thinking by identifying three
mathematical progress posited by Rasmussen, Wawro, and important interpretations of the matrix equation Ax = b
Zandieh (2015). Although there are many aspects of student where A is an m × n matrix, x is in R n and b is in R m.
participation that may be documented, for this paper, we Namely, Ax = b can be interpreted as a system of equa-
follow Rasmussen, Zandieh, King, & Tempo’s (2005) focus tions, a linear combination of column vectors, or as a
on the “notion of advancing mathematical activity as acts transformation from Rn to Rm (see Fig. 1). In this paper,
of participation in different mathematical practices” (p. 53). we expand this framework to also include the interpre-
These disciplinary practices of mathematics include proving, tation of augmented matrices. Figure 1 emphasizes that
defining, algorithmatizing (creating algorithms) and symbol- we see algebraic and geometric as two contexts within
izing (Rasmussen et al., 2005; Zandieh & Rasmussen, 2010; which a person may interact with each interpretation. As
Zandieh, Wawro, & Rasmussen, 2017). in Zandieh (2000) we acknowledge that there may be addi-
We take symbolizing broadly to mean how students tional contexts such as a physical setting or an applica-
reason with any inscriptions including analytic as well as tion context, but we focus on these two primary contexts
graphical inscriptions. In approaching the data for this paper, for the purpose of this paper. In Fig. 1 each row is an

Fig. 1  Expansion of Larson and

Zandieh’s (2013) framework for
views of Ax = b 

M. Zandieh, C. Andrews‑Larson

interpretation and each of the eight boxes represents an Figure 2 illustrates each of these algebraic interpretation-
interpretation–context pair, with each pair being illus- form pairs for one of the systems students solved in our data:
trated for the case where x and b are vectors in R 2 and three planes intersecting in a line. One thing to note is that
there is one unique solution. the augmented matrix equivalent form (AM-E) is what is
There are two things of particular interest in terms of often called in textbooks (e.g., Lay, 2012) the reduced row
the Augmented Matrix interpretation. First is that the literal echelon form (RREF). In the case of infinitely many solu-
symbol x disappears completely from the algebraic context tions (as in Fig. 2), there is no augmented matrix solution
[A|b]. This condensing of expression is helpful for efficiency form (AM-S) that has a direct correspondence to the other
but has the potential for loss of information in communica- solution forms listed in the final column of Fig. 2. On the
tion (Zandieh & Knapp, 2006, 2018). As such, we conjecture other hand, in the case of a system with a unique solution,
that transitions from the Augmented Matrix interpretation the reduced row echelon form would correspond to other
into other interpretations are more difficult because the sym- solution forms in the sense that the values for each of the
bols of the vector x have to be reconstructed. Second, to variables in the solution would be explicitly listed.
our knowledge there is no generally accepted geometrical Given the lack of research on students’ symbolizing while
representation associated with augmented matrices. In other solving linear systems, as well as the complexities and sub-
words, there is not a geometric picture that can be drawn for tleties involved, our research questions are: How do students
the augmented matrix interpretation that is different from engage in symbolizing when solving consistent systems of
the geometric contexts drawn for the other interpretations. equations involving lines and planes? More specifically,
In addition, although a person might transition directly from what interpretations, contexts, and forms do students draw
an augmented matrix into any of the geometric contexts, on as they proceed through their solution process?
students in our data always transitioned into a different We explore examples that have a single solution as well as
algebraic interpretation first before relating to the problem’s examples that have infinitely many solutions. In the Sect. 5,
geometry. we illustrate the trajectories that students used in transition-
In analyzing our data, we realized that the interpreta- ing through various interpretations, contexts, and forms. In
tion–context pairs in Fig. 1 were important but did not cap- doing so we shed light on the nuances involved in solving
ture all aspects of student symbolizing when solving systems these systems of equations. In Sect. 6 we reflect on the simi-
of equations. Sometimes students transitioned between two larities and differences in student symbolizing trajectories
different interpretations or between two different contexts, when solving four different consistent systems.
whereas in other cases students transitioned between sym-
bolizations that are within a particular interpretation–context
pair. Therefore, Fig. 2 lists three different algebraic forms 4 Data sources and methods of analysis
within each of the algebraic interpretations occurring most
often in our data. Original (O) forms have the same set of To answer our research questions, we draw on data taken from
constraints as the given problem. Equivalent (E) forms have the final exams of 68 students enrolled in two sections of an
the same solution set as the original form, but a different set introductory linear algebra classes at a large public research
of constraints. Solution (S) forms have the same constraints university in the United States. Both sections were taught by
as the Equivalent forms but are formatted so that the values the same instructor who was an experienced linear algebra
of the unknowns can be read off directly. instructor at the institution. Most students in the class were
engineering majors in their junior or senior year of college,

Fig. 2  Original, equivalent and

solution forms within each of
three interpretations

Symbolizing while solving linear systems

and had completed three semesters of calculus including dif- two on each of two versions of the course’s written final
ferential, integral, and multi-variable calculus prior to enroll- examination. One version of the exam asked about equations
ing in this linear algebra course. About half of the students in of lines (Version L) and the other asked about equations of
the classes were non-traditional students (e.g. not continuously planes (Version P). The questions are shown in Fig. 3. Both
enrolled in post-secondary education since graduating from versions include a system with a unique solution (part a on
high school), about twenty percent of the students spoke a each) and a system with infinitely many solutions that cor-
native language other than English, and 8 of the 68 students respond to a line of intersection (part b on each). There are
were women. more equations than unknowns in all parts except Version
Course topics included systems of linear equations, span P part b, in which there are the same number of equations
and linear independence, linear transformations, determi- and unknowns. Note that 31 students took Version P of the
nants, eigenvectors, eigenvalues, and diagonalization. The exam, and 37 students took Version L.
course textbook was Lay (2012). The primary deviation Our analysis took place in three main phases: we first
from the course textbook sequence of topics was that span broadly categorized interpretations used in students’ solving
and linear independence were introduced prior to methods processes, then coded the chain of inscriptions in individual
for solving systems of linear equations. Two 75-min class students’ solving trajectories, and finally aggregated solution
sessions were spent on explicit instruction of row reduction trajectories across all students taking each version of the
methods, and these were regarded as part of standard instruc- exam. During each phase of analysis, both authors of this
tion (not the focus of any particular instructional interven- paper analyzed the data to come to consensus for each stu-
tion). Instruction on solving systems included conventions dent on how their response should be categorized or coded.
for converting between systems of equations and augmented In order to get a sense of students’ broad use of interpreta-
matrices, row operations, their origin in manipulating sys- tions, in the first phase of analysis, we categorized students’
tems of equations, reduced row echelon form, representation responses according to their primary solution strategy, which
of solutions in general and parametric vector equation forms, fell into two broad categories. If a student rewrote the system
and interpretations of solutions in real-world and geometric as an augmented matrix and fully row reduced, we catego-
contexts (e.g. intersections of lines, planes, etc.). rized the solution strategy as a reduced row echelon form or
In this report, we examine student responses to four ques- RREF strategy. If a student solved the system using meth-
tions that offer insight into students’ symbolizing processes, ods of elimination or substitution or otherwise analyzed the

Fig. 3  Exam questions to be

M. Zandieh, C. Andrews‑Larson

equations without row reduction, we categorized the solution made inferences about the order of inscriptions based on
strategy as a Systems strategy. a combination of physical organization (e.g. left to right,
In the second phase of analysis, we documented the tra- top to bottom), students’ use of arrows and annotations, and
jectory of each student’s solution process. To do this, we our own understandings of which inscriptions were com-
developed codes for the variety of inscriptions that students mon manipulations of others when solving systems. We also
used as they worked toward a solution. Code Names and documented any written explanations students made, which
descriptions are detailed in Fig. 4. The Code Names in the were particularly helpful in seeing how they made sense
first column of Fig. 4 are accurate to our analysis process of the solutions to the systems (and at times in helping us
and align with common ways of talking about these forms in understand their reasoning during the solving process).
mathematical language. However, as our analysis of student To illustrate our process, Fig. 5 shows the work of student
symbolizing evolved to include the forms in Fig. 2, we began A14 and a portion of A14’s row of the spreadsheet with
using the descriptions corresponding to the interpretation- Code Names. The student first correctly rewrote the system
form abbreviations listed in the third column of Fig. 4. Note as an augmented matrix (AM), then correctly rewrote it in
that P and V do not have a designation as an interpretation- row reduced form (RREF), then correctly rewrote it as a
form from Fig. 2 because they do not refer to an equation. system of equations in which x was written in terms of z
After the Code Names had been developed, they were (SE’’), then correctly rewrote this as a vector equation (VE).
recorded in a spreadsheet (1 row per student) with anno- Note that the third code name is SE’’ because it is not a
tations added to note any idiosyncratic details related to direct rewriting of the RREF as a system but also involved
a particular inscription. The cells in the row were color some manipulation to write x = 2 − z. As illustrated with
coded according to whether each inscription was correct this student, the Code Names were our first window into the
or included an error (neon green for correct, yellow for interpretations and forms used by students and thus into the
incorrect). For each student row, the column entries were complexities of the symbolizing process.
populated chronologically with the code names as they In the third and final phase of analysis, we sorted the
appeared in each student’s solution process. To do this, we spreadsheet from the second phase of analysis by the first
column of code names, then the second column, and so on
Code Description Interpretation -
Name Form so that students with similar initial codes were grouped
Student writes the system as an augmented matrix
Student writes the system in reduced row echelon
together. The resulting visualization helped us decide to
form (or row echelon form) aggregate the trajectories of the students into a new spread-
SE’ Student writes the RREF form of the matrix as a SE-E or SE-S
system of equations sheet in which each row corresponded to a single aspect
SE’’ Student writes the system of equations in another SE-E or SE-S of the trajectory (identified by Code Name) and each col-
VE Student writes the system as a vector equation LC-S umn corresponds to a student (e.g., Figure 6). Due to minor
P Student writes solution as a point none
V Student writes solution as a vector none
variation in individual student trajectories, we collapsed
(or expanded) some cells to align individual trajectories
Fig. 4  Code names and descriptions with common milestones observed as students progressed
toward a solution. For example, student A14 in Fig. 5 did

Fig. 5  Student trajectory (A14) to planes part b with coding

Symbolizing while solving linear systems

Fig. 6  Aggregated trajectory diagram for planes part a

not directly rewrite the RREF matrix as a system (SE′) but

expressed the solution correctly in two ways—in general Planes Planes Lines Lines
part a part b part a part b
form (SE″) and as a parametric vector equation (VE). This RREF 94% 94% 78% 51%
process gave rise to the Aggregated Trajectory diagram Strategy
Systems 6% 3% 14% 43%
Other (e.g. matrix or vector equation) 0% 3% 8% 5%
shown in Fig. 6, in which each row corresponds to a com- RREF 94% 94% 57% 46%
mon milestone and each column corresponds to a student. Final Strategy Systems 6% 3% 41% 51%
Other (e.g. matrix or vector equation) 0% 3% 3% 3%
Note that the darker shade is for a correct inscription for the
milestone whereas a lighter shade corresponds to an incor-
Fig. 7  Initial and Final strategies to solving (sums may not equal
rect inscription for the milestone; green indicates an RREF 100% because of rounding)
strategy and blue indicates a Systems strategy. We stopped
recording student work in the Aggregated Trajectory figures
followed an RREF trajectory, whereas when solving the
after an incorrect milestone, even if the student continued on
lines case many students transitioned from an RREF tra-
writing other incorrect statements.
jectory to a more systems-based trajectory. Percentages of
The Aggregated Trajectory allowed us to see patterns in
students using these solution strategies are listed in Fig. 7.
symbolizing trajectories across students solving the same
problem. For example, in the first row of Fig. 6, the dark
5.1 Planes tasks
green represents the 29 students who correctly wrote the
augmented matrix (AM) followed by dark blue for the two
In the planes case, student RREF trajectories tended to fol-
students who made a first step towards a Systems strategy.
low a relatively standard sequence of at least five symbolic
In the second row, the dark green represents the 27 students
shifts indicated here by arrows between symbolizations (as
who wrote a correct row reduced form (RREF), followed in
discussed in Figs. 1 and 2):
light green by two students who wrote an incorrect RREF,
one student in dark blue who wrote a second correct system SE (orig) → AM (orig) → RREF (AM equiv)
step, and one student in light blue who wrote a second sys-
→ SE (equiv) → SE (sol’n)
tem step incorrectly. The table continues in this way with the
third row representing the interpretation of the row reduction → Geometric Context.
as a system of equations (SE′), the fourth row representing A great deal of uniformity was observed in the first two
a statement of the solution to the system, and the fifth row shifts, whereas greater variation was observed in the lat-
representing the choice the student circled in part c regard- ter three shifts. These shifts correspond to the rows in the
ing a geometric context for their solution. Aggregated Trajectory diagrams shown in Figs. 6 and 8.
The Aggregated Trajectory diagrams helped us identify at Common variations in symbolic shifts in the latter parts of
which milestones large numbers of students diverged in their the trajectory correspond to the longer light green bands in
in their symbolizing. Examples of common trajectories and the bottom three rows of these figures. In Sect. 5.1.1, we
diversions are illustrated and analyzed in Sect. 5. highlight the symbolic shifts in the correct RREF trajecto-
ries and compare to a Systems strategy. In Sects. 5.1.2 and
5.1.3, we provide examples of common trends in student
5 Findings responses that varied from the typical correct RREF trajec-
tory. These trends feature issues related to variable creation
Our central finding is that there is considerable nuance and and renaming, as well as imagined parameter reasoning.
variation entailed in the symbolizing work of students in
their efforts to solve systems of linear equations. Student 5.1.1 Correct RREF strategies and an attempted systems
symbolizations primarily occurred along two aggregated tra- strategy
jectories, which we refer to as an RREF trajectory (which
heavily leverages AM interpretations) and a Systems tra- Planes part a: Four planes intersect in a point When asked
jectory. When solving the planes case, students primarily to find the intersection of four planes in part a (which

M. Zandieh, C. Andrews‑Larson

Fig. 8  Aggregated student trajectories in planes task, part b

Fig. 9  Correct RREF strategy (student A9, planes part a)

Fig. 10  Systems strategy with error (student A39, planes part a)

intersect in a point), the vast majority of students started
with a correct augmented matrix (29/31), and most of these
(27) arrived at a correct RREF based on this (likely using correct RREF strategy for Part b is the work of student A14
calculators to row reduce). Despite this high initial success shown in Fig. 5 in Sect. 4. In both Figs. 6 and 8, the first 14
rate, only about a third of the students (11/31) correctly dark green columns indicate the 14 students who completed
found and interpreted the solution. Only 2 students used a the planes task using a correct RREF strategy.
Systems strategy, and neither was successful in using this
approach to arrive at a correct solution. These two students 5.1.2 Rewriting RREF as a system or vector equation:
are indicated by the final two columns of Fig. 6. variable creation and renaming
We illustrate the difference between what we mean by
an RREF strategy and a Systems strategy using the work of The third row in each of the Aggregated Trajectory dia-
students A9 and A39. As we can see in Fig. 9, student A9 grams (Figs. 6 and 8) illustrates in green the students who
correctly solved the system with four equations and three transitioned from a correct RREF (AM-E) form to another
unknowns by using the standard RREF trajectory including symbolization. Many students (17 in Part a, 22 in Part b)
symbolizing the solution as a system of equations (SE) and transitioned to a correct SE interpretation, while other stu-
then writing the solution as the ordered triple, (1, 1, 1). The dents (10 in Part a, 5 in Part b) struggled at this point. In
student also circled “a point” when asked for a geometric making this transition, a student must list variables that are
interpretation of the intersection in part c (not shown). not explicitly stated in the condensed notation of the RREF
We contrast the row reduction approach of student A9 form. Instead of referring to the original system (SE-O) to
with the work of student A39, who drew on a Systems determine these variables, some students renamed the vari-
approach as shown below in Fig. 10. We note that while ables or even created an additional variable.
student A39 arrived at an incorrect answer due to a sign Planes part a: Four planes intersect in a point Of the 10
error, there were no obvious conceptual errors in the stu- students who identified a correct RREF but rewrote it incor-
dent’s solving process (other than perhaps the omission of rectly as a system of equations in part a, there was a strong
not checking the final solution). However, A39’s work high- pattern: 9 of those 10 students added a fourth variable x4,
lights how complex a Systems strategy can be to implement with all but one of these indicating x4 is free and the other
for larger systems. writing x4 = 0. We refer to this phenomenon as variable crea-
Planes part b: Three planes intersect in a line When tion and renaming.
asked to find the intersection of the three planes (that inter- Figure 11 shows the work of a student that is typical of
sect in a line), the vast majority of students (28/31) started the approach taken by students who incorrectly rewrote their
with a correct augmented matrix, and all but one of those correct RREF as a system of equations. In particular, Stu-
(27) used that to arrive at a correct RREF. An example of a dent A10 boxed and labeled the pivots and drew an arrow

Symbolizing while solving linear systems

the bottom row of Fig. 6 (5 students) and Fig. 8 (4 students).

Most of these students appeared to be using what we refer to
as an imagined parameter.
Planes part a: Four planes intersect in a point There were
five students who correctly symbolized the solution to part
a in the algebraic context but did not transition correctly to
the geometric context. All five of these students indicated
the solution to be x = 1, y = 1, z = 1 or [1, 1, 1] written as
a vertical vector, but in part c, three circled “line” and two
circled “plane”. The written data does not indicate why these
students interpreted [1, 1, 1] as a line or a plane. An example
is shown in Fig. 13. It may be that students conflated solu-
Fig. 11  Correct RREF rewritten as incorrect system due to variable
tions that are all multiples of a certain vector (and thus a
creation and renaming line) with just having the vector itself listed. We refer to this
as imagined parameter reasoning. In other words, interpret-
ing the solution as if there is a parameter multiplied by a
to the bottom row with the word “free.” It is possible this vector when there actually is no parameter multiplied by
student incorrectly thought that any row without a pivot that vector. Another reason for students circling “line” in the
corresponds to a free variable. This would explain why the case of a single vector could be that, in our experience, many
student rewrote the general solution as a system of equations students think of a single vector as a directed line segment,
with four variables, x1, x2, x3, x4 instead of the three variables which is more evocative of a line than a single point.
x, y, and z in the original problem statement. Planes part b: Three planes intersect in a line There
Planes part b: Three planes intersect in a line In part b were four students who correctly symbolized a solution to
only five students who arrived at the correct RREF tran- part b but incorrectly transitioned to the geometric context.
sitioned incorrectly to a system of equations. The number All 4 circled “ plane”. The work of one of these students,
of students was smaller than in part a, which is perhaps A33, is shown below in Fig. 14. We conjecture that this
unsurprising as the system in part b has the same number of student may have reasoned as if the second vector in his or
equations and unknowns. However, two of the students still her vector equation was also weighted by a coefficient that
created a 4­ th variable. Student A21 added a fourth variable, varies through all real values. This would be an imagined
­x4, and assumed it was zero, as shown in Fig. 12 below. In parameter view. Figures 13 and 14 are the work of the same
both parts, variable creation and renaming often occurred student, A33. In both cases A33 selected the correspond-
together. ing geometric object that would be consistent with having
a variable weight in front of each vector, or equivalently, of
5.1.3 Shifting from algebraic to geometric symbolization: considering the span (i.e., all possible linear combinations)
imagined parameter of the vectors presented in the solution expression.
In summary, in the Planes task, students were very suc-
The final task was to circle a geometric description of the cessful at the first two shifts of the standard RREF trajectory,
solution set. Several students who correctly completed an correctly rewriting the system as an augmented matrix (AM)
RREF trajectory to this point, including stating a correct
solution to the problem, struggled to transition to the geo-
metric context. This is illustrated in light green shading on

Fig. 12  Correct RREF rewritten as incorrect system due to variable Fig. 13  Correct solution with imagined parameter interpretation (stu-
creation and renaming dent A33, planes part a)

M. Zandieh, C. Andrews‑Larson

Even though there are many different student trajectories

across the two tasks, in this section we focus on four main
groups: correct RREF strategies, incorrect RREF strate-
gies, Systems strategies, and switchers. The correct RREF
strategies group corresponds to the 9 students who correctly
completed both parts using an RREF strategy (shown in col-
umns colored dark green from top to bottom in Fig. 15; dis-
cussed in Sect. 5.2.1). The incorrect RREF strategies group
corresponds to the 8 students who exclusively used RREF
on both tasks and ended up with an incorrect answer on
Fig. 14  Correct solution with imagined parameter interpretation (stu- both tasks (shown in columns whose coloring is dark and
dent A33, planes part b)
light green; discussed in Sect. 5.2.2). The Systems strate-
gies group corresponds to the 5 students who started and
and finding the RREF of this matrix (typically using tech- finished both parts using a Systems strategy (shown in col-
nology). In the shift(s) from the RREF to symbolizations of umns colored blue; discussed in Sect. 5.2.3). The switchers
the solution set, several students were challenged by issues group corresponds to the 12 students who started using an
involving variable creation and renaming. In particular, RREF strategy and switched to a Systems strategy (shown in
because the RREF is a condensed, efficient symbolization, columns with both green and blue; discussed in Sect. 5.2.4).
some information is hidden that students may not always There were 3 additional students; the final three columns of
correctly reconstruct. In the final shift from the algebraic Fig. 15 indicate students who wrote down a vector equa-
context to the geometric context, some students engaged tion, matrix equation or no work for the first problem. Two
in imagined parameter reasoning. In effect, by imagining a of these students switched to a Systems strategy, one with
parameter, these students acted as if their solution symboli- correct solutions.
zation was more condensed than it actually was.
5.2.1 Correct RREF strategies for both La and Lb (9 of 37
5.2 Lines tasks students)

In the lines case, student trajectories varied more widely. We exemplify the group of students who used an RREF
Some students symbolized using variations on the stand- strategy for the intersection of lines questions by drawing on
ard RREF trajectory as in the planes case. Other students the work of student B11. In part a, (see Fig. 16a) the student
leveraged multiple various symbolizations of the original solved the system using a standard RREF trajectory by sym-
system of equations instead of using an augmented matrix bolizing an augmented matrix (AM/AM-O), the row reduced
(i.e., they used a Systems trajectory). In addition, many stu- form of the augmented matrix (RREF/AM-E), the solution
dents employed the geometric context to reason about their as a system of equations (SE′/SE-S), and the solution as a
solutions in ways that were notably different from the planes point (P). In part b (see Fig. 16b) the student completed a
case. Figure 15 presents an Aggregated Trajectory diagram similar RREF trajectory symbolizing an augmented matrix
of student responses across both parts of the Lines question. (AM/AM-O), the row reduced form of the augmented matrix
For example, the leftmost column represents the response of (RREF/AM-E), and the solution as a system of equations
student B11 for task La (top portion) and task Lb (bottom (SE′/SE-E). Of interest is that B11 rewrote the solution as a
portion). different system (SE″) and explained that the intersection is

Fig. 15  Aggregated trajectories for student solutions on lines task parts a and b (La, Lb)

Symbolizing while solving linear systems

Fig. 16  Correct RREF strategy

(student B11, lines parts a and

this line. Note that the particular rewrite of SE″ in this case columns of zeros when interpreting their solution. However,
expressed the solution in the form y = mx + b, from which some students struggled to use this method. Figure 17a, b
students can directly read off the slope and y-intercept. illustrate these struggles.
This SE’’ is a form of SE-S that is different from a typical Figure 17a shows the work of student B13, who appeared
linear algebra solution form as explicated in Fig. 2 and in to want to row reduce the matrix but wrote “not inverti-
the RREF strategies used by students in the Planes task. We ble” in the brackets where the RREF would have appeared.
discuss below that this form was common in the solutions Although it is true that the matrix is not invertible, this
of students who used a Systems strategy for solving Version student concluded incorrectly that the system has no inter-
L. In addition, we note that student B11 did not indicate that section and never stated a row reduced form. In Fig. 17b,
there is a free variable. Of the 9 students who started and student B2 attempted the workaround method by adding a
ended part b with a correct RREF solution, 5 of them did not column of zeroes to row reduce. However, B2 then inter-
explicitly indicate that there was a free variable. In this way preted the row reduction as if the 4th column of zeroes was
these students (like B11 in Fig. 16b) may have switched at what each equation is ‘equal to’ with the third column being
the end from a more formal linear algebra interpretation of treated as a third variable column. This contributed to B2’s
the solution to one based in their familiarity with equations engagement in variable creation and renaming.
of lines. When the students in this group moved on to Lb, there
was some divergence in how students proceeded. Of the 8
5.2.2 Incorrect RREF strategies for both La and Lb (8 of 37 students, 3 students wrote down an incorrect augmented
students) matrix (light green boxes in first row of Lb in Fig. 15) and 1
student (B29) stopped after writing the correct augmented
The work of students who exclusively used an RREF strat- matrix. The remaining 4 students all changed the names of
egy but were not able to complete this trajectory success- the variables but were split in how they reasoned.
fully had similarities with the work of students with incor- Figure 18 follows the work of students B13 and B2 to
rect RREF trajectories in the Planes tasks, particularly in provide examples from this group’s solutions. Although B13
terms of variable creation and renaming. A compounding was not able to row reduce the matrix in part a (Fig. 17a),
factor was students not knowing how to manage a technical B13 did row reduce the matrix in part b (Fig. 18a) and cor-
difficulty with their calculator. The most commonly used rectly symbolized the new system, indicating one free vari-
calculators in the class were the Texas Instruments, TI-83 able. However, this student circled the word point instead
and TI-84 calculators. Neither of these calculators will row of line. We do not know why the student circled point, but
reduce a matrix that has more rows than columns. In class we note that renaming the variables from x, y to x1, x2 may
students were taught a workaround of adding columns of have kept the student from recognizing a familiar equation
zeros to create a square matrix, and then ignoring those of a line.

Fig. 17  Incorrect RREF strate-

gies (students B13 and B2, lines
part a)

M. Zandieh, C. Andrews‑Larson

Fig. 18  Variable renaming (B13

and B2) and variable creation
(B2) on lines part b

Student B2 followed up on the work in Fig. 17b by still solve. Students’ explanations of these solution forms (SE-
using the extra column of zeros. Thus the one free variable S) sometimes emphasized the geometric context and other
expected in a correct solution to part b turned into two free times focused more on algebraic similarity.
variables for student B2 (Fig. 18b). This variable creation Four of the five students correctly circled that the inter-
and renaming suggests that B2 was not connecting to the section of the three lines in Lb was “a line”. As shown in
geometric context of the intersection of lines in ­R2. Fig. 19b, B25 explained this interpretation by saying “They
are on top of each other. There are inf [sic] many solutions.”
5.2.3 Systems strategies for both La and Lb (5 students) On the other hand, one of the five students, B3, had a differ-
ent interpretation for Lb. After correctly using substitution
Systems trajectories relied on creating new forms of the to solve for (4/3, 2/3) in La, B3 answered Lb with, “They are
original system of equations and making connections to the scalars A.K.A. same equation. THUS there is no intersec-
geometric context. Although only 5 students used a Systems tion!” B3 indicated in La that the first three equations were
trajectory for all aspects of La and Lb, some of the strategies “scalars thus same as 2x − y = 2.” However, B3 interpreted
they used were also leveraged by the students who switched this in Lb to mean that the three “same” lines had no inter-
to a Systems strategy after an initial attempt to use an RREF section. This is consistent with findings in Oktaç (2018), and
strategy (see Sect. 5.2.4). Of the 5 students using only a we imagine this may be based on a concept image or natu-
Systems trajectory, two graphed the lines on their page and ral language interpretation of intersection as being a single
stated the intersection of those lines as their solution to La. point where two non-parallel lines meet or cross. One of the
Unfortunately, each of these students had sign errors that students in Sect. 5.2.4 also used this same lines means no
caused them to have incorrect intersections. The other three intersection reasoning.
students leveraged the fact that the first three equations were
“the same” and used substitution or elimination to correctly 5.2.4 Switching from an RREF strategy to a systems
find the intersection point (4/3, 2/3). Figure 19a shows the strategy (12 students)
work of student B25.
On part b, all five students noted “same line” or “same Switchers are illustrated in Fig. 15 by columns that have one
equation” referring to the first two or three equations. Some or more green boxes at the top of the column indicating an
students symbolized the y = mx + b format while other RREF strategy with blue boxes underneath the green boxes
students created new versions of the ax + by = c format. indicating a switch to a Systems strategy. Eight students in
Note that B25 symbolized the latter format for La, but y = this category switched to a Systems strategy after symbolizing
mx + b for Lb (see Fig. 19). Both notations leverage previ- only the augmented matrix or the augmented matrix and the
ous knowledge of algebra, but this is especially true for y RREF. These students appear in Fig. 15 in columns 21–27
= mx + b which B25 uses to emphasize that “They are the and 29. In each of these cases, after switching to the Systems
same line with the same slope and y intercept.” In this way, strategy, the students used methods similar to the students in
students leveraged SE-E forms to note similarities and to Sect. 5.2.3 (e.g., Fig. 19b). For example, student B4 wrote

Fig. 19  Systems strategy lever-

aging geometry (student B25,
lines parts a and b)

Symbolizing while solving linear systems

the correct augmented matrix, then marked it out and rewrote shifts using the lens of Larson and Zandieh’s (2013) inter-
each of the equations in the form y = 2x − 2 or y = 1/2x. Noting pretations, their algebraic and geometric contexts, and the
that the first three equations were “same”, B4 used substitu- various forms delineated in the expanded framework pro-
tion to find the correct intersection point. For Lb, B4 wrote, posed in this paper. This allowed us to do three things:
“They intersect at all points because they form a line.” identify those symbolic shifts where students were highly
Two students (columns 10 and 11 of Fig. 15) completed successful, identify those symbolic shifts that were trouble-
part a with an RREF trajectory just as in Fig. 16a, but then some, and identify particular student reasoning patterns (e.g.
switched to a Systems strategy similar to student B4 or stu- variable creation and renaming, imagined parameter) that
dents in 4.2.3. For example, A15 stated, “The first three lines occurred around troublesome symbolic shifts.
are scalar multiples of each other, therefore they have infinite In the Planes case, most students relied on RREF strat-
intersection along y = 2x − 2.” egies and were highly successful rewriting the system as
Columns 19 and 20 of Fig. 15, illustrate two additional an augmented matrix (AM-O) and using technology to find
students (B10, B30) who made a switch to a Systems strategy the RREF (AM-E). However, students were less successful
between La and Lb, but they adopted a (correct) “modified” reconstructing systems (SE-E) from the RREF and using
RREF strategy for La, denoted in mint green in Fig. 15. Fig- this information to identify and interpret solutions (SE-S or
ure 20 illustrates that student B10 wrote “Row 1, 2, 3 are sca- LC-S). In particular, the condensed RREF form led some
lar multiples” and then row reduced a smaller matrix using students to engage in variable creation and renaming when
only row 1 and row 4. This modified RREF strategy lever- shifting from an AM interpretation (AM-E) to a systems
ages an interpretation of the first three equations as being of equations interpretation (SE-S) in ways that were incon-
the same line, so that the intersection of the four lines is just sistent with the original system. In addition, some students
the intersection of one of the “same” lines with the differ- seemed to engage in imagined parameter reasoning when
ent line. Consistent with this reasoning, both students who transitioning from algebraic solution forms into the geomet-
used a modified RREF strategy for La completed Lb using a ric context.
Systems strategy. For example, B10 stated, “the first 3 lines In the lines case, a sizable portion of students began with
overlay and intersect on all points on the line y = 2x − 2.” or switched to a Systems strategy. Students’ previous expe-
All 12 switchers showed considerable flexibility in sym- riences with lines in both algebraic and geometric contexts
bolizing various forms of the system of equations and in gave them a flexibility in symbolizing the Lines task that
coordinating those algebraic forms with the geometric con- was not demonstrated by students solving the Planes task. In
text of lines intersecting. A particularly powerful strategy particular, same line reasoning allowed for simplified Sys-
was same line reasoning, i.e., the ability to note when equa- tems trajectories. In what follows, we use Figs. 21 and 22 to
tions represent the same line using either a slope-intercept summarize each of the two main strategies and to structure
symbolization or a scalar multiple symbolization. our discussion about the conceptual subtleties involved when
students solve systems of equations. We then conclude with
recommendations for future research and instruction.
6 Discussion Figure 21 highlights the main symbolic shifts in student
trajectories when using an RREF strategy. Within the box
In this analysis, we examined how students engaged in the we also note the interpretation-form pair (as in Fig. 2) for
disciplinary practice of symbolizing while solving systems the first five boxes where a symbolic form was used. The last
of linear equations. The primary symbolizing trajectories we box indicates the switch to a geometric context required by
observed were organized around RREF strategies, Systems part c. Clearly this process requests students to have consid-
strategies, or transitions from the former to the latter. In the erable flexibility in moving between various interpretations,
context of these trajectories, we analyzed students’ symbolic contexts, and forms.
In addition to the transitions between the boxes indicated
by the right-pointing arrows, below the boxes we empha-
size two particular groupings of the forms and contexts.
Although each of the interpretation-form pairs in Fig. 21
has the same solution set, we can think of them as actually
referring to two different systems of equations. The first two
boxes indicate two interpretations (SE and AM) of the same
system, the original system. The next three boxes indicate
interpretation-form pairs for a different system. This new
system is equivalent to the original system in that it has the
Fig. 20  Modified RREF strategy (student B10, lines part a) same solution set, but these new interpretation-form pairs

M. Zandieh, C. Andrews‑Larson

Fig. 21  Trajectory for RREF


Fig. 22  Trajectory for systems


cannot be determined from the original system by transi- We note two main differences between the trajecto-
tioning between the interpretations as described in Fig. 1. In ries for an RREF strategy and that for a Systems strategy
other words, Fig. 1 describes interpretations of a particular observed in our study. One is partially accounted for in the
system. Transitioning among the interpretations and con- second box of Fig. 22. Since the systems of equations that
texts in Fig. 1 allows one to describe that same system in the students were given for this study included some redun-
multiple ways. However, moving from box two to box three dancy, students often noticed that redundancy (e.g., same
in Fig. 21, is a change in the system that is being described. line reasoning) and rewrote equations into a new form of
This change requires movement to what could be considered SE-O to account for that. The second difference that is not
a new set of relationships between interpretations and con- highlighted in Fig. 22, is that students often used words ref-
texts that is relevant to this new system. In essence, there are erencing the geometric context (e,g., lines or intersection)
two versions of Fig. 1 when solving, the set of relationships when progressing through the milestones of this Systems
for the original system and the set of relationships for the trajectory. In contrast, students using an RREF strategy
new, equivalent system. rarely mentioned the geometric context until they were asked
The main trajectory for the Systems strategy, as highlighted directly about it for part c.
in Fig. 22, has both similarities and differences with the RREF
trajectory. As shown in Fig. 22, the first two boxes describe 6.1 Implications for future research and instruction
the original system and the last two boxes describe a new,
equivalent system that is created by the algebraic processes The primary contribution of our analysis is twofold. First, we
of substitution and/or elimination. This parallels the trajectory highlight the considerable nuance and variation entailed in
in Fig. 22 in which the equivalent system is created by a row students’ symbolizing processes as they work to solve sys-
reduction process. One difference is that, for the students in tems of linear equations. Second, the expansion of our con-
this study, the row reduction step was done on a calculator ceptual framework in Figs. 1 and 2 provides a structure and
which obscured the elements involved in the transition. Note language for detailing these processes through interpretations,
that each step in a row reduction or a substitution and elimi- contexts, and forms. Students must come to coordinate these
nation process potentially gives rise to a different equivalent interpretations, contexts, and forms as they work with systems
system. In Figs. 21 and 22, these multiple equivalent systems that are the same, and that are different but equivalent in the
are all grouped together in one box. Once a simplification pro- sense that they have the same solution set. In looking at the
cess (e.g. elimination, substitution, and/or row reduction) has various transitions indicated in Figs. 21 and 22, we note that
been completed, the final equivalent system may be rewritten some transitions were much easier for students than others. An
in various ways to denote a solution form. important area for future research is to explore in more detail
which transitions are more or less challenging for students and

Symbolizing while solving linear systems

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