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CHAPTER 8 (ANAPHY) Dendrites- are extensions of the neuron

cell body. Usually receive information

Central nervous system-consist of the
from other neurons or from sensory
brain and the spinal cord
receptors and transmit the info. Toward
Peripheral nervous system-consist of all the neuron cell body. But dendrites like
the nervous tissue outside the CNS structures also project from the
peripheral ends of some sensory axon.
Sensory division (afferent division)-
conducts action potentials from sensory Axon- a single long cell process
receptors to CNS extending from the neuron cell body.
Surrounded by a highly specialized
Sensory neurons-neurons that transmit insulating layer of cells called the myelin
action potentials from the periphery to sheath.
the CNS
Axons of sensory neurons- conduct
Motor division (efferent division)- action potentials toward the CNS
conducts action potential from the CNS
to effector organs Axon of motor Neurons- conduct action
potential away from the CNS
Motor Neurons-neurons that transmit
action potentials from CNS toward the Axon hillock-area where the axon leaves
periphery the neuron cell body

Somatic nervous system-transmit action Multipolar neurons-have many dendrites

potentials from the CNS to skeletal and single axon. Most neurons within
muscles the CNS and nearly all motor neurons
are multipolar
Autonomic nervous system-transmit
action potentials from the CNS to Bipolar neurons-have two processes:
cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and one dendrite, one axon located in some
glands sensory organs, such as retina of the
eye and in the nasal cavity
Enteric nervous system-The ENS has
both sensory and motor neurons Pseudo-unipolar neurons-have a single
contained wholly within the digestive process extending from the cell body.
tract This process divides into two process a
short distance from the cell body. One
Two type of cell that make up your process extends the periphery and the
nervous system: Neurons and Glial cells other on extend the CNS
Neurons: receive stimuli, conduct action Glial cells or Neuroglia-are the
potential, and transmit signal to other supportive cells of the CNS and PNS,
neurons or effector organs meaning these cells do not conduct
Cell body-contains single nucleus; the action potentials. Instead it enhances
nucleus of the neuron is the source of neuron function and maintain normal
information for gene expression conditions within the nerve tissues
Astrocytes-major supporting cells in the Nuclei-clusters of gray matter located
CNS, can stimulate or inhibit the deeper within the brain
signaling activity of nearby neurons,
Ganglion-cluster of neuron cell bodies in
participate with the blood vessel
the PNS
endothelium to form a permeability
barrier called blood-brain barrier White matter-consist of bundles of
parallel axons with their myelin sheaths
Ependymal cells-line the fluid cavities
within the CNS, produce cerebrospinal Nerve tract or conduction pathways-
fluid propagate action potentials from one are
of the CNS to another
Microglia-act as immune cells of the
CNS. Help protect the brain by removing White matter of the PNS consist bundle
bacteria and cell debris of axons and associated connective
tissue the form nerves
Oligodendrocytes-provide an insulating
material that surrounds the axons or
enclose unmyelinated axons in the CNS
Schwann cells (neurilemma cells)- In the
PNS, the glial cells known as Schwann
cells produce the myelin sheath or
provide insulating material around axons
Myelin sheaths- are specialized layer
that warp around the axons of some
neurons, formed by the cell processes
of glial cells, specifically myelin sheaths
are formed by oligodendrocytes
Myelinated axon-is an excellent
insulator that prevents almost all ion
movement across the cell membrane
Nodes of Ranvier-are gaps in the myelin
Unmyelinated axon-absence of myelin
Gray matter-consist of groups of neuron
cell bodies and their dendrites, where
there is very little myelin
Cortex-gray matter on the surface of the
brain in the CNS

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