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Patac, Sto. Tomas, La Union


English 8

Name: ________________________________ Year & Section: __________ Score: _______

General Directions: Read the following directions and questions carefully and then encircle the
letter of the best answer.
1. What is the melody of the language produced by the elements of stress, pitch, and pauses?
A. Intonation B. Rhyme C. Tempo D. Voice Quality
2. The force of a speaker’s breath on a syllable or sound that conveys emphasis or meaning differences
is known as _________.
A. Junction B. Pitch C. Stress D. Tempo
Directions: Read and analyze the following sentences with underlined words. Identify the stressed
syllable from the underlined words. The stressed syllable is CAPITALIZED, choose your answer
from the choices given. (for numbers 3-7)
3. I want to be a photographer someday.
A. PHO-to-graph-er B.pho-TO-graph-er C. pho-to-GRAPH-er D.pho-to-graph-ER
4. We had an interesting conversation.
A. CON-ver-sa-tion B.con-VER-sa-tion C.con-ver-SA-tion D.con-ver-sa-TION
5. I have witnessed a very dramatic wedding ceremony.
A. CE-re-mo-ny B.ce-RE-mo-ny C.ce-re-MO-ny D.ce-re-mo-NY
6. There was a very hot temperature last weekend.
A.TEM-pe-ra-ture B.tem-PE-ra-ture C.tem-pe-RA-ture D.tem-pe-ra-TURE
7.The contestant was disqualified because of violating the rules.
A.DIS-qua-li-fied B.dis-QUA-li-fied C.dis-qua-LI-fied D.dis-qua-li-FIED
Directions: Identify the type of sentence structure defined in the following statements. (for
numbers 8-11)
8.It is a sentence composed of two or more independent clauses but no subordinate clause.
A.Simple Sentence B.Compound Sentence C.Complex Sentence D.Compound-Complex
9.A sentence with one independent clause and no subordinate clause.
A.Simple Sentence B.Compound Sentence C.Complex Sentence D.Compound-Complex
10.It is a sentence containing one independent clause and at least one subordinate clause.
A.Simple Sentence B.Compound Sentence C.Complex Sentence D.Compound-Complex
11.A sentence containing two or more independent clauses and at least one subordinate clause.
Directions: Read and analyze the following sentences, then identify the type of sentence
according to its structure. (for numbers 12-15)
12.Either the engine starts, or we will remain here all night.
A. Simple Sentence B. Compound Sentence C. Complex Sentence D. Compound-Complex
13.The small streams that run through the area are loaded with fish.
A. Simple Sentence B. Compound Sentence C. Complex Sentence D. Compound-Complex
14.Vincent was so excited to see his friends in the reunion but nobody arrives.
A. Simple Sentence B. Compound Sentence C. Complex Sentence D. Compound-Complex
15. Older television sets had tubes; the newest models, which take less space, are digital televisions.
A. Simple Sentence B. Compound Sentence C. Complex Sentence D. Compound-Complex
Directions: Read and analyze the different events in the story of ‘’The Aged Mother’’, then answer
what is being asked in the following items. (for numbers 16-20)
A. The son was touched when he learned that his mother made a pile of twigs on their way up, so
he decided not to leave his mother.
B. In the village, the governor proclaimed that the villagers should make a rope of ashes and so the
son asked for his mother’s help and because of this, he was able to make a rope of ashes.
C. The governor was pleased so, from that time on, the cruel law was abolished.
D. Long ago, there lived at the foot of the mountain a poor farmer and his aged mother and in their
village, there was a very powerful governor. The governor proclaimed that all aged people must be put
to death.
16. Which event happened first?
A. A B. B C. C D. D
17. What is the second event in the story?
A. A B. B C. C D. D
18.What is the third event in the story?
A. A B. B C. C D. D
19.Which event happened last?
A. A B. B C. C D. D
20.What is the correct sequence of events in the story of ‘’The Aged Mother’’?
A. A, B, C, D B. B, C, D, A C.D, B, A, C D.C, A, B, D
21.Who were involved in the story, ’’The Soul of the Great Bell’’?
A. Black People B. Farmer and Mother C. Kongai and Yong-lo D. Kong-lo and
22. What happened in the story,’’The Soul of the Great Bell’’? All the following choices are correct
A. Ko-ngai sacrificed her life and leaped to the furnace.
B. The emperor gave one final order that if the bell wouldn’t be done, Kouan Yu had to die.
C. The mighty emperor commanded his officials to cast a great bell of enormous size.
D. The emperor abolished the cruel law.
23.Why did the author tell this story? To_______________.
A. come up with a legend for one of the great bells in China
B. emphasize strong family devotion among the Chinese.
C. make the readers cry.
D. show that obedience is imperative among the people of ancient China.
Directions: From the article entitled, ’’Chinese and Japanese Traditions’’, tell whether the
following statements are True, False, Sometimes True and Sometimes False.(for numbers 24-28)
24.Asians like Filipinos, Chinese and Japanese value family, hardwork and their religion or faith. The
benefit of all the members of the family is more important than the individual. Education of children and
their excellence in school is important to them.
A. True B. False C. Sometimes True D. Sometimes False
25.The Philippines, China and Japan have traditions that are influenced by religion.
A. True B. False C. Sometimes True D. Sometimes False
26.The Philippines, China and Japan have important tea ceremony.
A. True B. False C. Sometimes True D. Sometimes False
27. Philippines, China, and Japan have three common qualities: love for the family, religiosity and value
for work.
A. True B. False C. Sometimes True D. Sometimes False
28.Japanese write haikus to honor nature.
A. True B. False C. Sometimes True D. Sometimes False
Directions: In the items that follow, choose the most effective coordinators/subordinators within
the context suggested by the sentences. (for numbers 29-32)
29.____________ Grandma tasted the spaghetti sauce, she declared that it needed more basil and salt.
A. After B. Although C. Unless D. Whereas
30.Sandara’s clarinet squealed like a startled puppy, ____________she hadn’t practiced in weeks.
A. because B. for C. since D. unless
31.____________Jhon Dave scores a 100 on the final exam, he cannot pass College Algebra, a class
he is taking for the third time.
A. As a result B. Because C. Since D. Unless
32.To impress Crystal, his date, Michael labored over the chicken stir fry; __________, she took offense
that he was serving meat after she had explained her vegetarianism.
A. additionally B. furthermore C. however D. moreover
Directions: In the items that follow, choose the sentence that expresses the thought most clearly
and effectively using coordinators and subordinators. (for numbers 33-36)
33. A. We decided to skip breakfast, for a spider crawled out of the cereal box.
B. We decided to skip breakfast, and a spider crawled out of the cereal box.
C. We decided to skip breakfast, but a spider crawled out of the cereal box.
D. We decided to skip breakfast, or a spider crawled out of the cereal box.
34. A. Patricia and I decided to eat ice cream for dinner so that we had burned enough calories earlier
at the gym.
B. Patricia and I decided to eat ice cream for dinner because we had burned enough calories earlier
at the gym.
C. Patricia and I decided to eat ice cream for dinner, and we had burned enough calories earlier at
the gym.
D. Patricia and I decided to eat ice cream for dinner however we had burned enough calories earlier
at the gym.
35. A. Even though Josef vacuumed the rental car, he failed to remove all the hair of Brusko, his golden
B. Unless Josef vacuumed the rental car, he failed to remove all the hair of Brusko, his golden
C. If Josef vacuumed the rental car, he failed to remove all the hair of Brusko, his golden retriever.
D. Because Josef vacuumed the rental car, he failed to remove all the hair of Brusko, his golden
36. A. Loreto cleaned the lawn while Bernadeth watched Korean drama on her laptop.
B. Loreto cleaned the lawn so Bernadeth watched Korean drama on her laptop.
C. Loreto cleaned the lawn since Bernadeth watched Korean drama on her laptop.
D. Loreto cleaned the lawn until Bernadeth watched Korean drama on her laptop.
Directions: Read and analyze the sentences, then identify the meaning of the underlined idiomatic
expressions. (for numbers 37-39)
37.Once in a blue moon, Dex and Nel meet each other.
A. Always B. Frequently C. Seldom D. Sometimes
38.Wow! It’s raining cats and dogs outside!
A. It’s raining right now. C.I see cats, dogs and rain.
B. It’s raining and the dogs are out. D. It’s raining very hard.
39.His bark is worse than his bite. He __________________.
A. acts like a dog to make people angry. C. yells at everybody and does mean things.
B. barks like a dog and bites people. D. yells but he does not do mean things.
Directions: Figure out the meaning of each underlined words using context clues. (for numbers
In the tower of the Great Bell: now the mallet is lifted to smite the lips of the metal monster – the
vast lips inscribed with Buddhist texts
40. A mallet is a/an ___ . A. axe B. hammer C. saw D.
41. To smite is to ______. A. caress B. hit C. pinch
D. touch All the little dragons on the high-tilted eaves of the green roofs shiver
to the tips of their gilded tails under that deep wave of sound.
42.Shiver means to_______.
A. be destroyed by the gilded tails B. fall on one’s knees C. stumble D. tremble at
the loud sound
All the green and gold tiles of the temple are vibrating; the wooden goldfish above them are
writhing against the sky.
43. Writhing means_______. A. leading B. pointing C. switching D.
The molds had to be once more prepared, and the fires rekindled, and the metals remelted, all the
work tediously and toilsomely repeated.
44.Rekindled means _______A. grow the fire B. lighted again C. set on fire again D.
stopped the fire
Therefore, the worthy mandarin Kouan-Yu assembled the master-molders and the renowned bell
smiths of the empire , and all men of great repute and cunning in foundry work.
45. Cunning means_______ A. beginner B. innocent C. skilful D.
46.It refers to the similarity of grammatical form for similar elements of meaning within a sentence or
among sentences.
A. Outlining B. Parallelism C. Paraphrasing D. Structuralism
47.All the following sentences achieved parallelism EXCEPT.
A. Abused children commonly exhibit one or more of the following symptoms: withdrawal,
rebelliousness, restlessness, and depression.
B. In Private Schools, vandalism can result in suspension or even expulsion from school.
C. Jenny is responsible for stocking merchandise, writing orders for delivery, and sales of computers.
D. Mother could not persuade me that giving is as much joy as receiving.
Directions: CORRECT the following sentences to achieve PARALLELISM.(for numbers 48-50)
48. I love swimming, hiking and to ski.
A. ‘’I love to swim, hiking, and to ski.’’
B.’’I love to go swimming, to hike and skiing.’’
C. ‘’I love swimming, hiking and to ski.’’
D. ‘’I love swimming, hiking and skiing.’’
49.Whether tired or when he is rested, he reads the paper.
A. Whether tired or rested, he reads the paper.
B. Whether he is tired or rested, he reads the paper.
C. Whether he is tired or resting, he reads the paper.
D. Whether he is tired or when he is rested, he reads the paper.
50.Walking a beat, riding patrol cars, and the work of an undercover agent are all dangerous aspects of
police work.
A. To walk a beat, riding patrol cars, and the work of an undercover agent are all dangerous aspects
of police work.
B. Walking a beat, riding patrol cars, and working undercover are all dangerous aspects of police work.
C. Walking a beat, to ride in patrol cars, and the work of an undercover agent are all dangerous aspects
of police
D. Walking a beat, riding patrol cars, and the work of an undercover agent are all dangerous aspects
of police work.
Directions: Using context clues, give the meaning of the underlined difficult words. (for numbers
51.The president of the company felt so despondent over its bankruptcy that he went into a deep
A. excited and nervous B. exhausted and weary C. sad and hopeless D. surprised and delighted
52.My brother is absolutely tenacious. For example, when he sets a goal for himself, he doesn’t let
anything stop him from achieving it.
A. always seeking help from others C. stubborn; refusing to give up
B. silly and unreasonable D. well-liked by others
53.Their teammate proved so unreliable-that they never knew whether he would show up for practice.
A. competitive B. highly committed C. undependable D. well-coordinated
54.The aging actress is fastidious about her appearance: her clothes are beautifully tailored, her hair and
make-up are flawless, and she is always perfectly groomed.
A. careless, uncaring C. having a sense of humor about
B. extremely careful about D. unable to take care of
55. This is an example of figures of speech which is characterized by a massive exaggeration, where
something is described in a way that is so inflated that it could not be true.
A. hyperbole B. litotes C. metaphor D. personification
56. The following are examples of litotes,EXCEPT.
A. "Being tortured with fire must have been somewhat uncomfortable."
B. "He had the strength of ten men."
C. "Rap videos with dancers in them are not uncommon."
D. "There are a few Starbucks in America."
57. In the stories of ‘’The Aged Mother’’ and ‘’The Soul of the Great Bell’’, what is the trait of the
characters that is evident in both?
A. Envious B. Greedy C. Responsible D. Loving
58.What theme dwelt in the stories, ‘’The Aged Mother’’ and ‘’The Soul of the Great Bell’’?
A. Acceptance B. Death C. Loyalty D. Sacrifice
59.What does ‘psyche and temperament’ mean?
A. The heart, the life-force that drives a person to decide on things-bad or good.
B. The inner-self, the essence of the soul plus the strength of body and soul.
C. The mind, the deepest thoughts, beliefs plus the nature or character of the person.
D. The soul, the inner thoughts, outlook and humor plus the attitude of the person.
60.Why is literature a good source of knowing Southeast Asians? Literature ____________________.
A. gives all the updates about all the important events in a country.
B. mirrors the psyche, temperaments, culture and traditions of the people.
C. provides a descriptive picture of how the people dress and speak like. a work of art that describes citizens with breeding and refinement.


Teacher I Head Teacher II-English Department

Teacher I
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Secondary School Principal IV Public Schools District Supervisor

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