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1. Give examples of Linear and Non-Linear Data Structures.

2. List out the advantages and disadvantages of linked list
3. State the difference between array and linked list.
4. Define circular doubly linked list
5. Identify the basic operations carried out in a linked list
6. Define an Abstract Data Type (ADT)
7. State the different types of linked lists
8. Tell about the algorithm of infix notations
9. List the applications of stacks
10. The prefix form of A-B/ (C * D ⋀ E) is?
11. Define an Abstract Data Type (ADT)
12. State the difference between array and linked list.
13. Give some applications of stack
14. Define Data Structures
15. Identify the doubly circular Linked Lists
16. List out the disadvantages of using a singly linked list
17. Define cursor implementation using linked list
18. Define stack
19. Convert the following infix expression to postfix expression B * C - C + D / A / ( E + E )
20. Differentiate between overflow and underflow using stack.

21. Develop an algorithm for insertion and deletion operation in a singly linked list.
22. Describe in detail about Polynomial manipulation in linked list.
23. Identify the array implementation of list and show all its operation
24. Explain in detail about the various operations of the list ADT with examples
25. Analyze the doubly linked list and circular linked list. Mention its advantages and
26. Given an list 10,20,30,40 ,50, 60 generalize the steps to element =70 insert of node from the
beginning of the linked list and any one of the element can be delete in middle of the node.
27. Give an algorithm for push and pop operations on stack using a linked list with an example.
28. Give an algorithm to convert an prefix expression to a postfix expression using stack with suitable
29. Explain how to evaluate the following arithmetic expressions using stacks.
6 5 2 3 + 8 * + 3 + *2 3 1 * + 9 -
30. (i), The prefix form of A-B/ (C * D ⋀ E) is?
31. (ii), Evaluate Postfix expression from given infix expression. A + B * (C + D) / F + D * E
Where a=1 ,b=3 ,c=5, d=6, e= 7 and f=2
32. Develop an algorithm for insertion and deletion operation in a doubly singly linked list.
33. Describe in detail about Polynomial manipulation in linked list.
34. Discuss the creation of a doubly linked list and appending the list. Give relevant coding in C
35. Explain in detail about the various operations of the list ADT with examples
36. Analyze the doubly linked list and circular linked list. Mention its advantages and
37. Develop a C program to split a linked list into sub lists containing odd and even ordered elements in
them respectively.
38. Give an algorithm to convert an prefix expression to a postfix expression using stack with suitable
39. Evaluate Postfix expression from given infix expression. A + B * (C + D)/ F + D * E
Where a=1 ,b=3 ,c=5, d=6, e= 7 and f=2
40. Describe about stack ADT using array in detail
41. Trace the algorithm to convert the infix expression “3-(4/2) +(1*5) + 6” to a postfix expression
using stack.

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