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The client server model is still used today on the internet where a user computing may connect to
a service operating on a remote system through the internet protocol suite web browser are
clients that connect to web server and retrieve web page for display. Most people use Email
client to retrieve their Email from their Internet service provider's mail storage servers. Online
Chat uses a variety of clients, which vary depending on the chat protocol being used. Game
Clients usually refer to the software that is the game in only multiplayer online games for the
computer. Increasingly, existing large client applications are being switched to websites, making
the browser a sort of universal client. This avoids the hassle of downloading a large piece of
software onto any computer you want to use the application on. An example of this is the rise of

Chatting or Teleconferencing is a process of utilizing technology to bring people and their ideas
together despite of the geographical obstacles. Chat server has two types of broadcasting. One is
Public i.e. the message is broadcast to all connected users and another one is Private that means
the broadcasting will be limited between two clients. Through the help of this project, the users
can easily communicate and also interact with each other. The users have the ability to share all
kinds of information to other users also such as transferring of various files, records, voice mails,
photos etc.

The Broadcasting Chat Server Project that is required to run this project is JRE or the Java Run
time Environment software and the users interact with the server by GUI i.e. Graphical User
Interface. It operates in two forms. One is List form where it contains the details of those who are
connected to the server and second is Chat form where the actual communication takes place.

In order to run the Broadcasting Chat Server Project, first you have to write: Java My server.
After that open different dialog box by clicking the executable jar file My client multiple times.
You can now log yourself in by entering your name and start communicating with others and
sharing information’s.

The major problem with the project is that at the moment it does not store user data which allows
anonymous user to enter and chat. With proper handling of user data on the server machine we
can keep the track of the user and can also provide them with password protection so that only
the user associated or pre-signed with the software can access its faculties. Secondly right now it
is a broadcasting chatting system later with user data in hand we can also make it compatible for
private conversation as done in most current chat software’s such as yahoo messenger , g-talk

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The Broadcasting Chat Server system which used to be there earlier had numerous drawbacks. The
system used to get hung when the user wanted to ,log in to the server. The Broadcasting Chat
Server Project system delayed in providing information about the users who are currently logged
in or logging in after some time. The communications made through the server side lacked serious
security concerns. The client side server often miserably failed to display error messages and
display of appropriate messages was also delayed. Private chat facility lacked numerous features
and even the facility of incorporating more people and creating a group chat was absent


The proposed system swears to nullify all the errors in the existing system. The end users in this
system are given the utmost priority and security. The client after being logged in now can easily
send messages to other clients with the additional feature of covert private messages and group
chat facility. The users can now see other logged in user’s details very efficiently including their
logged in time, duration and also their personal details like name and messages. The server sides
with utmost advanced security feature will be maintaining the log in information of the users and
the user’s list with details.

 To allow numerous people to exchange text messages simultaneously in the same

“session” over the network in real time.
 Ability to broadcast the same message to many users at the same time.

In future, the project can be enhanced by making it more secure by providing password
protection. Presently the project runs on the local network i.e. LAN or local wireless network but
later we can make this run on internet by providing public IP address and making it run global.
We can handle user data separately proving them password access. We can also improvise it for
private conversation with a user selected user. We can also add various emotions and smiles.
Most important addition about which we our thinking is telecommunication through chatting
software as presently available in g-talk and other chatting software.

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The complete system can be divided in following modules:

1. User Management Module : This module has two sub modules

1 User Registration Module

2 User Validation Module

2. Change Password Module

3. Administration Module : register new user records.

Enable user and Disable User, view and edit and Delete user record.

4. Server Module : This module is used to enter server name (pc name ) where server is running.

4. BroadCasting Chat Module : This module is used for chatting like broadcasting and display
his inbox and outbox and list of user.

5. Private Chat Module : : This module is used for private chatting and display his inbox and

Users of the System:

• Administrator: Administrator can register new user, enable and disable user.

• Administrator can see the list of registered user and also view user record and edit record and
delete user record.

• Disabled user can not login.

• Administrator can search user record by this module.

• Administrator can send message all registered user .

• Administrator can be private chatting to particular user.

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Messages shared between users should be encrypted to maintain privacy.


In case users device crashes,a backup of their chat history must ber stored on remote database
servers to enable recoverability.


Application must be lightweight and must send messages instantly.


 Front End: JAVA.

 Back End: MYSQL.

 Operating System: Windows 10.


 Hard Disk – 2 GB.

 RAM – 1 GB.
 Processor – Dual Core or Above.


The objective of the project is to provide an environment to the students that let them chat on an
autonomous network systems consisting of Routers, hosts, wireless or LAN network system.There
are many client (Geographically spread), at any time, these client can established their connection
to a centralized server and can share their ideas through this chat application. One to one chat by
using private chat is also provided in the developed chat application.

 Concept of broad cast and private chat.

 Concept of enable user and disable user.
 Concept view ,edit and delete user record.

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